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04-05-2013 , 08:59 AM
Ok after thinking it prob wasnt +80 for two hours, prob 60-90 min tho

And I just checked my heart rate, it's 53 and I'm at work, a few hours before bed so that's usual
04-05-2013 , 09:19 AM
Haven't read UD2 book yet, but looked through some free info online. People are saying it's really hard to do it with compounds, so does that mean I have to do machines?

I was thinking for upper body depletion, do bench/row/ohp.
04-05-2013 , 09:59 AM
Lol f U2.0 D3PO

Not worth the misery
04-05-2013 , 10:05 AM
Yea I need to reread the book myself. I don't see why barbell work could be a heavy part of the depletion workout, if not the whole thing though. I'll let you know if I find the answer soon though.
04-05-2013 , 10:06 AM
I am thinking it has something to do with eating 600 calories a day and having the WIM of a sponge.
04-05-2013 , 10:09 AM
We'll see who's laughing when I'm <10%bf* and you guize are still permacutting.

* actually would be more like 11% bf
04-05-2013 , 10:19 AM
DWarrior - at least we'll all be running outside during the summer.
04-05-2013 , 10:28 AM
Thursdays are optional morning cardio, so I'll be doing seminood running

Then once I'm like 7% bf and tan as CR, come through yo hood and get all yo bartenders (and dancers)
04-05-2013 , 10:30 AM
Make sure to be 7% bf before winter comes though. Don't think you want to be running semi-nood in MN then, .
04-05-2013 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Make sure to be 7% bf before winter comes though. Don't think you want to be in MN then, .
04-05-2013 , 10:45 AM

Interesting article pointing out some studies showing Creatines other potential benefits beyond just musculoskeletal energy.
04-05-2013 , 11:11 AM
Srs q time.

Why don't all of you dudes who want to be mega ripped like a BB use anabolics like BBers do?

Not really looking at beginners here (loco, et al), but stronger folks who aren't nubs, aren't super fatties to begin with, other criteria blah blah blah, you know who I mean.
04-05-2013 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by skeletor121
Haven't caught up with this thread yet but wanted to post this. This is Matt Baller's workout from yesterday. He set the IPF WR bench and is getting better. Scroll to 2:20 to see his failed attempt at 570 (looked doomed from liftoff) and to 2:55 to see his retry that he makes. Not sure if it is competition passable (pause), but is impressive.
That's insane. He's definitely got some technique issues that could add a ton to his max too.
04-05-2013 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Srs q time.

Why don't all of you dudes who want to be mega ripped like a BB use anabolics like BBers do?

Not really looking at beginners here (loco, et al), but stronger folks who aren't nubs, aren't super fatties to begin with, other criteria blah blah blah, you know who I mean.
For me, it's that I want someone to hold my hand through the whole process. Here is a good supplier. Here are some needles. I'm familiar with your training and your history and I'll write your cycle and measure your doses and manage your PCT.

The money, the legality, and the "adverse" health effects are non-considerations for me.
04-05-2013 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by KRS ONE
Just managed to get through most of my workout then. Hit up that spot between sets and as long as I stuck to singles it was ok. Will defs just torch my quads/hips between now and wednesday and see what my physio has to say. Bit o' dry needling shouldn't hurt.

Sounds like you've nailed it though.
Good luck at the physio! You have a meet coming up soon, dont you?
04-05-2013 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Srs q time.

Why don't all of you dudes who want to be mega ripped like a BB use anabolics like BBers do?

Not really looking at beginners here (loco, et al), but stronger folks who aren't nubs, aren't super fatties to begin with, other criteria blah blah blah, you know who I mean.
$$ and the social stigma associated with it.
04-05-2013 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Srs q time.

Why don't all of you dudes who want to be mega ripped like a BB use anabolics like BBers do?

Not really looking at beginners here (loco, et al), but stronger folks who aren't nubs, aren't super fatties to begin with, other criteria blah blah blah, you know who I mean.
Because it has been villified by the media and the gubmint, which obviously means it is bad for you. I've actually been considering this for a little while, but I didn't want to do anything while I was cutting because I wanted to take full advantage of my gains.
04-05-2013 , 11:47 AM
Lol, not sure how I missed the whisk(e)y discussion. Too busy sleeping. But here we go:

Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Any suggestions for an inexpensive whisky for a newb? Was thinking something like Bushmills or Jameson.
What do you want to do with it? Mix it with coke and enjoy? Anything cheap will do. Have it straight over ice? Not sure on this one as much, but Maker's on the rocks tastes good to me.

Drink it neat with a little water to get the full effect and flavor of the spirit? I'd go Glenmorangie

Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Glenlivet. The oldest one that fits in your "inexpesnsive" range. Go go.
This is fine, too. In fact, if you are looking into getting into single malts but don't quite like it neat, add ice to this. As you drink it, slowly add less and less ice and you will notice how many more flavors there are.

Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Is something like Glenlivet newb-friendly, or more of an acquired taste?
Very noob friendly. In fact most whisky snobs think this is pretty mediocre whisky. I think it's fine.

Originally Posted by NU Star
Whiskey isn't newb friendly
Ehhhh.... I generally disagree with this but can def see where this is true

Originally Posted by kidcolin
Yeah don't know what this is. But my dad is into good scotch. Has some nice glenmorange or whatever it's called. 18 yr I think. From before they got bought out by some french company or something. Can't stand it. Makes me hate it.
Discovered Glenmorangie when my gf picked me up a bottle. They have a standard 10 year (the biggest selling single malt in Scotland ftr) and then they have a bunch that are aged an extra 2 years different ways. All of these I have found to be wonderful so far. I've also heard that this whisky doesn't get that much better aging it longer (like the 18 year) so it's basically a waste of money.

Whisky doesn't always get better the more it's aged, it's all about finding the maturity of the whisky. The basic 10 year is wonderfully complex for only being a 10 year.

Here's why I like a good scotch: When you take a little sip of it (neat or with a couple drops of water) the initial flavor that hits your tongue will change dramatically from the instant you taste it to well after it's gone from your tongue. Trying to pick out the different and unique flavors is a fun part of enjoying a good scotch whisky.

Here, listen to this guy he's awesome:

04-05-2013 , 11:49 AM
Not necessarily prioritized order, but definitely not in random order:

I don't care too much that it's illegal (although this may have security clearance implications...?), but the fact that it's illegal makes information harder to find, makes the stuff harder to obtain, and makes the stuff riskier to obtain.

$$... not much more needs to be said here. Especially if it's a lifelong decision, like many believe that it should be.

I believe the adverse health effects (and risks) are underplayed on this forum.

Social stigma is important. We live in a world with 7 billion (and rapidly growing) people. What other people think is important.

Needles scareses me.

Finally, I guess I honestly don't want to be BB megaswole. I'd enjoy spending the next decade adding 1-10 lbs as a natural / I'm pretty pleased (other than being a fatty and a bit weak) with how I am right now. So even if everything above is justifiable, seems like it's extremely -EV for me.

And I'm probably forgetting something else.
04-05-2013 , 11:52 AM
Cuz I don't feel like spending decent money to still be mediocre in every way.
04-05-2013 , 11:56 AM
Because I don't really wanna dunk.


I guess I gotta start juicing
04-05-2013 , 11:57 AM
I doubt I'm included in this.

I just wanna get toned, I hear taking roids makes you big and bulky.
04-05-2013 , 11:58 AM
behind the front suspension crossmember. When using outboard lift hoists, verify that the hoist lift pads have been properly adjusted to eliminate contact between the hoist arm and the down standing flange on the sill. The rear hoisting points are the leaf spring front mounting brackets. The hoist pad must be positioned to pick up the flanges on the bracket, not the leaf spring.
04-05-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Cuz I don't feel like spending decent money to still be mediocre in every way.
This is basically my feeling as well. I'd have to be stronger and not fat to consider it imo. Or older. Just a little bit older though, not really old like cha old or something.

04-05-2013 , 12:00 PM
That was in my iPhone's copy cache for some reason. Thought it was low content enough for this thread.
