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04-09-2017 , 10:55 PM

RIP iron talon/quelling blade combo

QoP max shadow strike build now viable hehehehehe

RIP tranquil boots on non-supports (probably)

RIP hand of midas (maybe?)
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04-10-2017 , 11:54 PM
someone suggested prophet mid on reddit and thats enough for me
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04-20-2017 , 06:24 PM
dat matchmaking update Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
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04-20-2017 , 07:25 PM
Pasted from Reddit.

* You now have to register your account to a phone number to play ranked.
* Return of Solo Queue
* If your Solo MMR > Party MMR, the average of both will be used when queueing party.
* Bans from ranked are now a thing
* Harsher punishment for intentional game ruining
* Permabanwave to bot accounts
* South Africa, Dubai and India ranked servers have been shutdown.

The report system sounds like it's going to be pretty brutal now. Guess I need to permamute myself.
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04-20-2017 , 07:56 PM
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04-20-2017 , 09:40 PM
Not sure if wtfisthissh or hurray, inb4 robusto?
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04-21-2017 , 10:34 AM
first party ranked game +33. thanks to solo/party leveling their 5k solo with his 4k party
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04-21-2017 , 02:54 PM
seems like a great update but they're going to have to be careful with how they handle reports now
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04-21-2017 , 03:15 PM
Remember, folks: mute early and often.

This is fantastic. Nerf to me though because my party mmr was so much lower than my solo.

I enjoyed stomping around in 2k.
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04-24-2017 , 02:47 AM
Kiev has started. SG - OG pretty fun game 1.
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04-24-2017 , 03:17 AM
MidOne best player in dota right now
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04-24-2017 , 01:24 PM
Personally I quite like the Swiss style. Having Bo3 matches to start the tournament is great
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04-24-2017 , 02:25 PM
long gone are the days of AM carry going bf, manta, vlads, butterfly and ending the game... the hero actually seems like one of the weaker carries in this meta

the 7.00+ AM build yet to be discovered

faceless eg series: eg seems to really like riki despite zai not looking great on it. maybe they just think the hero is very OP as purely a walking ward

Last edited by oldgrandma18k; 04-24-2017 at 02:39 PM.
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04-24-2017 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
long gone are the days of AM carry going bf, manta, vlads, butterfly and ending the game... the hero actually seems like one of the weaker carries in this meta

the 7.00+ AM build yet to be discovered

faceless eg series: eg seems to really like riki despite zai not looking great on it. maybe they just think the hero is very OP as purely a walking ward
Did you not watch OG vs IG? The AM pick won game 2 by itself.

Also Zai is currently MVP in this game 3 on riki.
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04-24-2017 , 03:30 PM
With the greediest build of all time no less; going brown boots, Midas AND Battlefury(16m), into boots of travel

*not sure about the order of these two nor the exact midas timing, can't see it as he sold his midas and upgraded the boots before game's end
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04-24-2017 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Did you not watch OG vs IG? The AM pick won game 2 by itself.

Also Zai is currently MVP in this game 3 on riki.
nah haven't caught up on other games yet... AM can certainly carry a game still but he definitely feels weaker as a carry than before, much more situational

yea game 3 went well but game 2 was really really bad, so it was surprising to see them go back to it so early in g3
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04-24-2017 , 03:34 PM
I'm pretty sure Burning went midas->brown boots->battlefury->bots. He had the highest GPM on an AM in a pro game of all time (1040).

I'm actually pretty sure AM is a much better carry in 7.05 than previous 7.0x patches. The meta seems to be super greedy with split pushing, which sounds perfect for him.
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04-24-2017 , 04:07 PM
TNC is kicking ass, wtf
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04-24-2017 , 07:33 PM
Someone got the cliffnotes, I don't have two hours to watch every time EG gets humiliated. Time to reboot the roster again or 'they are just getting warmed up.'
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04-25-2017 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Someone got the cliffnotes, I don't have two hours to watch every time EG gets humiliated. Time to reboot the roster again or 'they are just getting warmed up.'
did not watch their tnc series, they looked ok against faceless, nothing remarkable about it.
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04-25-2017 , 03:45 AM
dat VP/TNC game 1 wOw
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04-25-2017 , 12:43 PM
so secret and vp were the first high seeds? that's pretty unexpected
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04-25-2017 , 02:09 PM
Boboka is a God and Riki needs a nerf. I swear that cloud is like 50-100 AOE bigger than it should be, the freakin' cloud + ult are just 2 insanely good spells

Drama aside I'm really happy to see Team Secret doing so well. There's something to be said about a guy like Puppey who can perform at a super elite level but doesn't grind out pub games like crazy (unless he is doing that nowadays, maybe he is, heh heh)

TNC vs Demon HYPEeeee

Abed is so good too... PogChamp

Last edited by oldgrandma18k; 04-25-2017 at 02:36 PM.
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04-25-2017 , 03:03 PM
meh, can't really put drama aside, puppey winning is a travesty
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04-25-2017 , 03:16 PM
lmfao, Conrad and Purge just commented on Abed's Mask of Madness purchase and why it was good but Abed bought it after the game was over lololol
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