Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Each shout has 3 words to it. When you find a dragon wall you will either learn a new shout like "fire breath" or an additional word for a shout you already have.
When you learn said word, you need to open you menu, then go to your magic. Once there, scroll down to shouts and if you just got a new shout it will be shaded in black indicating that you have no yet spent a dragon soul on it to unlock it. Depending on if you are playing on console or PC the command button to unlock/spend a dragon soul will differ. It should tell you what button to use in the bottom left and how many dragon souls you have in the bottom right.
If you learned an additional word for a shout you already have, then do the same as above but scroll to the shout that you just found the additional word for and unlock it.