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Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!!

02-25-2016 , 08:08 PM
congratulations to the new 5k PR, very nice!

btw: "predicted" 27:18

Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr
What would your weekly schedule look like for 35 miles? Four 6-mile days with a long run of 10-12 miles or five 5-mile days with a 10-12 mile long run?
Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr
I've been fine going six days a week the few times I've done it so far. I like the less aggressive marathon plan...70 mpw sounds awfully tough! So I'll just keep slowly building up the mileage, ease back a few weeks in June then start the 18 week program in July!
wall of text coming...

i recommend the following:
- you're already at a great level in terms of marathon preparation, and you have an additional 4.5 months. so take it slow. (don't get me wrong: the marathon is still a long way and training will be hard! but you're already very close to the required starting level. you could jump in next monday and start the plan and would do fine. but of course we want more than just fine... hehe)

- (slowly) build up to 35 mpw regularly. don't hit 35 every single week. do regular recovery weeks instead and incorporate the races smartly into your cycles: so in a race week, reduce mileage somewhat (body has time to recover and you taper at the same time) and then through the race you have a high intensity training session. just as an example.

- same principle: play around with distance vs intensity. example: reduce to 30mpw for a week but do two intense workouts that week instead (plus an average long run). or do 40mpw once but all easy runs (plus some strides). or do a 2nd mid-long run in the middle of the week (so for example: monday off, tuesday 5 easy, wednesday 10 easy, tuesday off, friday 6 easy, saturday off, sunday 12 easy)

- but still: do regular real & full recovery weeks (so not just a taper week for a race). do maybe 4 runs for a total of 22-25 miles. all easy. or just one middle intense workout if you want some intensity.

- while increasing mileage (so if you do a new PR week mileagewise or very close to PR week): just easy runs + strides (plus long run of course).

- maybe late april and then may & june, do some weeks above 35, but below ~40mpw (i wouldn't go above 40mpw before your marathon plan starts). not every week, but just 2-3 times. (iirc, your 18 week plan will start july 4th, happy independe day! but monday in your plan is a recovery day anyway, hehe)

- i see no reason to do 6 weekly runs. i think for 30-35 mpw a 2nd full recovery day is more important / better than reducing the average daily mileage. (assuming 34mpw and a 10m long run, this gives you 4x6 mile runs on average on the other days. i think that fits nicely with a 10m long run. if you do 6 runs total , you run on average below 5 miles on a run day and then a 10m long run seems a little too long instead). also: your marathon plan starts with 4 runs for the first 2 weeks and then 5 runs per week until the end (this means longer runs on average). so work towards that. pfitzinger in general: the runs will be longer & more intense than you are used to so far. so by doing a max of 5 runs per week right now, you are already preparing yourself for harder individual sessions.
but sure, if you feel like 6 runs in a week, do 6 runs.

- vary distance & tempo on your easy runs. don't do 4x6miles and a 10m long run (to pick up above numbers). do something like: saturday before: 5k race; sunday: very easy longish run: 8m; monday: off; tuesday: 4m easy; wednesday: 8m with a 25min tempo run; thursday: 3m recovery; friday: 6m easy; saturday: off; sunday: 11m long run (just a random example). but it's again the idea behind: vary your efforts. play around.

- long runs: fyi, the marathon plan starts with 12m long run, but it increases 1m / week the first 5 weeks. so ideally, you should feel comfortable to run 14-15m in a go. so i would do long runs of up to 14m. but of course, as always: increase slowly. do the longest long runs in your ~40mile-weeks. i think if your regular long run is in the 10-12 mile range, that's perfect.

- pfitzinger is BIG on lactate treshold runs. describes them. ignore the pace advice in the article, that is for much faster runner. general guideline is pace that you can run during a 1 hour RACE (aka 15k pace for FAST guys or half marathon pace for world class guys). but for you atm, this is more or less 10k race pace (or 1-2 seconds slower). i think thats around 9m10s mile pace. start doing them as a workout. warmup (plus additional mileage so that the run has the desired length), then 20min tempo run, then cool down. again, this is not race pace. it's a controlled effort. you want to train your body's ability to clear lactate acid and to do that, you have to train at a pace that brings your body very close to its lactate clearing maximum. but not above it. well, buy the book, read up about it.
but yeah, incorporate them (it's in the end the same as what we called a tempo run so far. just slightly more precise pacing). do them regularly and build up the time at lactate treshold (up to ~35minutes). you can also do a LT "intervals". do for example 15min @ lactate pace, then 5min jogging recovery, then another 12min at LT pace. this is a great workout and will especially help you for the shorter races. (you won't run the marathon @ LT pace, because by definition, you can only hold that pace for an hour... but it will still make you a stronger runner in all distances).
not every week, but a LT run should become a staple in your training plan. so maybe do them twice per ~5 week (together with intervalls, hill runs, fartleks etc).

- pfitzinger is also BIG on mid-week medium long runs. you often have a hard workout on tuesday followed by a medium long run up to 12m on wednesday for a hard combo (and then the normal long run on sunday). don't incorporate that yet (it's unnecessarily hard). but you can prepare yourself by doing some mid week longer runs as already suggested. or do a harder than usual run after your weekly workout day... etc

- buy the heart rate monitor, it's cheap and will help you a lot! i also want to know once and for all if your easy pace is too fast or not,

- buy the book (advanced marathoning by pfitzinger , 2nd edition) and read it over the next weeks (or read parts of it). then read it again short before starting. you will learn a lot.

- limited crosstraining / strength training would be very useful. and regular hill runs as well (or do hill repeats on whatever exists in florida, hehe)

and just a general remark: you're on a great way. don't forget the diet part, you can't (yet at least) outrun too much snacking. i would really try to give it another strong push now and also eat more "healthy" stuff. it's much easier and (lower injury risk) to start the marathon plan lighter than expected... you're on a great way, just don't forget the diet.

and: as you see, the training is really working wonderfully. you're improving at rapid pace without much fast or "hard" work (i mean: you're doing 80%+ easy runs). just continue doing this: don't push it too hard, steady wins the race. (intensity will come with the marathon training, no worry). the worst thing you can do for your running & weight loss is to get injured.

so, that's it. gogogo & good luck! btw, here's my official 3h41m18s prediction for your marathon debut. don't let me down!

Last edited by trontron; 02-25-2016 at 08:25 PM.
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
02-26-2016 , 12:47 PM
Day 194

Did an easy run but cut it short at 4 miles. I'm supposed to do a trail run Friday morning with a player from the poker room. He has a weight loss bet and has been running for a few weeks now.

Breakfast: Usual plus protein bar-744 cals

Lunch: Patty melt w/ swiss & bbq sauce, steak fries-942 cals

Dinner: Boiled shrimp, red potatoes, corn-510 cals

Snacks: Popcorn-142 cals

Totals: 2338 cals, 146g protein

Mile 1 10:42
Mile 2 10:50
Mile 3 10:52
Mile 4 10:44
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
02-26-2016 , 12:53 PM
Friday morning weigh in


Week 1 -2.0 lbs
Week 2 -1.4 lbs
Week 3 -1.6 lbs
Week 4 -1.0 lbs
January -6.8 lbs
Week 5 -1.2 lbs
Week 6 -.2 lbs
Week 7 -.6 lbs
Week 8 -1.2 lbs

Total -9.2/50 (18.4%)

Total mileage:
Week 1 26.0
Week 2 28.5
Week 3 27.5
Week 4 34.0
January 126.0
Week 5 28.0
Week 6 24.0
Week 7 27.0
Week 8 34.0

Total 229/1300 (17.6%)

Pretty solid week...back in the 220's officially!! I got down to 228.2 after my long run Monday so I knew I had a good shot at it for today's weigh in.
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
02-27-2016 , 02:24 PM
Day 195

Did a really fun 5-mile run on the cross country trails at the University of West Florida. It's not a terribly difficult course, a few small hills and some tight twists and turns.

Breakfast: Usual plus protein bar-765 cals

Lunch: Pizza slice, peanut butter crackers-466 cals

Dinner: Baked chicken thighs, corn, dinner roll-801 cals

Snacks: Popcorn-142 cals

Totals: 2174 cals, 142g protein

Mile 1 10:53
Mile 2 10:43
Mile 3 10:54
Mile 4 11:00
Mile 5 10:41
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
02-28-2016 , 02:00 PM
Day 196

Went back to the running trails at UWF Saturday...hit a different more difficult trail this time. There was more elevation change and rougher terrain, lots of tree roots and a few washout areas.

Early on I clipped my right foot on a hidden tree root and ended up on the ground. I quickly got up and kept running but it took me a little while to shake it off. I ended up doing about 3 miles on the trail and the last 2 miles on the roads around the campus. Afterwards I was definitely limping but it's not a knee issue. The back of my right leg right behind the knee is's better this morning but still tender. I'm taking a rest day Sunday and hopefully I'll be good to go for my long run Monday

Breakfast: Bacon, egg & cheese sandwich, grits-671 cals

Lunch: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans-883 cals

Dinner: Skipped

Snacks: Popcorn, skinny cow-442 cals

Totals: 1996 cals, 91g protein

Mile 1 11:07
Mile 2 12:06
Mile 3 11:33
Mile 4 11:08
Mile 5 10:39
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
02-29-2016 , 08:29 AM
Day 197

Rest leg is still a little sore but much better than Saturday. I wanna do 11 miles Monday if the leg is up to it.

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito w/ sausage, egg & cheese-675 cals

Lunch: Angus burger w/ swiss, steak fries-849 cals

Dinner: Baked fish, baked beans-576 cals

Snacks: Popcorn-142 cals

Totals: 2242 cals, 97g protein
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-01-2016 , 09:55 AM
Day 198

My leg felt better Monday so I went out for my long run. A few minutes in I noticed a slight discomfort in my right wasn't painful though and became less noticeable as I went. I ended up finishing 11 miles in just under 2 hours.

After my run the ankle started bothering me more and I walked with a slight limp the rest of the day. I'll have to see how I feel Tuesday, might end up taking an extra day off.

Breakfast: Usual plus protein bar-808 cals

Lunch: Arby's crispy fish on flatbread, regular roast beef sandwich-960 cals

Dinner: Chicken & sausage gumbo, crackers-406 cals

Snacks: Popcorn, Skinny cow, granola bar-523 cals

Totals: 2698 cals, 147g protein

Mile 1 10:46
Mile 2 10:50
Mile 3 10:59
Mile 4 10:59
Mile 5 11:04
Mile 6 10:57
Mile 7 10:50
Mile 8 10:58
Mile 9 11:01
Mile 10 10:46
Mile 11 10:40
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-01-2016 , 10:01 AM
Friday morning weigh in


Week 1 -2.0 lbs
Week 2 -1.4 lbs
Week 3 -1.6 lbs
Week 4 -1.0 lbs
January -6.8 lbs
Week 5 -1.2 lbs
Week 6 -.2 lbs
Week 7 -.6 lbs
Week 8 -1.2 lbs
February -3.0 lbs

Total -9.8/50 (19.6%)

Total mileage:
Week 1 26.0
Week 2 28.5
Week 3 27.5
Week 4 34.0
January 126.0
Week 5 28.0
Week 6 24.0
Week 7 27.0
Week 8 34.0
February 124.0

Total 250/1300 (19.2%)

Updated to close out February...
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-01-2016 , 12:59 PM
Weight loss and mileage numbers are both looking great. Amazing to see you keeping up with the regime so well.

What's your end goal for the weight loss and how far off it are you now?
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-01-2016 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
What's your end goal for the weight loss and how far off it are you now?
can't you read?

Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr
Total -9.8/50 (19.6%)
end goal is 190lbs atm (but i think you'll end up lower than that long-term... 190lbs @ 5'11" without muscles is still a little chubby, hehe)
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-01-2016 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by trontron
can't you read?

end goal is 190lbs atm (but i think you'll end up lower than that long-term... 190lbs @ 5'11" without muscles is still a little chubby, hehe)
I'll take a "chubby" 190 vs my Jabba the Huttesque look at 340!! You're right though, I think 170 would be ideal but with the loose skin I'm bound to end up with not sure I'll ever be that low.

I wish I had more pics of me at my heaviest so I could post before/after but the only ones I have on my phone are group shots with my kids. I didn't exactly jump in front of cameras very often back then.
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-02-2016 , 09:58 AM
Day 199

Busy day working both jobs but I managed to squeeze in an easy 4 miles in between. My ankle still isn't 100% but bothers me less when I'm running.

Breakfast: Protein bar & shake-430 cals

Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich, chex mix-952 cals

Dinner: 2 soft tacos-420 cals

Snacks: Popcorn, Skinny cow, cheese-482 cals

Totals: 2284 cals, 112g protein

Mile 1 10:51
Mile 2 11:00
Mile 3 10:48
Mile 4 11:00
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-02-2016 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by trontron
can't you read?
Aah I saw the -9.8/50 bit but wasn't sure what the -9.8 was because I knew he'd already lost a ton last year. Didn't realise he'd started a new target at the start of the year.

Wrt the ankle, little niggles like that are par for the course when doing a lot of running. The trick is to work out which ones are serious and need rest and which ones you can just run through. If it's not bothering you when running and isn't getting too painful afterwards I'd say it's probably fine. You should probably do some mobility/SMR work on it in between runs though. Do you do any of that stuff already?
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-02-2016 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Aah I saw the -9.8/50 bit but wasn't sure what the -9.8 was because I knew he'd already lost a ton last year. Didn't realise he'd started a new target at the start of the year.

Wrt the ankle, little niggles like that are par for the course when doing a lot of running. The trick is to work out which ones are serious and need rest and which ones you can just run through. If it's not bothering you when running and isn't getting too painful afterwards I'd say it's probably fine. You should probably do some mobility/SMR work on it in between runs though. Do you do any of that stuff already?
There's no pain really at all, just a mild discomfort but it is a little swollen...I was gonna do an interval run today, may just do an easy run instead. I don't do any SMR/mobility stuff in between...what would be the best for this?
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-02-2016 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Wrt the ankle, little niggles like that are par for the course when doing a lot of running. The trick is to work out which ones are serious and need rest and which ones you can just run through. If it's not bothering you when running and isn't getting too painful afterwards I'd say it's probably fine. You should probably do some mobility/SMR work on it in between runs though. Do you do any of that stuff already?
+1 , but stay on the cautios side. there's really 0 downside for you of taking a 2nd (or 3rd) recovery day once and making sure it's nothing serious. especially right now, your A races are behind you and it's more or less a "base phase".

sure, don't take a break every single time some little thing feels a tiny bit off. but it's very easy to be too stubborn and run through pain even when it is a lot smarter to just take a full rest day (or two)...
it's not easy to find the right balance between staying hungry & aggressive and not overdoing it.
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-03-2016 , 07:01 PM
Day 200

Did an easy 5 miles instead of an interval run...ankle was about the same, not painful but not 100%. Gonna take Thursday off, playing golf in the morning.

Breakfast: Protein bar & shake-430 cals

Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich, fries-896 cals

Dinner: Made teryakyi chicken, rice, green beans-788 cals

Snacks: Skinny cow-150 cals

Totals: 2264 cals, 128g protein

Mile 1 10:55
Mile 2 10:55
Mile 3 10:57
Mile 4 10:58
Mile 5 10:48
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-04-2016 , 10:39 AM
Day 201

Day off from running...played golf and the ankle didn't bother me at all. I'll run Friday and see how it feels. Going to see my younger two kids Saturday so probably won't end up running.

Breakfast: McDonalds sausage egg McMuffin, hash brown-602 cals

Lunch: Meat supremo pizza at a local place-960 cals

Dinner: Terikayi chicken, rice, green beans-535 cals

Snacks: 2 granola bars-180 cals

Totals: 2277 cals, 114g protein
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-04-2016 , 10:41 AM
Friday morning weigh in


Week 1 -2.0 lbs
Week 2 -1.4 lbs
Week 3 -1.6 lbs
Week 4 -1.0 lbs
January -6.8 lbs
Week 5 -1.2 lbs
Week 6 -.2 lbs
Week 7 -.6 lbs
Week 8 -1.2 lbs
February -3.0 lbs
Week 9 -1.4 lbs

Total -9.8/50 (19.6%)

Total mileage:
Week 1 26.0
Week 2 28.5
Week 3 27.5
Week 4 34.0
January 126.0
Week 5 28.0
Week 6 24.0
Week 7 27.0
Week 8 34.0
February 124.0
Week 9 30.0

Total 259/1300 (19.9%)

Another good week in the books!
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:11 PM
great job
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-05-2016 , 04:37 AM
Day 202

I got out around 11 to run and was feeling good so I decided to do some intervals. Started with an easy mile to warm up then planned on doing intervals of 1 mile, half mile and 2 of a quarter mile.

The one mile interval went great, I was aiming for a sub-8:00 but came up just short at 8:03. That's a new PB for me though (not counting high school!). I walked for about 2 minutes then started the .5 mile interval. I was going even faster but about halfway thru I noticed a sharp pain in the top of my left foot, not the same one I've been having trouble with. I finished in 4:03 and after walking the foot felt better so I tried to plow thru the last two .25 mile sprints. I barely made it to the end of the first one and felt really fatigued, finishing in 2:10. I decided to skip the last one and just ran easy for the last 2.25 miles.

The pain in my left foot got worse after, making it very tender just to walk on. The right foot felt great though. Taking a rest day Saturday, I'll see how it feels Sunday and go from there. Also had my worst calorie day in several weeks, topped off with a pint of ice cream...not worried though, won't be a habit.

Breakfast: Usual plus protein bar-784 cals

Lunch: Smothered burrito, 2 hard tacos-893 cals

Dinner: Grilled pork chops, Mac & cheese, sweet peas-943 cals

Snacks: 2 granola bars, Turkey Hill Lite moose tracks ice cream (pint)-700 cals

Totals: 3320 cals, 180g protein

Mile 1 10:43
Mile 2 8:03
Mile 3 8:54
Mile 4 11:14
Mile 5 10:57

Last edited by FL Pkrdlr; 03-05-2016 at 04:50 AM.
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-05-2016 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by trontron
great job
Thanks! I owe a ton of credit to you for taking the time to post all the useful info you do...I go back and re-read a lot of it and you've helped me change the way I train for the better! Two years ago I was about the same weight I am now but nowhere near the same runner!
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-06-2016 , 11:50 AM
Day 203

Took the day off from work and running to go see my younger two kids. My daughter was in her first ever beauty pageant and won her age group! My left foot wasn't bothering me nearly as much so I'm hoping I'll be able to get a run in Sunday.

Breakfast: BK Sausage Crissanwich, hash browns-752 cals

Lunch: Pulled pork sandwich-574 cals

Dinner: Grilled pork chops, Mac & cheese, sweet peas-751 cals

Snacks: 2 granola bars-180 cals

Totals: 2258 cals, 111g protein
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-06-2016 , 08:30 PM
sharp pain is a very bad sign and you should stop the run immediately when that happens (especially during an intense workout).

it's normal to feel some small aches on a run. maybe your foot feels a little strange for a minute, then it's gone again. or your knee is somehow a little wacky but before you can really analyze it, it's normal again... this kind of stuff. this is normal. and you have some DOMS or your legs feel heavy and tired in the evening etc.
but when there is a sharp and sudden pain while running, stop instantly!

i hope it's nothing serious, but don't push your luck in the next days... be very cautious and take as much time off as needed until you feel like it's fully ok again.

about the intervals in general:
intervals are not races. the idea is not to run every single one as fast as possible. instead you want to maximize the time that you spend at an anaerobic level to increase your VO2max.
it seems you ran your first interval all out and as a result were too tired to achieve proper speed on your 2nd (but mostly third and potentially fourth) interval. a 2:10 quarter mile corresponds to a ~10min mile... (maybe i misinterpreted what you wrote and your slowdown was more a result of the injury)

the first interval was also too long. you're not fit / fast enough for 1 mile intervals (they take too long to run them at the proper speed / intensity that would be ideal). the recovery break after the first interval was also too short.

now, all of this falls somewhat in the nitpicking category... ignoring the injury stuff for a second, your workout will still have a good training effect and help you. but still, there's no reason to not try to maximize the training effect of it
i'm probably partly responsible by saying to mix stuff up. to give you a specific recommendation for a workout.
do 800m or 1000m repeats. this gives you intervals of 4-5min for each one, that's perfect.
but don't mix distances during a workout.
do a total of 4-6km of total "interval distance". ie 5x800m or 4x1000m up to 8x800m or 6x1000m. (start out at the lower bound and if it goes well, increase distance).
take 2m30s walking recovery break for 800m repeats or 3min for 1000m repeats.
pacing: to give you a starting point: 4:10 to 4:15 for the 800m , or 5:12 - 5:16 for the 1000m.
hit every single interval at those goal paces and try to keep pacing as constant as possible.
don't run them faster. not the first one. not the last one.
if your reps become too slow, increase recovery time slightly.

the first 2 reps should still feel quite easy, then it becomes tougher and tougher. the last one should be very challenging.

if the last reps still felt easy (or not tough enough), then either:
- switch from walking between reps to a slow jog
- reduce the length of the recovery breaks (but not shorter than 50% of the time your repetition took)
- increase pace of the intervals
for your next interval workout.


thank you for the kind words, you're welcome. and to nag you: buy a HR monitor for your phone. it costs $25-$40. as long as this is not a big expense for you, there's really nothing to think about. it will give you very valuable data that you will "need" (*) for your marathon training anyway... and buying it now will give you the additional data of different races over the upcoming months...

* well, of course you don't need it in a literal way. but it's important to run training runs (especially the harder workouts) at the proper pace and your heart rate gives you very valuable feedback about those paces...

Last edited by trontron; 03-06-2016 at 08:36 PM.
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-07-2016 , 05:10 PM
Day 204

Got up feeling great and did an easy 5 miles early Sunday morning. Best run all week, felt good from start to finish.

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito w/ sausage, egg & cheese-675 cals

Lunch: Patty melt w/ swiss & bbq sauce, steak fries-886 cals

Dinner: Skipped

Snacks: Popcorn, granola bar-373 cals

Totals: 1934 cals, 77g protein

Mile 1 10:52
Mile 2 10:48
Mile 3 10:51
Mile 4 10:46
Mile 5 10:46
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
03-08-2016 , 02:16 AM
Day 205

Got out around 10 am to do my long run. I was planning on doing 12 miles...instead of just doing 6 miles out and back I did four 3-mile "laps". Just in case my foot started acting up I didn't want to be stuck 5 miles away from my car. I would've stopped immediately if I felt very much pain like I did Friday.

It wasn't exactly pretty but I managed to finish with no problems from my foot. I did get fatigued as it was a fairly humid day and the last 2-3 miles were a bit of a struggle. My next race is a half marathon on March 19th so I'll ease up some and be ready to crush it hopefully!

Breakfast: Usual plus protein bar-702 cals

Lunch: Usual breakfast-495 cals

Dinner: Angus burger w/ Swiss, kettle chips-799 cals

Snacks: Popcorn, granola bar-373 cals

Totals: 2369 cals, 143g protein

Mile 1 10:52
Mile 2 11:06
Mile 3 11:12
Mile 4 10:54
Mile 5 10:58
Mile 6 11:06
Mile 7 11:01
Mile 8 11:02
Mile 9 11:09
Mile 10 11:19
Mile 11 11:13
Mile 12 11:25
Another YTF follower another dream: follow my progress to another half marathon and beyond!! Quote
