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04-26-2011 , 10:28 PM
does anyone know what this insanity program is? when i search online all i can see is like "i lost 10 pounds, so hard!!' but i don't see wha tthey actually do in this program.
04-26-2011 , 10:29 PM
before and after pictures on insanity!
04-26-2011 , 10:43 PM
Insanity is like hardcore cardio every day. Its great if you're looking to gain some tone in your muscles.
04-27-2011 , 12:10 AM
so like, i got all my facebook friends, and real life friends attached there. i got all my boxing online friends, some of whom we met up and stuff together. and then i have this place where idont really know anyone. but i gott say something and this seems like ther best place. im reallllllly ****ing pissed off. im on facebook right now, and on the ph...and somehow trying to act more, well, appropriate then i feel right now.

i just need to say this somewhere. On April 1st, a dude i know, not best fri3end or anything. he goes andf hangs himself over a girl. stupid idiot. but it affected me ya know. he hangs himself from some kids swings in a park across from his girlfriends house, day after she breaks of with him. that make me pretty sad.

but best friend in the world best friend since i was in grade 3...i am ****ing pisssssed off at. yesterday, he goes and takes his spiralling drug addiction and adds fentanyn patches to it, and drinks, with these brand new group of loser friends who are all druggies..and he don't wake up. just off and dies, like that. he was my friend. my sparring partner, and i love the guy. but i just cant help but feel what a stupid ****in idiot he was, and how pissed off i am because of it.

im not writing this for any sympathy, just wanted to say it somewhere...instead of the..."you were the greatest"..."I'm so sad without..." like the other 1000 people who barely knew him are wrting there....that me, his closest friend...thinks he was total ****in moron.
04-27-2011 , 12:12 AM
jesus dude...
04-27-2011 , 12:20 AM
Damn, fentanyl is what people use when morphine doesn't work anymore. You need massive tolerance to opiates before you should use it. Def sucks.
04-27-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I figured it would be a waste. But, I did see a bottle of 90 capsules for like 15 bucks, so if I decided to try it I wouldn't exactly feel like lighting money on fire.

I'm having good results with what I'm doing, anyway. I'll prob just stick with it.

ETA: I just checked amazon and there was a bottle of 90 for 9 bucks. So I ordered it, because, why the f not.
i imagine your list of things to try is like my list of DVR timers, ordered by priority. sometimes i spend quite some time before deciding that the 23rd thing on the list actually deserves to be 21st.
04-27-2011 , 01:30 AM
That sucks YB. Hang in there - you have a lot going for you.
04-27-2011 , 01:39 AM
Wow. Just wow. That is a total bummer dude, chin up.
04-27-2011 , 02:07 AM
Yeah not much to say to that YB. Sorry for your loss.
04-27-2011 , 08:26 AM
I'm terrible at offering advice in these situations (lack of life experience imo), so I wont, but put me in the "that sux YB, but hang in there" camp.
04-27-2011 , 08:37 AM
In other news...

I feel sick, but I watched a game of football last night that I would actually describe as 'brutal'.

Started when a dude got his face stomped on, then there was some off the ball shenanigans and it was a free for all after that. Every tackle was studs up at the ankles, feet getting stomped on, the works. tbh, this is how I imagine low-grade, amateur football to be like in the UK.

There was a lolly part too when one team was 'obliged' to kick the ball back to the other after a stoppage, so the dude just kicked the sh*t out of it over the keepers head and the keeper is like tommyleejones.jpg....

...later the other team had the obligation to return the ball after a stoppage but instead retained possession and the coach was like fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg

Other that that it was 2-1 and the goals and shots on goal were pretty good.

Match highlights here:
04-27-2011 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by blackize
Jesus. I don't know if it's a result of Charles' lack of coordination(see him play golf) or awful/lack of coaching at that crossfit gym, but that was really awful.
you're right. most people just jump right into perfect form when performing oly lifts for what is likely the first time.
04-27-2011 , 09:50 AM
So I've decided to switch from NoDoz brand caffeine tablets for my EC stack to the Walgreens generic Stay Awake ones. The NoDoz look too much like the Bronkaid ephedrine tablets, and I accidentally took two 200 mg doses of caffeine at once yesterday morning after I dumped a couple out in my hand with the Bronkaid that was already in my hand. That's what can happen when you take medication at 6:30 in the morning in a dimly lit room without wearing your glasses. I looked back in my hand and noticed there was still a Bronkaid tablet left in it after closer inspection.

The only negative side effect I noticed was my eyes were a lot itchier than normal about 20 minutes after taking it than they usually are, so now I know which med was causing that effect.

Here they are for comparison, with the Walgreens caffeine on the left, the NoDoz in the middle, and the Bronkaid on the right.

04-27-2011 , 11:28 AM
ya i dunno, prob inappropriate to go off like that in here. just felt like if i didn't say something somewhere i was going to go off on one of the idiots jockeying for poem supremacy on his tribute wal , being all "Im crying so much you have no idea how much I miss you.." to which most of us who see him every damn are day are wondering....who the **** are you? people are weird.

still more pissed then sad about it to be honest. some idiot supplied him with the stuff and he had a real problem. have no idea who the guy is, just that he's running from the cops right now. not sure what he'll be charged with. dont even know him either. addiction seems to give even your closest friends secrets. christ, the guy just turned 18 the week before, i talked to him hours before it happened..just another every day, what u up to homie deal and wondering where he was drifting off to now.
04-27-2011 , 11:41 AM

Sucks. That's all.


Prob just time to start injecting test. I don't think any "natural" "legit" pill is gonna significantly increase your test levels.
04-27-2011 , 11:46 AM
I just get the straight caffeine pills from the nutrition store. I remember taking No-Doz in college and feeling sick every time.
04-27-2011 , 12:01 PM

your rage will probably subside eventually. Most people make a lot of stupid ****ing mistakes in their lives without ever paying for it...he got particularly unlucky. I can see how you'd respond like that though, ****ty situation no matter how you cut it.
04-27-2011 , 12:05 PM
I fairly easily could have died a half dozen times in my late teens early 20s between drugs, driving wasted, crack deals gone bad. It took losing a friend for everyone in my group to realize we weren't invincible or protected by any kind of magic.
04-27-2011 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
In other news...

I feel sick, but I watched a game of football last night that I would actually describe as 'brutal'.

Started when a dude got his face stomped on, then there was some off the ball shenanigans and it was a free for all after that. Every tackle was studs up at the ankles, feet getting stomped on, the works. tbh, this is how I imagine low-grade, amateur football to be like in the UK.

There was a lolly part too when one team was 'obliged' to kick the ball back to the other after a stoppage, so the dude just kicked the sh*t out of it over the keepers head and the keeper is like tommyleejones.jpg....

...later the other team had the obligation to return the ball after a stoppage but instead retained possession and the coach was like fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg

Other that that it was 2-1 and the goals and shots on goal were pretty good.

Match highlights here:
Not true tbh. Less yellow and red cards than in the professional version. Majority of it all very polite. However thats not to say things can't 'kick off' ever or anything but thats really nothing like bottom tier amateur football in the UK.

Also Brazilian clubs gonna brazilian club.
04-27-2011 , 01:16 PM
Awful article (imo) about why powerlifting should not become an olympic sport up on Rip's site. Its basically a giant IPF bashing article with no substantative points whatsoever. I mean that would be fair enough if you wrote an article called the IPF sucks but every sentence I read I kept thinking, relevance? The specific IOC stuff he talks about is true to a point. But not to the extent that it comes close to arguing successfully that powerlifting should not become an olympic sport.
04-27-2011 , 01:20 PM
It's just libertarian spew by a libtard. Hard to understand if you don't know how that works. Posted a troll post, let's see if it gets through.
04-27-2011 , 01:24 PM
Yeah I read it and it was a basic "don't tread on me" -type article. Started getting suspicious when the Rip posted, "this is not a board for stupid people" and someone immediately agreed with him about how impressive the forum was.
04-27-2011 , 01:24 PM
I'm politically inept so I only vaguely know what you mean I suppose? I consider myself libertarian (basically I believe the freedom of the individual is supremely important) but yet I disagree with most touted libertarian points of view so I probably am actually not.
04-27-2011 , 01:32 PM
It helps to know that "liberal" is used differently in the US than Europe (or at least Scandiniavia). "Liberal" in the US = leftism in Europe (sort of). There are different degrees of libertarianism of course. The most extreme (like anarcho capitalists) would probably argue that many others who call themselves libertarians actually aren't. I don't think everyone's hero Ron Paul is actually an ACist, but pretty close. And thus more extreme than most European libertarians.

ETA: to clarify, I sympathize with many of the beliefs of libertarianism, if not all of them.
