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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

09-02-2008 , 04:07 PM
hehe i just want to get rid of my character so i'm never tempted to play again, not argue about HPS and mana regen
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09-02-2008 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Sure, if you like being oom when the boss hits 60%, as well as topping the Overheal chart.

What do I know? I've only raided endgame with a priest, druid, and paladin as healers. Maybe shamans are the best or something.
Theorycraft is fine but usually you just take whoever is the best skilled. I've seen this in even the most hardcore guilds(top 10 worldwide parsed dps on several raid encounters). We stacked dps and brought the minimum healers which meant all healers had to be on their A+ game.

We would roll with a ton of pallys because they didnt suck and had 100% attendance. One great druid is awesome, more than that and you are cutting back on utility. Multiple pallys ensure blessings for the raid and they are great for single target healing. Priests are in the same boat as druids, they give great buffer for spiky damage on a tank, have a few good oh **** buttons, but offer no utility past the first priest. Shamans are the nuts due to chain heal and bloodlust.
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09-02-2008 , 04:09 PM
Someone get Vehn to come back to WoW. He was the main tank for the first Nefarion kill worldwide.
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09-02-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by 21times20
hehe i just want to get rid of my character so i'm never tempted to play again, not argue about HPS and mana regen
Hey, I'm in the same boat, but you suckah frontin' me, so I gotta represent.

(Fwiw, my druid was about equally geared with my current pally, and he was always at about 25-50% mana at fight's end, no pots. Pally is usually around 50-85% mana, including pots.)

I will give you pvp healing with a drood is way >>>>> pvp pally healing. But for pve, unless it's a raid, it sucks to be a druid. "Hey, you died.. run back."

Or maybe it's just my attitude that changed. Now that I know I can rez people again, maybe I just let them die because I feel they deserve it.

Stupid god complex.
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09-02-2008 , 04:28 PM
yeah i will admit pugging 5-mans sucks as a druid with no rez when you got mages with 7k hp drawing aggro, i definitely prefer tanking for 5 mans. but healing with a pally tanking or a shadow priest in the group is super easy mode too
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09-02-2008 , 06:43 PM
09-02-2008 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mouth Breather
Someone get Vehn to come back to WoW. He was the main tank for the first Nefarion kill worldwide.
we (Drama) Haven't heard from Vehn since the early SSC days
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09-03-2008 , 12:21 AM
So how quick is the leveling system now?
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09-03-2008 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
So how quick is the leveling system now?
Refer some friends...
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09-04-2008 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by 21times20
yeah i will admit pugging 5-mans sucks as a druid with no rez when you got mages with 7k hp drawing aggro, i definitely prefer tanking for 5 mans. but healing with a pally tanking or a shadow priest in the group is super easy mode too

I think I quit WoW twice because my warrior is useless as a tank. I put obscene gold and time in, refined my play and interface, and some noob tard with dungeon gear on a paladin can tank trash pulls 3x as easy. Then, at the high end raid bosses pallys tank almost as well. If I play again I think it will be as a healer because I only enjoy tanking/healing/sologrinding. Knowing my luck priests will suck in wrath of the lich king. As for shadow priests thats where I have my priest now and its fun actually having to think as a an utility player(and the gear is easy with shadowfreeze set +spellstrike+epic gems being easy compared to some other classes Karaready gear. But I gave it up again for a month or two. Civilization is holding some interest again.
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09-04-2008 , 03:13 AM
Anyone play on Arthas server?
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09-04-2008 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Legislurker
If I play again I think it will be as a healer because I only enjoy tanking/healing/sologrinding. Knowing my luck priests will suck in wrath of the lich king.
Not nearly as bad as droods. Since *everyone* will have a DK, those hots are gonna be a pain...
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09-04-2008 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Not nearly as bad as droods. Since *everyone* will have a DK, those hots are gonna be a pain...

Yeah droods dont seem to be favored by blizz except as crit casters now. I used to like to see a drood OT in 25mans and ive even seen that getting rare. Ive even heard DKs are going to have some sort of odd no shield tank ability.
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09-04-2008 , 11:14 PM
they will just use the same cycle of buffing druids to get them to buy the expansion, then eventually nerfing them again after the warriors and deathknights whine enough that they used with tbc
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09-04-2008 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by 21times20
they will just use the same cycle of buffing druids to get them to buy the expansion, then eventually nerfing them again after the warriors and deathknights whine enough that they used with tbc
I consider myself a warrior guy, and I have no issue with druids really. I love me a good Treeler, a smart feral OT/meleeDPS and even boomkins. I just loathe that paladins are THE tanking class now. I whined when TBC came out and still do I admit, but I just feel warriors should be able to tank anything as well as any other class(with the exception of some specific bosses/situations for higher end content) as its all the class is made for.
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09-05-2008 , 12:46 AM
haha, pretty much, what the point of a warrior if you can't tank?
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09-05-2008 , 01:05 AM
Haven't read this thread but I have a question. I played this game a while ago and me and a friend decided to start up again. I would like to start a new char with one of the new races. I will be playing exclusively with a friend, assume we are playing together 100% of the time. What combo should we do?
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09-05-2008 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Mainfield
Haven't read this thread but I have a question. I played this game a while ago and me and a friend decided to start up again. I would like to start a new char with one of the new races. I will be playing exclusively with a friend, assume we are playing together 100% of the time. What combo should we do?
Whatever the hell you want.

If one of you can do part time healing and the other can take dmg, that'd really help out.

Like shaman/warrior or paladin/anything or hunter/priest. Whatever really. A slightly less than successful combo for leveling old world content may be something like lock/mage: Both squishy, both with CC that may not work on some elite mobs.
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09-05-2008 , 02:54 AM
Id say shadow priest and a mage. If youre noobs stick with fire the whole way to 80. Im not sure what lvls fire/arc/ice are better to lvl with, but fire is easiest. Or spriest and lock. Awesome synergies.
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09-05-2008 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
haha, pretty much, what the point of a warrior if you can't tank?
Its not that I cant tank, its just that paladins are smoother and easier for semi-casual content. Heres a sample of LFG chat.

LF1M well-geared tank for Heroics, pally only.
LF1M MT Kara, pally tank prefered.
Whats the Heroic daily?? Any pally tanks want to run, experienced group.

On one level I dont blame them, A pally with gear can consecrate, yawn, and look at porn in the other window and hold 4 trash mobs while jerking off with his right hand.
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09-05-2008 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Legislurker
Id say shadow priest and a mage. If youre noobs stick with fire the whole way to 80. Im not sure what lvls fire/arc/ice are better to lvl with, but fire is easiest. Or spriest and lock. Awesome synergies.
I was wondering which would be better as I attempt to level up my mage but I've found ice is def a lot better for leveling... fire kills quicker but with ice you have more survivability and better mana efficiency.
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09-05-2008 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Legislurker
Its not that I cant tank, its just that paladins are smoother and easier for semi-casual content. Heres a sample of LFG chat.

LF1M well-geared tank for Heroics, pally only.
LF1M MT Kara, pally tank prefered.
Whats the Heroic daily?? Any pally tanks want to run, experienced group.

On one level I dont blame them, A pally with gear can consecrate, yawn, and look at porn in the other window and hold 4 trash mobs while jerking off with his right hand.
Part of the problem is that some idiots out there seem to think you can get away with doing heroics sans cc. 5 or 10 wipes later they start blaming the tank for not being able to hold aggro while no one's marking, much less doing anything about the mobs running loose and killing everyone. These groups tend to have shaman doing dps. And me leaving right after joining them.
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09-05-2008 , 01:58 PM
I know my level 70 Hunter loves grouping with a Pally Tank as it makes my job super easy and raises my DPS to the max. However, I also think it's unfair how bad Warriors got the shaft. When my guild first started Kara we had 2 warriors as a Tank and an OT. Took forever to clear trash.

Now we use one Pally tank with zero OT. For Moroes we have a Rogue OT Moroes and the Pally does his 4 adds. For Illhoof the Pally does both him and Kilrek.

Warriors need a real boost in the next expansion to make them more enjoyable.

Then again F'em. I only get PUG's cause I"m well geared. Not like anyone otherwise wants hunters usually
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09-05-2008 , 02:11 PM
Some tips for the WoW noob.

Do not farm money before you are level 65+. If you need money, borrow it. You want gold for your mount at lvl 40? It will take you days to farm that gold. At lvl 70 the same amount is a laugh. Find someone with half a brain who will lend you the gold.

A lot of the game is like a soap opera, where you watch the next episode only because you watched the last one. After some time you do not really want to play anymore, but you just want to make that next lvl, that next step in reputation, just want to try a new race, and so on. Try quitting in regular intervals. Stop playing for ten days and you will see that you do not want to start playing again.
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09-05-2008 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Legislurker
Ive even heard DKs are going to have some sort of odd no shield tank ability.
Last I checked DKs are being designed to tank with any talent tree, and they can't equip shields at all. Speculation is that most DK tanks are going to dual wield because blizz making a lot of 2-handed tanking weapons for only that class would be kind of silly.
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