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01-27-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You guys need to stop being pussies.

If you really think those things are worth 180g, BUY THOSE OUT and relist for 180g. You only have to sell 2 of them and you already made your money back.

As someone who made ~900k gold on the AH when I played WoW, I get highly annoyed at people whining about undercutting. Even undercutting by 100g+ on a 200g item.

BUY IT OUT if you think the price is ridiculously low.

Know what my very first deal was? Buying out a blue world drop gem recipe for 150g and reselling it for 1800g. (and undercutting the guy who had his up for 2300g)

I turned that 1800g into 900,000g without leaving the Stormwind auction house. Zero farming. Pure buy/sell.

Go look at the price of raw Amberjewels. If it's >30g then those are a SNAP buy.

Edit: I should qualify my "pure buy/sell" statement with the fact that I did also partake in crafting. But 100% of my materials were purchased. Never farmed.
Originally Posted by krimson
... there is an obvious solution to this situation.
i did end up buying them but i'll be lucky to make much of a profit off of those, idiots will just relist at <30g again
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01-27-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I pretty much forgot how to play this game. Or lvl 82s in heroic 80 man content should chill the **** out and let a brother grab some threat, gnome'sayin'?
Are you trying to tank in Wrath gear? There is a HUGE stat jump in Cata gear, so you can't really blame the DPS. Even if you were pretty deep in content during WotLK and well geared. It's basically like they are 7 or 8 tiers ahead of you by wearing cata greens.

If you have 1000g or so available you should grab a set of 270+ greens from the AH.
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01-27-2011 , 02:53 PM
And then you buy those out too.

If it's the same guy all the time, tell him to just COD you his uncut Amberjewel's at 30g (again, have you checked the raw material cost??) and save the cutting time and AH fees.

Gotta spend money to make money.

I wound up going into Cataclysm with like 250 stacks of Eternals that I didn't sell before WOTLK ended. But trust me, I made plenty of money from buying them low and selling them high, even if I wound up with a ******** of extra inventory at the end.

And if you do wind up with ridiculous amounts of inventory, you can liquidate.

undercutters: 30g
your price: 150g

You can buy 300 of those gems at 30g each, and you only need to sell 60 of them at your price to pay for the entire inventory.

Eventually people will run out of inventory to undercut you with if their prices are unsustainable.

So now you've bought out 300 of them. You sold 60 and paid for your entire inventory. You now have 240 gems left and decide that you don't want to keep babysitting the AH in order to get the 150g price you want.

What I've done in the past is then advertise in trade: "Selling 240 [Amberjewel], 20 gold each! Yes, TWENTY!! Minimum buy: 20"

Bargain hunters will buy those out in minutes. I guarantee it. In the meantime, you made 4800g.

That exact same scenario happened to me with several different items.

I'd buy out the deep undercutters and repost popular items at higher prices. Continue to do this for days. Eventually they will run out of stuff. And in the meantime, each time you buy them out and relist for higher, you're making a couple sales at the high price. If you notice sales starting to slip, you can decide to liquidate your remaining inventory near the undercutter price (usually higher in trade chat, because people with money to blow are happy to pay a premium for someone to have already done the bulk buying for them).

So in the end, you wind up buying a few hundred items at X price, selling some at much higher Y price, and if you decide to stop focusing on that item you can then liquidate around the original X price. In the end, you wind up selling everything at average Z price, which is somewhere between X and Y, netting you a profit.

Sometimes you'll get lucky and it'll turn out you found a true deal, and you can sell most of that inventory at or near your higher price.

A perfect example of this is the time I bought 2 stacks of Elementium Ore from some guy in trade chat. I bought 40 of them off this guy for 2k. Yes, 50g each.

Over the next 3 months, I sold every single one of those ores for between 400 and 1200g each. Most closer to the 1200. I liquidated my last 8 for 400g each because I hadn't made any sales in 2 weeks.

Even with a conservative average of 700g each, I turned that 2k into 28k.

I ran into those types of deals ALL the time.

When you see people advertising raw materials in trade chat? whisper them. Lowball them on their entire inventory.


Noob in tradechat: Selling Saronite ore 15g stacks
me in whisper: I can't pay 15, but I'll buy absolutely everything you have for 10g/stack. No limit, I'll take it all. (I never know how much they have)

I once bought 2000 stacks of saronite this way from what must have been a chinese farmer. Just some random in trade chat and I lowballed him an offer even though he clearly set his price in trade.

This idiot didn't even realize that you can VENDOR saronite ore turned into bars for what equates to 12.5g/stack. But making that **** takes time, and with 2000 stacks, that's a lot of time.

I would up prospecting some, turning some into eternal belt buckles, and frankly just vendoring about 500 stacks of it for the 25% profit.

I'm telling you, these deals show up constantly with a game full of ******s like WoW.

Edit: christ, I didn't think I typed that much

Last edited by Inso0; 01-27-2011 at 02:55 PM. Reason: TL;DR
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01-27-2011 , 04:05 PM

My guild was superexcited today because killing omnitron made them top 10 world (10 man) and server #1.

I was happy cuz my warrior dinged 40 and I got to mount faster .
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01-27-2011 , 05:05 PM
hey, my priest just did that!

*new edit*

nothing like spending 5 minutes mucking with video settings because you're getting 20 FPS only to finally get it up to 45 FPS in a crowded zone.. and then realize your laptop power cord is unplugged..

Last edited by Low Key; 01-27-2011 at 06:27 PM. Reason: also, I want to marry windowed wide screen
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01-28-2011 , 12:47 PM
Are you sure you're talking about Elementium Ore? Because Cataclysm hasn't even been around for 2 months yet. Are you talking about something you did in the Beta?
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01-28-2011 , 01:03 PM
The "legendary" ore that dropped in Molten Core.

Wasn't that called Elementium Ore at the time? I'm 90% sure, but it was a long time ago. Long before Cata dropped.

It looked like a purple egg or something.

Anyway, you needed 6 or 8 of them or something to craft a legendary weapon. They were a PITA to get.
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01-28-2011 , 01:06 PM
oh ok that makes a lot more sense. When you said "40 of them" for some reason I was still thinking in terms of stacks - i.e. 2000 stacks of Saronite. I thought it was Sulfron Ingots or something that dropped in MC and were a PITA to get.

So how did you handle 2000 stacks? Did you have a guild bank alt or two? How many slots can you get with one guild bank assuming it's all yours?
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01-28-2011 , 01:23 PM

At one point during WOTLK, my scribe had something like 10,000 stacks of herbs sitting in his mailbox. (800+ "unread mail")

At 30 days, it would get automatically returned to my buying character, and I'd need to spend an hour or two re-mailing them to clear out her mailbox.

Mailboxes only SHOW you 50 mails at a time, but they can hold unlimited mails.

At any given time across 4-5 characters, I'd have hundreds of thousands of gold worth of product sitting in mailboxes.
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01-29-2011 , 09:38 PM
omfg, hunters are so rogggged!!!

It's been forever since I've leveled as a hunter, but this is a blast and a half! I woulda thunk I'd have to respec into BM to let my pet take all the hits, but it just isn't so, thanks to glyphs. Good times, very good times. Misdirect glyph for the mf'ing win! Was on rxp + 10% guild bonus, tore thru 80-81 in like less than an hour. Can't even be 1/4 of the way thru Hyjal and that's all I've done. Madness!!

I need to read up about these guild rewards, they seem pretty sick. Is there a good way to grind guild rep? Like, will wearing a guild tabard in instances act like a championing tabard?
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01-30-2011 , 01:24 AM
Guild rep is capped per day, as is guild experience. You cannot champion (tabard) guild rep or xp.

Guild rep is earned the same way as guild experience, including the following:
  • Boss kills in a raid or dungeon in which 75% of the party is from the same guild
  • Rated Battleground or Arena wins in which 75% of the party is from the same guild
  • Completing quests / daily quests that reward experience[1]
  • An individual player's faction reputation advancement
  • An individual player's profession progression
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01-30-2011 , 03:38 AM
Guild rep is capped per week.
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01-31-2011 , 07:49 AM
guild rep is a joke
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01-31-2011 , 10:58 AM
Every aspect of the game seems like a grind-fest. Guild rep, rep for enchants/entry level gear, heroics for 70 badges at a time when gear costs >2k. If you want to power your way through any profession or just buy good gear, it's going to cost tens of thousands of gold (which isn't super-hard to come by if you grind hard for gold or farm mats.)
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01-31-2011 , 11:54 AM
I get the point of not wanting to have people exalted with guilds within the first month, but bloody hell, getting like 2-3 rep per quest turn in (at 70) is gonna take for bloody ever just to get friendly!
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01-31-2011 , 01:44 PM
its like 45 rep for daily quests at 85
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01-31-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I get the point of not wanting to have people exalted with guilds within the first month, but bloody hell, getting like 2-3 rep per quest turn in (at 70) is gonna take for bloody ever just to get friendly!
Guild rep is based off the exp from the quest, which seems dumb but whatever.

I think its like 1 rep per 1800 exp for the quest.
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01-31-2011 , 03:24 PM
I just hit revered with my guild last night and have been playing pretty casually since Cata-launch.

I think that is a pretty fast rate of rep gain. It hasn't even been two months and I'm revered.
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01-31-2011 , 03:31 PM
Two months is a long time for a rep grind that's just now only half over or so.
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01-31-2011 , 03:33 PM
You think being in a guild for 2 months is a long time?
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01-31-2011 , 03:39 PM
No, I said that's a long time to casually grind a rep. If each one of the new reps took that long, it'd be over a year before you could get exalted with just the basic 4 reps that give quests in the new zones.
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01-31-2011 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by baumer
I just hit revered with my guild last night and have been playing pretty casually since Cata-launch.

I think that is a pretty fast rate of rep gain. It hasn't even been two months and I'm revered.
This depends on your definition of casually, but this is exactly what I'm talking about. If I've been playing for 2 months and I'm only halfway through the guild rep, that's too much of a grind.

Or maybe I'm just one of the people that forum users love to generalize. I'm mad that I can't get all purples putting in 10 hours a week and play with my eyes closed.
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01-31-2011 , 09:31 PM
Guild rep isn't really meant to be grinded.

You get it simply by being active in your guild. Running heroics, raiding, pvp'ing and questing.

There isn't any OMG I MUST GET EXALTED reason to get exalted, so it doesn't really matter how long it takes.

You'll live another month without your Armadillo pup or whatever reason it is you want to hit exalted.

Ultimately the whole guild rep system is meant to be a way to help encourage people to stay in guilds imo. And it wouldn't be much good if you could grind back to exalted within a week of joining a new guild.
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01-31-2011 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by borderline
its like 45 rep for daily quests at 85
I get 42, you human?
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02-01-2011 , 02:21 AM

But you don't keep any rep if you leave the guild?

I guess it's nice to just be in one while leveling 80-85 for the small xp boost. That, combined with rest xp, makes for sick leveling.. though I'd really love to get one of the cloaks for leveling other toons. Guess I'll have to wait 2 months or whatever.
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