Originally Posted by AUGUY55
They changed the payout structure for races. I Believe the longer the race plays a big factor in how much you get paid now. For example, I did a few races with 8 other people in down the drain (a short race) who all had like above a 50 rating. 2 laps and I finished 2nd and only got like 800 bucks. Used to get at least 3000 or so if I remember right. Can really grind those short races because the payouts suck now
Haven't played since new patch droped, but yeah, 2nd in down the drain, even w as little as 4 players would easily be over $1000. With 8, easily $2-$4k, depending on player levels.
I kinda like the longer races or doing 2-3 laps of a medium length course but this isn't great for grinding $ and rp's.