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BtM's Adventures in Olytown BtM's Adventures in Olytown

08-22-2015 , 12:47 AM

globo, lbs


1x10x305 All sets pretty easy.

Incline press


Finished up with a bunch of sets of dips + dumbbell flyes. Then, later that night, a good lax ball sesh.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-22-2015 , 08:47 PM

Today is snatch + CnJ at barbell club, which is always fun since I get to actually do the full lifts. M-F it's all squatting + component lifts but Saturday...Saturday is where it's at.

I lax balled my shoulder some again today before going. I have been digging under the shoulderblade but today I went out towards my armpit/lats and holy mother of god were there some knots. I spent a lot of time leaning into them with my arm locked as best I could overhead. This is on the floor, mind you, so I don't have to really use my shoulder muscles to stabilize. Anyway, I worked out some issues for about 30 minutes and by the end I felt pretty good about it all. I re-tested my overhead position What a difference! I felt like I could actually almost lock out overhead for the first time ever. This is the spot. This is where I need to focus my attention. Super pumped to lift...

barbell club, kg

Snatch, ~10 reps at ~70%

Stayed between 60-65kg the whole time. Probably did 20 reps total. Lots of doubles. A couple reps felt better than others. Here are some of the reps and I think my best rep is the last one:

CnJ, ~10 reps at ~70%

Mostly at 80 and 85. Worlds of difference overhead, as you'll see in these two reps

For reference, here was me doing 70x2 just two weeks ago:

FS, 10 doubles ~75%

I was sharing a rack with this guy that's a little stronger than me so I just did what he did.

120x3, 125o, 130o, 135f, 120x4
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-24-2015 , 10:37 AM
I didn't workout yesterday but did a lot of lax balling of my shoulder again. I tried finding that spot that made such a difference and it took a while but I sure found it again and worked out a lot more issues.

I think my magic area is the teres major/minor, pretty much right where the dot is on the arrow for teres major. I had previously been working under my shoulderblade, and while I was working out knots which was definitely a good thing, it wasn't helping my overhead mobility. This new magic spot definitely is, though. I can now pretty much lockout the bar overhead for the first time ever.

Also, just to give an explanation of what I'm doing (not just for viewers at home, but for myself as well for future issues) I've been lying on the ground w/ the lax ball in that teres major area. Left arm locked out overhead, right arm by my side. I slowly move my right arm up until I find some tenderness and then I stop, and move back down again. I keep going up and down, stopping at that tender point, until it's no longer tender. Then I go further until it's tender again. I just keep working it like that until I can get my right arm locked out overhead.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-24-2015 , 10:55 AM
You are looping the bar like fack on those snatches. Make sure you're pulling with your elbows and bending your arms, obviously after the hip contact. Gotta keep the bar as close as possible. Jerks looked way better although this was lower weights than the ones I saw you failing.

I would suggest doing some snow Angel style circles to the side on the lax balling. I also don't keep my off arm overhead but I don't see why it would matter
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-24-2015 , 12:11 PM
My overhead also improves a whole lot when I spend a few minutes rolling there, but I usually just lie down on my side with arm reaching out and handpalm facing up and roll it like that with a regular foam roller. First time I discovered that spot it hurt like hell but now it's part of my standard routine and I never feel anything wrong anymore.

You should also try rolling your triceps with a ball against the wall, if you're anything like me (yes), you're probably going to be surprised at how tight **** is over there. Also roll biceps, upper back, lats and chest for more improvement. Basically everywhere. Lol
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-24-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
You are looping the bar like fack on those snatches. Make sure you're pulling with your elbows and bending your arms, obviously after the hip contact. Gotta keep the bar as close as possible. Jerks looked way better although this was lower weights than the ones I saw you failing.

I would suggest doing some snow Angel style circles to the side on the lax balling. I also don't keep my off arm overhead but I don't see why it would matter
Yeah, lots of looping. Good eye. They're feeling better and I'm getting under the bar better, so that's improvement at least. Still tons to work on.

Jerks feel better, too. That lockout difference is just crazy. Yes, it's lighter weight...we'll see what it looks like at 100kg whenever I test that again. That'll be the real eye test.

I do variations on snow angels as well. Good stuff

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
My overhead also improves a whole lot when I spend a few minutes rolling there, but I usually just lie down on my side with arm reaching out and handpalm facing up and roll it like that with a regular foam roller. First time I discovered that spot it hurt like hell but now it's part of my standard routine and I never feel anything wrong anymore.

You should also try rolling your triceps with a ball against the wall, if you're anything like me (yes), you're probably going to be surprised at how tight **** is over there. Also roll biceps, upper back, lats and chest for more improvement. Basically everywhere. Lol
I never really get much out of foam rolling that area. It does a little bit, but I get 10000x more from a lax ball.

Good suggestion about triceps. I should definitely do that more. Forearms are great as well
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-24-2015 , 09:19 PM

globo, lbs

Deload week

Warmed up my shoulder for 20-30 mins before working out today. mostly lax ball in the teres major area again. really helped with the:

10 sets of {3 sots press + 10 situps}

Worked my way up to 75lbs this time and they were way easier than before. ty stretching

10 sets of {1 snatch balance + 3 OHS}

Started too high, went back down to the bar, then back up to 95 and 105. Feeling good about that weight. The OHS are a joke though. Also, I find it most comfortable to have my feet narrow like kendrick when OHSing. Weird.

10 sets of muscle snatch doubles

Started at 85lbs and worked up to 125. They feel good

10 sets of {tall speed snatch triples + 10 V-ups}

worked up from 65lbs to 80lbs. Feeling better and faster!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-26-2015 , 06:47 PM

Afternoon sesh:
globo, lbs



dips + pullups (superset)
15+8, 10+8, 10+8, 10+8, 10+7, 10+7, 10+6

I need to get better at dips.

Evening sesh:
barbell club, kg

10 sets of muscle snatch triples
Started at 40kg, worked up to 55kg

10 sets of high snatch pull triples
Started at 55kg, worked up to 65kg

10 sets of tall snatch triples
Started at 30kg, worked up to 40kg
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-28-2015 , 09:17 AM
Skipped the workout planned on Wednesday bc I had a date. But it's deload week so I'm just taking that deload more seriously...or something. Still got some cardio in nomsayin?????

Wednesday was supposed to be clean pulls, abs and good mornings. Glad I skipped


Afternoon sesh

globo, lbs

290x15 So hard. Easier than last time, though. But last time was 290x5x5 and then 290x15 so obv this was easier.

5 sets of 1min weighted plank + Front Rack Overloads

planks are hard. FROs are weird.

Evening Sesh

barbell club, kgs

All of the BTN jerks today. just a million reps. working on speed and punching with my arms
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-28-2015 , 05:29 PM
AMRAP high rep squatting is the front door to the promised land of gainz amirite?
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-29-2015 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
AMRAP high rep squatting is the front door to the promised land of gainz amirite?
I believe so! My glutes are sore af today from it. #gains
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
08-29-2015 , 01:23 AM

Benched a lot today. And by a lot, I mean a lot of reps. Because I am weak and cannot bench much weight. I think I did something like...


In between sets I did a lot of bicep curls and some foam rolling on my quads. Afterwards, some Lu around-the-worlds with 10lb plates and some more curls.

bc I had a date. she wasn't hot tho so the blast was wasted.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:23 AM

globo, lbs

OHS 5x5 @ 135

These were easy, but what I find bizarre is that I much prefer a narrow, kendrickfarris-esque stance when OHSing. My snatch stance is always wide and feels unstable. Maybe I need to change my foot positioning when snatching...

Push Press 5x5 @ 135

My coach has me doing minimal dip+drive, so these are fairly taxing. First set is always aids, but they got much better after.

Push Press 5x5 @ 145-175

I moved up to 145 for two sets and it was harder than I thought. I did 150 for 2 sets and then I attemped 155 but only got 4 reps. Good burn. I need all of the pressing.

Muscle Snatches 10x4

Started at 95lbs, moved up to 115 and they were really difficult after all this shoulder volume
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:32 AM

globo, lbs

Afternoon sesh

FS 5x5 @ 245

Easy enough. These are never a struggle anymore.

FS 2x10 @ 245

Mother of god these are hard af. BUT, my right wrist wasn't about to break off like it normally does. Progress! Also, I've never been able to get through the 2x10 before. First time I attempted I got 8 and 7, then I got 10 and 8, now 10 and 10.

FS 1x15 @ 265

lol not happening. Didn't even attempt. Was too dead.

Incline Press @135lbs + pullups

Did 5 sets of 8 reps each.

Evening Sesh

barbell club, kgTonight was death.

Snatch work

30 sets of {1 clean pull + slow decent into chinese (panda) pull + 2 floating snatches}

Complicated movement that took me a few attempts to really understand. Started at 40kg and worked up to 50 and then back down to 40 for the end. Really taxing on my grip (even with straps) and I was sweating profusely. Those slow pulls, even with 40kg demolish me. BUT, they were awesome in that a few of the snatches felt better than ever. Really taught me to pull straight up instead of looping the bar.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:10 PM
Great to hear you're making progress on your coach's program!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:33 PM
Thanks! Definitely getting better form. It's weird not training strength directly as much, but I still have definitely improved my front squat a lot over the last few weeks so that's great.

He programs a lot of ab stuff for me which is probably helping me keep my core upright better during the last few front squats each set. I can do a few sets of 1min plank hold with a 25lb plate, but that's pathetic. I should be doing 45lbs. We got this new 84kg lifter in our club who is really good (competed at Nationals a few weeks ago, hit 126/152) and he does plank holds with 55lb plates. jfc.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-04-2015 , 12:32 PM

bro sesh. lots of incline presses, bicep curls, pullups and good mornings.

Then, went to dinner at an awesome russian/uzbek place and ate all of the noms. 37/37 plov
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-04-2015 , 12:40 PM

afternoon sesh:

globo, lbs


245x5x5 easy as always

245x109 Ugh. These were so hard today. No WIM.
260x15 lol did not attempt.

5 sets of {Front Rack Overloads @ 350lbs + 1min weighted planks}

FROs are fine, but man, those planks kill me. I only used a 10lb plate today and had to struggle to finish them. Other ppl at barbell club can do it with 20 or 25kg plates.

evening sesh:

barbell club, kg

20x {2 cleans, 2 jerks @60kg}
This took longer to get through than I thought. So many reps...

10x{1 clean + 2 push press @ 60kg}

5x{1 clean + 2 push press @ 70kg}
A little harder but still manageable

3x{1 clean + 2 push press @ 80kg}
lol. Could not even do 1 pp. So dead.

Ran out of time and couldn't even get to the 60 reps of light strict presses I was supposed to do..
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-04-2015 , 12:41 PM

not lifting today. Sore everywhere. bruised all up and down my legs from snatches on tues and cleans yesterday. hands are so raw.

HOWEVER, I am going to a lakehouse today with a nuggetz and a bunch of friends. Should be an awesome weekend.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-04-2015 , 01:57 PM
Would you have secretly preferred "with a friend and a bunch of nuggetz" ?
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-08-2015 , 11:06 AM

globo, lbs

snatch balance 5x5

Worked up to 115 but I am really bad at these when the weight is over 95lbs. I tried 125 a few times and the reps were just ugly. Failed a few. Went back to 95 to finish them off.

Push Press 5x5 @ 155lbs

These were really quite hard. I barely was able to get through them. After this I was supposed to do pps at 175 5x5 but that clearly wasn't going to happen, so I did...

Push Press 5x5 @ 135lbs

instead. These were more manageable. Good burn in my shoulders, too.

Muscle snatches 10x4 + abs (superset)

I started at 65lbs and moved up to 105lbs by the end of the MSs, but I'm really liking what they did for me today. Really learning to extend during the third pull. I assume that is the goal of these now...I think I've been doing them wrong previously because today was eye-opening.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-08-2015 , 11:52 AM
You mean 2nd pull right? The third pull is you pulling yourself under the bar after its contacted the hips which doesn't happen with muscle snatches.

Unless you mean continuing to pull with your elbows after you've contacted the bar. In which case One of the hardest things for me is actively controlling and shoving the bar into the catch position and not letting it float while I try to get under
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-08-2015 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
You mean 2nd pull right? The third pull is you pulling yourself under the bar after its contacted the hips which doesn't happen with muscle snatches.

Unless you mean continuing to pull with your elbows after you've contacted the bar. In which case One of the hardest things for me is actively controlling and shoving the bar into the catch position and not letting it float while I try to get under

Yeah, I guess you are right. I was referring to the backwards lean at the end of the 2nd pull into the beginning of the 3rd pull. I almost never utilize that and boy did it make the reps easier.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-09-2015 , 09:38 AM

Today was brutal.

Afternoon sesh

globo, lbs

Front Squats (supposed to be 275x5x5)

275x4x4 Too hard to get all 5 reps each set. I maybe could have done it on a few sets but it was tearing my wrist off.

Moved down to 245 and did 4 more sets of 5. Easy.

Afterwards did a bunch of sets of dips and pullups.

evening sesh

barbell club, kgs

1 chinese pull + 2 tall snatch
10x40kg Pretty easy
5x50 tall snatches getting harder
5x55 Pretty hard. Required a bit of a heave to get under the weight on the 2nd rep each set

4 chinese pulls @90kg

Attempted 1 set of 90. lol. Too much. Moved down to 70
10x4x70. Really taxing. I was dead.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
09-10-2015 , 11:19 PM


Incline press@135 (8 reps) + bicep curls@35s (8 reps) supersetted
Did 8 sets. Good pump

Good mornings @ 135 (6 reps) + around the worlds w/ 10lb plates x10 supersetted
I think I did 6 sets. idk
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
