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03-03-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
that is just dumb
Indeed. SRP is probably still great (never gotten it) though I imagine since the main reason I use NP is to not hear my own footsteps. I'm not really worried about people hearing me or seeing me on their HBS, since very few use headsets or HBS, but I cannot stand hearing my own footsteps. Not hearing my own footsteps + hearing all enemies not using ninja (read: most donks in pub matches) + seeing explosives seems like it's worth it.
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03-03-2010 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
Indeed. SRP is probably still great (never gotten it) though I imagine since the main reason I use NP is to not hear my own footsteps. I'm not really worried about people hearing me or seeing me on their HBS, since very few use headsets or HBS, but I cannot stand hearing my own footsteps. Not hearing my own footsteps + hearing all enemies not using ninja (read: most donks in pub matches) + seeing explosives seems like it's worth it.
seems to be what the peeps in that thread think too, SRP > NP for pub matches and the opposite for competitive play
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03-05-2010 , 07:35 AM
Just to break the talk of HC setups, I've been playing a lot of 3rd person modes lately (trying to get a feel for different game modes) and the riot shield with marathon pro, lightweight pro, and commando pro is outstanding. During demolition crouched with the shield it makes planting a breeze.

Also for HC I like tar silenced, usp silenced, scavenger pro, lightweight pro, ninja pro(obv). semtex for equip.
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03-05-2010 , 09:01 AM
Quick question. I started playing S+D last night for a while. Do you have the same health as in Hardcore? I am using a silenced UMP without stopping power and it seems as though I don't kill them as easily as I do in hardcore tdm. Thanks. Also what do you guys think of this S+D setup.

UMP - silenced
striker -grip

scavenger pro
cold blooded pro
ninja pro

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03-05-2010 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Marathon Eddy
Quick question. I started playing S+D last night for a while. Do you have the same health as in Hardcore?
I'm assuming you're playing regular SnD in which case you have the same health as regular TDM. But there's also a hardcore ricochet SnD playlist where you have the same health as hardcore TDM.
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03-05-2010 , 11:58 AM
Cold-blooded isn't really necessary for SnD since it's a lot harder to get UAVs.
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03-05-2010 , 01:17 PM
FRAG or SEMTEX? whats the difference?
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03-05-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by greedynyc
FRAG or SEMTEX? whats the difference?
- can be primed
- longer throw range

- bigger explosion
- sticks to players/walls
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03-05-2010 , 01:24 PM
Frag is basically only good for set nades, nades that you toss to a certain area of a map knowing where they will fall. They can roll and bounce around to get to far away places. Semtex is better when you just want to get someone in a building/behind a corner.
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03-05-2010 , 01:43 PM
bigger damage? really? if that's the case, im switching to semtex...
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03-05-2010 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
I use the shotgun attachment on my anti air class. Can't see much other use for it because I'd almost always rather have something else on a gun if I have a free secondary. That said, it's a pretty nasty weapon up close, like any shotgun.
i tried shotgun once and i did not find it effective as other shotties, not even close, damage is not the same
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03-05-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos4k
Cold-blooded isn't really necessary for SnD since it's a lot harder to get UAVs.
The bolded part is not true. Most halfway decent SnD players will run UAV as a kill streak. If they're using an UMP then they typically have hardline going. It's not hard to string together 2 kills in a row. I've played against several teams with constant UAV support from 2 or 3 players running this setup. It's extremely effective.

Edit: To answer Marathon Eddy's question, I would actually make two classes like that if you have the room. Change Cold Blooded out for Hardline on one of them. Since S+D has a much higher percentage of snipers, and by default will have more thermal users, CB gives a little more benefit. But I would main Hardline as a KS reward, since UAV is so valuable.

Last edited by TN Cletus; 03-05-2010 at 02:30 PM.
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03-05-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by TN Cletus
The bolded part is not true. Most halfway decent SnD players will run UAV as a kill streak. If they're using an UMP then they typically have hardline going. It's not hard to string together 2 kills in a row. I've played against several teams with constant UAV support from 2 or 3 players running this setup. It's extremely effective.
I don't think he intended that as a concrete answer. Yes people get UAV's but it is harder to get them, you're better off not running cold blooded until it's apparent that you need to be.
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03-05-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by greedynyc
i tried shotgun once and i did not find it effective as other shotties, not even close, damage is not the same
yeah, I mean it has a shorter range than other shotguns, but it's a one hit kill within a few feet. Again, I don't think you should ever use it in place of a shotgun, but when you need another secondary (launcher mostly) it will handle your CQ

FAL + Shotgun w/ CB is a pretty good anti-air iyam

Last edited by Mittens; 03-05-2010 at 03:04 PM.
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03-05-2010 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
yeah, I mean it has a shorter range than other shotguns, but it's a one hit kill within a few feet.

FAL + Shotgun w/ CB is a pretty good anti-air iyam
the masterkey actually has longer range than the secondary shotguns. but you will many times need two shots because of the pellet spread at semi-mid range.
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03-05-2010 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Marathon Eddy
Quick question. I started playing S+D last night for a while. Do you have the same health as in Hardcore? I am using a silenced UMP without stopping power and it seems as though I don't kill them as easily as I do in hardcore tdm. Thanks. Also what do you guys think of this S+D setup.

UMP - silenced
striker -grip

scavenger pro
cold blooded pro
ninja pro

I would think that Scavenger would be largely unnecessary in SnD unless you plan on spraying a lot or spamming claymores in one spot and hoping to kill the entire team. SOH pro would seem to be better to me, or even OMA.

Also there is Hardcore SnD and regular core SnD.
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03-05-2010 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
I would think that Scavenger would be largely unnecessary in SnD unless you plan on spraying a lot or spamming claymores in one spot and hoping to kill the entire team.
Also there's dramatically fewer Scav bags lying around.
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03-05-2010 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
I don't think he intended that as a concrete answer. Yes people get UAV's but it is harder to get them, you're better off not running cold blooded until it's apparent that you need to be.
I won't argue that there are better perks to run than cold blooded, that's a very situational perk. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I think you're saying UAV is harder to get due to no respawns? I don't completely buy that argument because UAV is so strong in search that good teams will have people dedicated to a hardline-uav build. But anyway, it's a pretty moot point because most people will back out of a lobby when they're playing against an organized team, and constant UAV support is not something you would need to fear in most randy lobbies.

Also, I can't believe I missed it first round, but Scavenger is a wasted perk on search. I'm guessing you're using that for 2 claymores instead of one, but you've built a running class. If you plan on camping then the 2 claymores are good, but I think Marathon is the best S-D blue perk.
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03-05-2010 , 04:31 PM
My search set up

Silenced Grumpy UMP
silenced raffica

345 killstreak set up.

Clayton was saying this the other day and I think it's largely true, with a few exceptions you really should be using silenced guns in search
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03-05-2010 , 05:07 PM
most of the time in SnD i'm going with one of these two classes

silenced ACR
akimbo G18
throwing knife/stun

Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro


silenced UMP
akimbo G18
throwing knife/stun

Marthon Pro
Hardline Pro
Ninja Pro

always use 3-4-5 killstreak, UAV/Counter UAV/Pred

yes i know throwing knives probably aren't optimal but they're fun to use and **** claymores

i'll use a CB UMP class if the other team is raping and sometimes i'll snipe with the Intervention
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03-05-2010 , 05:34 PM
Thanks, I think I will probably run SOH pro and stopping power now that I know about the health.
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03-05-2010 , 05:38 PM
I know a few pages back people were posting their favorite vids that have helped them improve. I don't know if anybody mentioned it, but the NextGenTactics clan (who plays mostly on PS3) have some awesome vids on their own youtube channel as well as on Machinima. I couldn't tell you how much better I've gotten just watching some of their tactics. I've gone from below average to, at least imo, solidly average. Pretty sweet.

Also, gotta show some love for the mini-uzi, which is just pure rape. I've been playing more FFA, and maybe I'm just playing with total noobs, but this class has been incredible for me:

Mini-uzi silenced
Ranger akimbo
Marathon Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro

Any tweaks you'd recommend? I don't think I'm gonna be patient enough to get 40 FMJ penetration kills to finally unlock the extended mags on my SCAR, and I just started using the ACR, but with no attachments it kinda blows.
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03-05-2010 , 06:11 PM
agree mini uzi is a fun gun to use...i usually use go with akimbo + silencer when i'm messing around, that class looks good except for the claymore, i would switch to throwing knife/semtex/blast shield because you probably aren't doing much camping a single claymore seems kind of worthless

extended mags on the SCAR are really awesome (although not as awesome as the ACR), definitely worth the FMJ grind
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03-06-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
a single claymore seems kind of worthless
nonsense. it is one of the funniest things in the world to get a guy to chase you, turn a corner, plant a claymore and turn around and watch him come around the corner and blow himself up.
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03-06-2010 , 02:14 AM
and I just started using the ACR, but with no attachments it kinda blows.
try the tar 21 then. that thing has sexy iron sights.
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