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07-27-2017 , 11:16 AM
Also: if you really can consume each other's corpses, then I would say one person runs a pet build with the rathma set. It's pretty good, so you both could run it.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-27-2017 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by zipppy
I'm not exactly sure how the console works, but on PC necros each get their own corpses, and it's impossible to consume someone else's. Try having one of you do corpse explosion as much as possible and see if there are some left over.
Tried and there weren't
Diablo 3 Quote
07-27-2017 , 12:27 PM
This game is oddly addicting for me. I tried playing it the last three seasons and couldn't. Was just too bored.

I tried this season because I wanted to try Necro. I try Necro and don't like it. But I'm addicted to demon hunter, which is basically unchanged since 2.4.

Any way, to recap the season, I lucked into getting 2 pieces of the Natalya set really early into the season (got one from the guy who was power leveling me and rolled another piece with Kadala.).

The odd thing is that Icy Veins says that the Natalya build is pretty weak: Especially compared to the Unhallowed Essence build, which is top tier:

But my Natalya build is much better than my UE build right now. E.g., I did a GR 12 5 minutes faster with the Natalya build than with a 4 piece UE build.

I'm only one quest away (the GR 20 quest) from completing the 6-piece UE set, so maybe that will be a better indication of how well UE works. I'm up to about paragon level 80, so I still have a ways to go. And I have none of the good legendary gear yet, except Goldwrap and the gem that gives out a lot of gold.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-27-2017 , 02:55 PM
Generally speaking, when people talk about the power level of sets they are only referring to a completed build (6 piece + support items). It could easily be that one two piece set is better than another 4 piece, but that it flips when the build is complete.

Definitely use whatever is best for you!
Diablo 3 Quote
07-27-2017 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
This game is oddly addicting for me. I tried playing it the last three seasons and couldn't. Was just too bored.

I tried this season because I wanted to try Necro. I try Necro and don't like it. But I'm addicted to demon hunter, which is basically unchanged since 2.4.
Almost identical for me. Necro felt too much like WD to me. If there is a poison build I may go back and do that(that was my PvP build in D2). But I went with a Wizard and have been extremely addicted. Up to Para 550 and completed a GR 70 in less than a week, don't think I've ever pushed that hard before.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
But my Natalya build is much better than my UE build right now. E.g., I did a GR 12 5 minutes faster with the Natalya build than with a 4 piece UE build.
What a difference the entire 6 piece set makes. I barely beat GR20 with the 2-piece Natalya build. Took like 12 minutes.

I then equipped the 6 piece UE set and tried a T2 rift. I was one-shotting elites. So I tried GR20 again. Took less than 4 minutes! And this was the 4 piece set that could barely finish GR12 last night. I then cleared GR 25 in under 6 minutes. Yeah, this set is pretty good.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Needle77
Almost identical for me. Necro felt too much like WD to me. If there is a poison build I may go back and do that(that was my PvP build in D2). But I went with a Wizard and have been extremely addicted. Up to Para 550 and completed a GR 70 in less than a week, don't think I've ever pushed that hard before.
is there a guide or some easy steps for leveling fast? My wife and I are really casual players and are just playing through the campaign again on season mode. We are up to like level 45 after playing like ~8 hours probably
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 09:07 AM
Go into Adventure Mode and grind Nephalem Rifts or Halls of Agony Level 2. 8 hours is easily enough to get to lvl 70, especially with 2 people.

If you can find a level 70 to power level you you can get it done in 15-20 mins.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 09:20 AM
You need to do the campaign eventually though for the season bonuses right? Or is that not even the case?

It's a bit hard to string together long kill streaks on console, since we are playing couch co-op and can't leave the screen from each other.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 10:09 AM
If you mean like the new pet and stuff you get for each season then no, you can do all of them in adventure mode. I think I've finished the campaign through Act 5 with only one character ever.

So when one of the Season Journey goals is kill Malthael on Hard you just play Adventure Mode, set the game difficulty to hard (or higher), and take the waypoint closest to Malthael and kill him.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by imjosh
You need to do the campaign eventually though for the season bonuses right? Or is that not even the case?

It's a bit hard to string together long kill streaks on console, since we are playing couch co-op and can't leave the screen from each other.
What difficulty are you playing on? I would suggest hard at a minimum, and when/if you get upgrades to temporarily bump it up a little higher.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by zipppy
What difficulty are you playing on? I would suggest hard at a minimum, and when/if you get upgrades to temporarily bump it up a little higher.
Playing on master
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 11:03 AM
Just find someone who can blast through rifts on here and be 70 in minutes.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Just find someone who can blast through rifts on here and be 70 in minutes.
I don't know if this is true for consoles. But on PC, there are various chat communities that you can join. Join one called "Seasonal Powerleveling" and enter in chat that you are looking for a power level. If someone is around and just doing rifting, they'll invite you to their game and you get vastly more experience than if you were playing it normally. You can get a character from level 1 to level 70 in under 20 minutes doing that. You won't have any gear appropriate for level 70, but that'll be easy enough to fix at a vendor or the blacksmith.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 08:25 PM
Started playing last week on a whim. Got to 70 and did a couple bounties and rifts.

Is there any trick to getting set pieces ? Or just grind a bunch ?
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 10:43 PM
seasonal? do the whatever achievements each season has for set pieces - like clearing a rift in x minutes, killing a certain boss, whatever.

non-seasonal - run rifts, spend blood shards gambling, run more rifts
Diablo 3 Quote
07-28-2017 , 10:54 PM
I found using the cube recipe "upgrade rare item" a very good method to get set pieces, since you can choose which part to aim for. Still requires a good amount of grinding, of course.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 11:24 AM

I messed up and didn't click the season button when I made my guy because I didn't know what it was, so I was referring to non seasonal sets.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 12:28 PM
is there a guide somewhere on what to do when hitting a fresh 70 in season (or reg game?)
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 12:33 PM
Google diablo 3 fresh 70 guide
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 12:34 PM
Icy veins has some excellent guides:
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
I found using the cube recipe "upgrade rare item" a very good method to get set pieces, since you can choose which part to aim for. Still requires a good amount of grinding, of course.
Save this recipe for weapons and jewelry that are expensive to gamble for. Gamble for armor pieces.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 06:54 PM
Yeah, if you can find a weapon you need that has few rolls for the weapon type, you're golden
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 08:20 PM
i got the 6 piece rathma set today in about 6 hours of playtime after hitting 70 due to some nice luck and finishing the season bonuses. Now I need to figure out a good build with this I guess. I was dominating with corpse lance using my+wife's corpses just running around 1-shotting everything but now it feels like I should probably use that icy veins rathma build

Last edited by beansroast01; 07-29-2017 at 08:48 PM.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-29-2017 , 09:10 PM
Ok nvm, this is stupid OP. Owning stuff with Rathma build. Health globes everywhere and my wife and I both have reaper wraps. It almost feels like I don't even need a primary ability i always have full essence. Siphon blood - blood sucker is helping a lot to rake in all the health globes though. HOLY **** my wife has the circle of Nailuj's Evol and she gets double singularity mages. Level 70 diablo is nuts

Last edited by beansroast01; 07-29-2017 at 09:15 PM.
Diablo 3 Quote
