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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

04-14-2009 , 05:44 PM
Meh eve patches routinely go longer. Blizz just gives best case estimates instead of building enough buffer time in.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
04-14-2009 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
There is already an interface folder in the World of Warcraft folder. You shouldn't have to "create" any new folders.

And just to make sure that it installed correctly and that you have them in the right place, when you first log on and go to the character screen, look to the bottom left and you'll see an "Addon" button. Click that and make sure it is in there and enabled with a check mark.
this is my first add-on. I don't see **** when I click World of Warcraft folder besides some folder named "WTF" (who knows what that is, maybe I made that one too sometime for god knows why) and the "interface" folder I just made. I'm using windows vista and I'm a total noob to computers, so who knows what I'm doing wrong?

I guess I cant test my addon until blizzard gets the realms ready.
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04-14-2009 , 06:01 PM
Try under c:\program files(x86) instead. Search for wow.exe if you can't find a world of warcraft\interface\addons folder that you didn't create. It should be a subdirectory of the folder that wow.exe is contained in.

You are a pretty good candiate for the curse client though so you might want to do that instead.
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04-14-2009 , 06:57 PM
From what i've heard, people can abuse the curse client to inject viruses/trojans into it, use it with caution.

apparently servers are starting to come up, woot
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04-14-2009 , 06:58 PM
I think Wowmatrix was taken down for this patch. I don't think it's completely broken.
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04-14-2009 , 07:00 PM
I just saw the patch notes on the loading screen.

All talent points will be reimbursed. I liked what I had on my mage, and I know I just have to go redo it, but I hate thinking about it.

At least I will be able to respec my Paladin to protection without it costing me anything.
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04-14-2009 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
I just saw the patch notes on the loading screen.

All talent points will be reimbursed. I liked what I had on my mage, and I know I just have to go redo it, but I hate thinking about it.

At least I will be able to respec my Paladin to protection without it costing me anything.
The nice thing is, there's an interface option to turn that allows you to treat your talent points like a worksheet.. so you don't actually commit the talents until you save them at the end.
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04-14-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
All talent points will be reimbursed. I liked what I had on my mage, and I know I just have to go redo it, but I hate thinking about it.
I was pissed about the talent points. I just spend like 100g over the last week respeccing a number of toons.

Also uber pissed about them moving the.. uh.. ability of pallies to get mana from heals to a deep prot talent. FFFFFUUUUUUUU
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04-14-2009 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Spottswoode
The nice thing is, there's an interface option to turn that allows you to treat your talent points like a worksheet.. so you don't actually commit the talents until you save them at the end.
Oh cool. Thanks. I didn't know about that.

I'm actually at 87% of that downloading that has been up for the past month or so. I always canceled it.
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04-14-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Spottswoode
The nice thing is, there's an interface option to turn that allows you to treat your talent points like a worksheet.. so you don't actually commit the talents until you save them at the end.
There is actually a pretty neat addon called Talented that offered this feature and many more pre-3.1.

You can save and name templates, take someone else's complete talent spec and save it as a template, and even send templates to other Talented users.

It's convenient for me seeing as I have atleast 4 regular specs to swap between (Holy 2v2, Holy for 3s & 5s, PvE Holy, PvE Prot.)

I'm glad I don't like ret!
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04-14-2009 , 07:48 PM
Ret's fun. Stuff dies in 3 button clicks, weee!
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04-14-2009 , 08:41 PM
Yay, I can login.. and my prof windows keep screwing up, as well as the AH
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04-14-2009 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Ret's fun. Stuff dies in 3 button clicks, weee!
Lately I completely regemmed my tank set for max str (and BV) just to own **** in BGs as prot. Yeah I know it's gimmicky but its so fun 3-4 shotting ppl in BGs when they think they got you because you are at 30% health.

I can't wait to log in and respec to the new prot, I'm going to have even more burst with exorcism and more fun with a 20sec HoJ cooldown!
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04-14-2009 , 09:03 PM
Finally got updated. Goddamn queues are back. WoW is gonna go back to loginsuckery.
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04-14-2009 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by stabn
You only registered in march. Nice scam attempt tho.
lol =P

If you're dumb/serious just check my posting history mate ;(
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04-14-2009 , 09:33 PM
Got a few spellblades made and threw one up on the AH, first one up there on the server..

still hasn't sold =(

I should get a server first imo!

In other news, titansteel bars have been flying off the shelf faster than I can restock them. Good news for my bank toon.
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04-14-2009 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Got a few spellblades made and threw one up on the AH, first one up there on the server..

still hasn't sold =(
Cancel that. It sold for about 2x the price of the mats + tip.

Gotta love those early adopters

Posted another that sold minutes later.

I'm rich, beeyatch!

Last edited by Low Key; 04-14-2009 at 10:40 PM.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
04-15-2009 , 12:51 AM
Yay, the patch seems to have totally butt****ed my WoW install. Now I get a memory exception everytime I try to run it.
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04-15-2009 , 02:07 AM
What is the trick to the Magma Ragers right before Ignis?

They are brutal.
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04-15-2009 , 08:32 AM
was briefly contemplating whether I should start WoW again casually when I move out.

Anyone want to give me a brief rundown on what the death knight is like? I might be interested in rolling one.
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04-15-2009 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
What is the trick to the Magma Ragers right before Ignis?

They are brutal.
Pull them up the ramp a bit since they knockback, you don't want anyone getting thrown into one of the other packs.

Seperate them with 2 tanks, have your tanks put their backs to a wall.

When they cast their tornadoes, everyone has to stop focusing on doing dps and run away* from the tornado until they fade. They aren't so bad if everyone in the raid does that. Melee are going to die a bunch, but that's life.

*don't run towards your healers, have healers in a designated spot and have your dps all run in a different direction from them. They seem to aggro onto whoever's near the top of the aggro list, so they'll most likely always fixate onto a dps.
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04-15-2009 , 10:01 AM
The Death Knight starts at level 55, wears plate armor, can aoe, can melee well, can attack from ranged, heals himself while attacking, does well in pvp, and has a pet that stuns and does pretty good damage.
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04-15-2009 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by JokersAttack
was briefly contemplating whether I should start WoW again casually when I move out.

Anyone want to give me a brief rundown on what the death knight is like? I might be interested in rolling one.
I haven't really played one, but i've played with and against a bunch of them. They are a plate wearing, disease dealing, melee damage dealing class. They work on some sort of rune system, they have 3 runes, one for each school of magic that they posess (blood/frost/unholy). After using a rune, it takes 10 seconds for that school's rune to refresh. They're a bit of a cooldown management class in that sense, but a pretty powerful one none the less. They are probably the easiest levelling class in the game, as they basically have no down time at all (they can heal themselves with one of their melee abilities).

Check out here for a better description. "Hero Class Overview" section.
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04-15-2009 , 10:35 AM
i have a level 55 on an account that I can reactivate.

I dunno, I was tossing up between a death knight or a hunter. raiding is less of a priority than PvP for me, so difficulty in getting a raid spot isn't a big concern.
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04-15-2009 , 10:46 AM
fwiw, they fixed hunters in wrath such that they aren't a completely gimped pvp class anymore. Prior to wrath they had one niche, Alterac Valley. Survival is a really good spec now (although it's been toned down a bit since the release of the new patch), and BM and Marks are both pretty decent.

my main is a hunter, I mostly pve on her, but I enjoy pvping too.. such a fun class now.
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