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10-30-2011 , 01:34 PM
I'm sure there's tons of posts but could someone give me a few tips on attacking. I work the ball well in midfield but I suck at getting past the back 4 or finishing. I either just give the ball away with a sloppy pass or get insta-tackled as soon as I'm in the box.

Maybe my complete and utter failure to dribble? :S
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 02:25 PM
My main leak is defending, 4 straight promotions, but might be due to variance (getting worse players than me), cause even in my current division I played with ppl who raped me like 7-0...
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 06:09 PM
How's club going?
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
I'm sure there's tons of posts but could someone give me a few tips on attacking. I work the ball well in midfield but I suck at getting past the back 4 or finishing. I either just give the ball away with a sloppy pass or get insta-tackled as soon as I'm in the box.

Maybe my complete and utter failure to dribble? :S
Try getting some space just outside the 18 and hit some finesse shots to the back upper corner. Not sure which team you use but there's usually always someone w/ sick long shot/curve stats who can connect these w/ a high %.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 09:08 PM
here's how my last 5 or 6 h2h seasons have gone - get 10 points in the first 4 games, get absolutely crushed in the next 2, lose the 7th in the 90th minute, (meaning now i have to win 2 of the last 3) win the 8th by 3 goals, get curbstomped in the ninth, and finally fail to convert on a dozen breakaways in the final game

being unable to score in the last 25 mins a man up just now was icing on the cake
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 09:22 PM
I miss 3-10 gilt-edged chances per match, that is no exaggeration.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
I'm sure there's tons of posts but could someone give me a few tips on attacking. I work the ball well in midfield but I suck at getting past the back 4 or finishing. I either just give the ball away with a sloppy pass or get insta-tackled as soon as I'm in the box.

Maybe my complete and utter failure to dribble? :S
-get behind the defense from the wing and put in a low-hard cross
-precision dribbling
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 10:25 PM
anyone wanna buy mikel 4-1-2-1-2 800 starting bid!
FIFA 12 Quote
10-30-2011 , 11:46 PM

A pretty hilarious goal I scored on the way to a 5-2 hammering of Madrid lol.

Would tilt me beyond belief if my defenders did that to each other
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:26 AM
I'm sure this is a stupid question but how do you manually pick the ball up to take a quick throw-in? Is it even manual?
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:27 AM
Not sure. I have always just thought it's automatic if your player is near the ball.

Maybe it helps if you are on ultra attack or soemthing aswell.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by cashy
-get behind the defense from the wing and put in a low-hard cross
-precision dribbling
I never use low crosses, I have never really had any success so just gave up with it. Even it situations where I have 2 v the GK it still messes up. What kind of situations are you having most success with? Break away goals with often 1 attacker and 1 defender in penalty area or more with a packed box.

High crosses are the nuts. Would need to be real successful to stop me throwing high crosses in, lol

Shoot from anywhere, and I dont just mean finesse shots. This may be specific to FUT because of its arcade like nature, but if Im under 35 yards from goal and I dont see a route to goal I often just shoot. Very high success rate.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 03:51 AM
both works well
when the box is packed there is a good chance someone gets on the end of it(often an own goal too)
on a break away you have to release the cross in the right moment matching the run of your forward

works best very close to the byline inside(or just outside of) the box
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:33 AM
Well, I finally loaded up the game this weekend and discovered that I completely suck. I've never been this bad at any game and I've been a gamer for 30 years and a hardcore gamer for 20 of those years.

I went 12 matches against the CPU and never scored a goal (1 own goal). I went 4 matches in a row without ever taking a shot. My defending was OK. I was giving up 1 or 2 goals a match, mostly because I would fail a tackle and they'd get behind me. Or the ball would end up in the box and my defenders would just stand around or pass it to the keeper (I didn't figure out the 'clear' button for a while).

After 12 matches, I decided to take a look at the skill level and discovered I was playing on Pro, so moved it down to semi-pro. What a difference! I'm 4-0-1 since the change.

Like YouWishFish said above, I'm having problems with my shots. I can get in the box behind the defense, but somehow end up dribbling right into the keeper instead of taking a shot. I'm normally sprinting at this point, so I guess it takes longer to shoot even though I'm mashing the hell out of the shoot button.

I still haven't learned all the controls. I downloaded a PDF with all the controls and moves last night because I know that I'm missing some things that could really help. I've never used the precise dribbling or any of the special player moves. I hope this help because I get the ball stripped every time I try to sprint past a player.

Uncharted comes out tomorrow, so I'll try to play the hell out of FIFA tonight.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Badminton
How's club going?

would be going even better if you joined it bru
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
I'm sure there's tons of posts but could someone give me a few tips on attacking. I work the ball well in midfield but I suck at getting past the back 4 or finishing. I either just give the ball away with a sloppy pass or get insta-tackled as soon as I'm in the box.

Maybe my complete and utter failure to dribble? :S
work ball up middle, pass to forwards standing at top of 18 yd box - go left or right with L1 -- if defender guesses right you lose ball, if he guesses wrong you are in .. shoot.

work ball up wing and cross..... or cutback and pass to someone in the box

ive noticed online, ppl love to cutback and always end up in top corner of 18 yd box. i try and meet them at this corner on defense.

if this advice is lol, please lol and discuss. would like to hear from you high div freaks what your plan is.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:12 AM
Anyone that has played me over a number of games will know that I don't really have a set plan. My plan of attack usually depends on my opponents. If I am playing Real Madrid then I am going defensive and counter attacking but if I am playing AC Milan then I am going all out attack and creating chances all over the pitch.

People are generally really **** at defending though. Watch what direction they go when you get the ball and try and turn. They go the same way every time to try and cut you off. Just adapt and turn the other way and 9/10 you are through on goal.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:23 PM
How anyone plays regular FIFA amazes me.

Ive been playing a game of h2h seasons once every few days. So far Im 12-4-2, back to back promotions, this is my 3rd season. I had a slow start drawing too many games, but now I need 6 points for promotion, 3 games remaining.

Been using Bayern almost the entire time. thought I would Ronaldo whore my 6 points and try RM.

Slow, cant control, cant run, cant pass, cant shoot... and thats just CR.

FUT is like a completely different game. On there I hit the front man and Im either looking to beat my defender or Im looking for a through ball. My record is like 300-0-75, even after a recent downswing.

Not until after I lost my next 2 games did I remember/realise that in regular FIFA you have to play the game way more realistically and try to keep the ball and advance slowly up the pitch. So its an embarrassing stay in division 8 for me, lol. Pathetic!

Rage quit after 90th minute defeat, went to FUT, won every game by 3 goals or more including smashing the final 7-1 vs this guy who was possibly one of the best FIFA players I have ever come across. Thats what FUT can do to you, you get the first goal and park the bus and you pick off even the very best of players. I think I only had 6 shots in the game and like 35% possession(there was an OG). He was a really good player, I felt for him because I have been crushed a few times in similar situations this week.

Ive figured out that the TV is not the problem downstairs. The TV is amazing infact. My PS3 has a horrible connection down there and the lag has been killing me. Theres a radiator in a direct line between wireless router and where the PS3 sat on my unit. I pulled the PS3 to middle of the room and hey presto, it works. Not ideal but if thats how its gotta be...

Last time I played club I left in embarrassment after letting the side down on ANY. Hopefully now my connection is fixed I can get back into it again.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Badminton
How's club going?
Originally Posted by andre006

would be going even better if you joined it bro
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:40 PM
Anyone who doesn't think variance applies to Fifa should be watching my first attempt at Div3.

Such ****ing stupid goals getting given away. 2nd to every looseball. Keepers playing amazingly against me. FML.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:40 PM
I wish I could stop playing this game. It continually makes me so ****ing frustrated but I can't put the controller down.

What teams do you find the best to play with in the online head to heads?

After trying heaps of different teams I think I like playing as France the best. I'm sick of playing the same teams over and over, though.

I also cannot believe how ******ed everyone is when taking penalties. I haven't given away that many but I save a ridiculously high percentage of them.

I just move side to side before they take their shot and 9 times out of 10 they will shoot at right in the middle.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by forthwrite
I wish I could stop playing this game. It continually makes me so ****ing frustrated but I can't put the controller down.

What teams do you find the best to play with in the online head to heads?

After trying heaps of different teams I think I like playing as France the best. I'm sick of playing the same teams over and over, though.

I also cannot believe how ******ed everyone is when taking penalties. I haven't given away that many but I save a ridiculously high percentage of them.

I just move side to side before they take their shot and 9 times out of 10 they will shoot at right in the middle.
France are the GOAT team imo as i said before.

I'm playing with Barcelona right now, and have totally changed my approach and have kept the same formation for a long while now with Barca 41311 just tweaking it every so often and now starting to see consistent positive results. Have worked on dribbling and it makes a huge difference in the final third of the pitch, also do more build up play now which is a total change from like a week ago where i was just counter-attack but it's too 1-dimensional to use against all opponents. My current set-up is working against all formations and styles which is what i've been after for a long time hope won't have to change
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:18 PM
I am still using the Man City default formation lol.

2 games left in Div 3, 14 points and need 18 for promotion. If I can win the next game the last game is gonna be a bums to the wall game.
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:19 PM
lol sc00by i have shocking connection too i got pray not to get disconnned had maybe 20 discon losses on h2h seasons id be in div 2 by now!
FIFA 12 Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:35 PM
****ing bollox. Just got beat 3-0.

Another season of div 3 for me
FIFA 12 Quote
