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03-23-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
I was playing swiss for a while but they are seriously -EV. I played them when I really didn't know what I was doing.

I'm currently playing the 4322 and don't plan on moving to the 8-4 any time soon.
What makes them so much more -EV as opposed to the 4-3-2-2?
I'm just trying to understand because I want to play the draft format that is best for me right now.

For me, I think there are a few advantages of the swiss:

1) I get to play 3 rounds no matter what. So, it is likely that one draft will keep me entertained for about 3 hours which is plenty. A 4-3-2-2 can be over very quickly and then I'll be tempted to play a few more.
That can get expensive pretty quickly.
With a swiss, I think my average cost (taking into account the packs I win and the rares that I decide to sell), is about $5

2) I think that there are more new or bad players in the swiss compared to the other formats.

3) I still suck at drafts. I still have a bit to learn before I move on to the tougher formats.

4) Even if I end up getting first in the 4-3-2-2, it is still only 1 more pack than I would have gotten in the swiss.
What I like about the 4-3-2-2 is that I only have to win 1 round and I'm already guaranteed 2 packs.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by supafrey
I submitted a full alara writeup to I'll link it if he puts it up.
I look forward to reading it!
I haven't done an alara draft in a while. When I did do them, I sucked. Hopefully, he will put it up soon. Last I checked, he had very few user submissions. If not, at least you can post it here and we can look at it.
How did you do in the games?
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 11:46 AM
Heh not sure if I should spoil it if I gave it to him. I decided to post it before the draft started (had to take several screenshots for mulligan choices, etc) so it's not just going to be a perfect deck/tourney sweep or anything. I tried to put at least one comment between each pick but it ends up being a lot more typing than I first figured. lol.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 05:17 PM
Since there was such an awesome Triple Worldwake primer earlier I figured I'd reciprocate with my own thoughts on another format that's not drafted a lot.


A lot of people seem to think it drafts similar to ACR but I can tell you it doesn't. It's a much much faster format. I constantly still see people drafting 4 or 5 colour control decks, Esper control or Grixis control. Unless you draft the absolute nuts these aren't really good enough to win an 8-4 if someone who knows the format is in the queue.

Basically you want to be drafting a 2 colour deck with a small splash in a 3rd colour that is full of 2 drops. It's all about aggro aggro aggro. The best colours for this are either GW (with a red or blue splash) or RG (with a white or black splash), I've also seen some seriously fast UW and BR beatdown decks.

This works because almost everyone else is drafting slow control decks and these extremely focused beatdown decks just beat those up.

As with the GW beatdown deck in ACR A*****n Squire is an extremely high pick together with Wild Nacatl. The good thing though is now that you can get them in all 3 packs you can actually pick Oblivion Ring etc over them. In ACR you pretty much had to grab a Squire over an Oring. Now that you have more chances at them you don't have to.

Always try to stick to 2 main colours. This is so all your 2drops can be reliably cast at turn 2. You don't want to be heavy GW and then be playing a RG prot guy or the RW bull cerodon. You should be playing so few mountains that you can't reliable drop them turn 2. So yes, if your GWr you'd rather pick and play a Cylian Elf over a Viashino Slaughtermaster or a Nacatl Outlander.

Always try to draft 2-3 cards that will get in the last few points of damage. In naya this is Colossal Might, Mage Slayer, Giant Ambush Beetle, Welkin Guide or anything that goes to the face. The gameplan of these decks is almost always, t1:1drop, t2:2drop, t3:another 2drop + removal spell, t4:exalted guy to get through, t5+:get them down to 5 or 6 life, alpha strike with finisher. If you don't have the finisher they are going to stabilize on a handful of life.

Yes, fixing is still important but you usually don't need to be picking it in the first 3-4 picks. A solid 2drop like a blade or a 2for1 card like even a lowly Meditant is usually worth picking over fixing. Remember your basically only 2 colours. Focus on fixing that has a main colour/splashcolour, fixing for your main 2 colours is a lot less important. You can usually get the landcyclers pretty late. Only fixing I would take very high is a tri-land or panorama that's in all 3 of your colours or an Armillary Sphere as it allows you to keep 2 landers. As usual Obelisks tend to be bad and don't do anything you want. If it's all you have though, go with them.

I have a bunch of screenshots of decks that went 3-0 or 2-1 in the 8-4 queues. They pretty much speak for themselves. I hope posting this many images isn't a problem.

Green White beats that splashes only red spells that are removal. Not running the Gloryscale and Rakeclaw to keep the deck lowcost and streamlined. And I'd rather have another dude then the Roar (Might and Blessing are vastly superior cause of trample and pumping the team, Roar and Might of Alara are usually worse then just another dude)

Same thing. Red only for removal and a finisher to get in those last 4-5pts of damage (Mage Slayer)

Again same. Red only for a handful of removal and finishers (Colossal Might). You might want to get greedy and run that Necrogenesis or Malfegor (or even the Slaughermster or Outlander). Don't. Fighting temptation is probably the biggest hurdle drafting and playing these decks. Keep it as consistent as you can.

A not so great version because of the lack of 2drops. Luckily the 1drops and 3drops are amazing.

RGb version. Plays much the same except you don't have exalted to push through. You get access to a little more removal though plus your guys tend to be bigger then in GWr. Running Leech goes against the reliable 2drop philosophy but it's still a great late drop. Infest stays in the sb cause it would wreck the mana and it obv destroys my own deck.

Next is the RGw version which is always tougher because you don't have the exalted nor the removal. I can't run the A*****n squires as I'm not reliable dropping it turn 1 or 2. And yeah, lolSledge wins games obv.

Slightly more controlling version thanks to lol2dragons.

Last edited by Kirg; 03-23-2010 at 05:23 PM.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 05:45 PM
grizzled leotau needs to be in the controlling version for sure
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 06:10 PM
I'm confused because you say the guide is about AAA, but then you talk about ACR and show ACR decklists.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
I'm confused because you say the guide is about AAA, but then you talk about ACR and show ACR decklists.
AAA as in the ALA boosters on Magic Online, they have cards of all 3 sets in 1 booster.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-23-2010 , 08:03 PM
oh well that's totally different lol
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 01:52 AM
Just took down a 4322 w/ this deck. Archive trap almost killed me both games of the finals.

The first pack felt really weak until 6, 7 & 8. I really wish I had seen a luminarch ascension because my deck was pretty much made for it. Someone else saw and drafted one though.


Event #: 1063453
Time:    3/23/2010 8:34:22 PM
--> Freakin
------ ZEN ------
Pack 1 pick 1:
    Relic Crush
    Kor Aeronaut
    Kor Outfitter
    Expedition Map
    Vampire's Bite
    Umara Raptor
--> Kor Sanctifiers
    Spell Pierce
    Quest for Ancient Secrets
    Bog Tatters
    Magosi, the Waterveil
    Æther Figment
    Surrakar Marauder
Pack 1 pick 2:
    Mindless Null
    Spell Pierce
    Nimbus Wings
    Vampire Hexmage
    Relic Crush
    Welkin Tern
    Vampire's Bite
--> Plated Geopede
    Magma Rift
    Murasa Pyromancer
    Heartstabber Mosquito
    Spidersilk Net
    Trailblazer's Boots
Pack 1 pick 3:
    Savage Silhouette
    Scythe Tiger
--> Pitfall Trap
    Mire Blight
    Seascape Aerialist
    Slaughter Cry
    Hedron Scrabbler
    Tempest Owl
    Zektar Shrine Expedition
    Teetering Peaks
    Stonework Puma
    Hagra Crocodile
Pack 1 pick 4:
    Piranha Marsh
    Guul Draz Vampire
    Bold Defense
    Into the Roil
--> Makindi Shieldmate
    Greenweaver Druid
    Ruinous Minotaur
    Timbermaw Larva
    Explorer's Scope
    Grim Discovery (FOIL)
Pack 1 pick 5:
    Spell Pierce
    Mind Sludge
    Magma Rift
    Whiplash Trap
    Mindless Null
--> Inferno Trap
    Relic Crush
    Mold Shambler
    Nimbus Wings
    Noble Vestige
Pack 1 pick 6:
    Guul Draz Vampire
    Whiplash Trap
    Greenweaver Druid (FOIL)
    Kabira Crossroads
    Mold Shambler
    Spreading Seas
--> Arrow Volley Trap
    Archive Trap
    Jwar Isle Refuge
Pack 1 pick 7:
    Hagra Diabolist
    Tuktuk Grunts
    Highland Berserker
    Sky Ruin Drake
    Hedron Crab
    Kor Cartographer
    Umara Raptor
--> Geyser Glider
Pack 1 pick 8:
    Stonework Puma
--> Shatterskull Giant
    Frontier Guide
    Ruinous Minotaur
    Kraken Hatchling
    Nissa's Chosen
    Unstable Footing
Pack 1 pick 9:
    Relic Crush
--> Kor Outfitter
    Spell Pierce
    Quest for Ancient Secrets
    Magosi, the Waterveil
Pack 1 pick 10:
    Mindless Null
    Spell Pierce
--> Nimbus Wings
    Relic Crush
    Trailblazer's Boots
Pack 1 pick 11:
    Mire Blight
    Hedron Scrabbler
    Tempest Owl
--> Teetering Peaks
Pack 1 pick 12:
    Piranha Marsh
--> Grim Discovery (FOIL)
Pack 1 pick 13:
    Mindless Null
--> Noble Vestige
Pack 1 pick 14:
--> Spreading Seas
Pack 1 pick 15:
--> Forest
------ ZEN ------
Pack 2 pick 1:
    Whiplash Trap
    Kor Skyfisher
    Vastwood Gorger
    Soul Stair Expedition
    Tempest Owl
    Molten Ravager
--> Shepherd of the Lost
    Quest for the Gemblades
    Kabira Evangel (FOIL)
    Bladetusk Boar
    Baloth Woodcrasher
    Mindless Null
    Sunspring Expedition
    Elemental Appeal
Pack 2 pick 2:
    Goblin Shortcutter
    Marsh Casualties (FOIL)
    Mind Sludge
    Surrakar Marauder
    Goblin Bushwhacker
    Bloodchief Ascension
--> Arrow Volley Trap
    Æther Figment
    Lethargy Trap
    Ondu Cleric
    Spidersilk Net
    Blood Seeker
Pack 2 pick 3:
    Windrider Eel
    Zendikar Farguide
    Adventuring Gear
    Magma Rift
--> Burst Lightning
    Sejiri Refuge
    Bog Tatters
    Shieldmate's Blessing
    Slaughter Cry
    Halo Hunter
    Cliff Threader
Pack 2 pick 4:
    Brave the Elements
    Kazandu Refuge
    Seismic Shudder
    Spidersilk Net
    Caravan Hurda
--> Makindi Shieldmate
    Kraken Hatchling
    Turntimber Grove
    Summoning Trap
Pack 2 pick 5:
    Goblin Bushwhacker
    Unstable Footing
    Sadistic Sacrament (FOIL)
    Khalni Gem
    Paralyzing Grasp
    Vines of Vastwood
    Ruinous Minotaur
--> Stonework Puma
    Pillarfield Ox
    Desecrated Earth
Pack 2 pick 6:
    Goblin Ruinblaster
    Ior Ruin Expedition
    Kazandu Refuge (FOIL)
--> Shatterskull Giant
    Oran-Rief Recluse
    Hagra Crocodile
    Baloth Cage Trap
    Feast of Blood
    Torch Slinger
Pack 2 pick 7:
    Explorer's Scope
--> Pillarfield Ox
    Trapfinder's Trick
    Khalni Heart Expedition
    Ravenous Trap
    Soul Stair Expedition
    Sky Ruin Drake
    Shoal Serpent
Pack 2 pick 8:
    Mire Blight
    Zendikar Farguide
    Soaring Seacliff
    Shieldmate's Blessing
--> Magma Rift
    Akoum Refuge
    Runeflare Trap
Pack 2 pick 9:
    Vastwood Gorger
    Soul Stair Expedition
--> Molten Ravager
    Quest for the Gemblades
    Mindless Null
    Sunspring Expedition
Pack 2 pick 10:
    Mind Sludge
    Bloodchief Ascension
--> Spidersilk Net
    Blood Seeker
Pack 2 pick 11:
    Zendikar Farguide
    Bog Tatters
--> Shieldmate's Blessing
    Slaughter Cry
Pack 2 pick 12:
--> Kazandu Refuge
    Turntimber Grove
Pack 2 pick 13:
--> Ruinous Minotaur
    Desecrated Earth
Pack 2 pick 14:
--> Ior Ruin Expedition
Pack 2 pick 15:
--> Plains
------ WWK ------
Pack 3 pick 1:
    Smoldering Spires
    Tectonic Edge
    Arbor Elf
    Bull Rush
    Enclave Elite
    Searing Blaze
    Treasure Hunt
    Walking Atlas
    Marsh Threader
    Bestial Menace
    Veteran's Reflexes
--> Archon of Redemption
    Pulse Tracker
    Hada Freeblade
Pack 3 pick 2:
    Quag Vampires
    Smoldering Spires
    Halimar Excavator
    Scrib Nibblers
--> Celestial Colonnade
    Join the Ranks
    Vastwood Zendikon
    Guardian Zendikon
    Canopy Cover
    Surrakar Banisher
    Jagwasp Swarm
    Brink of Disaster
    Feral Contest
Pack 3 pick 3:
    Rest for the Weary
    Cosi's Ravager
    Scrib Nibblers
    Tuktuk Scrapper
    Voyager Drake
    Khalni Garden
    Treasure Hunt
    Surrakar Banisher
--> Fledgling Griffin
    Mire's Toll
    Halimar Depths
    Feral Contest
Pack 3 pick 4:
    Sejiri Steppe
    Corrupted Zendikon
    Vastwood Zendikon
    Cosi's Ravager
    Slingbow Trap
    Nature's Claim
--> Goblin Roughrider
    Selective Memory (FOIL)
    Join the Ranks
    Sejiri Merfolk
    Amulet of Vigor
Pack 3 pick 5:
    Gnarlid Pack
    Bojuka Bog
    Grotag Thrasher
    Slingbow Trap
--> Battle Hurda
    Brink of Disaster
    Claws of Valakut
    Summit Apes
Pack 3 pick 6:
--> Raging Ravine
    Veteran's Reflexes
    Skitter of Lizards
    Bojuka Bog
    Graypelt Hunter
    Quest for the Goblin Lord
    Snapping Creeper
    Bojuka Brigand
    Claws of Valakut
Pack 3 pick 7:
    Vastwood Animist
    Canopy Cover
    Walking Atlas
    Ruin Ghost
--> Goblin Roughrider
    Æther Tradewinds
    Roiling Terrain
Pack 3 pick 8:
    Brink of Disaster
    Bojuka Bog
    Battle Hurda
    Calcite Snapper
--> Claws of Valakut
Pack 3 pick 9:
    Smoldering Spires
    Bull Rush
    Enclave Elite
--> Treasure Hunt
    Walking Atlas
    Veteran's Reflexes
Pack 3 pick 10:
    Smoldering Spires
    Scrib Nibblers
    Vastwood Zendikon
--> Guardian Zendikon
    Brink of Disaster
Pack 3 pick 11:
    Rest for the Weary
    Scrib Nibblers
    Khalni Garden
--> Treasure Hunt
Pack 3 pick 12:
--> Vastwood Zendikon
    Selective Memory (FOIL)
    Amulet of Vigor
Pack 3 pick 13:
--> Explore
Pack 3 pick 14:
--> Quest for the Goblin Lord
Pack 3 pick 15:
--> Mountain
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:22 PM
We need to start doing camtasia vids and talking serious strategy.

I gotta figure out how to get better
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by The Truth
We need to start doing camtasia vids and talking serious strategy.

I gotta figure out how to get better
You can submit your drafts on
No need to do a video.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 07:32 PM
MTG: Rise of the Pokemon

Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 07:34 PM

edit. regarding draft I would've first picked the marauder and then the hexmage, going B/u with pick 7! raptor

Last edited by BitchiBee; 03-24-2010 at 07:43 PM.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by The Truth
We need to start doing camtasia vids and talking serious strategy.

I gotta figure out how to get better

You can't get better strategy then watching LSV draft (even if ZZZ and ZZW aren't his best formats).
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-24-2010 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee

edit. regarding draft I would've first picked the marauder and then the hexmage, going B/u with pick 7! raptor
yeah my pick1 sanctifiers was lolbad.

it was nice in pack3 getting passed celestial colonnade p2 and raging raving p6. that is over 10tix worth of cards right there. It is the third draft in a row I picked up a colonnade pick 2 or 3.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee

edit. regarding draft I would've first picked the marauder and then the hexmage, going B/u with pick 7! raptor
you do not take hexmage over geopede. never ever.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 12:37 AM

p1p1 marauder
p1p2 plated geopede
p1p3 zektar shrine expedition
p1p4 guul draz vampire
p1p5 inferno trap
p1p6 guul draz vampire
p1p7 geyser glider
p1p8 Shatterskull Giant
p1p9 Demolish
p1p10 mindless null
p1p11 Teetering Peaks
p1p12 Grim Discovery
p1p13 Mindless null
p1p14 Spreading seas
p1p15 Forest

p2p1 bladetusk boar
p2p2 Marsh Casualties
p2p3 Burst Lightning (either this or halo hunter)
p2p4 Kraken Hatchling (no good red/black, this guy stops your beats)
p2p5 Stonework Puma
p2p6 Shatterskull Giant
p2p7 Soul Stair Expedition
p2p8 Magma Rift
p2p9 Molten Ravager
p2p10 Blood Seeker
p2p11 Bog Tatters
p2p12 Kazandu Refuge
p2p13 Ruinous Minotaur
p2p14 Ior Ruin Expedition
p2p15 Plains
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
MTG: Rise of the Pokemon

yeah, I mean they might be able to do something interesting with it, but the 3 cards shown so far are disappointing, the white and black ones seem pretty good in draft
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by borderline
you do not take hexmage over geopede. never ever.
I do like mono-colour (especially black) a bit too much, but hexmage is a still a house and not that much weaker than geopede
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
I do like mono-colour (especially black) a bit too much, but hexmage is a still a house and not that much weaker than geopede
Hexmage will always swing for 2.

Plated geopede will nearly always swing for 3 and sometimes 5.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kirg

You can't get better strategy then watching LSV draft (even if ZZZ and ZZW aren't his best formats).
Thanks for the link!
The 2 draft videos I watched were very good.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:56 AM
can you level up multiple times in a turn? i don't see any indication that you can't.

Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by bottomset
yeah, I mean they might be able to do something interesting with it, but the 3 cards shown so far are disappointing, the white and black ones seem pretty good in draft
black one is a rare

perplexity: yes
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 12:45 PM
lol, allies.dec won a MTGO Premier event (Standard)

4 Arid Mesa
1 Forest
4 Jungle Shrine
2 Mountain
4 Plains
1 Raging Ravine
3 Stirring Wildwood
4 Sunpetal Grove

4 Akoum Battlesinger
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Hada Freeblade
4 Kabira Evangel
4 Kazandu Blademaster
1 Ondu Cleric
4 Oran-Rief Survivalist
2 Ranger of Eos
3 Talus Paladin

3 Naya Charm
4 Violent Outburst
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
03-25-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Perplexity
lol, allies.dec won a MTGO Premier event (Standard)

4 Arid Mesa
1 Forest
4 Jungle Shrine
2 Mountain
4 Plains
1 Raging Ravine
3 Stirring Wildwood
4 Sunpetal Grove

4 Akoum Battlesinger
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Hada Freeblade
4 Kabira Evangel
4 Kazandu Blademaster
1 Ondu Cleric
4 Oran-Rief Survivalist
2 Ranger of Eos
3 Talus Paladin

3 Naya Charm
4 Violent Outburst
That's a nice deck. It doesn't look like it would cost that much money to make either.
What happens if your opponent has a lot of control and/or removal?
It looks like all you can do is keep playing allies and hope enough of them stay alive.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
