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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

02-07-2013 , 10:26 PM

All NL10 zoom 6max and a little (2k hands) of nl25 zoom 6max
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-11-2013 , 07:51 PM
Because I'm interested in a fair few more obscure stats as well as the predominant ones, I didn't want to swamp you all with six images or whatever and dozens of stats. Instead, I've found ones where I differ fairly significantly from what PT3 tells me is the 10NL Zoom mean. Firstly, I want to know if these are fairly standard values for the mean - as I'm aware that roughly 1/4 of all hands are my own, it's going to significantly skew the mean, although clearly much less when the result is close to the mean - and secondly, if they represent leaks or just things I do differently. FWIW preflop I play 26/22 but I'm fairly sure that's fine, so I didn't include it.

My values (mean values):

ATS 51 (36)
BTN ATS 65 (45)
CO ATS 41 (28)
SB ATS 50 (39)
Call SB Steal in BB 39 (25)
Fold BB to SB steal 51 (65)
Flop cbet 78 (70)
Call flop cbet IP 54 (47)
Call flop cbet OOP 43 (37)
Fold to flop cbet in 3bet pot 30 (36)
Fold to flop cbet 34 (46)
Raise flop cbet 17 (12)
C/r flop 14 (9)
Squeeze PF 6 (4.8)
W$SD after R call 41.5 (43.5)
C/r river 5.5 (4.5)
River AF 3 (2.5)
Raise turn bet 15 (11)
C/r turn 12.5 (9)
Turn AF 2.5 (2.2)
Turn AFq 58 (50)
AF 3 (2.5)
AFq 58 (51)
RFI 30 (24)
Flop AF 3.3 (2.6)
Flop AFq 62 (53)
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-11-2013 , 08:00 PM

VPIP/PFR gap is probably a little too large considering you're pretty tight anyway.
You're not nearly positionally aware enough.
You're calling far too often in the blinds.
You're probably a bit tight - your W$SD is very high - you're probably not bluffing enough, which is added to by your low AF and AFq.
Your redline is pretty poor, you should try and spot some spots where villain's range is weak.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-13-2013 , 04:55 AM
Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster. Figured this would be a good place to start getting my **** together.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-14-2013 , 03:28 PM
what are essential stats that dont clutter up your HUD?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-15-2013 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by TheAbortionator
Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster. Figured this would be a good place to start getting my **** together.
Well played. I would think about blind defense / limping sb. Your WR is obv great from the blinds but could it be even better with a little tighter range? You could for example filter whether SCs, I guess you are calling with, are in the money (i.e. better than folding). Also turn cbet is high comparing to std stats.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-15-2013 , 05:06 PM
Hello everybody, I posted this a few weeks ago but I don't think anyone saw it. I've moved up to 2/5 since then but I find it much harder and I think some advice about my 1/2 games will help. Here's the post:

Anyways I've been putting this off until I was playing more consistently but I'm more or less there and I think I'm beating the 1/2 on Pokerstars. Any advice or helps with leaks and such is appreciated, I know there's a lot.

Here's the stats:

And here's the graph:

I don't know why my pfr is so much lower than my vpip, I open raise from the CO with 22+, ATs+, AJ+, KJs+, KQo and loosen up towards the button. I do limp with marginal hands if 3 or 4 other people do before me and it's not likely the rest will raise, especially when i'm the SB. Maybe I'm playing too tight and my vpip is higher because of the occasional limping.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-15-2013 , 08:25 PM
I have been playing bunch of different stuff but since my roll was almost non-existent I decided to start grinding from the very micros,2NL

This is the first 10k hand.Took approx 30h of play.
Obviously I have been running a bit over EV,but win rate still good I guess.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-16-2013 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by woll
Hello everybody, I posted this a few weeks ago but I don't think anyone saw it. I've moved up to 2/5 since then but I find it much harder and I think some advice about my 1/2 games will help. Here's the post:
You have a good default game at 2NL, tight and aggressive. It's probably enough at 5NL too but you will do better if you study the game more. Just guessing but you should probably try to be more adaptive, look for spots to steal and resteal for example.

Your positional awareness, 3b and WtSDwsF are too low. Those make the variance lower but dent your ev.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-16-2013 , 09:52 PM
Thanks in advance for any info, in part of trying to work on my game, posting this here to see ( as I am sure I need to ), what I need to work on.

Mix of 25 NL and 50 NL

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by woll
I don't know why my pfr is so much lower than my vpip, I open raise from the CO with 22+, ATs+, AJ+, KJs+, KQo and loosen up towards the button. I do limp with marginal hands if 3 or 4 other people do before me and it's not likely the rest will raise, especially when i'm the SB. Maybe I'm playing too tight and my vpip is higher because of the occasional limping.
Looking at your stats the reason your VPIP is significantly higher than your PFR is due to:
1. that you VPIP when you are in the the blinds is relatively high,
2. you 3bet rarely and
3. your open raising range is tight (but this is arguable since some players prefer a playing tighter and also this is can be difficult to exploit)

I would point out that these things are not leaks but potential leaks, the fact is that the players at these 2nl are not (capable of) exploiting your play. Therefore you will have to adapt as you move up. Overall your play at 2nl is solid and you should not be worried about the "gap" between your VPIP and PFR stats. Furthermore the reason that your VPIP is higher than your PFR is because the games are very passive so you can call in position with a wider range due to limpers (which seems to be what you are doing). The reason I did not mention this above is because a very good way of exploiting passive players (and not a leak or potential leak).

I guess that the reason that you are having trouble at 5nl is because the games are relatively more aggressive and you cannot get away with playing "big pot poker" (over-limping and smooth calling waiting to hit big hands in multiway pots) as effectively.

So you should learn to 3bet more often in position and also turn some hands that you call from the blinds to 3betting hands and gradually shift to playing "small pot poker" (raising players out preflop and winning many small pots preflop/on the flop) as you move up the stakes.

To effectively play 3bet pots you will have to tailor your 3bets specifically to the players you are reraising. So 3bet bluff against players who have virtually 0% 3bet calling stats (meaning they 4bet or fold) and widening your value range against players who call 3bets too often (what is considered too often depends on the players Open Raising range.)

Furthermore players that are positionally aware will open their range towards the button hence you should open your 3bet value range accordingly.

My suggestions to you are:
1. Incorporate 3bet strategies gradually (or any new part of your game) do what you are comfortable with and don't try to change too many things at once. Once you have the hang of one area then keep adding.
2. Post your 5nl hands if you need help beating 5nl.

good luck

Last edited by Lutvo; 02-17-2013 at 01:19 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gibby33
Thanks in advance for any info, in part of trying to work on my game, posting this here to see ( as I am sure I need to ), what I need to work on.

Mix of 25 NL and 50 NL

I would suggest posting W$atSD and W$woSD stats. Considering your playing style I believe this will help you improve your game the most (not sure though since you didn't put those stats- however your W$atSD% is a little high and your aggression is low suggests this may be the case). You may be losing a decent portion of your profit in W$woSD.

Last edited by Lutvo; 02-17-2013 at 05:38 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gibby33
Thanks in advance for any info, in part of trying to work on my game, posting this here to see ( as I am sure I need to ), what I need to work on.

Mix of 25 NL and 50 NL

As so often in this thread, you are too tight. Your winrate is obv very fine, but I can't imagine you surviving 50NL this tight. Let alone SSNL.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Lutvo
I would suggest posting W$atSD and W$woSD stats. Considering your playing style I believe this will help you improve your game the most (not sure though since you didn't put those stats- however your W$atSD% is a little high and your aggression is low suggests this may be the case). You may be losing a decent portion of your profit in W$woSD.

Originally Posted by Jever
As so often in this thread, you are too tight. Your winrate is obv very fine, but I can't imagine you surviving 50NL this tight. Let alone SSNL.
Going to assume you mean from every position, and thanks for the advice, its much appreciated.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gibby33

Going to assume you mean from every position, and thanks for the advice, its much appreciated.
Regarding your positional stats: EP/MP are pretty tight, but that's fine. CO and BTN are way too tight. Try to loosen up there first. First at the BTN, then CO, then a bit at BTN again, then CO again, etc. Rinse and repeat. But loosen up only slightly. Too much at once completely destroys your game.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 09:10 PM
all hands from 6max $5NL at ftp. Help me please.[IMG][/IMG]

Last edited by JonnyCinquo; 02-17-2013 at 09:15 PM. Reason: image sucked
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gibby33

Going to assume you mean from every position, and thanks for the advice, its much appreciated.
Once you start opening up from late position you will slowly start to see your W$woSD for BTN and CO start to become even more profitable than your W$atSD for those positions. This will be good for the more aggro stakes where you won't see too many SD. Later you will have people playing back at you from the blinds more often and so on but the regs you play daily will need a decent amount of time to notice the change.

Good luck
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
Because I'm interested in a fair few more obscure stats as well as the predominant ones, I didn't want to swamp you all with six images or whatever and dozens of stats. Instead, I've found ones where I differ fairly significantly from what PT3 tells me is the 10NL Zoom mean. Firstly, I want to know if these are fairly standard values for the mean - as I'm aware that roughly 1/4 of all hands are my own, it's going to significantly skew the mean, although clearly much less when the result is close to the mean - and secondly, if they represent leaks or just things I do differently. FWIW preflop I play 26/22 but I'm fairly sure that's fine, so I didn't include it.

My values (mean values):

ATS 51 (36)
BTN ATS 65 (45)
CO ATS 41 (28)
SB ATS 50 (39)
Call SB Steal in BB 39 (25)
Fold BB to SB steal 51 (65)
Flop cbet 78 (70)
Call flop cbet IP 54 (47)
Call flop cbet OOP 43 (37)
Fold to flop cbet in 3bet pot 30 (36)
Fold to flop cbet 34 (46)
Raise flop cbet 17 (12)
C/r flop 14 (9)
Squeeze PF 6 (4.8)
W$SD after R call 41.5 (43.5)
C/r river 5.5 (4.5)
River AF 3 (2.5)
Raise turn bet 15 (11)
C/r turn 12.5 (9)
Turn AF 2.5 (2.2)
Turn AFq 58 (50)
AF 3 (2.5)
AFq 58 (51)
RFI 30 (24)
Flop AF 3.3 (2.6)
Flop AFq 62 (53)
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-17-2013 , 11:04 PM
I'm playing at Full Tilt. Stakes: NL5 (6-max).

Any advice, suggestion is very welcome!

Do you need any additional stats or will these suffice?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-18-2013 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by JonnyCinquo
all hands from 6max $5NL at ftp. Help me please.[IMG][/IMG]
You are too loose, you should tighten up. If you are a beginner you are just making your life difficult. Look at a hand chart for 6max and work from there.

Related to being too loose your bleeding money on the SB, because you are calling and trying to steel too often. Remember playing from the SB is always out of position (I mention this because you seem to grasp the basics of positional awareness).

You are cbetting way too often, if you were tight you could prolly get away with it. Try not to cbet weak hands that have SD value (such as bottom pair or Ace high) specifically in position because you mostly get worse hands to fold and get better hands calling you down.

Due to the things above you are not winning often enough at SD. At the micros players want to see showdowns and you should play with the intention of having a hand with some SD value.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-18-2013 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
It is only a leak if other players are able to exploit your play. Your attemp to steal is high from all positions, this is a potential leak. I don't play zoom but I've heard that the players are tighter and more passive than regular games. So even though your ATS stats are high and therefore exploitable it only leak if players capitalize on this. If the players you play do not adjust accordingly you are exploiting their game. So at 10nl you can get away with playing this way and in fact it can boost you bb/100 if done properly.

You play somewhat laggy which will help you improve alot since you play more hands than most players at your stakes. This is good as you make your range a little more disguised. I would say that if you are profitable then keep playing this way.

Last edited by Lutvo; 02-18-2013 at 08:55 AM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-18-2013 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Apurvam
I'm playing at Full Tilt. Stakes: NL5 (6-max).

Any advice, suggestion is very welcome!

Do you need any additional stats or will these suffice?
3 main areas that you need to work on:

1. Read Jever's advice to Gibby33 (and obv. look at Gibby's stats). You are also too tight from CO and BTN

2. You are not profitable enough from the CO and BTN this is related to 1. since you are so tight you are not getting enough value from these positions. You need to learn to defend the button and iso-raise bad players in position. So be aware when you are on the button and the person in the CO (or any position) is being to loose and play them in position with dominating hands. This means also 3betting them for value (remember if they call 3bets too often then widen your value range against them and obviously don't 3bet bluff them).

3. You are bleeding like crazy from the blinds. You are profitable from all the position except for the blinds- this is normal. However the amount you are loosing from the blinds far outweighs your profit from all the position combined- this is the general reason why you are losing. So learn to defend your blinds properly and widen your 3bet value and your value range here against the appropriate players.

Working on all these things will begin to make you profitable. First you should work on breaking even. So take small steps, reach mastery, and then keep adding to your game.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-18-2013 , 03:12 PM
Hey guys, played around 45k at NL10 primarily now, and would love some feedback on my stats. I really have not been winning as much as i would like to, and i am pretty sure i have some major leaks.

Not sure how to post images directly, so here is a link to an imgur album with my stats, would love some feedback!
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-18-2013 , 09:44 PM
Thanks jamakine and Lutvo for the help. I now 3bet AK and QQ+ every time and 4bet KK+. I 3bet lite with AXs and suited connectors when I remember to, which isn't often but that's what I'm working on now.

I don't know what to do about getting my '% went to showdown' up or getting better at 'small pot poker' but I do believe it is an issue because my red line is killing me. I seem to lose money when I call cbets with a mid pocket pairs or small pair + kicker hoping to get a set or two pair on the next card. I do bet pot sized when I have a hand or I check raise if they bet the street before but I don't think I should change that to get to showdown more often.

Anyways here are my stats and graph for 2/5 on Pokerstars, the stats are pretty much the same as 1/2 with a bit of improvement but I'm more worried about my red line.

Heres the stats:

And here's the graph:

Thanks for the help
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
02-19-2013 , 12:55 PM
@woll: It doesn't look like you're folding enough to 3bets. Remember that at 2NL and 5NL, the vast majority of 3bets will be for value, and you're bleeding money if you continue with hands like TT and 99 against a tight reg (pending a read that they 3bet light). Of course, if you table select really well and end up against 4-5/5 donks then this is probably fine.

Also remember that calling 3bets OOP generally sucks.

You're playing too few hands from the button, and too many from the small blind (probably). You should remember that although one of the reasons why late preflop position is good is the lower chance of someone behind you having a big hand, by far the more important is having position postflop, so playing more hands from the worst position on the table than the best position on the table is counter-intuitive. Try raising a much wider range when it's folded to you on the button, and isolating wider too (against players who have a tendency to play fit-or-fold on the flop, you can probably isolate 100%, but this is probably going to lead to adjustment by even the worst of players). The fact that you're stealing 70% in the SB and 20% on the BTN is incredible - if anything, this should be the other way around (although if you play against a nitty BB the SB stat is fine).

That said, you don't seem to be flatting too much from the small blind which is good.

You have some leaks regarding turn and river aggression which will be exploited at higher stakes by people floating flops liberally, but the way you play vis a vis that is probably close to optimal at 5NL, although I suspect you're not value betting thin enough vs fish - when somebody's got a WTSD of 50+ you can probably get three streets of value with second pair.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
