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01-14-2013 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by printingmoney
I believe it was stated that Tabako and Rolo are no longer on Fnatic. If that is true that is probably why you did not see him play.
That would definitely explain it, however they are still listed on the official fnatic site.
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01-17-2013 , 05:19 PM
At least at the lower levels, this game seems to be heavily centered around a few heroes that are really strong, maybe at any level.

Riki, Drow, Tinker, Clinkz.

Maybe it's just a small sample size, but I swear I get put onto teams that are constantly overmatched. I just lost a game 17-48. So far I'm only on Crystal Maiden, my record being 5-12 now, going in alphabetical order.

I should probably consider giving up on that pursuit since it seems like I only win when I play a hero that is part of the more elite picks.
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01-17-2013 , 07:49 PM
Leavers are not that big of an issue. For awhile I would see streamers abandon (and then occasionally have to play on alts) but once I started abandoning games semi-regularly myself, I realized how easy it is to get thrown in Low Priority Queue, and now I don't abandon anymore. If you abandon too much you get put on a short leash where if you abandon just once (during an undetermined time frame; I went like 5 days w/o an abandon then accidentally got one and was LPQ) you'll get stuck in LPQ.
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01-17-2013 , 07:55 PM
If you want to win games in the lower bracket you need to play a hero with a higher impact. Most supports will offer very little to the team if your teammates do not assist you. In the highest bracket you will see teams win games without a carry hero unlike the lower bracket.

I previously stated that there were a lot of leavers since playing on a newer account but I do not recall a leaver for my past 10 games at least. I think it maybe had something to do with the elo ranking and large number of smurf accounts due to increase of invites.

On the other hand it still seems like people are intentionally throwing games when they do not get what they want.
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01-17-2013 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by dankhank
Leavers are not that big of an issue. For awhile I would see streamers abandon (and then occasionally have to play on alts) but once I started abandoning games semi-regularly myself, I realized how easy it is to get thrown in Low Priority Queue, and now I don't abandon anymore. If you abandon too much you get put on a short leash where if you abandon just once (during an undetermined time frame; I went like 5 days w/o an abandon then accidentally got one and was LPQ) you'll get stuck in LPQ.
I was in the LPQ for 24 hours (lol connection), and it took like 4 minutes to find a game instead of 3. Big ****ing whoop? There was hardly a discernible difference imo. Probably because there's SOO MANY ****ING LEAVERS THE LPQ IS HUGE!!!
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01-17-2013 , 09:39 PM
Can we create a master pubstomper list.

1. Pudge
2. Batrider
3. Drow
4a QOP
4.b Ursa
5. Sniper
6. TA
7. Bloodseeker
8. BH
9. NS
10. Tide
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01-17-2013 , 10:21 PM
any hero that can solo roshan should be on that list
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01-17-2013 , 10:35 PM
any hero is a pubstomper if sniper is
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01-17-2013 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Fonkey123
I was in the LPQ for 24 hours (lol connection), and it took like 4 minutes to find a game instead of 3. Big ****ing whoop? There was hardly a discernible difference imo. Probably because there's SOO MANY ****ING LEAVERS THE LPQ IS HUGE!!!
gotta be some variance in here as i have sat there for 20+ minutes many many times

and the level of play and manner is so far off in low prio i dont even bother playing when i'm in there
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01-17-2013 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bakes
any hero is a pubstomper if sniper is
You have to think of a couple factors.

1. Pubs draft very few initiators, so he just stands in the back out of range of everything and destroys.

2. He can solo mid V easily against bads.

3. He can actually get solo kills at 6.

That's why he's top 10 pubstomper

But I do see your point.

DO NOT draft these types of heroes if you want to win 55%+

Pure support, melee carries that require 20min of farm, initiators that DO NOT allow mouthbreathers to mouthbreathe and win a fight.

Example tide is good since you can 4-5 man ravage almost every fight against pubs AND not die.

Enigma is terribad, since you can normally only get 2-3 man blackholes and rely so much on other players disabling key enemies.
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01-18-2013 , 12:39 AM
My latest issue isn't leavers but the Russians. I don't know what it is, but they play just ridiculously bad and do really dumb stuff. My last 15 games or so has usually been team with fewer Russians wins. I don't know if it's a language thing or just an epic cold-war troll.
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01-18-2013 , 12:58 AM
I think the term pub stomper really depends on what bracket of play you are in. In low brackets I can see noobs getting destroyed by assassinate, but in the higher brackets sniper is basically food for any coordinated gank or diver. A 1v1 match up like Sniper vs NS mid is going to be a nightmare.
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01-18-2013 , 11:58 PM
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01-19-2013 , 01:44 AM
Last time I got put into LP I waited 20 minutes trying to get a game and then gave up for the rest of the day.

Sniper does very well in 1v1 matchups, especially in mid. It's ganks that he can't handle, since he has absolutely no escape mech.
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01-19-2013 , 01:32 PM
Just played a game. 5 minutes into the game, chat pops up, "sorry guys I had to go eat."

WTF!!! Go eat before you find match!?!?!!?!?! How can some people be so dumb!!!

I called him out on it and then he abandoned the game completely and never played.

Also, I feel like my ELO isn't dropping. I used to play against people who could barely click their mouse, now I'm constantly facing people who are well coordinated and play well together. I'm 1-7 in my last 8 games.
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01-19-2013 , 02:15 PM

Next game I play Riki again and go 16-0-7. The other team ended up all leaving the game and it ended without killing the ancient.

I wish I had more games like that! That was a fun one, stalking people with my invisibility and then jumping on them.
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01-19-2013 , 04:33 PM

pls vote to make ratings public so I can flame everyone and get flamed myself. Seriously flaming is probably my favorite part of online gaming
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01-19-2013 , 04:57 PM

So this isn't public?

Also over my last x games based on that page I'm 187/64/232

With a record of 12-8 lol

I'm sick of tired of stomping bads, and having teammates feed equally as bad. How long does it take to move up game levels?

And I'm not tooting my own horn I'm just bored.
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01-19-2013 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Fonkey123

So this isn't public?

Also over my last x games based on that page I'm 187/64/232

With a record of 12-8 lol

I'm sick of tired of stomping bads, and having teammates feed equally as bad. How long does it take to move up game levels?

And I'm not tooting my own horn I'm just bored.
That's public. What isn't public or even available yet for that matter is a hidden "rating" that Dotabuff has created, similar to the hidden rating used by Dota2 to place you into each game (your "matchmaking rating")
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01-19-2013 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Count Chocula
Sniper does very well in 1v1 matchups, especially in mid. It's ganks that he can't handle, since he has absolutely no escape mech.
I don't play sniper and normally do not play against him but he should not be doing well in 1v1 match ups against good mid heroes and equally skilled players. He can easily get nuked down which you are already aware of since he is very gankable. He also has the lowest base damage that I can think of besides Techies. A single stout shield wrecks him.

I wonder how the dotabuff rating would work since the player pool is so large and it appears there are tiers within tiers. You also have to factor in different country servers.
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01-19-2013 , 06:35 PM
^ no one brings stout shield to mid. Mid heroes typically have nukes but often no disables, which is what ruins sniper- well, it's initiation disables that wreck him. A roaming sven is what makes playing sniper in any lane impossible.

I think ratings are only useful for comparing people who already play in very high bracket, as the skill gap in this bracket is much larger than in the other brackets imo.
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01-20-2013 , 01:19 AM
when i play sniper mid i just troll the other mid by waiting till the last minute until he goes for the rune and then shooting the rune

only top rune tho, bot rune is way too far for me to leave my precious mid farm
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01-20-2013 , 02:06 AM
lol mission sniper round 1

great success

that was a fun game

except for the part where i was laning mid against a stout shield centaur that got early return

good thing he dived like a ****** and gave me fb
DOTA 2 Quote
01-20-2013 , 08:32 AM
I just picked it up, and I'm very bad, where do I begin learning this?
DOTA 2 Quote
01-20-2013 , 08:52 AM
join the 2p2 channel
read this
and this
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