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*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** *** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread ***

01-03-2014 , 03:21 PM
2014 goals:

-complete 10,000 KB challenge to start year, not in a month though
-bodyweight <250 at some point in the year, current goal is Mar 1
-Lift weights, lifetime PR in at least one lift at a bodyweight <260, maybe even significantly less if diet continues to go well
-bodyfat <15%
-Don't get bored. Do something that's not lifting weights if I need to like walking, hiking, strongman, cycling, swimming, just something new so as not to get bored.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 03:52 PM
2014 goals

-10% bf
-compete in strongman
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 04:58 PM
After last year, I'm gonna go with much more modest goals for 2014:

BW: <200 by 7/1/14 (230)
Snatch: 185 with Fredd approved form (???)
C&J: 100kg (85kg)
Run at least 1 5K
Mobility work at least 3 days per week and un**** my legs
OHP body weight (190)
Don't kill anybody
Pass boards
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:06 PM
visible abs
run a mile under ten minutes(treadmill)
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:12 PM
What the hell:

1) not get seriously injured

2) not get seriously sick

3) get stronger (1k total):
- bench 225x5
- lbbs 315x5
- DL 405x1

4) Make concerted effort to become 3pt shooter & actually play some bball.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
What the hell:

1) not get seriously injured

2) not get seriously sick

3) get stronger (1k total):
- bench 225x5
- lbbs 315x5
- DL 405x1

4) Make concerted effort to become 3pt shooter & actually play some bball.
Both would be good considering your log is "Yugo's SS and Basketball Log" and they both seem to be missing from the log.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:43 PM
My log really should read more like "Yugo's sometimes meh/sometimes entertaining log" or something. I mean. I did 5/3/1 most of 2012 and it still just said SS. What I did in 2013 was much more similar to SS than 5/3/1.

Good call on the bball. I'm trying to remedy that as since getting unsick I'm shooting instead of doing machine cardio.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
visible abs
run a mile under ten minutes(treadmill)
Pretty positive anyone with visible abs can probably run a sub 7 mile.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 06:37 PM
Ten minute treadmill mile is the WOAT goal
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-03-2014 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Ten minute treadmill mile is the WOAT goal
I mean...if you're morbidly obese then it's a fine goal....
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-04-2014 , 09:05 AM
Current 1RM -> Target 1RM

Squat 160kg -> 180kg
Deadlift 180kg -> 200kg
Bench 122.5kg -> 130kg
Push Press 100kg -> 110kg

Reach 10-12% BF and see abs
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-05-2014 , 08:11 PM
Last year was pretty much a cluster**** for me. A lot of illness set me back ~3 months in total. Dieting gone bad. Etc.

So this year I'm setting some more reasonable goals. I assume only 5 months of actual progressing through a slow bulk. I need to cut for 2 more months to reach my target weight (75 kg/165 lbs @ 6'). Then a slow bulk until June or so (3 months), followed by 1-2 months of cutting/maintenance. Then a slow bulk with a month's cut or so in there I figure. Shave off at least 1.5 for vacation (3 weeks planned), illness, minor injuries etc. However it pans out exactly 5 months is fine by me and seems pretty realistic.

I figure I can increase squat/DL by 10 kg for each of the first 2 months, then 5 kgs last 3. Bench, 5 kg 2 months then 2.5. Press 2.5 kg then 1 kg.

So starting lifts/goals, all in 5RMs:

Squat: 107.5 kg/237 lbs ----> 142.5 kg/314 lbs
Bench: 80 kg/176 lbs ----> 97.5 kg/215 lbs
Press: 57.5 kg/127 lbs ----> 65.5 kg/144 lbs
Deadlift: 117.5 kg/259 lbs --> 152.5 kg/336 lbs

Body fat should never be above ~14% (non-DEXA), I'll cut whenever I get there, oscillating between 10 to 14.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-06-2014 , 01:48 AM
My goal is simple:

to get back on the path of fitness and physical righteousness

As of now, I'm in the worst shape of my life and I'm tired of it ,5'11" 272 lbs.

By the end of this year I will be 205 lbs and studly...
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-19-2014 , 11:42 PM
new goal

im getting the loco
i dont hope to get it, im going to get it.
its not even going to be close.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-19-2014 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
My goal is simple:

to get back on the path of fitness and physical righteousness

As of now, I'm in the worst shape of my life and I'm tired of it ,5'11" 272 lbs.

By the end of this year I will be 205 lbs and studly...
QF can't wait to see it! Get em!
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-20-2014 , 03:33 AM
[ ] Get less than 170 lbs (starting 230)
[ ] Less than 200 by may 26th to win bet with crash (my $100 to his $200)
[ ] Do well in school
[ ] Be winning player at up to plo50
[ ] Find activities (particularly physical/oudoor) that I can concentrate on and be passionate about even with knee
[ ] Do better about depression, hopefully getting off medication
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-21-2014 , 03:36 PM
My goals should be easy

Lift consistently without ego lifting
Bigger back and legs
Deadlift and Squat with no buttwink
Be stronger than monte and loco
By summer have the lowest body fat in H&F
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
01-21-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
My goals should be easy

Lift consistently without ego lifting
Bigger back and legs
Deadlift and Squat with no buttwink
Be stronger than monte and loco
By summer have the lowest body fat in H&F
pretty sure you can check one goal off this list already
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:11 AM
I have had goals in mind for six weeks or more but not got around to typing them up. I'm going for a similar style of goals to last year but more conservative:

(1) Weight down to 190 pounds or less (I started the year at 212)

(2) Body Fat on my scales below 25% (I started the year at 32.9%)

(3) Average three or more days a week where I exercise 50 minutes + over the year (I'm not doing calculations though)

(4) 50 press-ups (push ups) without stopping

(5) 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer at level 20 with spm averaging over 90

I have no idea if these goals are consistent with each other, but I will give them a spin.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
I want to:
1. Get home gym established with basic equipment
2. Avoid serious injury and get back to lifting
3. Squat 200kg, Deadlift 220kg, Bench 120kg
4. Compete in a meet and convince wife to as well
5. Keep improving oly form
Mid year-ish bump.

1. Not established, but equipment is slowly building. Have rack, bar, some plates. Maybe functional for my secondary lifts by end of year.

2. So far, so good!

3. On track maybe? 5kg squat, 10kg deadlift and 5kg bench in the rest of the year seem doable.

4. Done, except wife probably won't. Or maybe.

5. Probably the weakest effort on this front. Im a few bumpers short of getting something setup at home which would make it possible. Would like to clean 100kg this year.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Become a IEL
Might actually get this one. Leanest I've been all year.

Originally Posted by Aidan
Mid year-ish bump.

1. Not established, but equipment is slowly building. Have rack, bar, some plates. Maybe functional for my secondary lifts by end of year.

2. So far, so good!

3. On track maybe? 5kg squat, 10kg deadlift and 5kg bench in the rest of the year seem doable.

4. Done, except wife probably won't. Or maybe.

5. Probably the weakest effort on this front. Im a few bumpers short of getting something setup at home which would make it possible. Would like to clean 100kg this year.
U can power 100 if u put in some work. More than strong enough.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45

Get squat form KC approved
LOL. Especially the first one
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
1. Squat 5RM 315 (currently 250ish)
2. Bench 1RM 315 (currently 270ish)
3. DL 5RM 405 (currently 350ish)
4. Bw+bf%: Pipe dream is 180 at 10-12%. 170-175 is more likely.
1. I think I could do an easy triple. If I Monte it up, maaaaybe a 5RM. Definitely by EOY.
2. Stalled at 285. But brogress might be mine again. Will see when I test new 1RM next week. Hoping for 290 or 295.
3. Later reps would be ugly, but I think I could do this now.
4. Stalled at 170. Whatever. Maybe revise my goal to 180@ 13% bodpod/17% loco approved
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
1. Improve conditioning
2. Maintain sub 200 bodyweight
3. Squat 5RM 300
4. Bench 1RM 315
5. DL 1RM 405
6. Press 1RM of BW (~190ish)

3-6 are essentially 9 month goals, since I'll be kettlegarding for the first quarter of the year or so, but whatever.
Successful with 1 and 2. 5 seems possible. Giant lol at everything else.
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Successful with 1 and 2. 5 seems possible. Giant lol at everything else.
I have no doubt you will get #3 by the end of the year
*** 2014 Goal and Resolution Thread *** Quote
