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Pokemon Go Pokemon Go

08-14-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
I got a charmander as my starter a month ago and haven't seen a single one since then
I've only seen a shadow of one a couple times. people tell me I can get one out of a 2k egg but I only get pidgey's and weedles

earned enough pokecoins to finally buy something. It came down to upgrading my bag or incubators. Went with the bag upgrade
Pokemon Go Quote
08-14-2016 , 10:36 PM
I'm pretty sure I just tag teamed a gym. There was a little 2 in the corner, the Pokémon my partner was using could be seen in the background attacking, and the enemy Pokémon was getting beat down a lot faster than I could've done on my own. That was the first time I had seen that and I haven't seen it mentioned ITT. Pretty cool.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-14-2016 , 10:48 PM
Yeah I've seen it a few times. I was able to roll thru the park nearby and take 3 gyms real quick and then collect the bonus for them before anyone took them.

That's what I've been doing lately, wait until the collection cooldown is over and then find a bunch of gyms in close proximity and try to take them quick to get some coinage.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-14-2016 , 11:49 PM
Yeah, my wife and I can team up on gyms and take them down much more easily.

Q: When you evolve a Pokémon, does the type of its attacks get conserved in the higher form, or are the powers completely rerolled? I haven't kept track well.
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08-15-2016 , 03:19 AM
Caught a lapras and blastoise today. 16 more to go...still need a dragonite...
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08-15-2016 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
It is addictive, that's what makes it fun. And the sound when something spawns and you have that momentary hope it's NOT another Pidgey...

Last night I about lost my **** when the Pikachu spawned. My day was made as soon as I knew I'd captured him.
haha, finally got your pikachu, congratz! My situation is a little different though, i dont have the game sound turned on so it vibrates for me. so im either praying its not a pidgey or praying its not another text from the wife lol

Originally Posted by dlk9s
So disappointed today. Finally went for my first gym battle. I got the gym down to zero, saw it turn white, and then when I tapped on it, it was a different team's color.

Theres a college near my house with two gyms that are pretty much changing hands every 10 minutes. Gym sniping use to happen a ton there and after asking other players about the situation everybody has pretty much adapted. Teams are now fighting in groups and when one team clears a gym out, his team mate quickly adds a pokemon so their team maintains control after clearing it out to avoid being sniped.

Last edited by H0RUS; 08-15-2016 at 04:23 AM.
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08-15-2016 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, my wife and I can team up on gyms and take them down much more easily.

Q: When you evolve a Pokémon, does the type of its attacks get conserved in the higher form, or are the powers completely rerolled? I haven't kept track well.
Completely new attacks
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Completely new attacks
Oooh...that's good to know. I was preparing for my second mass-evolve last night and opted for a couple Pokemon with lesser IV's but better attacks. Maybe I'll switch them.
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08-15-2016 , 10:03 AM
I find prioritizing movesets is much more important than IVs. So yeah, definitely evolve them completely first to make sure you have a good combo for attacking or defending.
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08-15-2016 , 12:32 PM
Hatched this out of a 2K egg, came with 30 candy. Best hatch I've had from a 2k egg, by far.

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08-15-2016 , 12:49 PM
nice i got the exact same cp vulpix out of an egg too...

but im stuck at 49 candy!!! ughhh
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08-15-2016 , 01:21 PM
Got one too. Evolved a ninetails. You're not missing much.
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08-15-2016 , 02:04 PM
Well, the good news is that I did indeed find a Pikachu nest in DC.

The bad news is that I may die of heat stroke before the day is out.
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08-15-2016 , 03:03 PM
so i got my 3rd onix in a row in 10km eggs

now have 71 candy for a useless pokemon

time to call it quits? lol
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08-15-2016 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
so i got my 3rd onix in a row in 10km eggs

now have 71 candy for a useless pokemon

time to call it quits? lol
when gen2 comes out, you'll be ready to go for a Steelix
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08-15-2016 , 03:11 PM
better have 4x the cp of onix amirite, one can dream.
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08-15-2016 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by MarkoPolo
Hatched this out of a 2K egg, came with 30 candy. Best hatch I've had from a 2k egg, by far.

Really want a Ninetails too but they are finicky for me. Just had a 260 run after 3/5 "great" great ball throws. FFFFFFFFF.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 05:52 PM
Not gonna lie loved getting my ninetails but it sucks so bad at fighting
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08-15-2016 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by necro
if anyone from london plays and wants to have a meet up and stroll around some day, we should organise it just pm me or if you know me on skype message me
Guys beware! There are confirmed kidnappings in London!

No doubt this guy^ is keen to play with your "pokemon" and see if he can
"evolve" it into something large.

Originally Posted by NL Loki
Pokemon Go Progress Thread

Post 14

Caught 4 Dratini in one hour at the harbour today...

Will likely spenda whole day maybe tmmr and day after to catch more...

51 (64 after transfering some of my dratinis)/125 Dratini Candies
Your progress thread is captivating. Do tell me more...
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 08:36 PM
I just got a Ninetails for my 100tb pokedex entry
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08-15-2016 , 09:10 PM
something strange happened today. I thought about how to approach gyms and thought it makes sense to try to fight your way into a lvl 4/5 gym and place one of your better guys in there so you hae 4-5 gyms spread out and then later in the evening just take over another 4-5 in your neighborhood and then collect.

So was trying to get into one Gym which had a a 1.1k Hypno and 2 1.6k~ish Vaps and I was trying to get it from 6k to 8k to place a strong Pokemon in there. Well, first the Hypno proved to be a major pain, even with dodging he tore some of my 1.4k CP guys apart. Granted, I haven't done much research on what fights well against them so was just tyring out what works. Thought I had a pretty good 1.2k Golduck I caught in the wild and he barely lost. Anyway, used a ton of potions, finally get to 7.9k, one more fight. I see now that there is another fight going on but didn't think much of it. So hopped in, my 1.5k Slowbro barely defeated the Hypno, I'm expecting to drop a Pokemon in there and can't because the Gym level has dropped to exactly 5k? Lol what? I look around and some guy behind me just smiles and walks away, wtf? So no way I can go through the same amount of potions/guys to fight it back up to 8k. Still confused. Was he just randomly trying to take over a gym as another team and gave up cause Hypno was so strong? Doesn't the last Pokemon in the gym get kicked out? Hypno was still in at 5k along with the Vaps.

Also, is 10k eggs like super duper rare? Lvl 24, had 3 10K (and got garbage out of them).

Thanks for the explanation, I'm obv a Pokemon Go noob.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 09:28 PM
Just did a mass Evolve, gained 55k XP to get me to level 20. Also hatched two 10k Eggs, got a 500 Eve that I evolved into a 1300 Vap, and then got a 695 hitmonchan. I already have 2 others, one better then the one I hatched.
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by MarkMcKay
something strange happened today. I thought about how to approach gyms and thought it makes sense to try to fight your way into a lvl 4/5 gym and place one of your better guys in there so you hae 4-5 gyms spread out and then later in the evening just take over another 4-5 in your neighborhood and then collect.

So was trying to get into one Gym which had a a 1.1k Hypno and 2 1.6k~ish Vaps and I was trying to get it from 6k to 8k to place a strong Pokemon in there. Well, first the Hypno proved to be a major pain, even with dodging he tore some of my 1.4k CP guys apart. Granted, I haven't done much research on what fights well against them so was just tyring out what works. Thought I had a pretty good 1.2k Golduck I caught in the wild and he barely lost. Anyway, used a ton of potions, finally get to 7.9k, one more fight. I see now that there is another fight going on but didn't think much of it. So hopped in, my 1.5k Slowbro barely defeated the Hypno, I'm expecting to drop a Pokemon in there and can't because the Gym level has dropped to exactly 5k? Lol what? I look around and some guy behind me just smiles and walks away, wtf? So no way I can go through the same amount of potions/guys to fight it back up to 8k. Still confused. Was he just randomly trying to take over a gym as another team and gave up cause Hypno was so strong? Doesn't the last Pokemon in the gym get kicked out? Hypno was still in at 5k along with the Vaps.

Also, is 10k eggs like super duper rare? Lvl 24, had 3 10K (and got garbage out of them).

Thanks for the explanation, I'm obv a Pokemon Go noob.
Lol that's awesome. You got outplayed.

Bottomline he wasn't doing anything wrong by attacking and bringing down the prestige. Sucks for you and you may feel it was a dick move, but he's on another team so why would he want that gym to gain a level if he plans to take it over later?

Gym system is a bit of a joke, tbh. In my area gyms constantly change hands and taking over a gym is trivial if you have the time and holding that gym is basically impossible. Only way to have multiple gyms at once is to attack during off peak hours (like middle of night).
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Not gonna lie loved getting my ninetails but it sucks so bad at fighting
My 9-year old daughter saw what one looked like today and told me it was "majestic."
Pokemon Go Quote
08-15-2016 , 11:24 PM
My Pokemon saga. I know that no one cares. But I'm going to type it all out anyway.

First, the bad. Found a Charmeleon only to have it break from the first ball then disappear. Missed out by a small amount of time on a Blastoise that was in the area. My three 10K eggs were 2 Onyx and a Eevee (I mean I always catch them, they are cute, but common). I got soaking wet when it started raining and I was essentially trapped for a while near the Tidal Basin, and during the dash for cover, my book bag unzipped and dumped everything on the ground, including my iPad (which fortunately seems fine). I picked up some sort of rash on my legs - it doesn't itch, just red bumps, and I'm not allergic to poison ivy so I have no idea what it could be. My feet, which are currently encased in still soaking wet shoes, are killing me, and I have some spots on my legs that are raw from my now too big shorts chafing after they got wet.

The good - I hatched my first Diglit, Grimer, and that one that looks like a duck made out of Legos (Porygon?). I also hatched a Pikachu, only the second starter I've ever gotten from a 2K egg (I've gotten Bulbasaur twice). I found the nut spot to grind in DC - the FDR memorial at the Tidal Basin. I hatched quite a few eggs and have enough stuff to evolve something like nine new Pokemon. Including Pikachu. I only found my first one Friday night (technically, very early Saturday morning) and now I'm all set to evolve. When I originally found the Pikachu nest mentioned on Reddit, I was going to stay there long enough to try to grab enough to evolve (assuming the spawn rate wasn't super low, which it wasn't), but unfortunately the area was out of the way with no stores or vendors nearby that I could see, and once I ran out of water I started feeling the heat very quickly. Turns out the FDR memorial has plenty of Pikachu as well, so with that plus the hatch I gathered enough.

The fantastic - when the Blastoise spawned in the area, I saw some people run towards it, but they were pretty young and I just thought they were kids running around. It wasn't until I saw another group run all holding their phones by a few minutes later that I realized they were playing, too, and there must be something good to catch. I got there too late.

So, a while later when I saw people running at a full sprint, I immediately took off after them. I had no idea what we were chasing, but given the number of people that started running, I figured it was good. One guy was shouting "Weedle" over and over which I thought was pretty funny, but I caught up with another girl who informed we were chasing a Snorlax.

Well then.

Someone had a tracker and I made it to the spot (near the Lincoln Memorial) with about 3.5 minutes to spare. Switched to ultra balls, fed it a berry, and tossed.

It only took that one ball.

Only thing I added to the index today off a catch, but what a one to add.

TL;DR - Found a great spot to grind, caught a Snorlax, got some sort of plant AIDS on my legs.
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