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cookie's powerlifting and golf log cookie's powerlifting and golf log

12-05-2009 , 04:43 AM
Going to nationals in 5 mins, not lifting before tomorrow, bw was 89 today, so that should be good.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-05-2009 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by cookie
Going to nationals in 5 mins, not lifting before tomorrow, bw was 89 today, so that should be good.
good luck, smash some PR's.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-05-2009 , 09:38 PM
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:01 PM
I won!

Full TR in a bit.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by cookie
I won!

Full TR in a bit.
nice one!
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:15 PM
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:49 PM
Sunday 6 december BW when waking up 90.1 kg

Weighed in at 89.8 kg at the meet weigh in. The starting weights in my class was
Me: 180 kg
Other guy: 167.5 kg
Third guy: 160 kg

First attempt:
180 kg, good 2-1. Was easy to press.

Second attempt:
187.5 kg, miss. I got rerack (no start signal, and had to rack the weight again after holding it 5 to 10 seconds.) Couldnt press it when I got start signal.

Third attempt: One of the other guys had asked for 180, so I kept my 187,5, but had asked my coach to give me 205.5 if the other one missed, and so he did. So I got 205.5 kg on the bar, nationals junior record in the weight class.
205.5miss. Got it down a bit slow, but not bad, got it of the chest, but far from lockout.

All in all ok, I defended my title, 187,5 I should be able to get.

Im no longer a junior next year, the senior record is 230 kg, so I need a couple of years before I get an attempt at that one

Ill maybe have some vidoes later.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:50 PM
Congrats man, and ship the vids!
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:58 PM
We did not have our video guy present sunday, only saturday, so the will only be video if other people randomnly taped me.

Thanks to all.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 04:49 PM
Its fun to be number 1. :-)

cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:09 PM
Congratulations man, that's a very impressive achievement.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 07:06 PM
Sick work cookie. Poast more? pls
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 07:21 PM

Post more what?
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 07:48 PM
I like how you laugh at the loser who came in 2nd in that pic.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 08:12 PM
I should probably explain the context.

The guy receicing the silver medal is not the guy who actually won it. But he is the senior who benched 230 in 90 kg class senior. So I had to enjoy the moment, might be some time before I get the chance again.

We also lift for the same club.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-06-2009 , 08:15 PM
Hah nice, no wonder you look so happy
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-08-2009 , 07:17 AM
congratulations. Sick win.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-09-2009 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Genz
congratulations. Sick win.

Im probably maxing raw today, but my right elbow doesnt feel too good.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-10-2009 , 09:43 AM
Wednesday 9/12/09

Tried to go for a bench max, but didnt feel right. Did some light to medium stuff and went home, elbow pain is worse.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:59 AM
Friday 11/12/09
Took a friend to the gym, he had never trained before, squat and dl was as ugly as one would expect. Bench wasnt terribad, he had decent balance with the bar, he did some 5x30 kg and a double at 40 kg.

I did just go along with some light stuff, but also did 3x110 in squat and 1x120 in bench. I still feel a bit injured.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-16-2009 , 07:51 AM
Monday 14 december




Some cable pulldown.

My friend is still coming along, we are still working on doing good squats, so mostly teqnique work. bench 5x35, 2x5x30. DL 5x70 or 80 kg, cant remember.

My coach told me to just do whatever until new years and not put to much strain on my elbow, so Im just tagging along with my friends starting strenght.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-16-2009 , 05:11 PM
Wednesday 16 december

3x5x95 // 3x5x30 on box + 3 bumps

3x5x90 // 3x5x32,5

1x5x130 // 1x5x80

Some cable pulldown.

Stuff after "//" is what my friend did. My plan atm is to have him do 2.5 kg jumps in bench, and 10 kg jumps in DL for the time being. Squat we are still working on doing the movement correctly, so no strict progression is introduced yet i squat.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-21-2009 , 07:30 AM
Friday 18 december

3x5x100 // 3x5x40 on box + 3 bumps

3x5x95 // 3x5x35

1x5x145 (belt) // 1x5x90
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
12-30-2009 , 07:42 PM
I did train 21 december.

something like.
Squat 1x130, 150miss

bench 3x5x100

deadlift (belt) 5x160 (probably a rep PR with 160 kg)

I havent trained for since, Spain for a week, was ok, minus the food poisoning part.

I have been shopping + cooking for 12 hours today, so couldnt train today either...

My elbow is still bad, apparantly this kind of thing takes 4 - 6 weeks to get over...

I still plan on competing at the end of january, Ill just lift whatever, I guess.
cookie's powerlifting and golf log Quote
