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08-11-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Yarbles
any thoughts on just drinking shakes everyday? and maybe taking viatamins and eventually when i get down under 320 i can join a gym... i mean when i picture somenoe almost 400 lbs what comes to my mind is someone that is so fat they can hardly walk or move... i am not that kind of fat... I would like to hear some thoughts from willie?
stop trying to do something drastic because that will only last you a short while. You need to make lifestyle changes. Read the FAQ and learn the basics, learn how to cook(you will start to enjoy it after a while, I promise), start off with easy cardio and flexibility work, after a month or so of that start SS(read the FAQ for all the SS info you need), do SS for 3-6 months, then come back here and re-evaluate.
08-11-2010 , 04:12 PM
+ a lot to what anklebreaker said. Just like with poker, some fundamental knowledge is really needed with nutrition too.
08-11-2010 , 04:12 PM
Is there a diet that allows me to eat only roasted garlic and olive oil? Cuz I'd be ok with that.
08-11-2010 , 04:14 PM
Yes it's called the roasted garlic and olive oil diet.
08-11-2010 , 04:15 PM
try it and name it after yourself.

after you poop off the pounds: profit.

yarbles: even if you cant be bothered to cook, there are healthier fast food places than dunkin donuts. donuts are close to the optimally bad diet food. subway with 6 inch meat and salad subs would be a big improvement even if you cant be bothered to make any more effort than that.
08-11-2010 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
+ a lot to what anklebreaker said. Just like with poker, some fundamental knowledge is really needed with nutrition too.
I guess this is where I differ from a lot of you more hardcore guys on this forum. I'm sure that Thremp and all you guys would kick my ass in a nutritional debate. All I really know is to:

-eat protein
-don't eat sugar/carbs/processed foods
-lift heavy weights
-do HIIT

and I'm well on my way to being in phenomenal shape. I just don't find it all that complicated. Hard work + general knowledge of a few basic fitness facts = being in great shape.
08-11-2010 , 04:18 PM
Sweet. TR in 30 days.

I bet the poops would smell AWESOME. Or AWFUL. TR in 3 hours.
08-11-2010 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Tell me where I'm wrong, kind sir.
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
bacon, sausages, steaks, omelets, chicken stir fry, etc. And the great thing about these foods is that you can eat AS MUCH AS YOU'D LIKE as long as your entire diet is relatively clean.
AF, that is ridiculous and misleading for many reasons.

First, what is clean? A diet comprised of the above-listed foods? Or "clean" food in addition to those?

Second, you absolutely cannot "eat as much as you'd like." Besides the fact that bacon and sausages are incredibly calorically dense, and poor heuristics for the "eat as much of this as you want," that statement is generally false for any foods.
08-11-2010 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
yarbles: even if you cant be bothered to cook, there are healthier fast food places than dunkin donuts. donuts are close to the optimally bad diet food. subway with 6 inch meat and salad subs would be a big improvement even if you cant be bothered to make any more effort than that.

Chipotle: burrito bowl with double steak, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, guacamole = delicious and fairly healthy

Eliminating the white rice in favor of peppers is even better, but I prefer the taste of the rice.
08-11-2010 , 04:21 PM
the thing we are criticising you for right now is missing out the hugely key


you seem to actually be denying this. that is silly. just because your appetite happens to be just right for your goals does not mean this is true for a very fat person.

so in other words, yarbles:

more or less what assani says except dont worry so much about exercise for now, and eat at a caloric deficit (maybe shoot for 2000 cals a day for the time being?)
08-11-2010 , 04:23 PM

Please take 'before' pictures. We're going to be millionaires!


You should follow my lead and not post authoritatively on subjects you are ill-informed in. Anecdotal evidence isn't sufficient proof. Or you can go ahead and Thremp will troll you and it'll be sort of hilarious.
08-11-2010 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I guess this is where I differ from a lot of you more hardcore guys on this forum. I'm sure that Thremp and all you guys would kick my ass in a nutritional debate. All I really know is to:

-eat protein
-don't eat sugar/carbs/processed foods
-lift heavy weights
-do HIIT

and I'm well on my way to being in phenomenal shape. I just don't find it all that complicated. Hard work + general knowledge of a few basic fitness facts = being in great shape.
This obviously works for you. You seem to have a very good work ethic. However, for a lot of people I really do think simply reading (and understanding) Lyle's book that I referred to would help a lot. Additionally, the amount of effort required is really laughably small.

Like, your way probably works fine for you, but there is no reason to avoid all carbs, nor sugar. What is processed foods, why are they bad etc.

Not saying you need to study AARR and the like, just the basic stuff of Lyle's et al.
08-11-2010 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by anklebreaker
AF, that is ridiculous and misleading for many reasons.

First, what is clean? A diet comprised of the above-listed foods? Or "clean" food in addition to those?

Second, you absolutely cannot "eat as much as you'd like." Besides the fact that bacon and sausages are incredibly calorically dense, and poor heuristics for the "eat as much of this as you want," that statement is generally false for any foods.
By clean I mean a diet that is 90+% made up of the following: meat of any kind, eggs, milk, green veggies, oatmeal, protein shakes, nuts, cheese, etc. Basically shopping on the outside aisles at the supermarket. I do agree that "clean" is a vague and most likely poor word choice.

I smoke weed nearly every night and eat as much as I can possibly stuff in my face. In one month I'm going to attempt to cut from 210 to under 200, so I'll probably cut down on the eating a bit. However, right now I absolutely eat however much I like and I don't think anyone would call me fat. When i first started SS, I actually lost 15 lbs really quickly despite eating a ton of food.

Take my example with the bratwursts....I wouldn't be surprised if most people here couldn't eat 10 of them in one sitting...yet looking at the nutritional info, 10 of them really isn't all that bad nor does it have all that many calories(1300 calories from the biggest meal of your day is hardly cause for concern imo).

I also regularly eat an entire package of bacon as a late night snack(in fact last night I had the 10 sausages, then a huge spinach+feta cheese+pecans sald, then an entire pack of bacon and 6 eggs).

I am not naturally a skinny person, nor was I born with a great metabolism. I will easily get fat and out of shape if I don't exercise and eat well(and I have in the past), so please don't just claim "genetics". But I work out really hard and I eat "clean", and it works great for me. Its always worked great for every other person I've seen try it.

You guys are overcomplicating things imo. Hes not going to go from eating Dunkin' Donuts every day to eating a perfect diet. If saying "you can eat as much yummy bacon as you want" is what it takes to get him to start making LIFESTYLE CHANGES then that is a positive step imo.
08-11-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Duerig

Please take 'before' pictures. We're going to be millionaires!


You should follow my lead and not post authoritatively on subjects you are ill-informed in. Anecdotal evidence isn't sufficient proof. Or you can go ahead and Thremp will troll you and it'll be sort of hilarious.

Almost everything I believe I learned from this forum. I used to eat terribly and have a horrible exercise routine. This forum is what led to my current eating habits/exercise routine. I don't post all that authoritatively; I mostly just regurgatate(sp?) what I learned here and what has worked for me and others I've trained with.
08-11-2010 , 04:33 PM
AB covered the topic with better clarity than I could have. I almost certainly could make a weight gain diet on what you're consuming... Oh wait. I am on one... eating that... Except it'd be widely considered even "cleaner".

Caloric balance is by far the most important aspect to whether you get bigger or smaller. Anything that tries to handwave that aspect away is just flat out wrong.

ETA: This is going by the "normal" assumption that fatty meats are "unclean". If we lump in fatty meats as "ultra l337 clean", then my occasional processed sugars would push me farther into the "filthy filthy" category.
08-11-2010 , 04:33 PM
Swapping dunkin' donuts for all you can eat sausages and bacon. Sounds foolproof to me.
08-11-2010 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I guess this is where I differ from a lot of you more hardcore guys on this forum. I'm sure that Thremp and all you guys would kick my ass in a nutritional debate. All I really know is to:

-eat protein
-don't eat sugar/carbs/processed foods
-lift heavy weights
-do HIIT

and I'm well on my way to being in phenomenal shape. I just don't find it all that complicated. Hard work + general knowledge of a few basic fitness facts = being in great shape.
Keeping it simple is very much a virtue, and building a sound base of knowledge is a means to that end.

The guys on this forum with "hardcore nutritional knowledge" keep things very simple in practice, and they are equipped to make choices that are effective and flexible because of it.

For example, your second point "-don't eat sugar/carbs/processed foods" is a blanket absolute, flawed, and actually unnecessarily complicated. An entire thread could be dedicated to why that is, but here are some primer points

> Having already said keep protein high (which is correct, and evidence-based), why not say "eat other stuff within your total caloric limit?"
> What is processed foods? Why is white rice and bread "processed" but sausage and bacon not?
> What is wrong with carbohydrates?
> Can you follow that guideline, eat excess calories form fats and still stay lean?
> Don't you think strict restriction-based rules like these create significant compliance issues?

I am sure you're well on your way to being in phenomenal shape, but you could have done so while continuing to eat chocolates, carbs, and other delicious "processed" foods. It seems like your simple way, is far more hardcore.
08-11-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Tell me where I'm wrong, kind sir.

Yarbles, here an example for you:

Yesterday for dinner I had 10 "Jalapeno & Monterey Jack Bratwursts" that I bought from my local Fresh and Easy Supermarket(similar to a "Whole Foods" for those not familiar). They looked similar to this(but with 10 instead of 8):

and they were absolutely delicious!

They come in packs of 5 and sell for "2 for $6", so I paid $6 for my entire meal. They took 10 minutes to grill, and the only work I did was to flip them 1/2 through cooking.

You probably pay a similar price for your sausage/egg/cheese sandwiches. Here is the nutritional breakdown of each:

2 SECs:

1280 calories
18g saturated fat
1g trans fat
12g sugar
78g carbs
44g protein
4g fiber

10 brats:

1300 calories
20g saturated fat
0g trans fat
10g sugar
50g carbs
160g protein
10g fiber

And 10 big sausages is a HUGE meal....I wouldn't be surprised at all if 5 would fill you up, as I"m a really big eater and am quite full after 10 whereas I could probably have at least 4 SEC sandwiches in one sitting.

Why not just eat stuff like this instead of Dunkin' Donuts?
lol no im not a big eater thos 2 sec and 3 donuts last me the whole day.. eat one for breakfast and one for dinner and donuts in between for snacks

assani i hear you ive done that diet and i know i could stick to it... but how healthy is it to eat mostly meat like that, some say my health problems arose from the year long hiatus on atkins... although i never felt better on that diet then ever in my life. I remember having to take laxatives just to **** properly. perhaps that is what i need to do.. cut out all sugar and carbs. I woke up 2 hours ago didnt eat yet today... already started my mtt grind... so prob gonna have to rely on delivery... maybe chinese steamed vegies and rice with chicken?
08-11-2010 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I don't post all that authoritatively; I mostly just regurgatate(sp?) what I learned here
Clearly you don't regurgitate that accurately, as evidenced by the responses you're getting!

Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
and what has worked for me and others I've trained with.
Yeah but this is anecdotal.
08-11-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by anklebreaker
Keeping it simple is very much a virtue, and building a sound base of knowledge is a means to that end.

The guys on this forum with "hardcore nutritional knowledge" keep things very simple in practice, and they are equipped to make choices that are effective and flexible because of it.

For example, your second point "-don't eat sugar/carbs/processed foods" is a blanket absolute, flawed, and actually unnecessarily complicated. An entire thread could be dedicated to why that is, but here are some primer points

> Having already said keep protein high (which is correct, and evidence-based), why not say "eat other stuff within your total caloric limit?"
> What is processed foods? Why is white rice and bread "processed" but sausage and bacon not?
> What is wrong with carbohydrates?
> Can you follow that guideline, eat excess calories form fats and still stay lean?
> Don't you think strict restriction-based rules like these create significant compliance issues?

I am sure you're well on your way to being in phenomenal shape, but you could have done so while continuing to eat chocolates, carbs, and other delicious "processed" foods. It seems like your simple way, is far more hardcore.
Oh I "cheat" all the time. When I first started I ate pretty much 100% as I describe. Now I'll have snickers bars, chipotle(with white rice), tons of sushi(with white rice), ice cream quite often.

Anyway, I guess I'm wrong here. I was just relaying what worked for me and my training partners. I didn't mean to imply that he should go out of his way to not learn more about nutrition; I just didn't want to bombard him with so much stuff that after one month he'll grow tired of it and slip back into old patterns.

Yarbles, these guys do know more than me, so I'd listen to them. But I also think I provide some decent real life experience and you can learn from all of us. Read up, decide whats for you, and then put in the hard work.
08-11-2010 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Yarbles
lol no im not a big eater thos 2 sec and 3 donuts last me the whole day.. eat one for breakfast and one for dinner and donuts in between for snacks

assani i hear you ive done that diet and i know i could stick to it... but how healthy is it to eat mostly meat like that, some say my health problems arose from the year long hiatus on atkins... although i never felt better on that diet then ever in my life. I remember having to take laxatives just to **** properly. perhaps that is what i need to do.. cut out all sugar and carbs. I woke up 2 hours ago didnt eat yet today... already started my mtt grind... so prob gonna have to rely on delivery... maybe chinese steamed vegies and rice with chicken?
Chinese food is usually pretty horrible for you. Start eating before you start playing poker. Bacon and eggs is a really easy breakfast.

Start buying more nutritious snacks like veggies, nuts(be careful though as they do have a lot of calories), boiled eggs, etc. Snack whenever you're hungry during MTTs(the 5 minute breaks every hour should give you plenty of time to make a quick snack).

As for issues with regards to eating a ton of meat, imo most of the saturated fat/cholesterol issues are exaggerated and just not all that true. But I'll let more informed people tackle that question.
08-11-2010 , 04:43 PM
Be careful with nuts? How do you overeat nuts?
08-11-2010 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Duerig
Clearly you don't regurgitate that accurately, as evidenced by the responses you're getting!

Yeah but this is anecdotal.

People like Thremp love to nitpick and/or take things 100% literally. We all agree much more than it seems from this debate.

Its anecdotal, but I've tried out many different types of routines/diets and I've seen this particular one work for me, my workout partners, and many people here online. Anecdotal evidence does have some value if you can understand the variables involved and you can use a decent sample size.
08-11-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Be careful with nuts? How do you overeat nuts?
and this is what I mean about nitpicking. I guarantee you that almost everyone agrees that Yarbles would get in much better shape if he trained the way I describe, yet they find tiny little things to dispute in my posts.

Nuts have a lot of calories. I could probably eat 3000+ calories of nuts in one sitting. Thats how you overeat them.
08-11-2010 , 04:46 PM
yeah overeating pistachios is trivially easy

Last edited by tmcdmck; 08-11-2010 at 04:47 PM. Reason: which reminds me: yarbles, if you eat nuts go for almonds not pistachios
