Originally Posted by johnny 187
Still curious how the sideboard plays.
You mean you aren't sure exactly what the rules are regarding sideboarding?
After each game of a match you get to sideboard. You can take any number of cards out of your deck and replace them with the same number of cards from your sideboard (so you could put 15 in and take 15 out if you liked). After the match is over you have to restore your deck to it's original state (so you start each match always with your 'main deck').
Obviously from a tactical point of view you want cards that will help you against certain match-ups. So as an example, if you think you may play a lot against a deck containing a bunch of Artifacts and you are playing Alara Block Constructed, you might have 'Filigree Fracture' in your sideboard, if you expected the same thing in Extended you might have Ancient Grudge or Kataki War's Wage.
These type of sideboard cards are 'spoilers' or 'hosers' since they are designed to wreck a specific deck archetype. You could have more general cards that are good against a variety of decks (say if you thought a deck type was so prevalent that you had what were effectively 'hosers' in your main deck).
There are a few cards that allow you to look through your sideboard during a game like Cunning Wish and Living Wish - they aren't standard legal cards any more but used to be staples. Then you would obviously have one of a number of cards to fetch with those, and never sideboard them in.
Very occasionally it can be an idea to have a 'transformational sideboard' that allows you to switch from one game plan to another between games (can't think of recent examples but there used to be the odd combo deck that would side into a creature deck). I remember playing Skittering Skirge and Phyrexian Horror in the board of Illusions/Donate and playing those in the mirror as a transformational SB.
Your previous post you asked about buying cards, I think KyleB replied with a 'paper cards' dealer and you were asking about Online? mtgotraders is the biggest dealer afaik, have bought cards from that site a few times and it seems reputable.