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Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion

11-18-2009 , 09:06 PM
my NAT is open yet wont let me join any parties, wtf
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:07 PM
How in the **** do I lose almost every 1 v 1 duel when I almost never lost them on COD4? Even when I am the host I usually lose.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by siccjay
How in the **** do I lose almost every 1 v 1 duel when I almost never lost them on COD4? Even when I am the host I usually lose.
shoot them in the head/chest area?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I am having a hell of a time getting the hang of this. Strolling along at .75 KDR. Mostly TDM. I think I am trying to run too much or something. Plus I cant shoot,
Try playing domination. A lot less random spawns behind your back.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
since theres no death cam in this game you cant teabag like in halo....but ive figured out something just as good:

If i come up behind some camper looking out a window or something, i do a live teabag where i hump his body for a good 3 seconds, then knife him. When the killcam comes up all he sees is me humping his camping ass.

God i hope this idea hasnt already been discussed ITT cuz i havent read all of it
lol this happened to my roommate when i was watching him play. He def looked kinda
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:29 PM
If you've got them equipped, it's fun to place claymores behind enemy campers. It's a WTF moment for them.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:29 PM
that final shotgun is teh nuts btw.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by siccjay
How in the **** do I lose almost every 1 v 1 duel when I almost never lost them on COD4? Even when I am the host I usually lose.
this is how i feel. i just take solace knowing that it is usually because of the lag. i don't even get a shot off in the kill cam sometimes.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by MuresanForMVP
yea turned this game off and put in CoD4. This game sucks
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:49 PM
Skidrow is a piece of **** map, especially on search. I don't mind wasteland that much :S
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by siccjay
How in the **** do I lose almost every 1 v 1 duel when I almost never lost them on COD4? Even when I am the host I usually lose.
it's a complete crapshoot
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Tehtoes
Skidrow is a piece of **** map, especially on search. I don't mind wasteland that much :S
skidrow is alright if your team is on the attack and winning, it can be hell if you are losing and chasing. wasteland is disgusting.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
lol wrong. Maybe "sucks" was too strong, but a lot of times it just doesn't seem anywhere worth the hassle to play it.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:54 PM
Muresan has to be a level or ******ed or something. Complains all day about getting owned by campers, snipers, and everything in between and yet claims a kdr of 4?

And acog being overpower on sniper rifles? Lol it makes them usable at mid/close range and almost unusable at long range. And yet in cod4 they were even more powerful since they still were effective at long range and even added damage to 1 gun
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:56 PM
Wasteland is such garbage. I hate that map almost as much as I hated bloc
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by No.18
shoot them in the head/chest area?

thanks genius
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by siccjay
thanks genius
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by No.18
shoot them in the head/chest area?

It doesn't seem to even matter. I die from 3 shots to any part of the body. 1 ****ing burst from an FAMAS/M16 from across the map should not kill me. I'd pick hardcore if I wanted that.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
Muresan has to be a level or ******ed or something. Complains all day about getting owned by campers, snipers, and everything in between and yet claims a kdr of 4?

And acog being overpower on sniper rifles? Lol it makes them usable at mid/close range and almost unusable at long range. And yet in cod4 they were even more powerful since they still were effective at long range and even added damage to 1 gun
I never claimed a 4 kdr, I said I had a solid string of matches with a 4+. My KDR is I think 1.8 right now. Either way who cares? I hate not being good at stuff like this, and I get even more angry when it's like they intentionally made the game so any ****** could slap a thermal scope and silencer on a Barrett then go to town with Cold Blooded Pro, or a RDS and silencer on an M16 and do the same thing. Making the ACOG's have a cross hair instead of the CoD4 style makes it kinda easy, yes, even at long range. You can shoot long range with an RDS, why wouldn't you be able to with an ACOG? The ACOG'ed sniper rifles in MW2 are far more accurate than the ones in CoD4, you must be on drugs if you think otherwise. The only rifle in CoD4 that was "overpowered" when fitted with an ACOG was the M40, because it was a 1 shot kill. But now it seems like every rifle in MW2 does the same thing. The game's good all things considered, but there are so many flaws that really affect the online experience in my mind
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I am having a hell of a time getting the hang of this. Strolling along at .75 KDR. Mostly TDM. I think I am trying to run too much or something. Plus I cant shoot,
Play mercenary TDM instead of regular if you are playing solo.

Move more crouched & aiming, less sprinting & hip firing.

Stay close to walls, object, etc. Don't walk through the middle of open spaces.

Stay close to team mates

If you're using more than half a clip to kill someone on average you are doing it wrong.

Reload when safe, not immediately before entering a room w/ an enemy in it.

Don't bother spamming grenades.

Don't flashbang your teammates

If you get capped by a camper, change your approach. If you know a sniper is guarding a particular area, don't try to kill him from inside his line of sight.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:16 PM
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:19 PM
Finally getting some good scores. 17-7, 13-3. (TDM)

Seems like I'm finally getting the hang of this. Now at rank 25 after 8 hours of play-time.

Am I the only one who's constantly switching between his primary and secondary weapon?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
thanks for the info. Yeah this was certainly better then I would expect as well.
should have mentioned that host advantage is completely disgusting. a good run n gunner with quick reaction times is basically unstoppable in cqb...i've had to exit games a few times (which is why i'm on the internet atm ) because i would continually run into the host guy and get owned...didn't matter if i shot first and kept my sights right on him, hell there were times when the guy would be running around a corner, his body was just appearing in my FOV i'd die and then watch the kill cam and he would be right in front of me.

giving someone who is already good at the game the advantage of shooting before you can even see them is beyond ******ed
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:21 PM
My KDR is I think 1.8 right now. Either way who cares? I hate not being good at stuff like this
1.8 KDR = good

any ****** could slap a thermal scope and silencer on a Barrett then go to town with Cold Blooded Pro
This is definitely not true. It's pretty tough to snipe without stopping power still and when you add in the silencer it's not like any old noob is going to be owning.

Making the ACOG's have a cross hair instead of the CoD4 style makes it kinda easy, yes, even at long range. You can shoot long range with an RDS, why wouldn't you be able to with an ACOG? The ACOG'ed sniper rifles in MW2 are far more accurate than the ones in CoD4, you must be on drugs if you think otherwise
I don't think the crosshair is all that different than an arrow but there seems to be a lot more sway and less magnification on the ACOGs in this game. I know I had a hard time sniping with an ACOG scope across the map on Afghan because my scope wouldn't stop swaying and the hit recognition doesn't seem as forgiving with the ACOG as it was in COD4.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
Finally getting some good scores. 17-7, 13-3. (TDM)

Seems like I'm finally getting the hang of this. Now at rank 25 after 8 hours of play-time.
amateur, you should have put in over 24 hours already.

Am I the only one who's constantly switching between his primary and secondary weapon?
i never use my secondary. acr is just too good.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
