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08-13-2013 , 09:27 PM
I know they had some sort of qualifying matches prior but how were the participants of TI3 picked anyhow?
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08-13-2013 , 09:54 PM
valve just picked who they wanted based on past tournament results and region
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08-13-2013 , 10:50 PM
They put some emphasis on stable rosters as well. But in the end, it was just whoever valve wanted to invite.

They did a good job though, very few teams that were invited I thought didn't deserve it and virtually no teams that I think they missed, considering only 14 invites.
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08-13-2013 , 11:22 PM
yea i agree for the most part. of course mufc stands out cuz they didnt win a game but there wasn't really another option for the SEA region.
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08-13-2013 , 11:28 PM
mufc was doing pretty well leading up to their invite though. I think they took a bo3 off Orange at the time. Unfortunately for them, pretty much every team stepped it up big time when ti3 started, and mufc was left in the dust.
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08-13-2013 , 11:32 PM
I don't think region matters. If the top 14 teams happened to be western teams I think they would have selected western teams only.

No reason to pick 3 from SEA (Orange, Zenith and MUFC) when the size of the gaming community in Singapore and Malaysia vs ROW is so small. They probably just named the top 14 teams in skill and stability. I posted earlier is this thread with my invite predictions and got it exactly right.
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08-14-2013 , 12:46 AM
Btw does anyone think Pudge fountain hooks will be nerfed? I didn't think it will be but if a level 9 pudge can take down a level 25 enemy carry (didn't happen at the international, just saying) then it might be a bit imbalanced.

The only way I can think of to save a hooked enemy is to recall him back with kotl. Not sure whether there is enough time.
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08-14-2013 , 12:58 AM
they say theres a bug if pudge disappears before the ennemy has the hook in vision, the hook wont appear to the enemy.

Obviously at that point its probably close to impossible to dodge but they say theyre gonna fix that.

Or something similar.
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08-14-2013 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
Btw does anyone think Pudge fountain hooks will be nerfed? I didn't think it will be but if a level 9 pudge can take down a level 25 enemy carry (didn't happen at the international, just saying) then it might be a bit imbalanced.

The only way I can think of to save a hooked enemy is to recall him back with kotl. Not sure whether there is enough time.
kunkka's x marks the spot probably works. also i wonder what happens when you glimpse a pudge that hit a fountain hook. swap might work as well. also a morph that gets fountain hooked could just replicate immediately.
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08-14-2013 , 07:28 AM
is it possible for a pudge that hits a fountain hook to be killed by bloodseeker rupture? some other possible escapes: weaver time lapse, slark dark pact, spectre haunt-reality, storm could probably jump out. euls scepter maybe?
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08-14-2013 , 09:43 AM
Weaver time lapse and morphling's replicate sound like excellent counters. Glimpse on your team mate probably works also (not sure about glimpsing the pudge).

Spectre shouldn't work because of dismember and neither will euls scepter since the pudge can just dismember you after that.

X marks the spot and swap should work in theory I think but they require godlike reaction time. I was thinking about relocate using a wisp as well but I doubt it will work.

The cheapest solution might be force staff I think but dismember might kick in before the cast time. I remember in dota 1 that it was almost impossible to dismember a slark since his pounce had either a 0 or 0.1 cast time. Qop and AM could still get caught though.

I remember being recalled back once and a bs ruptured me just before I teleported. I didn't take any damage so I think rupture won't work on a pudge fountain-hooking.

God I love this game. Good stuff.
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08-14-2013 , 10:54 AM
rupture doesnt work if you exceed a certain travel speed
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08-14-2013 , 01:52 PM

Eternal Envy shares TI3 stories (nice commentary about the games, there is a CV/Lumi story at the beginning).
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08-14-2013 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
Weaver time lapse and morphling's replicate sound like excellent counters. Glimpse on your team mate probably works also (not sure about glimpsing the pudge).

Spectre shouldn't work because of dismember and neither will euls scepter since the pudge can just dismember you after that.

X marks the spot and swap should work in theory I think but they require godlike reaction time. I was thinking about relocate using a wisp as well but I doubt it will work.

The cheapest solution might be force staff I think but dismember might kick in before the cast time. I remember in dota 1 that it was almost impossible to dismember a slark since his pounce had either a 0 or 0.1 cast time. Qop and AM could still get caught though.

I remember being recalled back once and a bs ruptured me just before I teleported. I didn't take any damage so I think rupture won't work on a pudge fountain-hooking.

God I love this game. Good stuff.
i'm like 99% sure you can only glimpse enemy heroes. i play disruptor a decent amount. thats why i was asking about what happens when you glimpse the pudge who then hit a fountain hook. obviously the pudge would be glimpsed back but would the hooked hero also turn back?

also for euls i meant that you would euls the hooked hero as he's going to fountain. like maybe nature's prophet gets euls and he can tp in the path of the fountain hook and euls them before they get to fountain.
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08-14-2013 , 07:49 PM
I'm 100% sure you can't glimpse allied heroes.

I think the way that hook works, is that it pulls the target to where Pudge was at the time hook landed.
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08-14-2013 , 08:59 PM
you can euls a hero after he's been hooked and is flying? but you can't self do that on yourself right?
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08-14-2013 , 09:02 PM
well i have no idea these are just brainstorms of possible ways for not dying after someone gets fountain hooked. but no you can't euls yourself while you're flying towards their fountain it would have to be a teammate saving your ass.
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08-15-2013 , 04:57 AM
omfg if anyone is having problems with dota 2 crashing and nvidia cards, use the new beta drivers 326.41

i used to get crashes all the time while searching for a game, which was really frustrating since it'd often take me out of queue. new drivers seemed to have solved the issue, weee.
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08-15-2013 , 06:04 AM
dota can be so annoying sometimes. just had a CM game where we pick a lifestealer trilane and it gets to the last pick and we're trying to decide whether to combo w/ a puck or a storm and this guy who hasn't said a damn thing the entire draft goes "pick me lina plz". of course we don't and just go w/ puck and he gets pissed and snap picks lifestealer. doesn't say anything and goes to jungle with him. then he doesn't even skill infest. like thanks for completely ruining the game bro. why do people like this even play CM?
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08-15-2013 , 06:37 AM
I have a personal rule. I never pub cm.

I play it inhouse, or team matchmaking sounds reasonable enough. One of the things about pub cm games is that it sits in a very weird spot in the matchmaking brackets. Low level players never touch cm unless it's just to see what the hell it is, or maybe they watched a pro game beforehand and feel like they want to play it. All the players at the top of the matchmaking seem to only ever play AP, and I've never had a moment queuing with those players who for even a second considered another game mode.
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08-15-2013 , 07:03 AM
yea i mostly play all pick but that can get annoying when you get no supports or you get 2 guys that sit mid and neither of them leave and you end up with a sf/ta dual lane mid. whenever i get 3-4 of those in a row i'll queue cm because at least you're gonna get a reasonable lineup of heroes. then of course dumb **** like above happens and i go back to AP.
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08-15-2013 , 09:09 AM
I never knew you can't glimpse allied heroes. Not played distuptor before actually. Thanks for the info.

The waiting times for cm suck in SEA so I tend to play AP. In AP mode everyone wants to go mid and they suck at teamwork so its poop as well.

Playing with teammates rocks though. If I have to play solo I end up playing cs go or borderlands 2.
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08-15-2013 , 12:27 PM
so is there a 2p2 channel on dota 2?
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08-15-2013 , 05:26 PM
yep, I think it's 2p2... The channel is more or less defunct, at least we're trying to phase it out in favor of the guild. Stop by the channel sometime and me or someone else will give you a guild invite. I sit around that channel for no other reason than to invite anyone who isn't in the guild already.

I'll be honest though, the players here are not very active.
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08-15-2013 , 05:35 PM
Oh damn how to get into the guild? Def need an invite
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