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*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** *** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? ***

12-23-2013 , 11:24 PM
12-23-2013 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Tuna from a can is basically a tiny step away from cat food. Not even once. Sometimes I'll get a salad or something with tuna in it, and I'll be expecting a nice seared tuna and I'll get this cat food bull****. Srsly?
Ever tried cat food? Its actually not that bad lol
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12-23-2013 , 11:53 PM

Last edited by udbrky; 12-23-2013 at 11:54 PM. Reason: iifym
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12-24-2013 , 12:01 AM
*** Decembro LC thread or Do You Even Liftmas? *** Quote
12-24-2013 , 12:08 AM
My theory is, udbrky likes cat food
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12-24-2013 , 12:12 AM
I don't know, I never tried it.

I have heard from 2 different people not to smoke catnip.
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12-24-2013 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
My theory is, udbrky likes cat food
Wild planet isn't your standard cat foodesque tuna. I promise I would never eat cat food.

Last edited by crashjr; 12-24-2013 at 12:16 AM. Reason: Cue IBS:PI joke
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12-24-2013 , 12:19 AM
I'm willing to try anything. I think part of the problem is, raw tuna is sublime, perfectly seared tuna is great. The difference between optimal tuna and any tuna in a can has to be pretty great - perfectly fresh tuna cooked too far ALSO tastes like cat food.
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12-24-2013 , 12:31 AM
Anyone have thoughts on the slingshot benching device for pec tendon related problems rather than shoulder issues? Basically I get this nagging pain in the tendon around my armpit where my pec meets the bicep. The shoulder joint itself feels totally fine. I don't think it's from excessive flare, but rather just from strain on the pec tendon. Going close grip exclusively helped this a bit, but it still seems to crop up 3-4 times a year and erase a bunch of progress every time.

Anyway, would a slingshot help?
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12-24-2013 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by mcb33f
lolkidcolin calling durant a slinker, then slinking out of tz to trash him like a coward. durant is a top 3 human being on the planet
Yeah you're right. I've always covered up my Durant truth telling in TZ.
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12-24-2013 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by skeletor121
I didn't know half of the H&F regs were considered super ****ing strong! For those that are strong, I don't think they lift 1 hour 3x a week which proves his point and does give a big fu to those not strong who do lift only 3 times a week.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

That was my point. I really have no idea what proportion of regs lift 3x week 1 hour or less, but it's quite a few. But I guess my comment also implies that the other half is super ****ing strong. 1% imo.

ETA: And there's another portion of regs who DNEL that much. Monte et al.

Once you've got your **** together, you don't need more than 1 hour 3x per week. See BPA's log or the drikning log.

If you want to flop around on a foam roller or lacrosse ball or pretend to be an olympic lifter, then spend as much time as you want in the gym.

note: pretending to be an olympic lifter can be fun.
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12-24-2013 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Wild planet isn't your standard cat foodesque tuna. I promise I would never eat cat food.
With your ibs I would hope not
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12-24-2013 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Damn, n4rf just gave a giant **** you to half of the H&F regs
Originally Posted by skeletor121
I didn't know half of the H&F regs were considered super ****ing strong! For those that are strong, I don't think they lift 1 hour 3x a week which proves his point and does give a big fu to those not strong who do lift only 3 times a week.
Yeah I wasn't trying to give an FU to anyone

Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I think you can get reasonably strong (not f-ing strong, or even impressively strong) but strong enough to put on decent muscle foundation lifting 3 hours/week.

I think it's hard to get any real intermediate gains but if you're just doing maintanence, 3 hours/week is plenty.
You're right about that. Someone can see great results doing starting strength or a 5x5 program

Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Tuna from a can is basically a tiny step away from cat food. Not even once. Sometimes I'll get a salad or something with tuna in it, and I'll be expecting a nice seared tuna and I'll get this cat food bull****. Srsly?
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
I'm willing to try anything. I think part of the problem is, raw tuna is sublime, perfectly seared tuna is great. The difference between optimal tuna and any tuna in a can has to be pretty great - perfectly fresh tuna cooked too far ALSO tastes like cat food.
I was a tuna hater for the longest time, but I eat this stuff with just a bit of lemon juice and some black pepper and it's satisfying.

Also I order so much food off of amazon - being able to see the reviews of items is huge.
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12-24-2013 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Anyone have thoughts on the slingshot benching device for pec tendon related problems rather than shoulder issues? Basically I get this nagging pain in the tendon around my armpit where my pec meets the bicep. The shoulder joint itself feels totally fine. I don't think it's from excessive flare, but rather just from strain on the pec tendon. Going close grip exclusively helped this a bit, but it still seems to crop up 3-4 times a year and erase a bunch of progress every time.

Anyway, would a slingshot help?
I know HalfSlant has used it before. You might want to check his log. Not sure it'll address your specific problem. Not sure if HS is around (xmas), but he might have some answers for you.
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12-24-2013 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Anyone have thoughts on the slingshot benching device for pec tendon related problems rather than shoulder issues? Basically I get this nagging pain in the tendon around my armpit where my pec meets the bicep. The shoulder joint itself feels totally fine. I don't think it's from excessive flare, but rather just from strain on the pec tendon. Going close grip exclusively helped this a bit, but it still seems to crop up 3-4 times a year and erase a bunch of progress every time.

Anyway, would a slingshot help?
I got a Titan Ram the other day. I used it once, and maxed out with some 3 board presses. I pressed about 50 lbs more than I could have without the Ram I think. My shoulders & chest hardly felt anything.

Do your own research on the Slingshot vs the Ram. Based on what I read, the regular Ram suited my needs a little better. Its maybe a little less support and a little more like raw benching, while the regular Slingshot gives a little more support and is more like shirted benching.

Kelly Starrett has said good things about the Slingshot. fwiw, he's buddies with the guy who invented the Slingshot, Mark Bell.
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12-24-2013 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
I got a Titan Ram the other day. I used it once, and maxed out with some 3 board presses. I pressed about 50 lbs more than I could have without the Ram I think. My shoulders & chest hardly felt anything.

Do your own research on the Slingshot vs the Ram. Based on what I read, the regular Ram suited my needs a little better. Its maybe a little less support and a little more like raw benching, while the regular Slingshot gives a little more support and is more like shirted benching.

Kelly Starrett has said good things about the Slingshot. fwiw, he's buddies with the guy who invented the Slingshot, Mark Bell.

I didn't know about the ram. It's a few $ cheaper. It's hard to get any info on this because my problem is apparently completely unique and everyone else uses one from shoulder or elbow joint problems whereas mine is a tendon/muscular problem. I asked on SS forums and predictably got no info about my pec tendon problem. Efferding endorsed it for "tendonitis" but I have no idea if he means elbows, biceps, or pec tendons.

I prob just need to visit a good physio to diagnose this. Thankfully I'm not having problems currently so probably what I'll do it just CGBP twice every 3 week mesocycle and do high rep DBs only on the 3rd week before my deload and see if that takes care of it. Ram is cheap though so I might order one in the future.
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12-24-2013 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
I didn't know about the ram. It's a few $ cheaper. It's hard to get any info on this because my problem is apparently completely unique and everyone else uses one from shoulder or elbow joint problems whereas mine is a tendon/muscular problem. I asked on SS forums and predictably got no info about my pec tendon problem. Efferding endorsed it for "tendonitis" but I have no idea if he means elbows, biceps, or pec tendons.

I prob just need to visit a good physio to diagnose this. Thankfully I'm not having problems currently so probably what I'll do it just CGBP twice every 3 week mesocycle and do high rep DBs only on the 3rd week before my deload and see if that takes care of it. Ram is cheap though so I might order one in the future.
Do you roll your pecs?
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12-24-2013 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Do you roll your pecs?
Yes. It doesn't help. It also doesn't respond at all to ice or nsaids when it does flare up.
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12-24-2013 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Yes. It doesn't help. It also doesn't respond at all to ice or nsaids when it does flare up.
Could you have bicep adhesions?
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12-24-2013 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Could you have bicep adhesions?
Yeah, I do kinda think its more bicep than pec related, but its up so high on the bicep.

I mean I did pullups every day for like half a year, I'm sure there were some longterm consequences for that. For whatever reason though it's only on the right side. Any ideas on SMR for broceps?
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12-24-2013 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Yeah, I do kinda think its more bicep than pec related, but its up so high on the bicep.

I mean I did pullups every day for like half a year, I'm sure there were some longterm consequences for that. For whatever reason though it's only on the right side. Any ideas on SMR for broceps?
lats worth it, bro? thinking I need wider lats. might give it a try.
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12-24-2013 , 02:25 AM
also I have a slingshot that is probably too small for me pulls my shoulders forward. said I'd use it for floor press overload and never did.
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12-24-2013 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by RUDIKULOUS
I don't know if anyone follows advanced stats stuff but hes really good for a rookie.

Produces about 50% more wins than the average center so I have no idea why OKC ever plays perk when perk is so terrible.
so is this guy like a defensive beast / intimidating inside presence type guy? his scoring doesn't look too great and he's an avg. rebounder.
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12-24-2013 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
lats worth it, bro? thinking I need wider lats. might give it a try.
idk, if I could go back I'd probably only do timed and just get as many sets as possible at a specific rep # given a 15-20 minute limit doing them 5-6 days/wk. Bashing your head against the wall doing 9x9 or 10x10 every day with no time limit and long rests between sets allowing yourself to go cold is suboptimal.

I know you're trolling me, you've done daily pullups at some point.
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12-24-2013 , 02:35 AM
I was only trolling about wanting wider lats. these things are a curse. lets u think u aren't as fat as u really are

I think anyone who wants wider lats should be doing pullups daily.
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