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Pokemon Go Pokemon Go

08-23-2016 , 03:08 PM
It's hard to sustain interest in a game like this without more frequent updates. I have fewer than 20 left to collect - excluding the ones I just need to get insanely lucky to hatch or catch, if there's another 8 months before the Gen II monsters get released, what is there left to do? I can't fight other trainers, only gyms. I can't trade to help with my collection.

I think I personally will keep playing, but I can see why the popularity is dying off relatively quickly.

I will say FDR was still packed with players, though, even more so than last time (of course last time it rained buckets, so sane people probably looked at the weather predictions and stayed home). At one point there was a night tour going through and I swear I heard one of the men in the tour group say, in one of the thickest most stereotypical southern redneck drawls you can imagine, "These pokeman people are stupid."

I had to walk away from the group before I broke out laughing.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 03:15 PM
Trying build gyms by putting a 20 cp mon and fighting it with a 10cp mon is an art. Holding gyms makes the game slightly more interesting. I lost xx,xxx in my investment fund and felt pretty bad, then hatched a Snorlax and was as chipper as could be the rest of the day.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 05:55 PM
The biggest issue is that there just isn't really anything to work to because battling isn't very rewarding and there's no real end game goal. I imagine they will add something but they ****ed up tracking for so long that it's just not very fun to hunt the rare pokemon and if you don't have a big rare pokemon you can't really compete in the gyms.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 06:15 PM
you dont need rare pokemons to compete in gyms... high cp arcanine or evolved evee, are very easy to obtain.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 07:02 PM
kind of excited to see them add the IV to the game. Never did use any of the 3rd party sites to figure it out.. Be nice to see if I screwed up or not on some of my pokemon
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 07:31 PM
Total speculation, but I think the developers get that mobile games are pretty fad-ish. I think they are probably going to release updated features in order to stem the dropoff rather than keep attracting new players. Otherwise why wait to release PvP and trading? There is probably some truth to the idea that industrious hackers have stymied the developers from releasing updated features a little bit (particularly since the anti-hack measures have all seemed pretty reactive and a bit amateur), but I think the delayed rollout is mostly just to retain interest and keep from having an even more steep decline in player pools.

I really hope that the developers fix their tracking system though. In either event, I think those industrious Pokemon Go hackers must just be dilligent enough to develop a workaround (I mean they re-hacked the Niantic API changes that frustrated Ingress players for years in just 4 days!).
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 07:32 PM
Also, FYI, nests have shifted again. The only one I remember off my head is that Eevee has gone to Kabuto, but there have been a great many more shifts than just that.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 08:12 PM
cant wait to mug little kids and "trade" their pokiemanz for my pidgeys
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by TS2
you dont need rare pokemons to compete in gyms... high cp arcanine or evolved evee, are very easy to obtain.
I'm level 25, with a tracker, and have 30 growlithe candies.

The majority of those are from an egg.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 09:09 PM
Was the IV calcs in this update or in a future update? I looked around a bit but could only find the appraisal thing which seemed dumb.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by C Bids
Was the IV calcs in this update or in a future update? I looked around a bit but could only find the appraisal thing which seemed dumb.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 10:27 PM
u fin d it in the same place you would transfer toprofessor for candy, an option in the same menu
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
I'm level 25, with a tracker, and have 30 growlithe candies.

The majority of those are from an egg.
I finally finished my first Arcanine yesterday at level 24.

Felt good but yeah those things are rare as **** in some areas.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 11:23 PM
Updated app and checked out appraisal feature.


"Your pokeman is amazing" "It's small how cute"
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 11:35 PM
There's a chart going around showing what the messages actually mean
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 11:43 PM
pretty sure this team valor gym leader is flirting with me
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by esad
Updated app and checked out appraisal feature.


"Your pokeman is amazing" "It's small how cute"
Yep it's lame.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-23-2016 , 11:45 PM
Obviously I had to nickname one of mine "penis" so I could get the message, "your penis is tinier than any we have on record"
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by whatthejish

3:30 am On my way to work found 2 open gym slots. 1 was dead by 3:45 other is still going strong 3 hours later. This is the longest I've ever had 1 in a gym.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by bware
Obviously I had to nickname one of mine "penis" so I could get the message, "your penis is tinier than any we have on record"
Cool meme brah
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
There's a chart going around showing what the messages actually mean
Why not just tell me instead of this coy dialog bs.

What's wrong with good old-fashioned numbers?
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 10:01 AM
Just noticed this in the notes:
Fixed a bug that kept defeated Pokémon at 1HP; these Pokémon will now return as fainted Pokémon. We’re working on rebalancing the training battle, stay tuned.
So, revives have a bit more utility. Hopefully the training changes will make it less of a grind.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by esad
Why not just tell me instead of this coy dialog bs.

What's wrong with good old-fashioned numbers?
I agree, it's dumb but I guess they wanted it to not break the immersion lol
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 10:38 AM
Also it's a game for children
Pokemon Go Quote
08-24-2016 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by bware
Obviously I had to nickname one of mine "penis" so I could get the message, "your penis is tinier than any we have on record"
I'm obviously going to have to name one of my XL guys "Butt" and another "Poop" when my kids get home.
Pokemon Go Quote
