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WTF spot against good tag WTF spot against good tag

02-02-2009 , 05:05 PM
Seems like a good villain to take with the bare Ad if you're considering folding a set here, as only 100BB deep he may well assume you ship the turn with a flush or set, so you look a lot weaker than you are and can't call a river shove.
WTF spot against good tag Quote
02-02-2009 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
it just seems like you waited for one person to agree with you and qft them. can you give reasons why? considering nielsio posted favouring a call and one of the reasons was

[X] WTF line

and everyone agrees with him on it, wouldn't that make it a good line?
no since hero has an exceptional good hand and would he ever fold this hand against standard barrels (lets say he flopped the set)? given that hero is thinking about folding now given the weird line...

also: for this line to be successful a lot of things must happen: hero must bet the flop AND bet the turn AND not folding to the c/r. so this line might be successful only against a very narrow range whereas the standard barrels could get value from a wider range. playing like this with a flopped flush is just leaving money on the table

its a fishline: "wow i flopped the nuts, now i check, i dont want to get him out, and i will set a tarp on the turn hehe". better players usually just dont take this line
WTF spot against good tag Quote
02-02-2009 , 05:45 PM
I would call.
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02-02-2009 , 05:49 PM
i'm not talking about what to do on the river. i don't care about that, it's not all that important.

more interesting is that people actually like taking this line with the nut flush. this line of chk/call flop chk/raise turn is just terribad with the nutflush (agasint a std reg who you don't have history/meta with).

this line probably makes more money against air and thats it. and only when your opponent decides to stab the flop. or i guess it makes more money when your opponent binks a set on the turn.

but overall hands that would be willing to call three streets or even something that would call flop c-bet and call a turn crai (since it loks more like the bare Ad) are going to give serious considerations to folding. Look at what happened in this hand, op has a hand that he would stack off with against so many other lines and not think twice. Which of course makes this true:

"Seems like a good villain to take with the bare Ad if you're considering folding a set here, as only 100BB deep he may well assume you ship the turn with a flush or set, so you look a lot weaker than you are and can't call a river shove."

But I wouldn't give anybody credit for being able to do this until I was sure they were capable.
WTF spot against good tag Quote
02-02-2009 , 06:04 PM
i dunno, after thinking about it a bit more it seems like everything I'm saying about this being nuts or nothing makes it more of a call, not a fold. plus I like the point about this being such a traditionally strong line that it makes it less likely a good player will actually take that line w/ the NF knowing how strong it looks
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02-02-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by LegallyBlind
i'm not talking about what to do on the river. i don't care about that, it's not all that important.

more interesting is that people actually like taking this line with the nut flush. this line of chk/call flop chk/raise turn is just terribad with the nutflush (agasint a std reg who you don't have history/meta with).

this line probably makes more money against air and thats it. and only when your opponent decides to stab the flop. or i guess it makes more money when your opponent binks a set on the turn.

but overall hands that would be willing to call three streets or even something that would call flop c-bet and call a turn crai (since it loks more like the bare Ad) are going to give serious considerations to folding. Look at what happened in this hand, op has a hand that he would stack off with against so many other lines and not think twice. Which of course makes this true:

"Seems like a good villain to take with the bare Ad if you're considering folding a set here, as only 100BB deep he may well assume you ship the turn with a flush or set, so you look a lot weaker than you are and can't call a river shove."

But I wouldn't give anybody credit for being able to do this until I was sure they were capable.
I think it's ok... I think a lot of ppl will be double barreling here pretty light since the PFR's hand doesn't look like anything great, and almost everyone these days is a compulsive callbox regardless of the line you take
WTF spot against good tag Quote
02-02-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by LegallyBlind
but overall hands that would be willing to call three streets or even something that would call flop c-bet and call a turn crai (since it loks more like the bare Ad) are going to give serious considerations to folding. Look at what happened in this hand, op has a hand that he would stack off with against so many other lines and not think twice.
I don't think anyone disagrees that it's better to bet against strong hands, point is on this particular board with hero holding AKdd for example, there are very few hands that villain will feel are strong against our UTG raise. He can't have a draw he feels good about, not that many pairs he will feel good about on this board either and 2 pairs is very very unlikely. QdJx/JxTd or something will probably get blown away with this line, if villain even plays those hands to an UTG raise. So hands that would be willing to call three streets with hero holding AKdd are very few, and air hands are plentiful.

I do like bet flop and CR AI turn though.

Last edited by Melchiades; 02-02-2009 at 07:34 PM.
WTF spot against good tag Quote
02-02-2009 , 07:18 PM
I agree with the overpair epecially given the preflop bet UTG, but surely he would lead out (b/f) with an overpair on the flop, fold if raised given the possible flush.

It's stupid to try to put a read on someone when you weren't there, but it's more like a AdKd/AdQD/ etc. If he picks up the ace (maybe K) high flush on a 5d Jd 3d flop he can more then easily justify a slow play. ie. c/c the flop c/r the turn (though I would wait for the river for the c/r unless the boardpairs).

Good Odds- not if your calling dead
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02-02-2009 , 08:45 PM
It doesn't sound like anyone has a clue about what anyone else is trying to say in this thread. It's like ten different languages each repeating themselves to no avail.
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02-02-2009 , 09:38 PM
hahahahaha, i would def agree
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