Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Should have known better.
I know my description was vague.. just wanted to throw it out there and see if any other regs felt the same way. Apparently not. However one thing is for certain, they are not blocking multi accounting. It's not a coincidence when there are 24 tables of 2-4 waiting and all of a sudden there are 16 empty 2-4 tables in the lobby.
Please someone give me an explanation for that also.
I think this is just because some regs don't multi-table. They sit at the max number of empty tables, and then leave their others when they get action on one.
Having said that, there have been bots recently at the hu cash tables on Bovada. I received a refund 2 weeks ago because of players violating terms of service. I know it was a bot and not collusion because I only play heads up cash. If something seems fishy, report it. But from your description in the OP, it just sounds like fish running good