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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

10-17-2008 , 01:00 PM
You are probably right, my CC range on BTN against a MP or CO raise looks like this:

I don't really know to play these hands in a different way.

Folding and light 3betting (if I have a SC) are the other options.

Maybe you could give me some advice here?


I only continue with hands like JJ+, AQs+, AK (20% of my average raising range) if I get 3bet, maybe you could give some advice here also.

Last edited by O-Mock; 10-17-2008 at 01:11 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-17-2008 , 03:52 PM
Really depends on the opener on what you should be coldcalling with (in general: Don't coldcall too much. 3betting (light or not) is often way more +EV in many ways)...

another general guideline: VARY your game! you don't HAVE to do something with a certain hand... There are tendencies to play a hand, which are more +EV than another, against a certain opponent. However, if you played with that opponent for hours and hours, and you figure out something about his game, exploit that! If he's never calling 3bets OOP, 3bet the hell out of him with basically any crap hand... If he's always calling 3bets, narrow your range down. If he's a fish postflop and will fire flop and check/fold turn, call a lot in position preflop with suited connectors and stuff, and bluff him off...

Don't worry too much about your 1-2% more you got in a certain statistic... as long as you are comfortable with your game and making progress&profit, you shouldn't look at these numbers at all IMO.

Fwiw this stuff counts for everyone posting in here, just felt like writing something, lol
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-18-2008 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jmorto
Here's my graph to start:

Moved upto 5NL at about the 13k hand from 2NL. Don't know whats happened to my Non SD line recently.

Here are my stats:

Don't quite know what to make of them, just know my PFR should be a lot closer in numbers to my Vip or vice versa.

Any help would be great.
Oh, I forgot to add this...

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-19-2008 , 02:38 PM


hi this is 7-9 tabl. at pokerstars without HUD,it worked ok but im sure there is a lot room to i have any obvious leaks?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-19-2008 , 04:10 PM
Can someone point out if I am sucking real bad in any of these stats. I feel im playing great. I am not planning on moving up to NL25 until I make $600 at 10NL. I play 3-4 tables at a time and am fairly loose raising a big range of hands PF. Thanks
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-19-2008 , 07:30 PM

Was wondering if anybody could be of any help with my stats? Basically I seem to spew too much postflop and loose alot without showdown. The thing is though I'm starting to think I am okay in every position apart from the blinds where I loose way more than I should. Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my position stats for the month:

Here's my graph filtered without the blinds:

Here it is with the blinds:

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-19-2008 , 11:19 PM
This thread is worthless, all posting and no replying....
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-20-2008 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by MountainBum
This thread is worthless, all posting and no replying....
Hey calm down buddy it's been like 6 hours. I posted my stats weeks ago with no response. Anyways, you're far far too passive preflop and postflop. Instead of limping on the button with hands you might limp in a tournament early (suited connectors, low pairs, Axs, etc.) try to raise these up in position and fold/3bet them when there is a raise ahead of you. You're playing a really large percent of hands from the blinds (36% from sb is way too much completing and 30% defense in bb is playign too much out of position). Fold a lot more hands OOP than you would play IP, and all thos ehands you want to play IP make sure to be the aggressor. Try to steal some blinds, get your steal rate up from 23% to something like 28-30%. Your flop aggression and stuff should start going up once you raise these hands in positoin and start cbetting a very large percent of flops. Work on these basics, play like 10k hands, and come back here when you get some new stats. Definitely try to read the master sticky (I know its long but at least dabble through it) for some great advice for being aggressive and stealing blinds.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-20-2008 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Barewire
Hey calm down buddy it's been like 6 hours. I posted my stats weeks ago with no response. Anyways, you're far far too passive preflop and postflop. Instead of limping on the button with hands you might limp in a tournament early (suited connectors, low pairs, Axs, etc.) try to raise these up in position and fold/3bet them when there is a raise ahead of you. You're playing a really large percent of hands from the blinds (36% from sb is way too much completing and 30% defense in bb is playign too much out of position). Fold a lot more hands OOP than you would play IP, and all thos ehands you want to play IP make sure to be the aggressor. Try to steal some blinds, get your steal rate up from 23% to something like 28-30%. Your flop aggression and stuff should start going up once you raise these hands in positoin and start cbetting a very large percent of flops. Work on these basics, play like 10k hands, and come back here when you get some new stats. Definitely try to read the master sticky (I know its long but at least dabble through it) for some great advice for being aggressive and stealing blinds.

Thanks, i didnt know this stuff and will work on it. And also i said that not for my post but for everyone else' i was reading through. They dont want stats in the forum but i dont see what the problem with them there would be? If people dont want to read them or reply then dont?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-20-2008 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by MountainBum
Thanks, i didnt know this stuff and will work on it. And also i said that not for my post but for everyone else' i was reading through. They dont want stats in the forum but i dont see what the problem with them there would be? If people dont want to read them or reply then dont?
Yeah this thread gets a lot of new players but not a lot of helpful regulars so I try to check here fairly often to reply to the easier cases, I'm pretty new at this stuff myself. Good luck at the tables
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-20-2008 , 01:34 PM
i think im doing ok, but still wanted to get some input.
last 40k hands or so ive been 6tabling, before i was playing as many tables as i could.
main thing i wanna know is if it is normal to lose THAT much from the blinds, also it looks like from the blinds graph that i have no clue how to play OOP, so advices on this?
also should i be trying to go to showdown more?

Things I'm trying to do now:
- increase BTN vpip
- decrease SB vpip

obv advice on other stuff is appreciated! thanks

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:08 PM
Well I started playing cash, after cashing out majority of my roll from tournies after getting bored with the variance of shoving preflop in late stages. So I started playing cash with 80$ at 5nl. I did well and moved up to 10nl with 15 buyins, but ran horribly in alot of blind vs blind allin spots, and moved back down. Will be going back up to 10NL as Im close to 15 buyins again. My goal is to rely on my hand-reading skills, adjust to the players and really go after the weaker players. Here are my stats:

Stakes Hands $ bb/100 VPIP PFR 3bet% WTSD% W$SD%
5NL 14617 98.66 13.50 20.1 13.9 2.2 28.5 57.9
10NL 4084 -44.15 -10.81 18.2 12.7 3.2 27.9 51.6

5NL Agg 1.60 Agg% 21.3
10NL Agg 1.82 Agg% 22.3
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:38 PM

its hard to read your stats, but if your VPIP/PFR are 20ish/13ish, then you play too passive preflop. Try to close the gap, that means: never, ever limp if you are the first to put money into the pot. Another hint: don't try to set mine in the blinds when a laggy player opens on the button or the cutoff (think about the reason).
Please note that VPIP and PFR are the 2 stats the converge very fast. For other stats, you need a much larger sample and are pretty meaningless right now.

As a suggestion, i wouldn't move up with only 15 BI. I recently lost 8 BI in less than 3k hands and i didnt make huge mistakes. Just a lot of cooler/setup situations, it's just variance. You can easily play more hands at 5NL = more profit = bigger bankroll before moving up again. It can be devastating if you always move up, lose 2 BI and have to move down - for me, it was
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-21-2008 , 09:05 PM
I don't limp, besides completing the small blind with say a small pp or higher suited connector with limpers already in the pot as its tougher to play those hands oop. I do tend to call more than 3 bet, as I feel at this level it is better to take a flop vs a fish with a implied odd hand, 5nl has a 200 bb cap buyin. I buyin for 100bb but majority of time Im sitting with more. That or when a 50/2/.07 fish minraises, I defend my big with hands like sc/n gappers trying to flop 2pair+, giving up a small preflop ev to make a huge score against their face up big pair. And I defend alot against sb steals since I have position and feel I read hands well. Did help me notice the small blind is my weak spot, as I lose 3x as much as I do in the big.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 03:09 AM
VP$IP = 24.37 PFR = 14.81 W$WSF=41.47 WTSD = 27.64 W$SD=54.61 AF = 2.30 AFq=43.53 3Bet= 3.52 Fold 3B = 74.30 Fold BB to Seal = 82.65 Fold SB to Steal = 85.64

I am just looking for improvements to help me be more consistent with beating the Microlimits. Any advice would be great.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 04:36 AM
I hate posting with only 5k hands but over the last two months that's all I've really had the time to play. I'm only playing 10NL and I think my stats reflect a solid TAG game but im down almost six buyins. I realize that variance figures into every players results but I just want to make sure my stats will produce a winning result over time.

Looking at the stats myself:
1) Attempt to steal at 41.5 might be high? Maybe target should be 30-35? That way I'm not in marginal situations postflop as often
2) CBet Flop is almost 75% of the time, is that too high? I think I need to be more sensitive to CBetting the right flops depending on how many players/flop texture.
3) Aggression factor 2.92 OK for my 22/18 TAG stats?
4) Won Money at Showdown only 50%...defintely too low? Whats a good range here 75%?

Any input is appreciated...thanks
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Maunzekater

its hard to read your stats, but if your VPIP/PFR are 20ish/13ish, then you play too passive preflop. Try to close the gap, that means: never, ever limp if you are the first to put money into the pot. Another hint: don't try to set mine in the blinds when a laggy player opens on the button or the cutoff (think about the reason).
Please note that VPIP and PFR are the 2 stats the converge very fast. For other stats, you need a much larger sample and are pretty meaningless right now.

As a suggestion, i wouldn't move up with only 15 BI. I recently lost 8 BI in less than 3k hands and i didnt make huge mistakes. Just a lot of cooler/setup situations, it's just variance. You can easily play more hands at 5NL = more profit = bigger bankroll before moving up again. It can be devastating if you always move up, lose 2 BI and have to move down - for me, it was
This. Its good advice.

I moved up to 25NL last night to chase losses, standard you know. I dropped 3 buy ins in 500 hands. 2 with AA, 1 all in preflop against 66 making a set, and the other all in on the flop against a gut shot and he hit??? The other I tilted off. You will most likely be playing with scared money and it will effect your game drastically.

O wait I just noticed your playing 5 NL? Meh, move up.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:55 AM
Hi, any thoughts?

My red and blue line seem completely opposite to everyone else's, what's going on there?

If it makes a difference to any analysis, I seem to have been outdrawn more than normal recently.

Realise the sample isn't big enough for any depth, but the strange difference in red/blue made me want to get some input...

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 11:12 AM
Hi all.
pls, comment my stats and graph.
Where problem?
Small distance...but.

Very agressiv? play? More calls...or what?

Non Showdown Winnings

Cbet flop - 73%
Cbet turn - 43%
Cbet river - 39%

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:39 PM
@ dogtuna to make things perfect prolly reduce the pfr a little to 17. And 3bet less 7.1 is too high @ NL 50. 5-6 something between that should be fine
Rest seems solid.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 03:26 PM
Hi guys. Ok, before this, my stats were 17/14, so restarted 5nl and tried to follow fellow 2+2ers' advice to open up my game a little bit by being more aggressive in late position. Unfortunately, I am still ending up 19/18! How do people get to 24/20 or even higher? Anyhow, I'm pretty comfortable with the style I am playing right now, but readjusting is not a problem for me. Comments would be very much appreciated.

If all is well, I would like to give 10nl a shot. I have 23BI's for 10nl at this moment.

Last edited by obloni; 10-22-2008 at 03:34 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-22-2008 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by MountainBum
This. Its good advice.

I moved up to 25NL last night to chase losses, standard you know. I dropped 3 buy ins in 500 hands. 2 with AA, 1 all in preflop against 66 making a set, and the other all in on the flop against a gut shot and he hit??? The other I tilted off. You will most likely be playing with scared money and it will effect your game drastically.

O wait I just noticed your playing 5 NL? Meh, move up.
Def plan on moving up, despite being 15 buyins, if it was higher stakes then yes I plan on having more buyings. Def not worried about the money, have played in big buyin 1k+ live donkaments and wasn't phased finishing 2 off the money losing a flip jj <ak for 50 bb stack. Im playing for the challenge then the money.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-24-2008 , 04:20 PM
i been crushing 9 max 25 nl with pt/bb of 8 but in 6 max im down with neg pt/bb of 8. I am a winning player overall in my career just not sure why im losing so bad in 6 max

My stats for 25 nl 6 max are... vol put in the pot is 20 went to showdown 32 percent won cash at showdown 45% pf raise of 14.75 pf af 2.01 flop af 2.88 turn af 2.26 river af 1.77 total 2.19

here is a pic of it not sure how to make it show only the 6 max instead of everyone but here it is plz help.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-24-2008 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Eman6969
i been crushing 9 max 25 nl with pt/bb of 8 but in 6 max im down with neg pt/bb of 8. I am a winning player overall in my career just not sure why im losing so bad in 6 max

My stats for 25 nl 6 max are... vol put in the pot is 20 went to showdown 32 percent won cash at showdown 45% pf raise of 14.75 pf af 2.01 flop af 2.88 turn af 2.26 river af 1.77 total 2.19

here is a pic of it not sure how to make it show only the 6 max instead of everyone but here it is plz help.
There's a pretty big gap (almost 6%) between your vpip and pfr. Try to close this gap by cold calling less often on the button and cutoff and trying to fold/3bet more often in those situations and, obviously, don't open limp. You're also defending quite a bit from the blinds which is going to make playing very difficult. I would suggest folding more often from the blinds. You're going to showdown a really high percent of the time, which means you're likely calling down with too weak of hands, and judging from your low AF, you're not value betting often enough. Lastly, Your game is pretty tight in general (positional stats woudl help) and I would really suggest trying to steal more often. 23% is way too low; try to take advantage of having tight players on your left and open up your button/cutoff opening range, trying to get your steal percent over 28. By cleaning up your showdown percent your W$SD will ideally go over 50% and everything will be straight. These are all really basic introductory mistakes that you can clean up by reading the best of uNL
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
10-25-2008 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Barewire
There's a pretty big gap (almost 6%) between your vpip and pfr. Try to close this gap by cold calling less often on the button and cutoff and trying to fold/3bet more often in those situations and, obviously, don't open limp. You're also defending quite a bit from the blinds which is going to make playing very difficult. I would suggest folding more often from the blinds. You're going to showdown a really high percent of the time, which means you're likely calling down with too weak of hands, and judging from your low AF, you're not value betting often enough. Lastly, Your game is pretty tight in general (positional stats woudl help) and I would really suggest trying to steal more often. 23% is way too low; try to take advantage of having tight players on your left and open up your button/cutoff opening range, trying to get your steal percent over 28. By cleaning up your showdown percent your W$SD will ideally go over 50% and everything will be straight. These are all really basic introductory mistakes that you can clean up by reading the best of uNL
I should be stealing in low stake game like 25 nl? even with calling stations?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
