Originally Posted by cashy
But how many days until your internet downloads it?
RT, to say this is like Fifa10 is laughable.
Its much more like Fifa WC, and it doesn't seem like too many people itt played wc judging by some of the comments.
The graphics look different imo, I really like the feel of the gameplay, more simulation like rather than arcade, if you played wc, the jump isn't that great, but give it a chance and trust me you'll love it.
Shooting is now much harder, only scored one from outside the box, and that was a finesse from the perfect angle anyway. I can see headers being scored a lot more in this game.
The penalties really aren't that hard, ldo aim for the little green section, apply power THEN apply accuracy, otherwise everything will go wide.
The keepers diving animation looks pretty gay tho.
I played as the keeper in the arena and really didn't think too much of it tbh, not sure if you can change settings or we, but as stated the AI often does work for you.
Overall I'm very pleased with the changes made in this game and can't wait for the release date.
Just hope they finalise transfers, van de vaart at real madrid etc.
EDIT- Unless I was doing it wrong, it appears a few command have changed in the game, eg
R1 to dummy no longer appears to work.
L1 double tap x is no loner a one-two.
Will really miss the dummy feature.
Oh, it also appears you can finally out sprint a defender without fear of being caught. I noticed in settings you can also change players sprint speed, nice touch
I really don't get the hate for this game and give it 9/10 so far. REALLY HOPE career mode is playable unlike last years pos MM
Oh btw, YourDoom.
Your friends are stubborn idiots, I feel sorry for you.
Last edited by Badminton; 09-16-2010 at 06:18 AM.