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Path of Exile Path of Exile

03-07-2013 , 05:15 PM
was just doing the 1 hour race... died very early on to a huge desync, it was about 4 minutes in, so I decided to just restart. Ended up dying to another desync 10 minutes later.

Path of Exile Quote
03-07-2013 , 06:28 PM
Got 50 something in it, #5 ranger at about level 17.5. Gave the ol' poison arrow one last go before it gets nerfed tomorrow. I really messed up early on so lost a few min of western farming which sucked. I really need to streamline the approach, can't get anywhere near 19+ let alone 21 for first place
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 06:04 AM
Bah, respeced from duelist tree ((was working around mana nodes that was changed) to templar tree and lost 300 hp :<
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 10:27 AM

Version 0.10.2 (Current Version)

Added a new Intelligence Skill - Incinerate: Launches a torrent of fire from your hand. The longer you repeatedly cast the spell from the same location, the larger and more damaging the flames become.
Added a new cosmetic microtransaction effect - Blue Flame Incinerate: Replaces the standard flame of Incinerate with a ghostly blue fire.
Added a new cosmetic microtransaction effect - Tiki Totem: Replaces the standard Spell Totem or Ranged Attack Totem with a coloured totem that has carved tiki designs.
Added four new Unique items, three of which were designed by our Diamond Supporters.
Added a new flamethrower ability to Snakes in the Dark Forest.
Monster packs in end-game Map areas have had their size variance increased.
The Solaris/Lunaris Temple tilesets have been improved and should now have higher performance.
Added a new 3v3 PvP arena. One of the other arenas has been disabled temporarily while we fix a problem.
Improved blood effects.
Improved the Ice Spear and Lightning Arrow effects.
Improved the performance of Ground Ice and Ground Tar.
Improved the gem icons to be slightly better from a colour blindness point of view.
Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments.

The passive skill tree now requires confirmation before changes are applied. This prevents accidental misclicks. If you want to skip this confirmation, ctrl+click the passive and no window will be displayed.
We've added a "Lost Password" button to the main menu.
Pressing Ctrl+up in chat allows you to cycle through previous players you've talked to via whisper in this session.
Chat messages that are more than one line long now indent subsequent lines so that it's harder to confuse other players with fake messages.
There's now a /clear_ignore_list command that will remove all entries from the list of accounts you are ignoring chat messages from. Better management of ignore lists is coming in the future.
Players in an area are now always granted the quest status of having killed a boss regardless of who killed it.
The performance statistics overlay (F1) can now be bound to other keys.

Audio Changes:
Added PvP announcer audio for various events in matches.
Added personalised introductions for Nessa.
Added a few more Nessa greetings.
Added new Tarkleigh greetings.
Added some improved Marauder combat vocals.
Added improved Marauder comment dialogue.
Added new ranger dialogue and improved some existing ones.
Overhauled the audio of the Lion and Beast monsters.
Improved the audio for ground effects, gore effects and Pyromaniac projectiles.

Quest Reward Changes:
Gem quest rewards were reshuffled so that caster classes have access to Incinerate around level 10.
The quest reward for the Kraityn quest on Cruel difficulty has been changed from 4% to 6% increased attack speed.

Item Balance Changes:
A set of vendor recipes related to handing in complete sets of rare gear have been changed. The rewards are now based on the item levels of the gear and can range from one Orb of Chance to three Regal Orbs under certain conditions.
Itemlevel 78 and 79 mods are now available on items.
Reduced the movement speed penalty on Ebony Tower Shields. This will only affect new shields that are dropped in 0.10.2 and above.
Increased the base armour on Pinnacle Tower Shields. This will affect existing ones.
Gloves and Boots can now have up to the "Seething" increased energy shield mod. They were previously limited to "Radiating" and below.

Active Skill Balance Changes:
Glacial Hammer's physical damage now increases by 4% per level rather than 3%.
Cleave's physical damage now increases by 4% per level rather than 3%.
Double Strike's physical damage now increases by 4% per level rather than 3%.
Infernal Blow's physical damage now increases by 4% per level rather than 3%.
Heavy Strike's physical damage now increases by 5% per level rather than 4%.
The Portal gem is now treated as a spell, so it is affected by things like cast speed and can exist on a Spell Totem.
Early levels of Fire Trap have had their damage reduced by around 35%.
Early levels of Poison Arrow have had their damage reduced by around 35%.
The mana cost of Detonate Dead has been reduced at early levels so that it's around 40% cheaper. It ramps up to the same mana cost as before for high levels.

Passive Skill Balance Changes:
An additional group of mana passives has been added near to the Ranger area.
The Duelist starting area has been extensively reworked. Characters who had passives that have been affected by pathing changes have received refunds to their passive skills.
The first Duelist damage node now has +12 maximum life.
The Mana Flows group has been moved within the Duelist area. Regeneration was increased from +20% to +40%, +10 intelligence was added and the maximum mana granted was reduced from +20% to +16%.
Dual-wield-specific damage and attack speed passives have been improved.
One handed and two handed Duelist passives have been merged into a general melee track.
The Might notable passive has been changed to Master of the Arena (+20 strength, +2 melee range, +8% melee damage).
The Agility notable passive has been changed to Acceleration (+20 dexterity, +12% attack speed).
Berserking has been moved closer to the Duelist part of the tree.
The early Duelist life group has been moved onto the opening path and consolidated into 1% life regeneration, 12% maximum life and 8% maximum life.
The Armour Master notable passive has been removed, with its power added to the Leather and Steel nodes.
The Duelist Dervish passive has been increased from +8% block rate to +10%.
Increased the block on the Shield Mastery passive for the Duelist.
Added a new set of mana gained on kill passives near the Duelist area.
The Duelist Bow attack speed node has been increased by 2%.

Monster Balance Changes:
Reduced the damage of Flamebearers.
Reduced the damage of Alchemists, especially in earlier difficulties.
Increased the damage of Piety's Arc skill in higher difficulties.
Various balance adjustments have been made to Map bosses.
Undying Incinerators now display that they will explode on their targets when on low life.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Culling Strike would prevent the Item Rarity/Quantity support gems from applying.
Fixed a bug where Shield Crabs would not drop items when they died if they were hit by enough cold damage to freeze them and kill them in one hit, if they were not already frozen.
Fixed a bug where map pins on the world screen would continue to pulse after hovering a waypoint.
Fixed some walkability problems in the Promenade and Collonade end-game Maps.
Fixed a bug where using a currency item sometimes played the sound effect twice.
Fixed bugs related to scrolling the Options panel with the mouse wheel.
Fixed a bug where long names could overlap the league icon in the character selection screen.
Fixed various problems related to sounds from inventories stacking.
Changed the spawning of large chests so that they're less likely to spawn right up against another object, making their items inaccessible.
Fixed a bug where the text on the social panel could be the wrong size after resizing the window.
Fixed a bug where Piety's Crematorium guards could get stuck non-aggro.
Fixed some bugs related to text wrapping.
Fixed a server crash related to bandit fights.
Fixed some bugs related to whether players are counted as in or out of a bandit fight.
Flasks will no longer be consumed when typing in chat if you have rebound the keys for those flasks.
Fixed a bug on the character selection screen where the up/down arrow keys were not working properly if your list was filtered by league.
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 10:41 AM
Ok, so the new uniques are somewhat OP. The chest is, anyway. I thought they had a pretty good philosophy on uniques that they either supported some certain play-style or had drawbacks, etc, but I can't see many witches NOT wanting the chest piece.

Ring seems really nice for damage, but I'm sure some sick rares beat it out. It also doesn't have any life, which is good I think:

Shield, seems like a cool niche item for fire damage builds:

Robe, seems absolutely busted. Allows casters to ignore Chaos Inoculation, run auras from their health pool, run 'low life' builds without a lot of risk, etc. What caster build wouldn't want to wear this thing? Maybe I'm overreacting...
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 10:53 AM
I think it's good to introduce uniques for niche builds but I agree that that robe seems too useful for everyone.
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:38 PM
So i just died with my EK shadow due to lag spike/desync in docks merciless alongside 2 other players.

So i have nice ilvl 55 Death's Harp in my stash (122% phys) so i plan to do my next char around it.
Any tips/suggestions for a build?
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:43 PM
any idea if I can change my bandit quest reward? I want the 6% ias now obv.

That chest is definitely op... I should point out though that with the chest on, you still take chaos damage.

my duelist got a full respec, awesome. I really want the 6% ias bandit reward though =/

Last edited by Count Chocula; 03-08-2013 at 05:59 PM.
Path of Exile Quote
03-08-2013 , 07:31 PM
I remember Chris once saying in an interview that they wanted to let people repick their bandit rewards in some way but this was before the game was out.

Maybe we'll get that option at a later time?
Path of Exile Quote
03-13-2013 , 07:17 AM
So anyone tried cyclone yet?
Path of Exile Quote
03-13-2013 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by zaephyr
So anyone tried cyclone yet?
I want to but obviously haven't found one yet. It's a quest reward gem so it won't be that rare in the near future, but right now there aren't many of them out there so people are wanting ridiculous prices for them.
Path of Exile Quote
03-13-2013 , 02:29 PM
I heard a quality cyclone does + 1% aoe per quality, so that could be pretty cool
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 01:31 PM
- What's the best way to get alchemy orbs?
- What's the best way to get good rare equipment? Do you wait until you find a nice piece with good gem slots, use 4 Armorer scraps/whetstones on it to get it to 20% quality, and then use an orb of alchemy on it?
- Anyone have some uber equipment for a lvl 39 ranger they don't need anymore

I've been spending the last couple hours farming/grinding The Ledge for items and XP, am I selling myself short doing it solo instead of grouping? I don't feel like I know what to look for when looting so everyone else pretty much grabs all the good stuff first. I know rare/unique items are obviously worth picking up but should I be picking up normal magic items, identifying them, and trading them for alteration scraps? Should I be picking up superior stuff and trading them in (40% quality total) for armor and whetstone pieces? Should I be picking up tri-colored linked items to trade for chromatic orbs?
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 01:47 PM
I've got a couple of 40 chars and both are still viable. I've only been playing solo, and I don't have much in the way of increased rarity/quantity (may see how I do when I get to ledge, am just finishing act 3).

My plan has been to pick up all blues, yellows, superiors, 3 link chromatics and 4+ links. I have a ton of whetstones and armourer's scraps though so may stop with superior armour/weapons soon as the limiting factor to upgrades now isn't really the white item.

To get decent stuff I've been upgrading to 20%, converting the item to magic, re-rolling and then upgrading to rare if it's good. The problem is that I don't have much left over to build my wealth but I figure this will change in the 50s when levelling takes so much longer.
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 02:37 PM
I pickup rares, 3color links and superior flask. When im solo farming i pick up megic items too.

Dont think its worth putting to much currencies into crafting pre lvl60 or sth.
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 02:42 PM
I take dangerous levels of damage sometimes, as shadow - should I definitely be going for dex/int gear? It doesn't seem to offer me a lot of protection.

Though given that I was next to Piety when the server went down, who knows if that character is still alive.
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 02:51 PM
2 questions I came to ask are pretty much answered in 2 latest posts, lol.

Originally Posted by Sciolist
the server went down
Originally Posted by zaephyr
Dont think its worth putting to much currencies into crafting pre lvl60 or sth.
I just started playing a few days ago and I'm at the end of act 2 cruel now. I've just saved all the orbs etc. since I haven't had any real need to use them and figuring they're more useful later on rather than used on leveling gear I'd use for just a few hours. Am I correct?
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 04:14 PM
Yeah i think so, problem is u can burn through a lot of orbs to get the thing you want, on another hand u can pay 1 alch in trade for better item in the end. Lvl-ing items are quite cheap and u dont really need 4-5links(which are quite expensive) till 50lvl+.
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 05:08 PM
Are 4-5 white links worth anything in trade?
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 05:17 PM
4 link with specific colour they want is an alch maybe, int item with BBBB is not really worth anything.

5 Links are kinda valuable.. don't know how much to expect though
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 05:26 PM
Ok, thanks
Path of Exile Quote
03-15-2013 , 05:27 PM
5L should always be worth selling. With 4L I use the following criteria to decide what to keep/dump (running level 66-72 maps):

- Dump chests (people want 5L+ in this slot)
- Dump weapons unless it is a desirable base type (Thicket Bow, etc)
- Keep boots, gloves, hats if the base item is one of the highest few types. Evasion armor, for example: Keep Slink, Murder, Stealth... maybe Shagreen.

This keeps my "4L" tab down to a reasonable size while still picking up the low-hanging fruit.
Path of Exile Quote
03-17-2013 , 07:46 PM
I'm level 71 now and doing end game maps, it's very fun. I can handle basic 66 maps but geez some of the mods are ridiculous. I still have a long way to go before I can faceroll them.

The races are getting fun again too, they are mixing in differnt flavors of races now (turbos: monsters move and attack faster, blood magic: no mana, all skills use life, ancesteral: totems EVERYWHERE)
Path of Exile Quote
03-18-2013 , 09:17 AM
totem one sounds uber annoying
Path of Exile Quote
03-19-2013 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by mashxx
totem one sounds uber annoying
It was. Detonate dead totems, wtf?
Path of Exile Quote
