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Abrahamovic weightlifting log Abrahamovic weightlifting log

01-29-2017 , 03:57 AM
Given your progress that doesn't seem like a bad idea.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-29-2017 , 04:43 AM
BTN jerks are gay. Jerk drives are really gay. Power jerks are great for split jerkers and probably vice versa but I don't know.

I shouldn't weigh in on this because I consistently cleaned 30-50lbs more than I could jerk. I reckon that initiating the movement with breaking at the hips first is terrible for both olympic style squats and for jerks. Starting with an ever so slight bend at the hip (less than 10 degrees, maybe less than 8) but then dipping as vertically as possible and keeping the hips locked in that position *might* help *some* lifters who have forward pelvis displacement either while dipping or catching the weight (I had this problem). Abrahamovic doesn't have that problem really. It's a bad blanket recommendation, but on a case by case basis it's worth trying. Pretty sure that iranian 85kg whos name I cna't remember does this.

thremp lol c'mon dude you haven't exactly made great progress oly lifting either bud.

Any plans on what you'll do to improve clean technique? On the 120kg one there's no glaring technical flaws, it seems more like you just catch a well done pull poorly and timidly. Your elbows are quite low and it seems like you're squeezing the **** out of the bar. You don't harness the bounce very well. I kinda think it might be because you're just uncomfortable in your rack position. I think you should experiment with a 3 finger or 4 finger rack and catching with different grip widths. Might be a problem with stabilizing musculature for that position or just a timing issue of not being able to tighten up back+abs while relaxing glutes+quads to harness a bounce so your lower back just kinda collapses and you lose that elastic rebound.

Show me some more vids.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-29-2017 , 05:20 AM
That was my point. If you're getting the same mileage outta some lol credentialed Commie as I'm getting outta just showing up and guessing, he probably suck a dick.

And I think we can objectively agree that the advice is bad. Like that is a very weird tweak to make, and one I'd would argue almost never needs to be suggested. (See the Lu Yong arm bend example. If someone is already bending their arms and it isn't cause major problems. w/e, but I'd never offer it as a cue.)

One side note is that I'm still just not very strong, yet my sinclair isn't too much ****tier than other bros. Maybe I may know something about technique or smth. Or maybe I just make it all up and never actually lift. #unknown
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-29-2017 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Any plans on what you'll do to improve clean technique? On the 120kg one there's no glaring technical flaws, it seems more like you just catch a well done pull poorly and timidly. Your elbows are quite low and it seems like you're squeezing the **** out of the bar. You don't harness the bounce very well. I kinda think it might be because you're just uncomfortable in your rack position. I think you should experiment with a 3 finger or 4 finger rack and catching with different grip widths. Might be a problem with stabilizing musculature for that position or just a timing issue of not being able to tighten up back+abs while relaxing glutes+quads to harness a bounce so your lower back just kinda collapses and you lose that elastic rebound.

Show me some more vids.
you've pretty much diagnosed the problem. Back tightness in the catch position is always shiet. Idk if it's bar path, back weakness, front rack/squat mobility, general pussiness or some combo. I don't have a plan other than to try and prioritize cleans, front squats and back work.

I'm considering something ud2.0 style with olympic work at 60-80% and less arms for 4-6 weeks. Maybe that is super duper fps ******ed. I'm also not even sure I actually want to do something like that lol.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-29-2017 , 02:42 PM
hi+low hang cleans up to 205
belt squat 95x15x4
snatch Rdl 135x12x4
cgbp 135x10,10,8, 115x10
bb row 135x12x4
hanging leg raises 3x12

After some concentrated work today I think the problem is a combo of bar getting too far in front and me jumping back. This causes me to lean forward to get the bar on my shoulders rather than drive my chest up as hard as possible. 205 was actually a pretty difficult weight for me to do while focusing on these cues.

Then just added hella light volume. I'm gonna need to experiment with the belt squat setup, they are not sustainable with this level of inner thigh chafing using the dip belt
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-29-2017 , 03:16 PM
So you let the bar drift away from your body and then short your pull to compensate?

Sounds like literally every other single person. :/
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-29-2017 , 10:06 PM
I ran the above joke by my coach and I've been told that lifters in lighter weight classes will generally have hips move as far back as knees travel forward because they can't use bar whip as much since they're moving less weight. This means they have to be strong in a deeper dip position, which will look like this:

Whereas heavy lifters are less likely to use this rule as much, because they can achieve a lot of bar whip with a more shallow dip.

Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-30-2017 , 01:21 PM
Your coach is a dumbass.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-30-2017 , 09:02 PM
k pretty sure this discussion has run its course

Bulgarian ss 40sx12x4
back ext 45x12x4
incline db 50s x14,12,12,10
pullups 10,10,6 and some negatives
press 85x12,10 75x10

not as winded as last week but nausea is pretty bad. Adding reps to some stuff so that's good
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
01-30-2017 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Your coach is a dumbass.
Hahaha. Ok bro
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-01-2017 , 09:11 PM
lots of hang cleans @205
Fs 185x8x4
Pp 155x8x2
dl 245x8x2
bench 155x8,8, 135x6 ss w
pullups 8x2
curls ss w side laterals

k. gonna crush some carbz now
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-02-2017 , 11:33 AM
Did you optimize your bar whip?
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-03-2017 , 08:37 PM
unfortunately that was all in lbs so no bar whip to optimize

ps up to 195
cleans to 244x1x2
Fs 245x4, 235x4
bench 185x5x3 ss w
press 135x4x3
ab wheel

I had one bad rep and one ok one on the cleans at 245. Just gonna try to work on improving my good form max for now.

bw was 177 Wednesday and 183 today but I had severe bloating/gas/discomfort yesterday and this morning. Not sure whether to call that a refeed success or failure. Gonna have to experiment with foods and maybe digestive enzymes and glucose disposal agents if I do this for long
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-04-2017 , 04:37 AM
That was the joke.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-05-2017 , 02:30 PM
block cleans up to 185x2x3
belt squat 100x15x5
snatch Rdl 145x13x4
press 95x12,10, 85x12,8 ss w
pullups 3x8
leg raises 2x10

Not sure how I feel about block cleans. Belt squats I found that looping the chain through the other side of the belt then through the weights and clipping the chain back to itself worked for avoiding scraping.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-06-2017 , 07:52 AM
I think partials are kinda dumb except as part of a complex so you pre-fatigue a portion of the lift for whatever reason your coach deems worthwhile.

I guess they're great for n00bs tho.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-06-2017 , 09:59 PM
hmm k. I was hoping it would help me focus on certain smaller chunks of the movement but it kinda just made me feel awkward, like I was in positions I never would be from the floor.

Pj up to 205x3x3
Bulgarian ss 85x13,13,13/10, 75x13
back ext +45x13x5
cgbp 135x10x3 ss w
rows 135x10,10,13

still dying during these
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-07-2017 , 08:56 PM
snatch to 185x1x3
box jumps 5x3
ab wheel 4x10
8 mins assault bike

I feel lazy now if I train <5x a week lol
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-08-2017 , 09:02 PM
belt squat 115x8,8,10,10
press 135x6, 115x8x2
dl 255x8x2
incline db 50sx10x3, 12 ss w
pullups 3x8
curls ss w skullcrushers ss w side laterals

176.7 today. Gonna eat a different cereal than last week and grab some digestive enzymes if they aren't expensive.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-12-2017 , 02:24 PM
somehow I got sick again. Pretty facking bs that I had to skip my post refeed session

cleans @ 225
belt squat 125x15x4
snatch Rdl 150x13x3
press 100x10x3, 8 ss w
pullups 10x2 8x2

cleans were meh. Not terrible but don't feel like I'm making any progress.

Belt squats I meant to do 105 but added a 25 and 10 instead of a 10 and a 5...... maybe I got mad cow disease and it's eating my brain
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-13-2017 , 09:27 PM
clean w/ 3 position pause to 205, 145x1x4, 155
Bulgarian ss 40sx13x4
back ext 45x15x4 ss w
cgbp 145 x10 , 8 135x10
rows 145x10x2

cleans seemed like they were helpful. Still dying cardio wise although the cold is probably part of it
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-14-2017 , 10:11 AM
idk if you're still looking for new programming or you have something figured out, but I thought you might like this

Pendlay intermediate/advanced. Fairly dynamic, but not FPSy, and being updated in real time RIGHT NOW.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-15-2017 , 09:07 PM
Plan is lsus in 1-4 more weeks. That pendlay **** looks decent but the formatting is AIDS. Can't tell where the thing starts or ends. I thought this overview was cool though, lines up nicely with my current views on training.

Originally Posted by Pendlay
Are you a beginner or intermediate lifter in your first 6 to 36 months of weightlifting training? If so how much of your weekly training volume is made up of lifts like back raises, GHR's. various rows as well as other hip, hamstring, and single joint exercises?

The Russians thought that a big portion of any beginners or intermediates program should be made up of these developmental exercises as well as other general strength training. Your first year of training is NOT the time to experiment with the full Bulgarian program or any other specialized weightlifting program. Doing this too early can hurt your progress and may interfere with you EVER reaching your full potential.

Fs 195x8x3, 185x8
press 125x8, 4+105x4, 6
dl 265x8x2
incline db 50sx12x3 ss w
pullups 8, chins 8x2
laterals, push-ups, curls tri set x2

felt good today, weight was 174.7

trying to get my number1hater on

Last edited by abrahamovic; 02-15-2017 at 09:17 PM.
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-17-2017 , 09:37 PM
cleans to 115, doubles at 100 some with paused first rep
squat 3s 100, 110, 120, 130, 135 failed 3rd, 100, 110, 120x4 sets

Cleans are progressing decently. Gonna go back tomorrow for upper body
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
02-17-2017 , 09:40 PM
You failed 135x3? How come? Iirc you were squatting more weight for more reps not that long ago
Abrahamovic weightlifting log Quote
