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08-12-2013 , 05:26 AM
Greatest dota tournament of all time. TI3 was amazing with so many close matches. Gg Alliance, NaVi and Orange.
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08-12-2013 , 05:35 AM
yea i just watched the replay and only enigma was tp'ing. s4 caught TA, alch, and enigma, TA didn't have a TP because they just got aegis. i think xboct made a huge mistake not tp'ing immediately after the coil. that + bat and rubick tp'd to opposite towers and couldn't do anything to stop the push anyway (rubick went to prohpet who had a hex and bat went to ck/wisp who can just kill him).
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08-12-2013 , 05:36 AM
TI2 was awesome as well. mainly because the chinese were so hyped and LGD/IG were destroying everyone then navi beat them both by giving them the OP strat and crushing it.
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08-12-2013 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Wily
I liked the compendium all star teams, but we have no way to determine points or who wins. Seems a bit dull without any way to actually compete.
But thats like any sort of draft..... Just run a poll.
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08-12-2013 , 06:16 AM
Yeah s4 lucked out big time.
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08-12-2013 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
ALso, pretty sick that s4 probably didnt even know the TA was behind the enigma.
He did know, orb gave him vision. Pretty sick nevertheless. reacted just in time.
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08-12-2013 , 07:42 AM
wonder if it was possible for navi to just go for the throne as soon as they got tier3 tower. they knew alliance was split pushing and dendi didn't have a tp. not sure they had enough damage because xboct was underfarmed from being vs a tri lane and dendi's main damage item was a daedalus which doesn't crit vs tower. maybe a desolator would have been a better item especially because alliance have a prophet + wisp and they've already shown they're willing to just full out base race people if they don't think they can take a fight.
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08-12-2013 , 12:25 PM
S4's other (overshadowed) god mode play was the insta-phase when Alch was pretty much sitting on top of him with an invis rune and avoided getting stunned. Reaction time was so sick.
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08-12-2013 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Falken
He did know, orb gave him vision. Pretty sick nevertheless. reacted just in time.
the guy who made the screenshot said he didnt?

Or maybe it was the one replying to him, not sure.
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08-12-2013 , 02:19 PM
theres a ddire ward too.
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08-12-2013 , 02:48 PM
s4 mvp baby!
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08-12-2013 , 02:59 PM
such an epic final, even after the first two games being terribly lopsided. couldn't really ask for a better final 3 sets though, mother of god.
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08-12-2013 , 04:11 PM

^ XBOCT really mad at Kuro for calling early gg in game 1. Gotta say I side with XBOCT even though that game was probably over. They never even got to try with Agh's though, which I'm sure was just about to be done when the gg was called. Hell, with VS Agh's, they might have been able to fountain swap if Alliance dove, and then somehow recovered. Long shot but still.
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08-12-2013 , 04:39 PM
lol there was no way they were winning that game. what was Aghs gonna do? aghs on VS just lets you swap with any unit, not really game-changing on your 1-role player
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08-12-2013 , 04:43 PM
no it lets you swap every 10 seconds. that's what makes it amazing. it's really underrated imo.

like i said they probably couldn't win, since if you swap you still need stuff to blow up the target, and at that point they had pretty much nothing. but still, it's not kuro's place to call gg early (bad team karma).
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08-12-2013 , 05:08 PM
I kinda wonder what is going to get nerfed after this tournament. After last years TI pretty much all the heroes used by the Chinese were nerfed to death. Naga, Tide, TA, Invoker etc.

Maybe they will nerf prophet, bat and wisp?
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08-12-2013 , 05:13 PM
batrider needs a nerf for sure, he has for a long time. there shouldnt be a hero that gets picked/banned for every single pro game for half a year
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08-12-2013 , 05:15 PM
batrider/wisp/weaver/alch were probably the most banned or most successful when not banned.
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08-12-2013 , 05:59 PM
Here's some heroes I hope they do not nerf, even though they were very popular: visage, weaver, OD. I think they're all fine, they just happen to be trending.

Wisp and Bat need reworks still. With those 2 heroes the way they are, it makes the first ban stage in any draft extremely dull since you can't give up either of these heroes. Unless it's the finals of ti3, in which case you give up Wisp every game! And then he goes on to have a 100% win rate!
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08-12-2013 , 08:18 PM
i was pretty tilted by Navi's decision making that last 6 minutes or so. they were so non-committal as to whether or not to take the base or back and it cost them. grats to both teams on a well played match.

i'm starting a new american dota team for anyone who's interested. #roadtoti4
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08-13-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k

^ XBOCT really mad at Kuro for calling early gg in game 1. Gotta say I side with XBOCT even though that game was probably over. They never even got to try with Agh's though, which I'm sure was just about to be done when the gg was called. Hell, with VS Agh's, they might have been able to fountain swap if Alliance dove, and then somehow recovered. Long shot but still.
Dendi also said some passive agressive stuff refering to kuroky, mostly about communication issues and bad in-game calls. I think a roster shuffle might be happening soon
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08-13-2013 , 08:39 PM
poor eternalenvy. puts a team together with s4 and bulldog, get akke and loda to join. gets kicked off the team and replaced by EGM. team gets sponsored by EG and wins TI3. lol.
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08-13-2013 , 08:56 PM
Plus having a top 10 team in the world currently that recently stomped alliance 2-0 and doesn't even get invited to ti3
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08-13-2013 , 09:02 PM
lol @ top 10. Plus their roster isn't close to stable, and at that time CWM was still on the team, not someone who valve should want to invite to TI again... And they have a player who's still in high school, and can't even consistently attend their tournament matches. Do I even need to mention that debacle they had at ems one?

Them even getting invited to the qualifiers would have been a mistake by valve. Ridiculously immature team with some talent admittedly.
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08-13-2013 , 09:15 PM
It's not the end all be all, but joindota had them ranked 7th before TI3 and 11th ranked team now.

They did also stomp alliance last time they played.

agreed re immaturity.
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