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GTA4 Superthread GTA4 Superthread

05-12-2008 , 08:10 PM
neato, i just beat 3 leaf clover, i feel awesome right now.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 08:53 PM

ridiculous, ridiculous music video from one of the songs on the russian vladostok radio station...

i've been obsessed with this song, and the russian rap theme song on that station, so i started looking around on google to find out what the **** they were saying...found this link. it's an animated video of hitler and other nazis as pigs...

hook is saying something about '1,2,3, shakey shakey piggie...' in german...

absolutely awesome!
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 09:39 PM
tuq, SA is bad on the classic. The shooting while in a car or on a bike, sucks. Makes the game unplayable IMO. Just get the 360 and play SA and IV. You don't need to play any of the other games, but they are fun. There are some funny story lines in the other games.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 09:40 PM
if i recall (and i could be wrong) your character in GTA3 didn't even have any dialog. Also it seemed like you couldn't see the horizon well enough to not wreck into something you couldn't even see before it was too late. Starting with VC, your character actually has his own lines and there's a pretty decent plotline. Vice City was ****ing awesome... i loved the miami vice 80s theme. I didn't think it could be improved with San Andreas but SA kicked serious ass. I'm about 50% through GTA4 and it rocks so hard.

I would bag GTA3 (I played it about 30 minutes and was not too impressed. Switched to VC and never looked back). Go with VC then SA and just marathon through them, then move to GTA4.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 10:46 PM
all 200 pigeons killed just now

dunno why but the message "all diseased pigeons killed. LC is a cleaner place." felt good
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bostaevski
if i recall (and i could be wrong) your character in GTA3 didn't even have any dialog. Also it seemed like you couldn't see the horizon well enough to not wreck into something you couldn't even see before it was too late. Starting with VC, your character actually has his own lines and there's a pretty decent plotline. Vice City was ****ing awesome... i loved the miami vice 80s theme. I didn't think it could be improved with San Andreas but SA kicked serious ass. I'm about 50% through GTA4 and it rocks so hard.

I would bag GTA3 (I played it about 30 minutes and was not too impressed. Switched to VC and never looked back). Go with VC then SA and just marathon through them, then move to GTA4.
What?! You, sir, are a horrible person!

I used to just drive around in GTA3 listening to talk radio. I looooved it! SA is the only game I played for a little bit but didn't care for. It was the turf wars thing. Big meh imo.

I guess I should set up my 360 and start playing 4, since I own both, and have for a while. Heck, the gta4 box is getting a bit dusty just sitting there.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:03 PM
F the haters. GTA 3 was great. To be honest, I think I enjoyed the missions more and felt a greater sense of accomplishment from GTA 3 than GTA 4.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:26 PM
sounds about right for MP...

i dropped off packie so im headin back to algonquin, then in south-central dukes, cerveza heights area i find a closed-down burger shot. some of the lights are still on, but most are out. on one side the "Bu_g__ S___" and the other side says "__r___ Sh_t"
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:40 PM
Anyone down for some cops n crooks tonight?
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:42 PM
GTA3 was awesome. I just recently played it again and got 100%. By far my favourite video game ever. Sure it was low on features compared to the ones that followed it, but it 's still a classic.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by thac
Anyone down for some cops n crooks tonight?
Gimme like 30-45 min

Join up people.

edit: If I'm not on by then, it means I've gone deep in a sat.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:50 PM
Add me to xbox360 gamertag: freedumb87
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 12:51 AM
some noob questions:

more clothing options? so far I only have a few lame Russian articles.
custom play list? the same songs get lame.
picking up hookers? how?
driving car and shooting out of window? It seems it can only auto shoot for me (shooting randomly strait of sideways, IDK).
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:06 AM
more stores will open.

There is no custom play list.

Hookers are out there, its the same deal as in other games.

Shooting out of the cars is way better this time around, you don't have to look sideways to shoot people, which sucked ass in SA.

Man, the more you play this game the more things open up. The missions with random people are weird, but add a good wrinkle to the game. Being able to steal cars from that dealership is awesome, and its right by a safe house! Who needs a garage???

Spent about 2.5 hours just stealing cars for Brucie and Steve, going on dates and hanging with your "friends". Trying to unlock all that ****. Stealing cars for Steve is gooooooood money though, damn.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:35 AM
speakin of stores, are there more than russian store, Perseus and that Modo store?
kinda lame that the Perseus stores sell the same clothes at different stores
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:36 AM
Hookers always hang out on the street that brucie lives on, just drive up to them and honk.

shooting out of cars you just use LB+ right analog stick to aim

the standup acts at the comedy club are excellent btw

Last edited by omar coming; 05-13-2008 at 01:41 AM.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka

Shooting out of the cars is way better this time around, you don't have to look sideways to shoot people, which sucked ass in SA.
eh for me the opposite. though maybe i will get better at the new interface.

I hope more stores open up, I just started the game (maybe 20-30 missions in), but already it feels like it is missing that GTA:SA aspect of having all these useless but cool quirks in the game (like working out, having tons of clothes, haircuts, tattoos, etc...)

I do like the increased social aspect of the game. Yesterday I spent like 2 hours surfing the net, and hanging out w/ gf, and going to strip clubs, and just living in the city (in GTA that is ).
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by IlliniLou
speakin of stores, are there more than russian store, Perseus and that Modo store?
kinda lame that the Perseus stores sell the same clothes at different stores

u gain a few outfits from missions. and there is an outfit on the statue of liberty on the highest level u can run up to.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by wiper

ridiculous, ridiculous music video from one of the songs on the russian vladostok radio station...

i've been obsessed with this song, and the russian rap theme song on that station, so i started looking around on google to find out what the **** they were saying...found this link. it's an animated video of hitler and other nazis as pigs...

hook is saying something about '1,2,3, shakey shakey piggie...' in german...

absolutely awesome!
Love that song. That video makes the song about 10x better too.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 02:58 AM
How to get deagle / combat pistol:


It's for sale immediately in the gunshop on the westernmost island. The same shop owner also dropped one after I killed him with it, but then three of his buddies came in pissed off and with automatic weapons.

Lol, smilies aren't hidden in spoiler tags. This should be fun.






GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 03:39 AM
you know, if it were a real show, id so watch "waning with the stars"
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 03:54 AM
I hate the multiplayer in this game. that is all. Also, ***** goofyballer, thac, and jmills.
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 03:55 AM
dear 2p2 ******s,

stop playing the GTA4 multiplayer due to peer pressure, and come back to COD4. goddam communists.

your friend,
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by aislephive
I hate the multiplayer in this game. that is all. Also, ***** goofyballer, thac, and jmills.
Oh no I can't find a helicopter so I gotta whineeee! Oh nooooo!
GTA4 Superthread Quote
05-13-2008 , 04:13 AM
i havent tried multiplayer even tho im 60% in...i just want to do a race without the bs that ive heard. am i the only one that likes clean legit races and not having morons who suck at driving trying to rocket you to death?
GTA4 Superthread Quote
