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Fallout 4 Fallout 4

02-16-2016 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
**** yeah **** yeah **** yeah. I will gleefully pay 15 bucks for glorified mods. Already had way more than $60 of fun with the game. ****- I'll pay like 15 just to get the ability to have a barber in my settlement.
lol this is what mobile gaming thrives on....

and i feel the same way
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 03:44 AM
just bought this game after sinking 100+ hours into witcher 3

never played any of the other fallout games but love the elder scrolls games so lets see what we are working with here

i'm like 1 hour into the game but somehow missing the roaches a lot with my gun. i probably suck. it's been at least 7 years since i have played any game that requires any sort of first person shooter skills. no clue what is going on yet but is this one of those games where i can beat the main quest then still finish a lot of fulfilling side quests at least?
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 04:00 AM
use VATS (L1) to avoid need for FPS skills
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 01:11 PM
I would super hate Fallout without VATS. The average area where you're in combat is so dense with stuff that you just can't really see clearly enough to aim on your own (or at least my old/****ty eyed/****tily coordinated/frequently baked ass can't). I could never get into Fallout 3 because VATS killed my immersion, but I basically instantly got over that (the badness of the mini cut scenes where you merk people helps, especially as somebody who plays games in part because I like making cool looking characters and getting to see them in action outside of FPS is cool) with this one.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 01:42 PM
Finally completed the main quest. 78hrs and level 58. I didn't ever bother using the power armour or any companions.

I had a brief glance at a map, and I think I missed out on quite a bit of stuff, but I think I'll have a break now until the Far Harbor dlc comes out.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 04:33 PM
Im at about 140 hours and only level 45. Not even close to finishing main quest.

I've been really good about not fast traveling anywhere. It's fun to just walk around and do stuff.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 05:15 PM
One thing I will say, crazy amounts of content. Played through level 20, decided to make a new build -> Played through and finished the game at level 38 -> started to play through again, level 12 or so, and am already running into things I didn't see through either of my first two passes.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 05:53 PM
Does anybody like the "boosts your xxx when your health is below 20%" perks?

It's a bummer that some of the level 10 perks are game changes (like the perception one) and that the level 10 for Int is such a unless pile. IMO a much better perk would have been the ability to re-purpose legendary modifiers from stuff you've gathered.

Also I want to either rename or randomly generate names for my settlers.

And a pony. A mutant pony with 4 heads.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Does anybody like the "boosts your xxx when your health is below 20%" perks?

It's a bummer that some of the level 10 perks are game changes (like the perception one) and that the level 10 for Int is such a unless pile. IMO a much better perk would have been the ability to re-purpose legendary modifiers from stuff you've gathered.
I've rocked the legendary slow time when below 20% ever since I got it long ago. Aside from that, I have mostly VATS-boosting or stat boosting rare gear.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 10:46 PM
I finished the main quest and am in the 40s rank-wise and was feeling a bit bored. Something that got me interested again is collecting all of the bobbleheads. Had to cheat (obv) to find some of them, but it takes you to some places you've probably never been, and makes you go back to some places you've already cleared, but missed the bobblehead. Usually the places have respawned baddies, and it was pretty fun to have a second time going through some of the places (like Saugus Ironworks).
Fallout 4 Quote
02-18-2016 , 11:40 PM
I think commando is better than rifleman or gunslinger.

Commando lets you use an awesome legendary pistols or rifles by modding them to full auto.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-19-2016 , 12:13 PM
I just think full auto is way less fun to play than headshoting everybody. If you're just trying to powerbuild that's probably correct. (although I still think the most powerful weapon is Deliverer, which you can't mod to full auto, but basically is since you can get off like 10+ shots if you've got a reasonable amount of AP, and with the level 10 perception perk that means basically you're auto headshoting everything after the first couple shots)

All my gear ideally boosts vats recovery, perception or agility. (but I keep a cool looking hat on my quick menu for when I'm in town, gotta stay fly).

If you feel like cheating to find stuff is great.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:45 PM
It might become playable after couple more years of (heavy) modding and bug fixing. Just maybe.

I kid, I kid...I like it, and couple tasty DLCs is on the way =)
Fallout 4 Quote
02-25-2016 , 02:02 AM
Think I will restart from scratch once these Survival mode changes happen.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-25-2016 , 02:46 PM
Finished the Institute end game the other day (spoilers for other end games included below)

Holy meh. So basically you turn on a REALLY BIG generator and then kill a few people and that's it? I was at least hoping for some dialog options to avoid killing my homies (from another live) in the Railroad, but nope. Just got yelled at and then slunk off to a back room to change into my fighting gear and got legit emotion when I shot Tinker Tom in the back. (and then also got kinda disgusted with that character and had to start up a new one because he made me feel like a BIG JERK)

Most of the end games leave something to be desired. I've done Minutemen and Railroad and in neither does it really make sense why you'd actually blow up the Institute. Kill all their people sure, they're monsters who use humanity as test subjects and turned my son into a monster, but I could use their toys to make life better for everybody. (also I maybe don't want to kill anybody who dared to live in that area).

I was able to kill everybody (but the cat, I totally saved the cat off screen) on the damn blimp, why did I have to blow it up? Seems like it could be useful.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-25-2016 , 10:54 PM
There is a way to actually end the game being friendly with everyone but it takes like exact situations to follow to do it.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-26-2016 , 06:38 AM
I've only played through once (with Railroad), but doesn't the Bunker Hill quest force to choose a side?
Fallout 4 Quote
02-26-2016 , 12:24 PM
Bunker Hill doesn't happen in the Minuteman storyline at all (or at least you're not involved in it). That's a kinda lame quest too, just because you can work it such that nobody is really aggro towards you and it's a bit too easy and also leaves you with so much loot (and weird how these carvan dudes are just leaving tons of good **** around for me to pick up).

I don't really want to be friends with everybody, to me you've either gotta side with the Institute or realize they're monsters (they're monsters- but I guess you can be all "OK my ****ed up kid is dead and now I run the show and I can make things better for everybody). I just don't think you need to blow them the **** up. It's just so odd in a game where scrounging for resources is such a key part that there's not even really a conversation about not destroying something that would have so much value)

Fallout 4 Quote
02-26-2016 , 12:48 PM
Oh my mistake. I completed the game with the Minutemen. I just did Bunker Hill with the Railroad.

A few duct tapes, heating plates, and cigar boxes, Dids, and the place will be up and running again in no time.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-26-2016 , 03:15 PM
I agree, the endings and what the different factions want you to do make no sense.


The Institute - They want to control and rule everyone. Their ending makes some sense.

The Railroad - Why are we blowing up the Institute? That's the only place that Synths could be fixed etc and no more Synths once you blow it up. Plus, aren't they supposed to be more touchy feely and compassionate. Hey lets just commit mass murder. Wouldn't a better ending to be to have you get control of the Institute and then change it into a more compassionate organization and work together with the Railroad to make the world a better place.

The Minutemen - Uhh same question. Mass Murder??

Brotherhood - Kill The Railroad why? Just a bunch of hippies that save the Synths. Like they care. Plus isn't the BoS trying to get as much technical information as possible. Let's destroy the place that has the most technical information that we could use. Their ending should be that they take over the Institute but the Railroad lives on in the shadows.
Fallout 4 Quote
02-26-2016 , 05:03 PM
I thought the Minutemen ending made the most sense. They're about protecting/rebuilding the Commonwealth and The Institute works in direct opposition to that. Plus in their end game you do have the option to not kill the innocents. It still would be nice to be able to say "hey maybe don't blow up all this game changing technology". I just said "Ok well I guess in this new world we need to survive on our own terms and that that means no synthetic gorillas".

The Institute end mostly makes sense- it's just a weird anticlimax, especially compared to the other endings. I fight some guys around a big robot and then the blimp just crashes because reasons? (admittedly I didn't stick around to see what the impact of my team winning meant, because I bailed on that character right after)

BUT once you visit the Institute, the game kinda forgets all that kidnapping, and 1st gen synth murder rampages and what not. It makes sense that the folks there wouldn't come out and talk about it, but you don't really have sufficient dialog options to be all WHAT THE ****? I RPed my character as a cold blooded calculating rational type who could see how the ends justified the means, but they didn't really give me enough for that to work without just feeling basically evil.

While I'm making very minor gripes about what I consider probably my second favorite game of all time- I wish they did more with the 200 years old thing. You just acclimate to your surroundings really quickly, which I guess in a sense is what the protagonist in that story would have to do for it to work, but after you're like "whoa, giant roaches" in the intro nothing else gives you as much pause as maybe it should.

Other minor gripes

Let me wife up Fahrenheit and Glory. Glory especially, it would work well within her story and her voice is appealing as hell.

Let me get Hancock (who stabbings aside is basically a good guy) as a hench without having to take part in a bank heist. (but also maybe don't let me get people like Nick, Piper and Hancock, who are so tied to a specific location and just uproot them without what feels like enough reason)

Make Strong shut up and make him actually stand in a ****ing guard stand. You'll quickly learn to never send him to your main settlement, since he just stands by the chem stand and talks about eating people. (all his dialog is hilarious the first time, but awful the 3rd, and that 3rd game roughly 2 minute after the 1st) Codsworth is equally useless in terms of helping your settlement.

It's ****ing weird having Garrus Vakarian voice like a bunch of NPCs (this may not be an issue if you haven't played Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 almost all the way through like 6 times) To me if you're going to use such recognizable voice talent, it should be in a specific role that doesn't break immersion.

Fallout 4 Quote
03-05-2016 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

(but also maybe don't let me get people like Nick, Piper and Hancock, who are so tied to a specific location and just uproot them without what feels like enough reason)


You don't have to uproot companions permanently. When you dismiss them, instead of selecting one of your settlements, cancel out of the menu and they'll go wherever they were when you last had them follow you. Unfortunately this means that once you select a settlement for them to go to, there's no way to dismiss them to their original location.
Fallout 4 Quote
03-05-2016 , 07:58 PM
I was friendly to all but the Institute.
Fallout 4 Quote
03-07-2016 , 05:03 PM
Dids' optimal Fallout End Game Path:

Assuming you play as a male character and thus have a military background if you're the a woman/lawyer you just have to come up with a reason why you'd default to the BOS.

1- Join BOS at the start- that's the life you know. You need support and security and they seem the best equipped to offer it, even if they're tools.

2- Slowly become a bit disgusted by their narrow focus and zealotry but you need their help to get into the Institute. Realize they're wrong about Synths since Nick Diamond is an awesome dude who helped you out.

3- Tell the BOS to **** off when they attempt to force you to kill Danske (after you get into the 'Tute) and take out the Railroad.

4- Realize the Institute are horrible monsters and that what was once your son is now a complete ******* and that they all need to die.

5- Join the Railroad because YAY Synths and you still need help ending the 'Tute.

6- Finish main storyline with the Railroad, pretend that you saved the cat and the kid from the blimp because what the **** kind of monster lets a cat get blown up? (all of this still doesn't fix the fact that there's no good reason the RR endgame means you have to nuke the 'Tute).

7- Now that the Big Bad is gone and you've cemented yourself as Pretty ****ing Badass, join the Minutemen (because that makes Preston's intuition about your leadership make some sense rather than him just being all "well I need somebody to lead the Minutemen because I suck, Struges is too dumb and lazy to even open a door or make a bed, and you're the only other person I know who has ever done anything useful so sure you're the general")

8- Spend the rest of your time rebuilding the Commonwealth with the Minutemen and doing random quests. Wife up Piper and spend your days on Nordhagen Beach or Spectacle Island.

In part this means that the endless settlement quests that Preston spawns hold off until such time that it makes sense that that's where you'd spend your time (whereas earlier you're either furiously looking for your kid and/or trying to take out a threat to humanity). It's also a way to experience most of the game and all the different factions in a way that makes some roleplaying sense.
Fallout 4 Quote
03-08-2016 , 01:54 AM
Gotta say my first couple play throughs I avoided the Railroad but their storyline is actually kinda fun (even if the faction in and of itself kinda sucks).
Fallout 4 Quote
