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10-27-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket

Push press:

Supposed to be 5x5 @ 165, then 5x5 @ 175-185 but yeah, didn't happen.

I did 1x5 @ 165 and I was about to die, so I moved down to 155 and finished off the 4 other sets. Then I went down to 145 and did the last 5 sets. I'm so bad at these.
Wow, that's some good progress!! I didn't even realize that a month ago I was struggling to do 165x5, and yesterday I easily did 165x5x5.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-27-2015 , 01:34 PM
Even if that was a really bad vs a really good day, that's still a huge improvement for sure
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-27-2015 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Even if that was a really bad vs a really good day, that's still a huge improvement for sure
Yeah, and thinking back to that day, I recall the 165 being a helluva grind. I didn't even think about the weight yesterday. 155 was easy so I went up to 165. I probably could have done 170. It wasn't that hard

I wouldn't say my shoulders are feeling stronger, but maybe they are stronger.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-27-2015 , 03:08 PM
Push press has a lot more to do with leg strength than it does shoulder strength ime.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-27-2015 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Push press has a lot more to do with leg strength than it does shoulder strength ime.
So are you saying that my leg strength has significantly improved over the last month? Because my front squats don't agree with that
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:15 AM

barbell club, kg

snatch work:

10 singles up to 80% was programmed. That's too light for me since everything is a powersnatch, so I just did a ton of reps at 70 and 75. 75 is easy now. No misses.

Snatch grip deadlift singles:

120x1x10 Pretty easy but I haven't deadlifted in ages and it shows. My butt was really sore during these reps

5 Snatches at 60-75%:

Coach had us do these after DLs so that the weight would feel really light. And it did. 60x5 took about 30 seconds.

FS doubles:

100, 120, 130x1, 135x4, 140x1 (PR?)

Didn't think I'd be good for the 140 but I got it. Hard tho!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-28-2015 , 10:24 AM
Lol, 60 feels like a house to me still Actually I wouldn't even know, I have yet to try. But I am refusing going up in weight while my form is ridonkulous.

Nice jerb on 140x2 after doing 135x2x4? Good, good.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-28-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Lol, 60 feels like a house to me still Actually I wouldn't even know, I have yet to try. But I am refusing going up in weight while my form is ridonkulous.

Nice jerb on 140x2 after doing 135x2x4? Good, good.
60 and 70 are a breeze to me now, so that's nice. Like, no matter how tired I am, I can always powersnatch 70. Nice. 75 requires a bit of focus but still pretty easy.

I should have recorded my reps. There was one rep in particular where I reall drove my head forward and under the bar quicker than I ever had before and it definitely felt good. Weird, but good. Like, weird in that my shoulders weren't ready for it, so it wasn't that stable, but it felt right. Need to do that more.

and yes, 140x2 after the 135x2x4. Prettttty hard.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-28-2015 , 11:23 AM
Have you just decided to only power from now on?

To me if it was snatch 80% x10 I would do 80% of my max full snatch for 10 full snatches, even if it was lower than my power . You aren't going to just magically "get it"
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
10-28-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Have you just decided to only power from now on?

To me if it was snatch 80% x10 I would do 80% of my max full snatch for 10 full snatches, even if it was lower than my power . You aren't going to just magically "get it"
No, I didn't decide that at all. What I probably should have done is just do hang snatches last night. When I do those I get under the weight a lot more so that would have been great practice.

You're right, I'm not just going to magically get it
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-01-2015 , 01:03 PM

I had planned to do the normal saturday workout of snatch + cnj + squat but I wasn't able to finish due to time.


worked up to 155lbs for a 4 singles. Easy game. 165 next which wasn't bad. It's nice that it's consistent these days. Went up to 170, failed the first, made the 2nd and third and failed the last one. I'll take it. I should have done hang snatches though :/ NEXT TIME. I'll remember.

CnJ: 185 and 205 were easy. Did a couple reps each and then skipped 215 and went straight to 225. Made it! Then made it again EASILY. Probably a white light rep this time. Then I made it two more times with subpar form but still got it over my head. Failed it on my 5th try, moved up to 235 for my last rep and failed that.

Meant to squat but ran out of time since I had to leave.

Anyway, it's great to hit my PR for 4 reps
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-01-2015 , 01:24 PM
Nice, nice. How much time is your coach still spending with you these days? Are you getting a lot out of it? The only thing I seem to remember from your last few vids is that you just decided to power everything. Does he say anything about that?

God I wish I lived somewhere where there was a good WL community. I'm even considering moving somewhere just for that reason. If only I knew where in Asia they had that. And no, it's not China. 0 recreational WL going on there!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Nice, nice. How much time is your coach still spending with you these days? Are you getting a lot out of it? The only thing I seem to remember from your last few vids is that you just decided to power everything. Does he say anything about that?

God I wish I lived somewhere where there was a good WL community. I'm even considering moving somewhere just for that reason. If only I knew where in Asia they had that. And no, it's not China. 0 recreational WL going on there!
As far as time with me directly it's pretty much non-existent but I get nuggets of feedback from him from time to time that's helpful. There are some other really good lifters that go to the barbell club and they're almost more helpful sometimes, so it's more about the group atmosphere than anything else.

He kinda doesn't care about powers right now....especially power cleans. He knows my issue is getting under the snatch, which he is trying to address more and more.

Yeah man, lifting with people better than you is really amazing. I'm seriously like the worst guy by far. It's sad but also nice to be with so many great lifters
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:56 AM


Yes, HBBS. I didn't really have anything programmed today so I wanted to see what my HB was like. Spoiler: it's not good. My glutes were on fire with sharp pain about 3/4th of the way up on my reps. Not fun. I really need to roll/laxball them on the regular. Also maybe I'm just weak now.


Then I decided to do 225x10x5 in ~11mins. It was great. Got super smoked.


BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:50 PM

Work up to 1RM snatch balance:

Got up to 175 which felt pretty good! Didn't heave too much, but my 165 looked better.

Work up to 1RM push press:

Really had no idea what I was going for, but got up to 205 easily, before failing 215 twice. Felt really good! PT is helping my shoulder mobility a ton

Snatch pulls:

10x1x235lbs Easy enough. Really tried keeping my back upright during each rep


rowed 4000m. 500m on, 1min rest for 8 sets. Pretttttty hard
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-03-2015 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
As far as time with me directly it's pretty much non-existent but I get nuggets of feedback from him from time to time that's helpful.
What's his function then in your club if he doesn't spend time with each oly lifter every session? Can't you get him to spend 1on1 time with you? Your progress would probably be magnified so damn much don't you think?

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Then I decided to do 225x10x5 in ~11mins. It was great. Got super smoked.
I did the exact same in ~same time a while back. Good times indeed. Sweaty McBalls.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-03-2015 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
What's his function then in your club if he doesn't spend time with each oly lifter every session? Can't you get him to spend 1on1 time with you? Your progress would probably be magnified so damn much don't you think?

I did the exact same in ~same time a while back. Good times indeed. Sweaty McBalls.
Maybe! I'm not unhappy with what we have going on at the club. He spends a fair amount of time with me and there are other very good lifters which help me out and give me pointers all the time. Also, my lifts ARE improving thanks to his programming. I'm snatching 75-80kg on the regular now. 70kg was my PR less than 2 months ago.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-06-2015 , 12:30 AM

Power CnJ:

Worked up to 100kg which was easy so I put on 105 for a shot at a new PR. Hit it 5 times in a row before failing twice! Feeling so much better. Everything is looking better, too.

Here was the one rep I recorded which was probably my best:

Clean pulls:

10 singles, worked up to 145kg.

HBBS, attempt a new 1RM:

Worked up to a pretty easy 180kg/396lbs. Put on 185 and failed. Felt like a ton of bricks. Called it a night
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-06-2015 , 01:59 AM
Looking better than before for sure

What's your hbbs pr again?
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-06-2015 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Looking better than before for sure

What's your hbbs pr again?
Thanks! Dat bar path. Looks like it's going pretty straight up!

HBBS PR is 188kg/415lbs.

I'm pretty happy with an easy 180 considering I back squatted for the first time since July last week and it was awful.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-06-2015 , 01:15 PM
Your shoulders should still be over the bar at this point. Bar isn't getting into your hip crease / power position / whatever. Be patient.

BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-06-2015 , 11:04 PM
Good eye. That's good advice. Being more patient will help matters a lot
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-06-2015 , 11:49 PM

today's workout was DL + bench + X. I haven't DLed in ages and when I've squatted recently my hams/glutes have been really tight so I wasn't expecing much.


Warmed up for an eternity. Stretching and rolling my hams/glutes w/ a lax ball.

Worked up, very slowly, to 275x5x10 with 1min rest between sets. Weight was light, but that spot deep in my hams really felt it. I need to work on it a lot more.


210x5x5 woo progress. On to 215.

After this I did some of my PT exercises and bicep curls. fun.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-10-2015 , 10:32 AM

I was tired from the previous workout but went anyways with the goal to do a bunch of hang snatch work and CnJs.

Hang snatch up to 135. Did like 4 sets of 5 reps. Pretty tiring and my form was bad.

CnJ up to 215. Hit a handful of reps. Feeling dead and defeated. Failed a few and definitely had no more energy to move up.

HBBS: I have never felt so weak in my life. I worked up to 235lbs and it was too much. So I left. lol.

Took sunday off to watch football and do nothing.

Took monday off bc I didn't sleep enough Sunday night and was still tired.

Today is Tuesday, 11/10, and I think I'm finally going back to the gym, so hopefully that goes well! I'm feeling good, I think.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
11-10-2015 , 10:40 AM
I will add that Thursday will be my last PT appointment of the year. My shoulder has really improved a ton from all of the work I've been doing for it. Overall it feels looser, more mobile, and the last few times that I've benched/pressed I have felt new muscles get recruited and used in my posterior shoulder area -- which I assume just means that the shoulder wasn't operating correctly before, but now it is acting better so the right muscles are getting used. Overall things feel way more even overhead, and even benching feels better, stronger, and more even. 37/37 would go again.

Downside is that I thought that insurance was paying all buy $20/visit, but as it turns out I think I owe $70/visit. Yuck. Thanks, Obama.
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