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*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** *** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? ***

12-24-2013 , 04:20 AM
Picked up 3 scotches tonight.

Monkey Shoulder (blended malt)

Balblair 1997 (12 year old)

Ancnoc (16 year old)

I sampled a little of each tonight, but I think I like the Balblair the best. Hopefully I'll get around to a full write up of each.
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12-24-2013 , 04:45 AM


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12-24-2013 , 05:00 AM
I think I might have torn something in my knee again.... The other day stood up from recliner and was turning around towards kitchen and something in my knee popped and had some sharp pain. Was a familiar feeling. It's gotten worse and worse especially when turning. Or moving sideways or angle.

I don't want to go to the doctor. I can't stand another ****ing surgery. I'm ****ing pissed off right now
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12-24-2013 , 05:31 AM
SS- started off ok, finished strong
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12-24-2013 , 06:07 AM

*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** Quote
12-24-2013 , 08:50 AM
I did that dialect thing despite being English. It thought I am from Jersey (US not Channel Island.)

My entire knowledge of Jersey is from South Park. Based on that, I am nothing like a Jersey-ite.
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12-24-2013 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue

Damn Fonz. A Xmas 2MR? You shouldn't have

1) How many times did you have to rewrap that box to get the right take?

2) The outro effect was amazing!!11!1!!!! Did you produce the effect in post? Or did you wave SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER slow while your buddy did kung fu super fast?
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12-24-2013 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by dadude
I think I might have torn something in my knee again.... The other day stood up from recliner and was turning around towards kitchen and something in my knee popped and had some sharp pain. Was a familiar feeling. It's gotten worse and worse especially when turning. Or moving sideways or angle.

I don't want to go to the doctor. I can't stand another ****ing surgery. I'm ****ing pissed off right now
Sounds like an ACL tear
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12-24-2013 , 10:17 AM
SecretSanta: Mornin'. Cat pic
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12-24-2013 , 10:33 AM
That blows dadude; we're all hoping for a Christmas miracle
*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** Quote
12-24-2013 , 10:46 AM
SS: strong post sir
*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** Quote
12-24-2013 , 11:18 AM
Anybody here ever tried a life coach? Thinking I could use something along the lines of a life spin class instructor constantly yelling "Go-GO-GO-GO!" at me throughout the day, but I have a feeling the reality is much more bland and annoying than that.
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12-24-2013 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Anybody here ever tried a life coach? Thinking I could use something along the lines of a life spin class instructor constantly yelling "Go-GO-GO-GO!" at me throughout the day, but I have a feeling the reality is much more bland and annoying than that.
I think you'll find that external motivators, such as a life coach, are good to get you started but only get you so far. In the long term it comes down to having a goal you sincerely want to achieve and using that intrinsic motivation to keep you crushing.
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12-24-2013 , 11:40 AM
Just be careful. A Life Coach is now a profession where you can find people very good at it because they have both talent as well as education and certifications to back it up. But then there are tons of life coaches who simply set up shop and charge $100 an hour. Unfortunately I know someone who did the latter. Not sure if he was scum or just ignorant.
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12-24-2013 , 11:53 AM

I really hope you're trolling, but since you're a humanities guy you're probably not, so what sort of "education and certifications" does one need to become a life coach?
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12-24-2013 , 12:00 PM
??? I'm not from the humanities (is that a troll lol?), and I'd never hire a life coach. I'm just saying that if you're going to hire one, get one who has education and certifications, not someone who is enthusiastic but has dick for credentials. I don't know anything about what education or certs are available. I know an acquaintance in California who has done very well for herself as a life coach, but she has cert, whereas the other person I know was good with people but has no certs and is now in the vest business.
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12-24-2013 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

I really hope you're trolling, but since you're a humanities guy you're probably not, so what sort of "education and certifications" does one need to become a life coach?
I'm guessing sociology/psychology disciplines have some life coaching element to it, although I've never heard of such a thing as a certified life coach, sounds like a good way to scam vulnerable individuals.
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12-24-2013 , 12:06 PM

The point is that there's no difference between the first and second groups . . . it's kind of amazing that you think life coaching certification could in any way be genuine.

Aren't you a book editor or some **** like that? How is that not part of the humanities?
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12-24-2013 , 12:07 PM
I wonder if "life coach" was a term 10 years ago. I'm thinking no. lol@that profession. I can't imagine ever telling someone that was my job. I'd rather just tell them I'm a panhandler.
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12-24-2013 , 12:23 PM
*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** Quote
12-24-2013 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Yeah, I do kinda think its more bicep than pec related, but its up so high on the bicep.

I mean I did pullups every day for like half a year, I'm sure there were some longterm consequences for that. For whatever reason though it's only on the right side. Any ideas on SMR for broceps?
yeah, I just dealt with this recently. I dont feel comfortable recommending what I did though. Start with self massage. Try putting pressure on the bad spot with your elbow bent and try to get the muscle as loose/relaxed as possible. With pressure on it, straighten the arm to stretch the muscle. Something like Biofreeze might help loosen the muscles up. If all that doesn't work, see a professional who does ART and/or Graston. Look for the Biomechanics ART certification - those people have the most experience & training. In addition to working on the biceps specifically, they might find other areas that need attention, like the lats or the small muscles of the upper back around the shoulder blades. Those can all cause joint pain in the front of the shoulder.

You can see #3702 & 3705 in my log for what I did to my biceps, but again, I dont recommend doing that to yourself. Get a professional to do Graston and/or ART to it if you can't get it taken care of yourself. I also had ART done by my chiro after the self-IASTM healed, and he got it pretty good.

Originally Posted by dadude
I think I might have torn something in my knee again.... The other day stood up from recliner and was turning around towards kitchen and something in my knee popped and had some sharp pain. Was a familiar feeling. It's gotten worse and worse especially when turning. Or moving sideways or angle.

I don't want to go to the doctor. I can't stand another ****ing surgery. I'm ****ing pissed off right now
Go to the doctor.
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12-24-2013 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Anybody here ever tried a life coach? Thinking I could use something along the lines of a life spin class instructor constantly yelling "Go-GO-GO-GO!" at me throughout the day
I bet loco would be pretty expert at this.
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12-24-2013 , 12:34 PM
My friends mom is a life coach. She (my friend) always told me her mom was crazy. Her mom just had a severe mental breakdown including checking into a mental institution.

Life coach.

Sounds legit.
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12-24-2013 , 12:36 PM
I have a train wreck of a cousin that lives in SoCal and does life coaching. Her business is a failure but her man has worked at Google for like 20 years so they are balling.

My free life coaching advice is to marry someone who works for Google
*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** Quote
12-24-2013 , 12:40 PM

Sounds like the problem in both situations is your life coaches weren't certified; maybe they need to get some life coaching coaching so they know to address that problem in the future.
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