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Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead

11-24-2008 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Imrahil
There's a server browser that you can access via the developer's console. Not sure how to activate it though but you can look on the official forums.
Thanks! The command is "openserverbrowser" incase anybody else is interested - it's not refreshing servers for me at the moment but I can see my server history including the servers that had a good latency.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-24-2008 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by traz
So dumb question. I've played maybe an hour so far, then had to go out. It's awesome, but how do I play with you guys? hah. I'm on now probably for the rest of the night ;o
Make sure you join our L4D group.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:31 PM
Traz, click on campaign and then click on 'play online with friends.' Should be able to select a game and if there's an opening you get in.

If there isn't an opening, you can message them in game. If you hit shift+tab it bring up the friends window and stuff and you can send them a message by double clicking the name.

I only played the once last night and didn't get to play with any 2p2ers because by the time someone was on and free for a game I was already in a full one. I'll definitely be playing with people tonight if they're on (and I play).

I'll actually probably spend a couple hours playing over the next five.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-24-2008 , 08:09 PM
will this game on ps3? =( just pc/x360 so far tt
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-25-2008 , 01:44 AM
Playing expert campaign with random people puts me on tilt
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-25-2008 , 09:14 AM
i have an extra copy of this from the 4 pack lemme know if anyone wants it for 37.5 and can send on full tilt
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-25-2008 , 11:37 AM
Playing new maps on expert puts me on tilt. I played Blood Harvest for like 20 minutes and we just got slaughtered. Playing VS with 2p2ers is pretty fun. Since I was on the other team I took great pleasure in slashing trazz and imrahil.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-25-2008 , 05:48 PM
Just played through Blood Harvest for the first time. Played on Advanced with trazz. Expert was impossible, especially not being familiar with the map.

Honestly, I love playing campaign with you guys, but outside of that...if I'm playing with randoms I'm playing Versus. It's so much fun. And mostly, it's pretty easy to destroy the survivors because most players suck at teamwork. It can get kind of hard if 2 people stick together at all costs (as 2p2ers do). I had a ton of trouble killing trazz and imrahil in the vs. game last night. They wouldn't leave each other, haha.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:40 AM
so ive been playing a lot, i know no mercy & blood harvest very well but have yet to beat any campaign on expert. I had a really good random group that got to the finale on blood harvest only having to reset once, but we were stuck there tried it about 10 times and i had my gf buggin me to hang out with her so i had to give up.

any 2p2ers wanna get a 4 man group and have a serious expert campaign stomp? set a time or something for tomorrow?
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:49 AM
I should be around all day tomorrow (and tonight now). I very much want to plow through some expert campaigns.

I've had some good games with AJ. Versus is incredibly frustrating where your time sucks
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 04:58 AM
I didn't get a chance to play tonight as we spent 5 hours at a tavern. Obviously.
traz is my guardian angel in L4D.
And I'd be down for playing tomorrow night if I can. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to play. Expert campaigns are a pretty big time commitment unfortunately.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 07:59 AM
Almost beat No Mercy on expert. Got stomped by a tank as the helicopter was landing. I'll look for you guys later today.

Also played versus where they had the difficulty set to expert. Loooool. Good luck getting more than 2 feet away from the saferoom.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 11:49 AM
I played VS. on expert, too. It was insane. Hunters do like 35 damage minimum unless they get knocked off right away. It didn't help that my team was terrible, but the farthest we got on any of the stages was on the finale. We got to the rooftop and I darted for the call button and hit it. I died 3 seconds later while my team was incapped.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 02:08 PM
When playing expert on VS, the survivors should basically never win.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 02:11 PM
Can't wait for someone to post a vid on youtube showing the survivors win on versus expert. Can't wait to see vid showing a team beat expert campaign with no deaths.

Also I'd like to see a guide on how to wall jump with hunter. And some sweet spot to strike with smoker. And some expert boomer barfing. I'd like to see a lot of vids.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-26-2008 , 03:40 PM
have an extra copy from the 4 pack can send the 37.5 on ftp or stars
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 03:15 AM
played some VS last night with some buddies for the first time ever.

Played 3 times.

1st time we were losing by about 100 points until the 4th chapter when we all randomly made it to the safe house and ended up winning by a few hundred.

2nd time we were losing until the final chapter when we pulled ahead by 100 or so points becaus we made it 90% through the map and they played stupid on the last chapter (3 guys run ahead, one guy stays behind and slowly followed.... so we took him out... while he was down and almost dead 1 of the 3 remaining came back to help and we got to kill her too..... after that it was easy pickings).

The 3rd game we won by like 3k points because we made 2 safe houses with all 4 people, lots of health and they never sniffed a safe house.
In fact, one chapter we took all 4 out within a minute I think.

Good times.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 12:19 PM
I have played versus well over 10 times and I have yet to be on a team that gets absolutely slaughtered. I've decided that this is probably because of me, in part. Not because I'm a terribly awesome player, but if you have at least one smart guy and one guy with him (that is, whoever I follow), then you're not going to get trounced too badly early in the map.

In Versus mode, teamwork is actually a lot better on the Infected side, I've noticed. There's some pride in just absolutely slaughtering the survivors. When you're the survivors, people play stupid and don't work together.

Whatever, this game is so awesome. This has definitely given me way more enjoyment than Fallout 3 so far.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 12:20 PM
Oh, and we still need to try to set up a 4v4 VS or something some night with all 2p2.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 01:17 PM
I have not played 3 of the 4 campaigns yet. I'm waiting for the arrival of a mic i ordered.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 03:57 PM
Any tips for playing infected?
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by traz
Any tips for playing infected?
Pick off stragglers.

It's seriously pretty level dependent. The smoker on level 3 of No Mercy is a monster because of the run they have to make after the lift. You pull people down and have a hunter or boomer for chaos upstairs and it's over for that character.

I'm constantly surprised by how absolutely terrible people are as the boomer. You can see through walls and it makes it incredibly easy to vomit on them the second they turn the corner, and yet people mess this up frequently.

I'm pretty terrible with the hunter overall. I haven't found good strategies for him yet.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-27-2008 , 07:58 PM
Lol I'm getting a laptop tomorrow with a so so graphics processor but L4D actually doesn't look bad with all settings cranked down.
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-28-2008 , 12:49 AM
Add me, IPwnN00bs, to Uk/Eur server group if there is one cheers
Left 4 Dead Quote
11-28-2008 , 05:40 AM
Played expert last night with traz, maybe other 2+2's? Got anally raped. Was fun.

Playing with 2+2 people is def WAY more fun than randoms, we should get a versus server together. Preferably UK/Eu based
Left 4 Dead Quote
