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EDF MMA October Thread EDF MMA October Thread

10-08-2008 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Sounds like I need to grow a beard and go beat up on some bums
You don't even have to have any punching power, ground game, or chin, you just have to look menacing and post some YouTube vids and you're in.
10-08-2008 , 09:58 AM
New Rage in the Cage got announced today in Arizona. Here is the fight card:

How many of these guys do you know. I bolded the one's I know, but am looking for input on any of the others. I'm thinking about going...

Fight Card:

Super Main Events:

Joe Riggs ( 185 ) vs JR Schumacher ( 185 )
Ricco Rodriguez ( 260 ) vs Robert Beraun ( 240 ) The Rematch

Co-Main Events:

Vince Lucero ( 280 ) vs Eric Prindle ( 300 ) RITC World SHW
Alex Coronado ( 170 ) vs Ryan Kelly ( 170 ) RITC World WW Championship
James Ramsey ( 135 ) vs Austin Pascucci ( 135 ) RITC World FW

Featured Fights:

Joe Cronin ( 180 ) vs Jeff Horlacher ( 180 )
Richard Hale ( 210 ) vs Rio Mayo ( 215 )
Jose Cortez ( 185 ) vs Zack Mathews ( 185 )
Matt Dell ( 155 ) vs Nick Hedrick ( 150 )
Cody Pearce ( 165 ) vs Abraham Cortez ( 165 )
Jacob Ortiz ( 185 ) vs Colten Smith ( 185 )
Chris McGraw ( 150 ) vs Roman Salazar ( 150 )


Freddy Fernandez ( 180 ) vs Shawn Hargrove ( 180 )
Jay Boss ( 145 ) vs Brent Agee ( 140 )
Shawn "Iceman" Frye ( 210 ) vs Robert Wilbanks ( 210 )
Steve Bullock ( 145 ) vs Brandon O'Brian ( 140 )
Logan Hopp ( 155 ) vs Steve Bullock ( 145 )
Rick Encinas ( 195 ) vs Scott Guenther ( 210 )
Josh Madrigal ( 145 ) vs Justin Cuevas ( 140 )
10-08-2008 , 05:33 PM
i love TUF. even if they arent the best fighters in the world (some of them turn into them.. ) , they have the most exciting fights just because of the fact you get to know them guys by watching the show and all lthe drama associated with it. Effin love this show and look forward to it every week.

all the previews looked amazing for this week.. cant wait to see junie wild'in out and possibly getting kicked off tonight .
10-08-2008 , 11:01 PM
sry kentucky boys - your buddy is a huge tool.
10-09-2008 , 12:04 AM
Junie is one of those people who is going to murder someone in a few years because they looked at him wrong in a bar or something. And then in prison he'll be shanking people until he gets killed.
10-09-2008 , 12:20 AM
I was pulling hard for Efrain at the end. He was one of the few guys that actually came off looking good in that ep. Junie seems like some kind of depressed, sociopathic idiot. Shane, in addition to being another uncontrollable idiot while drunk, looked awfully pathetic in that state. I have to think anybody he was shoving could have squashed him like a bug. Krzysztof and Bader should quit the passive-aggressive stuff.

Anyway, good ep, great result.
10-09-2008 , 01:03 AM
If he doesn't get kicked off the next episode I'll be surprised. Dana used his get outta jail free card this episode and he burned it by...being annoyed a wrestler won a fight?

I did lol when he jumped the cage though. ****ing animal.
10-09-2008 , 01:17 AM
i'm about 15 minutes into this episode. he just started crying. jesus christ. yeah, maybe that's the kind of guy who kills someone b/c they looked at him wrong. but more likely catches a cheap shot in a brawl and hits his head and never wakes up.
10-09-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by lapoker17
sry kentucky boys - your buddy is a huge tool.
maybe, but you wouldnt tell him that to his face.

dude can fight.
10-09-2008 , 01:52 AM
of course. he's a professional fighter. that doesn't have much to do with him being a jackass.

having said that, i like having someone to root for/against. is this a camera hype out of nothing job, or is he a douche in real life.
10-09-2008 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Rootabager
maybe, but you wouldnt tell him that to his face.

dude can fight.
Yeah, because the dude might snap and try to kill him on the spot.

Junie is a ****ing asshat who has no business being on the show at this point.

On a related note, Dana needs to start taking responsibility for this ****. This season looks like they have more outlets at home (basketball court, believe there's a trampoline back there too, etc.), but you shove 16 guys in a house, don't let them read anything, watch any TV, call their families...but you give them buttloads of alcohol on call*. Because they're "men" and they should be able to "have a few drinks."

I understand that you want to have an entertaining series, but I'm not interested in watching 22 year old meatheads who don't have their **** together. It makes the fighters look bad, it makes the company look bad, and it makes the sport look bad.

And quit acting so surprised when these guys come on and make asses of themselves. You know who you're bringing on the show forchristsake.

* There's a funny anecdote from one of the last seasons where it would take upwards of a week to get organic chicken in the house, but if they called the production crew for alcohol it was delivered within the hour or something.

Edit: Junie ****ing assaulted someone with a glass. How is he still on the show.
10-09-2008 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Jon1000
of course. he's a professional fighter. that doesn't have much to do with him being a jackass.

having said that, i like having someone to root for/against. is this a camera hype out of nothing job, or is he a douche in real life.
lol i mean if hes not a douchebag irl he needs to go to hollywood as hes in the wrong biz.
10-09-2008 , 07:03 AM
also i hate dana white for some reason. i admire his success but he just seems like a supatool to me.
10-09-2008 , 07:58 AM
i dunno what i want to see more...junie thrown off asap or him to lose his first fight. obv the fight would be more satisfying but that would require more weeks of him.
10-09-2008 , 10:56 AM
They certainly did as good a job as possible making me hate Junie as much as possible. If he's not off next episode, I'll likely quit watching, because if I wanted to watch this level of asshattery Id' be watching WWE. <sarcasm> The fights are more entertaining there too!</sarcasm>

Contrary to sublime, I love Dana White, but he's making a big mistake if he thinks this is what his core audience wants to watch.

10-09-2008 , 12:25 PM
Yup, junie is a pathetic ******, he should be sent off.

ZOMG anderson silva in next weeks previews, Bader throws like 7 punches and doesn't land a single one lol.
10-09-2008 , 01:28 PM
Shane only managed to stay in the house due to Junie's talent.
10-09-2008 , 02:30 PM
I think Dana had some machiavelian reasons for keeping Junie on when he obv should have been kicked off. He sees some potential for big drama and has visions of huge ratings in his head. LOL at "boring ass wrestler," that triangle was pretty sweet. Sad that Junie makes Jesse Taylor look like a model citizen.
10-09-2008 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
I understand that you want to have an entertaining series, but I'm not interested in watching 22 year old meatheads who don't have their **** together. It makes the fighters look bad, it makes the company look bad, and it makes the sport look bad.

And quit acting so surprised when these guys come on and make asses of themselves. You know who you're bringing on the show forchristsake.
(emphasis mine)

This nails it.

It's why I have no patience for Dana getting all self-righteous in interviews about EliteXC and how, “I’ve been busting my (expletive) for 10 years flying all over the planet to show everybody what a great sport this is and what amazing people are involved in it." (source at the Boston Herald, as quoted by fiveouncesofpain). When Dana [s]tolerates[/s] encourages this kind of crap on TUF, he has no standing to say anything of that sort. Height of hypocrisy.

I *like* Dana and the UFC. He doesn't get a free pass because of that, though.

Last edited by ReptileHouse; 10-09-2008 at 02:44 PM. Reason: edit: damnit. no strikethrough? bah.
10-09-2008 , 03:19 PM
I case you guys didn't realize it, Junie is a HUGE PUSSY. He runs his mouth and when someone calls him out, "I thought were friends." He is a punk, period. He goes on a tantrum and when someone throws his clothes in the pool, he asks who did it, when he finds out, he gets scared and starts copping pleas. LOL. He only resumes his tantrum when he realizes that nobody will hit him LOL.

He will never make it in MMA. Punch him once and he won't want to fight anymore.
10-09-2008 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Niwa
Shane only managed to stay in the house due to Junie's talent.
So true
10-09-2008 , 06:09 PM
Jesus that guy is hard to watch. I wanted Nogueira to just clock him in the face when he jumped in the ring. In alot of ways it's even worse knowing that he can beat the crap out of me if he wanted
10-09-2008 , 08:34 PM
Contrary to sublime, I love Dana White, but he's making a big mistake if he thinks this is what his core audience wants to watch.
to be fair, this is the only season i have watched so i am judging him on a SSS. i disklike him solely for letting junie stay. the people in the house are fighting for their dream and they have some clown throwing glasses at them and popcorn in their faces and ****. i mean wtf? they are put in a no win situation. they cant hit the dude cuz they get bounced so they have to sit there while somebody calls them a bitch, disrespects them in many other ways etc. HE CUT A FIGHTER WITH A GLASS...W T F

the day after he is crying and thanking dana for giving him a chance he is trying to pick a fight with efrian. just a major clown.
10-09-2008 , 08:36 PM
I wish dana would say "ok you can stay, but if you start **** with someone they have the right to beat the hell out of you"
10-09-2008 , 08:51 PM
Actually I was just reading mmajunkie and Ryan Bader says:

Pretty eventful night, huh? The next day we are all waiting on Dana White to come in and tell Junie that he is gone for good. But to all of our surprise, Dana lets him stay. We are all shocked. Then Dana tells us that he would not have been the least bit angry if one of us would have just laid him out. Now we are angry that we did not do it. No punishment whatsoever for Junie. Nelson gets what he was looking for, which is a fight.

Full article
