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August 2055 LC Thread: Time Machines on every corner August 2055 LC Thread: Time Machines on every corner

08-24-2015 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I'm not really interested in getting in a white knighting contest; maybe I'm just getting old or something. Things seem to be coming up aces for BTM (except for his clients), so it seems he knows something I don't. Monte out.
I donno about this. Considering the amount of girls he has dated since his last LTR he is probably a little disappointed and unhappy nothing sustaining has materialized from this, minus some new strains of HPV.
08-24-2015 , 10:06 PM

It's more than a bit of what you both reference, but also the general commodification of the seemingly endless series of ladies that the youngs seem to work through (and the flippant ways that such things are sometimes mentioned).


If your point is that I could go watch a video of ISIS beheading a dude, and that that would be worse than what BTM said, then I guess I agree, but don't see the relevance.

Re: the Eagles, I'm not sure Bradford is enough of an upgrade over those two to be concerned about the dropoff. They're going to run the **** out of the ball, though, so hopefully the three of them can combine to form some sort of modern Chad Pennington and the Eagles can luck into the playoffs and lose in the Wild Card as per usual.
08-24-2015 , 10:25 PM

Thanks to your idea I did the same on instagram and found her and her last name so I looked her up on face book but she wasn't on there. She is private on instagram and the profile pic is tiny so I can't tell if she is good looking. Not fat though so that is a plus. Thanks for your help man
08-24-2015 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45

Thanks to your idea I did the same on instagram and found her and her last name so I looked her up on face book but she wasn't on there. She is private on instagram and the profile pic is tiny so I can't tell if she is good looking. Not fat though so that is a plus. Thanks for your help man
That's why I'm here! And good work with the ig stalk. I have never done that but it's good to know about

best of luck!
08-24-2015 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I donno about this. Considering the amount of girls he has dated since his last LTR he is probably a little disappointed and unhappy nothing sustaining has materialized from this, minus some new strains of HPV.
I'm pretty happy Not the least bit disappointed. No ragrets. Some hot, awesome girl will find me hot and awesome some day. Or maybe I'll die first. whatevs
08-24-2015 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

It's more than a bit of what you both reference, but also the general commodification of the seemingly endless series of ladies that the youngs seem to work through (and the flippant ways that such things are sometimes mentioned).
It is a 2 way street though. Most guys who go on the I-net prowl do so with the knowledge that he is very likely to be rejected in the majority of his advances, including a high % of women who are objectively not even in his league. As a confirmed beta who I know would do particularly poorly in such a format, I know that would tilt the **** out of me.

So it is hard to feel to sorry for the deluded sloots passing themselves around town, hoping eventually they will find their own Richard Gere to pick them up in his white limousine and ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.
08-24-2015 , 11:13 PM
Yeah, everything I've read says women online are insanely picky. And I do mean insanely. A 6/10 doesn't need to be holding out for a BtM. If she gets him, she'll never keep him. She needs to be hoping for a 7/10 and to be willing to settle for a fellow 6.
08-24-2015 , 11:18 PM
Isn't monte's point that it's completely shallow, likely in both directions but since it's mostly guys here we mostly see that side.
08-24-2015 , 11:19 PM
I feel like all of the talk about being beta and potentially having to "settle" when choosing a mate is as about as effective of a Yugosignal.jpg as there can be. I'm sure he will be around to discuss his own personal ontology shortly.
08-24-2015 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Babalatexi
From my experience you want to play it cool and nonchalantly ask for her address and shoe size.
this is in my top five favorite H&F memes.
08-25-2015 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
So i was drunk on Saturday and got some chicks number. I have no idea what she looks like besides she has blonde hair. What is a good text to start with. I was drunk enough where i dont know if she was super drunk or not so she might not remember me. But for me to get a randoms number means she was probably hammered
text her "when are you gonna let me hit that ****?"
08-25-2015 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Looks like the lolpog is contagious. RIP montecore
I wouldn't blame pog

I think it's more that he's old and married

plenty of poggers are just as shallow and superficial as the next guy
08-25-2015 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
That's why I'm here! And good work with the ig stalk. I have never done that but it's good to know about

best of luck!
I found the chick on Facebook and she is hot and way out of my league so she must've been hammered. Like the great loco said when he used to post here, oh well, we move on.
08-25-2015 , 12:17 AM
wtffffffffffffff i suggested stalk tactics to make sure she wasnt fat/ugly/weird not to get intimidated by her hotness and get scared off. In a couple days invite her to some event/bar this weekend and if she says no then you can move on
08-25-2015 , 12:26 AM
Ya man I ****ed up. I texted her today before I found her pic with just like how are you doing or something like that. l If I knew she was hot I would've used a different approach. Ugh I suck at life
08-25-2015 , 12:35 AM
Weasel, all isn't lost; there's still time to send her a graph of the conversation.
08-25-2015 , 12:38 AM
Since she hasn't/won't respond should it just be a pic of a blank piece paper?
08-25-2015 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Babalatexi
From my experience you want to play it cool and nonchalantly ask for her address and shoe size.
laughed out loud

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
"I was drunk enough where i dont know if you were super drunk or not so you might not remember me. But for me to get your number means you were probably hammered."
This should have been the text no matter what, so good

Originally Posted by BigPoppa
When I was in my 20s, I was insanely picky about chicks physically but was willing to put up with way too much bull****.

Now that I'm an old, I'm much more forgiving physically but much pickier mentally. No tolerance for drama queens and psychos.
So much wisdom, coincidentally yesterday after giving it a lot of thought I finally did the right thing and cancelled a sexdate with a crazy Eastern european psycho but incredibly hot old ex of mine... because of the reason you mentioned exactly.

At first she said "okay no problem! It's not like we're together!", 15 minutes later I found a monologue in my phone of her saying she never wants to hear another word out of my mouth, I'm an idiot and I should die. Not kidding.

At least I took back the power! Now I can masturbate in peace.

Originally Posted by Weasel45
Ya man I ****ed up. I texted her today before I found her pic with just like how are you doing or something like that. l If I knew she was hot I would've used a different approach. Ugh I suck at life
[BigPoppa ] If you think she thinks she's hot and you're not good enough for her, should she even be worth your time at all? And if you think she's the type to feel superior even when you don't even remember what she was like, are you even good enough for her at all? [/BigPoppa ]
08-25-2015 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
this is in my top five favorite H&F memes.
Haha I missed it and thought it was a foot fetish reference.
08-25-2015 , 08:59 AM
Weas: all isn't lost. Remember, she probably has nfi who you are. I suggest texting her a knock knock joke. Very easy way to elicit a response, and if you pick a good one then this convo could have an upwardtrajectory.jpg

Originally Posted by Montecore
I feel like all of the talk about being beta and potentially having to "settle" when choosing a mate is as about as effective of a Yugosignal.jpg as there can be. I'm sure he will be around to discuss his own personal ontology shortly.
All this beta talk makes all the betas that much more beta.
08-25-2015 , 09:28 AM
Alison Brie is engaged to James Franco's db brother Dave.

On the plus side she's 32 and already well past it. Total cake job.
08-25-2015 , 09:31 AM
I have it on good authority that she's starting to have to really up the makeup to look presentable.
08-25-2015 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Ya man I ****ed up. I texted her today before I found her pic with just like how are you doing or something like that. l If I knew she was hot I would've used a different approach. Ugh I suck at life
Made the same **** up. Weekend before last I was chatting up two cute girls drunk outside the usual drunk Chinese food spot. One complemented my teeth so I got her number because girls are usually into that. Texted how you feeling? Hungover? the next day and got nothing.

Pretty sure she said she was a dental hygenist so I'm thinking I should have told her I was coming in for a cleaning and made some joke about her not feeling me up if they had to put me under. But anything else people have suggested in the thread would have been better. (if she wasn't that hot and I had a better shot when you gonna let me tap that might be too risky)
08-25-2015 , 11:12 AM

So much wisdom, coincidentally yesterday after giving it a lot of thought I finally did the right thing and cancelled a sexdate with a crazy Eastern european psycho but incredibly hot old ex of mine... because of the reason you mentioned exactly.


The gypsy girl? Yeah she was pretty hot. Not a good look. I think it might be time to up the dose on the vitamin D and turn off the horse porn.
08-25-2015 , 11:56 AM
I think I posted a pic once with her looking like a gypsy yes, but that was just a random photoshoot shot. Her regular look is very wannabe Saint Tropez fabulous lifestyle instragrammy.
