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Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery

08-25-2012 , 07:36 PM
Seems like a basic strength vs endurance question. I would imagine the former is more useful to a sprinter, and the latter would be more useful to a long distance event. Could apply to track, swimming, cycling, etc. Or really any kind of short burst vs long endurance event.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-25-2012 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Try adding enough weight so that 15 second sets are challenging, then do several 10 - 15 second sets. Dr McGill says several shorter sets > less longer sets for core muscle endurance. A routine he recommends is 5 reps with short rests (one set), followed by a longer rest, then 4 reps, longer rest, etc - 3, 2, 1.

I've been doing 4 - 15 second reps/15 second rests with 100 lbs and stopping there - this is working well for me.
i'm pretty sure we've touched on this before - though i'm not sure if it was with you - but just to be clear: planks "work" our core, correct? i know i feel a pretty sick burn in my shoulders/forearms and in my torso area when i do them but are these weighted planks effective at achieving hypertrophy in the abs? i'm mainly asking tis because i have nfi what muscle endurance actually means
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 09:46 AM
Assani, we both squatted 255 for our last workout, lets try and get back into going together, im still free of any back pain ive been going up by 5 every workout
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
random question: From an athletic performance standpoint, what would be the difference in a person who built up to

-being able to squat 400lbs one time


-being able to squat 295lbs twenty times

Suppose that the person doing the former never does any sets of over 7 reps, and suppose that the latter never does any weight heavier than 295.

Is there any mainstream sport where doing the latter would be better for your performance?
Seems that there aren't many sports where hypertrophy will help much - added mass that doesn't function as well.

Pretty good article on this topic:

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
Assani, we both squatted 255 for our last workout, lets try and get back into going together, im still free of any back pain ive been going up by 5 every workout

cool man, i'm gonna go Tuesday and Friday this week....I've been waking up around 8 and getting to the gym around noon most days. I'll text you those mornings an hour or two after I wake up.

edit: meant to post Tuesday/Friday, not Monday/Thursday

Last edited by Assani Fisher; 08-26-2012 at 10:21 AM.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by droopy0021
Seems that there aren't many sports where hypertrophy will help much - added mass that doesn't function as well.

Pretty good article on this topic:


awesome, that article is just what I was looking for. Unfortunately its not what I was hoping to hear- I was hoping that higher reps would produce similar results because I feel thats easier/safer than low reps or 1RM lifts. Or at least I was hoping that there would be somewhat equal but different benefits of each. However, from that article it sounds like the only benefits of super high reps is aesthetics.

also OMG@ 20 reps of 80% of 1RM, that seems insane!
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 10:18 AM
from the comments section of the article, the author responding to some questions:

However, the greater time under tension in a multiple repetition set increases both non functional hypertrophy and muscular fatigue. Non functional hypertrophy is an increase in the size of the muscle cell’s sarcoplasm rather than the actual contractile unit, the sarcomere. This can push a lifter into a heavier weight class without a corresponding increase in strength.
1. A 5 RM is done at around 85% of your 1 RM. The 90% of a 5 RM (85%) puts you at 76.5% for your working sets. 15-20 reps at between 85%-76.5% of your 1 RM is very doable and no where near the 90% you claim for working sets.

2. The reason we use a linear progression for the amateur is they can handle it. A beginner can add weight to the bar day in and day out.

3. The reason I pick 5′s is, 5′s are the perfect blend of strength/power and myofibrillar hypertrophy that is necessary to get bigger and stronger.

4. Singles dont work for beginners. To take advantage of singles you need a advanced and adapted nervous system. For the same reason a beginner can add 5 lbs to the bar each lift (a immature nervous system) is the same reason the singles wont work.

5. And finally Dave Tate is talking about reps based upon Prilipen’s chart. In Prilipen’s chart you have 4-10 lifts over 90% with 4 being optimal. If you look at the rep ranges for the 75-85% my reps and total volume fall well within Prilipens chart.

6. We use 5 RM as rep maxes or as a way to set a PR. Much like the WSB guys use singles for their PRs, we use 5 RMs.

7. the collegiate program and professional program are based on volume and intensity days. Volume being done with around 25 reps at between 75-85% of your 1 RM. Sound familiar? WSB calls their volume days, speed days. And they get 20-24 reps at 75-85% of their 1 RM on these days. They do it with 10-12 x 2 @ 50-60% + 25% of total volume made up with accommodating resistance (chains or bands) The intensity days are usually done with 5 singles. This day allows the lifter to work up to a heavy single. Hopefully they get at least all 5 reps over 90%.

8. The assistance work you speak of comes in a fancy deal we call metabolic conditioning for DWOD.

9. For dynamic lifts we use the olympic movements, box jumps, broad jumps and sprinting. For heavy accessory work we do a ton of pulling, 3:1 pullush.

Not to be an ass as I am sure you have followed the program for a while, but you are all ****ed up and not understanding my program. It is my fault for slacking and not finish my own book. Or I wish you would have come to a CFFB seminar or be attending one soon as I could have straightened this out in 20 mins.

I want you to get some physiology books and do some reading on the Russian and Bulgarian training systems. Get the book of Westside Methods and Rip’s Practical Programming.

Matt, I hope you realize it takes a very rare individual to survive a bulgarian/broz style of training. To work up to a 1 RM and do drop sets multiple times a week can be taxing and most people dont have the training base to survive it. Basically, if you have not built the base for this training you will come apart at the seams both mentally and physically.

If you do some checking on Adadjiev, he looked for one thing in his lifters…will.

Not to say you don’t have it, but for every champion omelet they had 1000′s of broken eggs.

The CFFB template we have been playing with is not for the amateur, collegiate or professional. But for a different athlete that can handle intensity. Very few people can train with high intensity day in and day out.

Hopefully, the program comes out and there are interesting results to report.
I will be the first to tell you I am not a huge fan of heavy weight training for young kids. I think they need to learn the movements, do body weight training, swing KBs, climb ropes and do hard work. They have a lifetime to bang iron.

But what do know is when kids are exposed to physical training at a young age there is a priming the pump effect that allows them to gain strength/muscle at a great rate once they hit puberty and start training with weights.

Take a look at any kid that has done gymnastics for a long period of time in pre-puberty. Once they start weight training they make great gains.

In regards to the very last sentence, I remember GSP being asked what is the best way for a kid to get into MMA and he recommended gymnastics. For a sport that isn't always seen as the most masculine, gymnastics sure seems to build a great athletic base for kids, no?

Last edited by Assani Fisher; 08-26-2012 at 10:29 AM.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
cool man, i'm gonna go Tuesday and Friday this week....I've been waking up around 8 and getting to the gym around noon most days. I'll text you those mornings an hour or two after I wake up.

edit: meant to post Tuesday/Friday, not Monday/Thursday
Just in case you already read my post and have missed my edit...
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 11:11 AM
I was looking at my multivitamin, and noticed that there was no potassium in it

Then I looked at the Green SuperFood and noticed that a serving only has 3% of your day's recommended potassium(whereas they come close to 100% on many other vitamins/minerals)

Then I noticed that a 50 calorie serving of coconut water is marketed as having "more potassium than a banana". However, the coconut water only has 15% of your day's potassium.

Wtf is everyone getting their recommended daily dosage of potassium from??? Am I overlooking some common foods that contain mass amounts of it?
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 11:23 AM
Mrs. Dash yo!

And potatoes.

But seriously, I'm probably deficient in it as well.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 11:54 AM
I take 1 potassium gluconate pill, this thread made me decide to actually read the back of the bottle, it says it just has 3% of daily value of potassium.

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 12:13 PM
16% in 1 kiwi (hmm that smoothie with two kiwi, 1 banana and coconut water looking pretty good )
27% in 1 serving sweet potato
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 12:21 PM
Yeah potassium supplements are a joke, I remember that from a decade ago when I tried the atkins diet combined with a lot of physical exercise, which is quite hard without potassium. I think possibly the RDA amount is too high though - maybe it's more like a maximum, the way sodium is?
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 12:22 PM
Here's a relevant quote. Cliffs: We don't know how much you need, so we guess lol.

When sufficient scientific evidence is lacking to determine an EAR, an RDA cannot be established, as is the case with potassium. Instead, an AI has been established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine. The AI represents an average daily amount of a nutrient assumed to supply nutritional adequacy in a population of healthy individuals. For healthy adults, the AI for potassium is set at 4,700 mg/day, as intakes at this level have been found to reduce salt sensitivity in susceptible populations, lower blood pressure and decrease risk of developing kidney stones.

Read more:
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 12:24 PM
Aren't those % daily value provided by the same thoughtful people who brought us this gem?

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 12:28 PM
good points. I guess the reason why I was concerned is that I'm getting 3x or more of most vitamins it seems, so I assumed it'd be similar with potassium.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-26-2012 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
How do you actually get the weight on top of your back? Even with just one 45lb plate, its a bit awkward to lay down, balance it on my back/butt, and then plank. I'll definitely give it a try with more weight next time.

edit: who is Dr. McGill?
McGill is probably the foremost spine biomechanist in the world.
He works with a lot of world class athletes.

Getting more weight on you without help from a partner or a weighted vest might be tricky. If neither is feasible, I suggest doing more challenging exercises like rollouts or Blast Strap (or TRX) fallouts.

Originally Posted by EmptyThaClip
i'm pretty sure we've touched on this before - though i'm not sure if it was with you - but just to be clear: planks "work" our core, correct? i know i feel a pretty sick burn in my shoulders/forearms and in my torso area when i do them but are these weighted planks effective at achieving hypertrophy in the abs? i'm mainly asking tis because i have nfi what muscle endurance actually means
Yes planks are primarily a core exercise. If they burn your shoulder joints (as opposed to the deltoid muscles) you're either using poor form or have some shoulder issues or both. I guess if you're tightening your delts & forearms so much that they burn, that's probably not hurting anything, but that's not the goal. There could be form issues.

Muscle endurance in the core protects your low back and makes your core an effective "transmission" of sorts for all other compound movements you do. The more solid it becomes, the better all your other lifts will work.

I suppose if you're going for a 6 pack, weighted planks are one way to get that (assuming your bodyfat is low enough). If weighted planks become too easy, the best things to do are add weight or do a more challenging exercise like the ones mentioned above, rather than doing longer reps (unless you're trying to win a longest plank contest or something like that).
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 12:31 AM
ART is gay
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 11:22 AM
woke up around 6am, had my green superfood, still need to do warmups/stretching....bit nervous about today's run and the need to beat 6:36- I think I can definitely improve, but I'm not looking forward to having to push myself through the last half of the run. Only 2 more runs before I leave for WCOOP, so I really want to make improvements each time. Its a reach, but if I can get 6:20 on Thursday that'd be awesome.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
McGill is probably the foremost spine biomechanist in the world.
He works with a lot of world class athletes.

Getting more weight on you without help from a partner or a weighted vest might be tricky. If neither is feasible, I suggest doing more challenging exercises like rollouts or Blast Strap (or TRX) fallouts.
Cool, I'll look into more advanced ab exercises(I've never heard of those 2 but assume a google search will help). I do have an ab roller and I've never been able to do it on my toes(instead of on my knees) so maybe thats a possibility.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
ART is gay
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 02:33 PM
I get to my indoor track today and go to the corner to start stretching. As I get there, another guy gets there a few seconds after me and goes to an opposite corner to stretch. As I'm stretching I realize that theres one guy already running on the track and he is running on the inside lane the wrong direction(there is a sign that instructs us to run clockwise on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun and counter-clockwise on Tue/Thur/Sat). It also looked as if he might be done soon(he was breathing heavy and moving slowly), and I time myself so if I start to run in the wrong direction and he stops running then I am going to continue to run in the wrong direction for the rest of my run. Whats your move?

1. Stop the guy in the middle of his run to tell him

2. Run the correct way, deal with the awkwardness of the first time you run into each other and have to dodge, and hope he realizes that hes going the wrong way and changes

3. Run the way hes running, hope that he runs as long as you do so that he doesn't leave you as the lone person running the wrong way, also hope that the other person stretching joins in and runs the wrong way

4. Wait for the person stretching to start running and do what he does.

I was going to do #3, but the guy stretching didn't stretch for too long so I did #4. The guy stretching ran the wrong way and by the time I finished there was 5 or 6 people all running the wrong way.


One Mile Run
July 30, 20127:15
August 4, 20127:14
August 8, 20127:06
August 15, 20127:03
August 20, 20126:40
August 24, 20126:36
August 27, 20126:32

First lap was 0:41, 2nd lap was a little under 1:30, 3rd lap finished right at 2:15 just like last time, so I was determined to be at 3:00 after 4(wasn't able to last time)....and someone reset the clock as I was doing that lap, lol. So I have no clue, but I always use my IPhone for overall time so I was at least able to see my final time. Very tough, I'm starting to hate running, luckily only one more run left before I leave for Toronto!
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 02:43 PM
#2 **** them
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 02:44 PM
#2 and never acknowledge his existence except to avoid collision
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
08-27-2012 , 04:42 PM
kinda surprised that all 4 people who replied in either my log or the GGO thread said option #2. My thought process at the time was that I really don't care about anything except improving my mile time. Option #2 will take a second or two off my time from having to avoid him, and its possible that he'll actually stop to ask me if hes going the wrong way. I was even scared of option #3 because I thought the guy stretching might try to stop us and tell us we were going the wrong way.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
