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04-05-2011 , 03:23 AM
Had a good friend of mine get handed a 72 hour suspension the day for "botting". He was sitting at his computer AOE farming an area that he's found that yields about 3k an hour and he DC'd, when he attempted to log back on he couldn't so he checked his email and found one from Blizz saying that he was banned.

He attempted to contact them via email and they refused to do anything about the ban and also refused to provide details or evidence regarding his supposedly bannable behavior. Normally when I hear people say they are innocent I'm a bit skeptical but this guy is a really good RL friend of mine and there is no way he'd run a bot.

Anyone else have stuff like this happen in the past? Does calling support get more than the standard canned useless responses via email?
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04-05-2011 , 05:38 AM
I had a guildie back in BC days get banned for a month because blizzard accused him of running a fishing bot, which was odd, because we were fishing at the same time and talking on vent, so if he was running a bot he was going to a lot of trouble to make it look like he wasn't. He didn't appeal the ban, but I haven't heard of many instances of blizzard revoking a ban.
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04-05-2011 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
My server is kinda goofy. Whiptail has been selling for <30g a stack. Inferno inks still sell for >100g a stack. If I use the inktrader for all my inks, I actually end up making money on milling and make all my glyphs for free.

Sold 30k worth of glyphs in the last week, when the average price of a glyph on my server is ~100g. Tradeskillmaster is the shiznit.
Obv meant inferno inks still sell for >100g an ink, not stack, doh.
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04-05-2011 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
Obv meant inferno inks still sell for >100g an ink, not stack, doh.
This is how real money is made.

The only thing you have to worry about is the actual movement rate of these kinds of deal items.

Dark Iron Horde for instance, Inferno ink doesn't really sell that well on its own.
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04-05-2011 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by topher123890
Oops, forgot today is the day my guild hits level 23 and the XP cap gets taken off. I didn't remember that till I was halfway into my buying/prospecting/selling.

Guess I'll have to hop over and do some dailies and/or heroics after I get through with all this.
Apparently my guild just hit lvl 25 13 hours ago, I haven't logged in for 2 months :\
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04-05-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
This is how real money is made.

The only thing you have to worry about is the actual movement rate of these kinds of deal items.

Dark Iron Horde for instance, Inferno ink doesn't really sell that well on its own.
The highest selling darkmoon decks on shadowsong atm go for 8k at the most, but somehow people still think they are going to get rich making them, so I've had absolutely no problem moving inferno inks, as well as the other rare inks. The insane achievement is a huge boon for scribes.
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04-05-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by topher123890
Just feels like I'm giving up so much gold by vendoring them, so I was just looking for some kind of verification that I'm not missing something really obvious before I start doing that.

Maybe I'll occasionally put up stacks for like 5-10g per gem and hope someone looking to turn a profit grabs them so I get a little something extra, or something like that I don't know. Just feels so weak to be vendoring them off.
Listing stacks of gems seems terrible because the deposits are so high, plus the AH cut.
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04-05-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Listing stacks of gems seems terrible because the deposits are so high, plus the AH cut.
Not only that but people usually buy 1-2 because thats what they need.
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04-05-2011 , 02:38 PM
"Stacks" as in full stacks of 20, not 20 stacks of 1.

I've been listing 1 stack a day of every color (except infernos) for a couple g less than the current price per gem (so I usually end up listing them at 10-15g per gem), and someone's always been buying them, presumably someone just looking to turn a profit on them. Seems better to me than the alternative of cutting and vendoring them for 3.75g each.
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04-05-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Not too sound elitist but its so frustrating being one who the people in a raid team who you can just count on 99% to never **** up, and have to deal with 3-4 people who are just anchors trying to bring the team down.

I finally quit last week because I couldn't take it anymore. We got stuck on H Halfus for some reason. We finally get him to 20% and have a kill, when because of unfortunate position I cant blink/countspell a nova and we wipe.

I feel like ****. I know what I did wrong. its the first time I've missed it in months.

So now the DK offtank feels like he needs to get on me about it, and for the rest of the night decides every single time Halfus does Furious Roar that he needs to call out over vent I need to get it.

Keep in mind, this is the tank who is so unreliable at interrupting that when we started H Halfus we had to have two extra melee on halfus with him just to get them all, and the tank who almost single handedly set us back two weeks on Nef because he couldnt get out of the lava fast enough to get a blast wave.

I decided I was done dealing with people like him and it was time to give the carpal tunnel a break.
Completely understand.

I always feel elitist when I talk to my buddy that I raid with here about some of the weaker players in our guild. But it seems like its pretty much always the case with any "casual-hardcore" guild, that there are always those 4-5 people who don't carry their weight whatsoever.

Unfortunately for us, several of those people are healers in our raid group.
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04-05-2011 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by topher123890
"Stacks" as in full stacks of 20, not 20 stacks of 1.

I've been listing 1 stack a day of every color (except infernos) for a couple g less than the current price per gem (so I usually end up listing them at 10-15g per gem), and someone's always been buying them, presumably someone just looking to turn a profit on them. Seems better to me than the alternative of cutting and vendoring them for 3.75g each.
If you can do it, then by all means!

Yellow and blue rare gems sell for ~3-3.5g each on my server, so I just vendor them. No point cutting as it would take quite a while to recoup the cost (3 chimera thingies vs how long it would take for that .75g to reach the same profit)
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04-05-2011 , 04:35 PM
if you wanna raid you have to be elitist or youre bad
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04-05-2011 , 04:57 PM
If you have a 10man raid going and everyone can get through an encounter without making a catastrophic error 90% of the time, you will only complete the encounter 38.7% of the time.

If you have five people who are 95% efficient, three people 80% efficient, and two people at a dismal 60% the percentage drops to 14.3.

Carrying people is the worst way to raid but everything is spread so thin these days that odds are you have one drooler dragging everyone down. The kicker is when they actually perform one of your dependables will have that brain fart or poor reaction time and everyone is pissed.

Edit: Obviously this is a simple way of looking at it but I think it is neat to try to peg people to percentages when I raid. FWIW I'd say I'm an 85'er.
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04-05-2011 , 05:32 PM
woot, got my pants in bh10!

Wonder if artful ember sells better than reckless (int/mastery vs int/haste)

got artful and delicate cuts today. already sold 4 delicate cuts since I posted this, and zero artful... misssstaaaaAAAAAAAKKKKEEEEEEEEEE

Last edited by Low Key; 04-05-2011 at 07:47 PM.
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04-06-2011 , 01:32 AM
reckless sells very well, im going for another ember topaz design now but not sure which one.
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04-06-2011 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by brutti
reckless sells very well, im going for another ember topaz design now but not sure which one.
I have adept and deft they sell ok. I have made a ton of money on the prospecting ore and jcing, but I kinda got bored with it and found myself with an insane amount of inventory I am too lazy to post.
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04-06-2011 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
something can't be right. spent a bit over 10k gold on ore, ended up with over 14k. 40% profit margin on dem ore bitches? Dayum!

(well, it was over 15k, but i sold a stack of volatile life for about 1k, vendored only cut uncommon gems and uncut blue/yellow rares)
My server must being a lot better for gems than most b/c I would estimate I had a 300% or greater profit margin selling cut metas and rare gems I got from prospecting ore. It takes a while to unload an inventory, but I probably made close to 100k doing so.
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04-06-2011 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by mmix85
(well, it was over 15k, but i sold a stack of volatile life for about 1k, vendored only cut uncommon gems and uncut blue/yellow rares)
My server must being a lot better for gems than most b/c I would estimate I had a 300% or greater profit margin selling cut metas and rare gems I got from prospecting ore. It takes a while to unload an inventory, but I probably made close to 100k doing so.
I do exceedingly well when metas or cut rares sell, but I don't focus on them.
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04-06-2011 , 12:34 PM
I just came back to WoW from Aion.

Tauren Druid on Burning Blade starting fresh, FML.
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04-06-2011 , 03:24 PM
pick herbalism (pun intended) for a profession!

I love knowing the avg sell price for ore stacks. Makes it so much easier to know when to buy. I used to wouldn't buy obsidium at 42g/stack, but now I'm gonna make about 1.5k gold off it!
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04-07-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by mmix85
I have adept and deft they sell ok. I have made a ton of money on the prospecting ore and jcing, but I kinda got bored with it and found myself with an insane amount of inventory I am too lazy to post.
I went with Fine Ember Topaz and threw some at AH just now for 250g, it was none out. Next one I will def take Adept and Deft.
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04-07-2011 , 02:24 AM
I went with Mining and Enchanting... did i blow it?
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04-07-2011 , 02:25 AM
I'm only level 29
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04-07-2011 , 04:26 AM
Mining is perfectly fine imo.

Enchanting blows though. get either JC or Alchemy.
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04-07-2011 , 09:50 AM
I rolled a Goblin Shaman on my friend's server because that's the only class I haven't played yet. I also wanted to see what the Goblin starting area was like. Pretty fun area. Not sure what to do for professions, I am thinking either mining/JC, skinnning/LW, or Herb/Inscription.

I don't know why the hell Bind on Account items can't be sent across servers yet though.
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