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08-02-2011 , 11:02 PM
Wow never realized how good snipe is against zerg.

Full energy ghost (200/100) can kill:

[Unit]: [# of units] ([cost differential per ghost])

Lings: 8 (-0/100, don't bother)
Banes: 8 (200/100, super good)
Roaches: 2 (-50/-50, not effective)
Hydras: 4 (200/100, very good)
Infestors: 2.67 (67/300, very good but you are always better off EMPing individual infestors - it's the same cost and prevents it from spellcasting - unless you're confident can pull it off in 2 shots and won't get burned)
Mutas: 2.67 (67/167, very good)
Corruptors: 1.6 (40/60, decent)
Ultra: 0.7 (10/40, marginal but nothing to laugh at)
Brood Lord: 1.33 (200/233, amazing)

Now of course you won't always have all full-energy ghosts, they won't always get all of their snipes off, and you don't lose the ghosts by expending their energy so the ones you retain can be even more cost effective as the game progresses. So using snipes on roaches isn't really even a loss so long as you aren't depending on ghosts to survive against roaches.
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08-03-2011 , 12:17 AM
posting this here cause i want some toss player help too

plus ti's sort of BBV since i attack with a 75+ supply advantage like 3 times and lose

can anyone help me understand why i lost this game? at one point i was up 100 supply, but he FF'd me out of my 3rd... i stepped back, waited for reinforcements... attacked up 75 supply or so and got raped. and then repeated that over and over (i was in julyzerg attack til he dies mode) until his superior probe count overcame me.

villain is like 250 pt masters

alkso the random 4 pack of l ings after i took my 3rd was total spaz mistake i know that was wrong
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08-03-2011 , 12:31 AM
watching it now

your attack at 17 minutes should have won the game. you forced him back into his 3rd, why on earth did you pull back? you should have went into the natural and rallied everything in and won the game!
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08-03-2011 , 12:38 AM
i thought it'd be the same and safer if i just waited for reinforcements. i thought it was over too i just thought there was no way he'd replenish supply as much as me and i'd stay ahead or get further ahead before the final blow
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08-03-2011 , 12:43 AM
yeah.. its easy to underestimate the protoss production capablities... especially since they get to warp their new army in all together, but yeah, i think if you push into the main you coulda done some serious game ending damage there and just rallied your reinforcements down, once you get into the main you can rally reinforcements into the 3rd, start doing burrow shennanigans, etc

also, your obv miles better than u were a month ago
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08-03-2011 , 01:04 AM
word tyvm. i think i was just hesitant and once i decided to attack ih ad stopped droning so i had to win right there

also brag just did pwny build for old time's sake and i dont recall the exact BO but it still rapes roaches on tal'darim!
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08-03-2011 , 01:22 AM
Now that I've figured out how to better use zealot/sentry properly bio doesn't seem AS terrifying. Being on the offensive helps a lot though.
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08-03-2011 , 02:37 AM
anyone speak Spanish or Portuguese or whatever this is?

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08-03-2011 , 02:47 AM
google translate is your friend. it says "so we really master but don't know $hit"
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08-03-2011 , 02:53 AM


Who has more points and is a higher ranked Masters player... Gospy or Karak?


Last edited by Karak; 08-03-2011 at 03:15 AM. Reason: even if we add gospy's bonus pool to his score, obv
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08-03-2011 , 03:19 AM
is this better dingo?

note about this game: i was lagging the entire game. the. entire. game. i was moving at frames per second. you'll note one battle where you'll want to say "WTF ARE YOU DOING" as i waste tons of my army, but i was furiously clicking back to no response of my units. i also clicked some upgrades (such as burrow and burrow move) and never realized it didnt register cause i was lag spiking at thetime.

but i macro'd like such a ****ing boss that it didnt matter. check it out. this guy was pretty decently ranked too, like 350+ points i think. i obviously sat on 55 drones for a while, but i felt like i had him on the ropes and didnt want to give him a second to breathe. i squeezed like 20 more drones in eventually once i threw up a 4th. i kept my money down all game. first macro win vs a toss in a while.

also im 36-17 this season (with a couple d/c losses today sadly) and passed teamscvlife :-P.

Last edited by Karak; 08-03-2011 at 03:27 AM.
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08-03-2011 , 03:41 AM
I just played a PvP where my opp 11 gated and got warpgate research done at 5:29 and was warping zealots in on my high ground at 5:48. I 12 gated and just died.
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08-03-2011 , 03:48 AM
Gz Karak

I'm looking forward to the next tiltsession
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08-03-2011 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Wow never realized how good snipe is against zerg.

Full energy ghost (200/100) can kill:

[Unit]: [# of units] ([cost differential per ghost])

Lings: 8 (-0/100, don't bother)
Banes: 8 (200/100, super good)
Roaches: 2 (-50/-50, not effective)
Hydras: 4 (200/100, very good)
Infestors: 2.67 (67/300, very good but you are always better off EMPing individual infestors - it's the same cost and prevents it from spellcasting - unless you're confident can pull it off in 2 shots and won't get burned)
Mutas: 2.67 (67/167, very good)
Corruptors: 1.6 (40/60, decent)
Ultra: 0.7 (10/40, marginal but nothing to laugh at)
Brood Lord: 1.33 (200/233, amazing)

Now of course you won't always have all full-energy ghosts, they won't always get all of their snipes off, and you don't lose the ghosts by expending their energy so the ones you retain can be even more cost effective as the game progresses. So using snipes on roaches isn't really even a loss so long as you aren't depending on ghosts to survive against roaches.
one of the more important things to keep in mind with ghosts is they get bonus damage to light, which gives them better dps than a marine against muta hydra ling bane.

when I'm screwing around in 4v4 making a bunch of ghosts, i love seeing a huge flock of mutas fly into my ghost ball and just melt.
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08-03-2011 , 09:33 AM
Based on my high school level spanish education that guy is saying something like:

Are you really masters?

You don't know ****.

That's not the literal translation. IMO languages should be 1 to 1, would make things a lot easier.
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08-03-2011 , 12:34 PM
how is karak in masters and im in platinum now

lol i suck @ random
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08-03-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I just played a PvP where my opp 11 gated and got warpgate research done at 5:29 and was warping zealots in on my high ground at 5:48. I 12 gated and just died.
was this like a korean 4 gate? if you do a standard zealot/stalker for your first two units, you should be able to both a) scout your opponent and realize his earlier gate (i guess depending on the scout timing/map size) and b) be able to kill the proxy pylon enough to delay his push. k4g should be extinct with the new patch.
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08-03-2011 , 01:07 PM
I think the answer is to chrono units out, stop him from getting any pylons down in your base and anywhere near your mineral line. If you can do that, you'll be fine.

You should never not scout k4g.
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08-03-2011 , 01:26 PM
I messed around with a new build that gets a 12 gate, 14 gas, etc, spends 2 chronos on probes, then chronos stalkers/gate tech (mostly stalkers) and gets 3 gates. It has 3 stalkers out by like 5:35 (or earlier, can't remember). Doing this build I would've been able to completely shut him down. I think this may be a viable way to 3 gate robo in PvP, though if your ramp is breached before immortals get out you pretty much die without 4 gates.

And I did scout it... wasn't really asking for advice either, I was just surprised at how fast an 11 gate gets warp gate research done. I lose plenty of games because of bad play/mismicro/whatever, it doesn't take a rocket scientist or a masters player to figure out how to not lose those games. Can we move beyond the level of telling people they really should try to scout their opponent's early-game building timings in this forum? Anyone with pulse knows the basics and its grating to hear them incessantly rehashed.

Last edited by AKSpartan; 08-03-2011 at 01:40 PM.
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08-03-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by AlphaDog
upon seeing karak in master league, blizzard should immediatly make a new league higher than masters yet lower than GM.
Originally Posted by Gospy
I support this.
Originally Posted by imolin
well after mlg and seeing karak finally make masters, i think it's time to start my grind up again
Originally Posted by tercet
how is karak in masters and im in platinum now

lol i suck @ random
Originally Posted by Karak


Who has more points and is a higher ranked Masters player... Gospy or Karak?

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08-03-2011 , 02:40 PM
in b4 massive tilt ----> demoted to plat
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08-03-2011 , 02:42 PM
i will make it my weekly mission to finish with more ladder points than you angrydarko
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08-03-2011 , 02:45 PM
ill fail tho

Last edited by Karak; 08-03-2011 at 02:45 PM. Reason: unless your keeper forbids you from playing sc2
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08-03-2011 , 02:48 PM
don't worry, my keeper understands the importance of maintaining bragging rights over you
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