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04-27-2010 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
Why exactly am I trying to die? I see no reason to when I can just sit back and lure people into my claymores which replenishes grenades/rockets or whatever as well. Most of the time I use a tube class it's to level up the AR the "easy" way and build high KSs because danger close pro rapes.
sounds like you're the team mvp on offense in demo imo

Last edited by kkcountry; 04-27-2010 at 05:38 PM. Reason: hell on defense too - and every other objective game
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04-27-2010 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
I watched some chick playing ffa on that map and she was like "the spawns in this game are a joke". She then proceeded to run a circle around in 1 of the buildings just knifing dudes over and over again until she finally won.

This is all I do on Highrise FFA. Silenced UMP and run in a circle in either of the buildings which allows people to respawn and keeps revengers from sneaking up on me. EZ game.
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04-27-2010 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by erick_marroquin
i thought you rocked OMA + DC back when it was 1st posted, or i could be thinking about someone else. sigh.
I'm on the end of 7th prestige and yesterday was the first time I unlocked OMA Pro.
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04-27-2010 , 06:57 PM
switched to uzi for my anti-air class, it has the lowest drop and raise times of any primary
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04-27-2010 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
I added tactical insertion to one of my OMA classes yesterday and it's as cheesy as I thought it would be
This post sucks as much as I thought it would.
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04-27-2010 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
switched to uzi for my anti-air class, it has the lowest drop and raise times of any primary
Does the uzi have a damage rating high enough though? My anti-air is scar with cold blooded, so I can keep killing afterward...
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04-27-2010 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by TreyWilly
This post sucks as much as I thought it would.
do I have a stalker now?

Originally Posted by kbBeer
Does the uzi have a damage rating high enough though? My anti-air is scar with cold blooded, so I can keep killing afterward...
not very high I think it's 30-20 but I like the uzi anyway and I don't spend much time in that class
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04-28-2010 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by kbBeer
Does the uzi have a damage rating high enough though? My anti-air is scar with cold blooded, so I can keep killing afterward...
The uzi fires about 50% faster than the scar, it also has about a 50% bigger clip. The SCAR kills in .286sec - .381sec depending on the range while the uzi kills in .256 - .316sec. If you factor in the time it takes to ADS the uzi gets even more of an advantage. BUT you have to hit all your shots to make those kill times. But all in all I don't see a non stopping powered uzi being at too much of a disadvantage to non stopping powered SCAR.
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04-28-2010 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
Interesting. I don't know if what I'm about to say agrees with your research but I think hardline is only useful as part of an OMA setup in most games or a normal setup in search. I could never see using hardline for the something like a 5-7-11 setup and it being optimum, but I have no proof.
OMA army is insanely overpowered if you can switch to a hardline class. Basically you are getting all the benefits of a hardline class without any of the drawbacks.

People think that hardline is so bad for upper killstreaks. Lets say you are going for a nuke. If you use hardline you only need 4 percent less kills than without. If you are trying to get UAV hardline saves you 33% though. This is why people think it is bad to run with higher kill killstreaks. What people fail to realize is that if you have a 1:1 KDR you will get a nuke twice as often using hardline than without. You will get UAV twice as much too. This is what makes hardline so great.

Originally Posted by gateswi
animal chin I was intrigued by your post about hardline so I tried it out with a 5-x-x setup (5-6-7 and 5-7-9). Class setup was M16+holo/PP2k/Claymore with Scav/Hardline/Ninja. My reasoning for using it with M16+holo was that SP has less of an effect on the M16 because I've started firing two bursts as a default, which usually results in a kill regardless of SP or not.

Results were good. I didn't notice a sharp decline in my killing ability (was still getting plenty of 1 burst kills) and starting your killstreak at 4 instead of 5 is very convenient.
That's good news.

Originally Posted by demon102
I really like the idea of using hardline for the 3-5-7 or 5-7-whatever while using a rushing class. Lately Ive been using coldblooded but Ive noticed that I am running out of ammo or get to 5 and have trouble getting thru all the killstreaks which is prolly cuz Im behind enemy lines+ running out of ammo. Having to only get 4 kills would help a ton. Anyone use hardline on rushing classes for their higher killstreaks. 3-4-5 is pretty easy to get for me but getting higher killstreaks like hutch does rushing is a bitch.

Yeah rushing takes some getting used to. I do love rushing with my hardline class though.

Originally Posted by gateswi
For a rushing class 3-x-x seems like it would have so much more utility than 5-x-x, but the closest I ever get to a rushing class is using the Tar-21 with SoH pro, lol. I know that when I do finally bust out my Spas with Mara+LW+Ninja I usually run 3-4-5 or 3-5-8 or something like that.

Some guns perform much better without stopping power than others. The first few that come to mind are the M16, Tar-21 and Ump.
Yeah those are the guns I would recommend using. Also maybe the ACR, uzi, M4A1, vector or P90. All these guns are 30/20 so stopping power changes them from a 4-5 hit kill to a 3-4 hit kill. This is not that big of a difference compared to going from a 3-4 hit kill to a 2-3 hit kill.

Originally Posted by Green_29
I love playing tdm with hardline and just using uav, counter and harrier.

With only 2 kills needed for uav you have it on for close to the full duration of the match, which helps your team A LOT. Other than that I think stopping power is just too valuable to swap for hardline.
Hardline definetally helps your team when you run those streaks. It's hard to say how many kills UAV and CUAV get you and how many deaths they save you from. But in some cases hardline is definetally a better perk than stopping.
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04-28-2010 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
OMA has its place, but scavenger is garbage imo

Last edited by Phildo; 04-28-2010 at 02:31 AM. Reason: i pretty much never tube
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04-28-2010 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Phildo

i meant for toobing ldo, starting off with 100% ammo is the tits if you actually fire bullets/shells

if you're going to camp behind a chain of claymores while toobing, OMA >>>>>>>>> scavenger

if you're going to actually jump into the fight with explosives, SoH >>>>>>>>>> scavenger
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04-28-2010 , 02:39 AM
well sure i can agree with that but tubing is for **** anyway
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04-28-2010 , 04:14 AM
thinking about using a heart beat sensor for the sniper when playing ffa instead of using fmj. Doesn't fmj only increase the damage by a tiny bit? Ive never really got into heart beat sensors because Im always either using a silencer or red dot/holo sight. Ive seen loads of players who win ffa games using heart beat sensors.
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04-28-2010 , 04:40 AM
does anyone agree that the ump is overpowered? Ive pretty much got it on all of my classes now because it owns every other gun.
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04-28-2010 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by Green_29
thinking about using a heart beat sensor for the sniper when playing ffa instead of using fmj. Doesn't fmj only increase the damage by a tiny bit? Ive never really got into heart beat sensors because Im always either using a silencer or red dot/holo sight. Ive seen loads of players who win ffa games using heart beat sensors.
fmj doesn't change the damage of a gun
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04-28-2010 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by The_Jeebus
does anyone agree that the ump is overpowered? Ive pretty much got it on all of my classes now because it owns every other gun.
I always thought it was the othe way around. All of the other smgs are underpowered compared to every other gun class and the ump is just right.
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04-28-2010 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by demon102
I always thought it was the othe way around. All of the other smgs are underpowered compared to every other gun class and the ump is just right.
somewhat this, although the real problem is that the assault rifles are so much better than anything else. When the same gun can be ok to excellent at more or less every range, it's difficult to balance the different classes of guns.
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04-28-2010 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by snowden
fmj doesn't change the damage of a gun
yeah. the in game charts are bull**** and should be disregarded entirely.
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04-28-2010 , 06:51 AM
ump is far better than any AR so yes it is overpowered
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04-28-2010 , 06:56 AM
hyperbole itt
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04-28-2010 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by animal_chin
This is why people think it is bad to run with higher kill killstreaks. What people fail to realize is that if you have a 1:1 KDR you will get a nuke twice as often using hardline than without.
The maths only work assuming hardline over no perk though, right? How do you discount for how much stopping power helps? Assuming no OMA I would think stopping power > hardline~danger close? Out of 25 kills for the nuke, I think stopping power helping make each kill easier would be a lot better than hardline, which is essentially 1 free kill out of the 25 required.
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04-28-2010 , 10:31 AM
Also you can look at it from a bullets required/accuracy point of view. Assuming an AUG w/stopping power vs. hardline, to get a nuke with stopping power (assuming no headshots, and 10 gun kills required, the rest come from killstreaks) it will take 20 bullets, with hardline assume 9 gun kills and it takes 27 bullets. 7 more bullet hits required, and that doesn't take into account that sometimes they may get away due to the higher TTK, and some of the close range battles that will be lost due to the higher TTK.
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04-28-2010 , 10:49 AM
why dont they have ffa on derail but they have it on wasteland and afghan?
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04-28-2010 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by The_Jeebus
does anyone agree that the ump is overpowered? Ive pretty much got it on all of my classes now because it owns every other gun.
Originally Posted by cashy
ump is far better than any AR so yes it is overpowered
Yes! I personally have boycotted it. Its not noob tubes, or bad spawns, or even boosters that really get me pissed off. Its the ****ing ump and the fact that everyone and their brother uses it because its overpowered. What tilts me almost as much is when posters itf say it is a 'skill gun'. I will agree to the low skill floor/high skill ceiling the gun affords, but ffs its a 40/35 SMG.

Low firerate supposedly balances it, but is probably the reason for its huge success because of how well it kills at range due to low kick. You also get the movement speed of an SMG. The ironsights are also very good. You can run marathon+lightweight+commando and own at long, medium, and short range. What AR can you do this with?

hyperbole itt
Yes well thats always the case but the ump deserves it because it is itself already highly exaggerated (35 damage at range for an SMG... gg)
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04-28-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by snowden
somewhat this, although the real problem is that the assault rifles are so much better than anything else. When the same gun can be ok to excellent at more or less every range, it's difficult to balance the different classes of guns.
AR's are not very good at short range. I just think MW2 showcases more maps where medium/long range combat is more common. On smaller maps and at close range SMG rushing classes will beat AR's.
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