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03-07-2012 , 04:13 PM
my steam is hitthepanda down to play with anyone
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03-07-2012 , 05:41 PM
i'm castledefense on steam
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03-07-2012 , 08:32 PM
I added both of you. Name is "Slade".

I have a "Don't be a jackass" icon and I'm in both Sklansky groups, so it's easy to find me if there are other people that pop up when you search Slade.

I added el_z0r, monoxide62, and Smouky1 since your names resulted in multiple hits. I assume you guys are two of those three people.
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03-08-2012 , 12:25 AM
oh you're slade wtf!!! lol.
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03-08-2012 , 12:01 PM
This is how I know you play Tiny every game.

You seem to leave Dota2 running while you're afk a lot. I still throw random invites your way though.

Lost an infuriating game last night because my team refused to initiate. It was almost comical how they'd all just dance around waiting for someone to do something, and then CONTINUE to dance around when I would get fed up and initiate. I queued up with someone else who got Mirana and dominated middle. I randomed Lion and proceeded to go 0-8-8 before we finally just sat at the fountain ~35 minutes in. Our teamwork was just laughably bad.

The Riki on our team was a giant pussy. He never went ahead to offer us vision, or initiated with a smoke. I kept having to initiate (blindly hoping that my team would fight) and would then just die. The Furion and Twin Headed Dragon on our team were 100% guaranteed mentally handicapped. Riki was just bad. THD threw his spells in totally random directions, and usually AFTER the fight was already over and while he was running away. Furion may as well have just not been on the team. He died more than I did.

One prime example would be as their team was 5 pushing our middle T1 tower. My team is hanging back between the T1 and T2 towers, I was top. So I ping and TP in, immediately land a stun on 3 of their 5 heroes, and then get INSTANTLY BLOWN UP as the stun ends. My team watches me and the tower die, Mirana (my friend) has already thrown an arrow and is pinging like crazy for the rest of them to do something, but he's smart enough to not go suicide in after me all by himself. THD... kind of engages? Like, sort of moved his hero in the general direction of where the fight was supposed to be, but not really. He immediately regrets his decision and gets pounced on by their team, what happened next made me laugh out loud. He throws his ice wall toward the Roshan pit, hitting zero heroes. He dual breaths hitting one person, and then uses his Macropyre in the COMPLETE OPPOSITE DIRECTION of all 5 of their heroes. You could almost see the gears grinding in his thick little skull saying, "CAPTAIN, CAPTAIN! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING!! **** TARGETING, JUST FIRE ALL TORPEDOES BEFORE WE GO DOWN!"

You'd think just once we might see a THD ice wall to initiate a fight? Maybe a Riki blink+smoke to shut down their stuns/silences? Nope. Mirana kept having to try and throw blind arrows. THD seemed to have no interest in actually participating in ANY fights. Furion was usually away trying (and failing) to push lanes.

Meanwhile, their team had the coordination of SEAL Team Six, and literally just shat in our collective oatmeal all game.

You can't do anything when that happens. You just take your loss and move on.
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03-08-2012 , 09:53 PM
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03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
Just played the most epic game.

Match ID 7148125.

Anyone who wants to learn the value of lategame teamfights should watch this game.
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03-08-2012 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bork
I was gonna post this, lol.
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03-08-2012 , 10:22 PM
5 bans, y'all scared?
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03-08-2012 , 11:27 PM
I have a Dota 2 key/account or w/e. Looking to sell it or trade for Diablo3.
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03-10-2012 , 12:41 AM
insoo you gonna be playing tonight?
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03-10-2012 , 12:50 AM
This was probably mentioned already but i found

to be very helpful in learning how to play each hero better.
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03-10-2012 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by HITTHEPANDA
insoo you gonna be playing tonight?
Maybe tomorrow morning.
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03-11-2012 , 08:29 AM
Been busy this weekend with the epic, epic weekend of DotA streams. If you missed it, you are not a true dota player -.-
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03-11-2012 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by RebeccaTwigley
Been busy this weekend with the epic, epic weekend of DotA streams. If you missed it, you are not a true dota player -.-
i checked out the defense tournament with na'vi and eg and stuff, anything else I should take a peak at?
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03-12-2012 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by HITTHEPANDA
i checked out the defense tournament with na'vi and eg and stuff, anything else I should take a peak at?
I would check out the defense tournament finals if you didn't already.

Also these two games are from the premier league. First game is from arguably the top two dota2 teams at the moment.

A new tourney is starting today I think which is supposed to have na'vi vs darer (m5) which has Artstyle.

I'm pretty interested to see how 6.74 which is supposed to go stable effects some of the new up and coming Asian tournaments.
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03-12-2012 , 06:32 PM
I can't believe 6.74 actually made batrider better.
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03-12-2012 , 06:36 PM
I used to cry having to play vs that hero in DotA 1. In DotA 2 I hardly ever see him played well. I know he's kinda ****ty in DotA 2 for various reasons, but you think you'd at least see some people playing him well occasionally.
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03-12-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by printingmoney
I would check out the defense tournament finals if you didn't already.

Also these two games are from the premier league. First game is from arguably the top two dota2 teams at the moment.

A new tourney is starting today I think which is supposed to have na'vi vs darer (m5) which has Artstyle.

I'm pretty interested to see how 6.74 which is supposed to go stable effects some of the new up and coming Asian tournaments.
[x] want
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03-12-2012 , 07:49 PM
looking for some team games. im not great but i try to work as a team and listen to advice etc. playing under the account iweargoggles
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03-13-2012 , 12:52 PM
You can change your display name you know.
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03-13-2012 , 06:57 PM
Bat wasn't played much in dota2 since his bread and butter spell sticky napalm was basically useless in dota2. It was far too nerfed whether it was intentional or not, but I believe they fixed the turn rates in the recent patch. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts getting played soon. Does anyone know if his napalm reveals invis again?

I think morphling will probably start getting some playing time with the recent buffs also. Hopefully he does since he's a fun hero to watch.
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03-14-2012 , 05:24 PM
I'm sure it's been asked before but I haven't followed DOTA in many years. How are they all stacking up between HoN, LoL and DOTA 1 & 2? (or others?)
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03-14-2012 , 06:49 PM
HoN is like playing Dota at 1.5x speed with an HD textures pack.

LoL is like playing Dota at .5x speed with easymode enabled.

I've played all four games (WC3 dota) and Dota2 is definitely the best of the bunch.
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03-14-2012 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
HoN is like playing Dota at 1.5x speed with an HD textures pack.

LoL is like playing Dota at .5x speed with easymode enabled.

I've played all four games (WC3 dota) and Dota2 is definitely the best of the bunch.

The main reason LoL is so popular is they are free to play and is friendly to new players. Once Dota2 is released (as free to play), I expect things to balance out a bit.
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