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Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery

01-27-2014 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jaysick88*
Late to argument but does that count?
nah that wouldn't count

6 x 5 x weighted vest + 56lbs pullups today. Video of 3rd set:

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
01-29-2014 , 06:31 PM
6 x 5 x weighted vest + 60lbs pullups

1st set

6th set

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
01-31-2014 , 12:59 AM
Underhand is fine. Still a huge dog
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:12 PM
last 2 days were rest/active recovery.

Wanted to test my max pullup reps after doing the weighted pullups. I got 19.5, which was slightly disappointing(my goal was 20, but I set the true o/u at 23). But I think I can improve that number pretty quickly for 2 reasons:

1. My idea was to break it down into 4 sets of 5, but looking back that was a mistake. It made me more tired to pause after every 5, and I think I could've gotten more had I just done them at a consistent pace.

2. I still haven't been too worried about cutting bodyweight, and I expect that to help a ton.

Anyway heres the vid:

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:18 PM
Lots of neck movement on those which may not be a great idea long-term. Still, 19 is 19. Should submit this for the whiteboard imo.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:24 PM
I'm definitely going to improve, so I'll wait to submit my best number for the whiteboard. Will look into improving on the neck movement....I assume just being aware of it will help, but other than that do you have any tips?
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-01-2014 , 02:28 PM
Like everything else, packing the neck like you would for a DL/Squat/OHP works well for me. I often have to have my wife check my form to confirm I'm keeping my neck still and in a solid position. It can be very hard for me to tell sometimes. My neck sucks though so I mean, I pay somewhat immediately the more out of alignment I let it get.

I don't really believe neck movement helps all that much except maybe the last couple of very hard reps to get over the bar. I guess on every rep it helps you skip the last half an inch or so and that could add up to an extra rep? I dno, doesn't seem worth it to me. I'd rather just learn kipping pullups than intentionally be misaligning my spine intentionally just to get one more rep.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-04-2014 , 04:40 PM
Recorded a random set of pullups today, wanted to try to keep my neck movement lower....pretty clear what happens: I start out great, but the neck movement comes back when the reps start getting hard. I'll continue to work on it.

I did kettlebell swings yesterday for the first time in a while, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much my pullup work has helped. 3 x 5 x 75lb swings were really easy for me, and I previously struggled when using the 75lber.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-04-2014 , 07:11 PM
Looks like an improvement until close to the end at least. I mean, lots of ppl do this and their heads probably don't fall off. IANAD.

But yeah, I'd fix it, .
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-05-2014 , 06:16 PM
man, just doing one arm hangs for ~5 seconds is pretty tough...I've just been doing lots and lots of random stuff on the pullup bar the last few days, its been fun
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-07-2014 , 05:15 PM
Leaving for Toronto tonight, so will not have the weighted vest to workout with for the next few weeks. I'm not sure what I'll do while there, will evaluate my options and decide later.

Part of today's workout:

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
02-12-2014 , 01:30 PM
bodyweight has been flying down while in Toronto(no scale at the house, but I can easily tell)....Having to walk so much in a big city(and its freezing cold so you're always speed walking) is great for weightloss.

I went climbing on Saturday. On Sunday I did 8 sets of 10 pullups/25 air squats/20 pushups- one set every hour, during tournament breaks. Rest day on Monday. Yesterday played full court bball(on Toronto Raptors practice court...pretty sick!) for the first time in forever. My cardio was horrible despite my low bodyfat, but the competition wasn't very tough so it was a good way to get back into things.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
03-25-2014 , 07:35 PM
ultimate frisbee...collision....shoulder injury...not sure how serious, almost certainly gonna keep me off the pullup bar for a while. Pretty annoyed.

And heres the super weird thing: its the left arm, which you would think would be great. But 3 days ago I randomly "discovered" that I'm actually significantly better left handed and overhand or facing grip(anything but underhand).

I had been doing a decent job...I think I was still a dog to win the bet, but I was making decent progress by putting a ton of volume in on this one exercise: hang on one arm, do a small ~1/10 range of motion one armed pullup as you switch to the other arm, repeat with other arm, repeat until tired.

edit: I wasn't in agony, so I doubt its dislocated....but something definitely "isn't right", I was sure of that immediately.

Last edited by Assani Fisher; 03-25-2014 at 07:50 PM.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
03-25-2014 , 07:58 PM

Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
04-17-2014 , 09:33 PM
took maybe 7-10 days to heal, have been doing a lot of yoga lately, doing some work on the pullup bar but easing back into it....I may have one final push left in me here
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
04-23-2014 , 01:55 PM
some random stuff from today:

I'm still not 100%, and I feel as if my shoulder will have some lingering issues. But I'm good enough to train. I'm going to start dropping weight in the next few weeks.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
10-24-2014 , 09:30 AM
Aaron Jones ‏@aejonesleggo Oct 23
Tomorrow morning (afternoon) when I wake up I get to see two men play basketball vs each other, one of them will be wearing an oven mitt

Greg Merson ‏@GregMerson Oct 23
@aejonesleggo details!?!

Assani Fisher ‏@AssaniFisher
@GregMerson Me(wearing oven mitt) vs Ben Sulsky 1-on-1, he lays 2:1 odds, I have no experience playing with the mitt, I can choose the hand.

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
(1/2)The #ManVsMittChallenge took place today, as I took up my oven mitt & faced Ben "Sauce" Sulsky(man) in 3 games of basketball. Video...

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
(2/2)highlights, complete with play-by-play commentary from @aejonesleggo & @SirWatts, will be provided in the next few tweets....

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
#TeamMitt starts out strong, #TeamMan makes rookie mistake of getting beat to non-mitt side:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
Upon the urging of the coaching staff, #TeamMan begins heavily shading mitt side on defense:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
This defensive technique stymies #TeamMitt who was overconfident from scoring on his first mFGA:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
On offense #TeamMan uses a bruising back-you-down style that begins to visibly tire #TeamMitt:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
#TeamMan knocks down the jumpers, while #TeamMitt's don't fall:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
Despite mitt-hand switching tactics, #TeamMan slowly seems to be getting the better of it:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
#TeamMitt resorts to desperation one-handed 3s and lunging steal attempts:

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
And #TeamMan goes on to win the #ManVsMittChallenge 3 games to 0. Congratulations to Ben Sulsky, his victory was hard fought & well earned.

Assani Fisher @AssaniFisher · 14h 14 hours ago
Afterwards while playing 2-on-2 this happened: #ManVsMittChallenge #BasketballDayBecomesDentistDay #StillLovedIt

Last edited by Assani Fisher; 10-24-2014 at 09:38 AM.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
10-24-2014 , 10:23 AM
bit through your lip AND shattered the tooth?

Hi Pavement.
Assani's Log: Now Vegan to support Joe Rogan and RG3's recovery Quote
