Rare NES game goes for $13K on eBay.
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,736
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
if i was a buyer I would have emailed her and tried to set up a buy-it-now at like 500 bucks
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2,029
Originally Posted by gateswi
not real
Im tired of these joy bidders thats not willing to pay and are playing around do you know this is causing me money to list this up. I will only take serious inquiries and offers only now and will not answer anyone with a yellow star rating. The two highest bidders was little kids that are sitting on their butts with pepperoni face pimples that have no lives. Now if you guys want to really make a offer please email me an offer and i will answer as many questions as possible.