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Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread

09-07-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by SA16
People kinda range all over the place between 50-60...typical guys maybe around 54 or so? It's also really weird that you get to showdown so much (25% is a bit above average) given that you barrel so often. Either people see your barreling tendencies beforehand and are just "ok if i flop a pair i'm calling him down" or you might be calling people down too lightly.
tbh it's probably the latter - I call down too light I think, though I will check some filters and see.
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09-07-2011 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by SA16
@ lull

Seems like your turn cbet success is super low (I could be wrong here..not familiar with the stat but I would assume 30% is low) so what I would take from that is you are probably just barreling bad spots, and ways to adjust can be to just cbet less often on the turn, work on finding better spots (board texture, players etc..) or start barreling the river (don't think you included this stat) a lot

3bet more. CO/BN/SB are really low...just start 3betting guys who steal a lot as bluffs, and you can also look to 3b EP raises from the BN/CO vs guys with high fold to 3bets/wide EP open percentages.

W$SF extremely want to be like ~42 or more...kinda odd given your flop and turn cbet but you might not be c/r enough or just being too weak tight when you don't have the betting lead...could be a low river cbet also, not sure.

Fold to 3bet is ridiculous and prob the main reason your red line is straight down...if I saw a player with 85% fold to 3bet I would be 3betting him almost every single time with ATC...I'm assuming people recognize this and are 3betting you with an extremely polarized range that is mostly bluffs so you can rebluff them OOP, call with all sorts of hands that will dominate them IP (OOP too just easier to play when IP) like your strong Ax, Kx hands, and some PP etc..
Thanks a million, I'm sure this will help a lot !

My river Cbet% is 62.5 and river Cbet% succes 35%.

According to PTR grade, my flop aggression is good but I'm 25% less aggressive than optimal on the turn and 16% on the river.

About my 3bet%. Is 58% success good enough to justify 3betting more please ?

You're right about me not c/r enough. I barely never does this.

Once again, thank you very much.
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09-07-2011 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by Pocket
nl,30nl25 -100k ; nl100 >20k the rest hands is from nl50
you're leaking in the BB a bit too much.

you somewhat lack aggression and positional awareness. also, why do you open-limp from UTG? is your open-limping range balanced?
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09-07-2011 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by lull
About my 3bet%. Is 58% success good enough to justify 3betting more please ?
I have no idea but don't think of it this way. Play a more exploitable style based on your villains tendencies.

Ex. (just rough baselines)

Villain fold to 3b > 70%: 3bet him a lot of your air since he folds so often..obv have a polarized range be 3betting like QQ+,AK with some frequency but mix in calls as well.

fold to 3b > 80%: just 3bet like everything cause he is going to fold, just dont completely overdo it to the point hell realize but i would be 3betting these guys extremely prob be calling my big hands more often than 3betting but would do both.

villain fold to 3bet <50%: dont 3bet much air UNLESS they have a high fold to cbet so you can just barrel them off. if they arent a high fold to cbet just start 3betting your value hands, TT,KQ,AJ etc...

fold to 3bet ~60: mix in value and bluffs but these guys are pretty annoying

guys with high RFI (raise first in) in EP - you can 3bet them as bluffs since they are opening such a wide range in early position and they are likely to perceive your 3bet strong as you are 3betting the strongest part of their range.

If you dont have positional fold to 3bet in your popup get it in your popup...people have very different fold to 3bets in EP, the bn etc and you need to know who is who. Some guys with 70% ft3b overall fold to around 70% in all positions, others might fold 50% on the bn and like 80% in EP etc..
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09-08-2011 , 06:09 PM
Hi, Ive recently moved to FR from 6max. I definitely have leaks in my game and most of them are agression related and Ive been trying to play so many different styles but I always end up losing. If I try playing aggro I just get murdered and if I try nitting up I still run break even at best. So If someone could point out what exactly Im messing up It would be appreciated.

This is all NL50 FR

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09-10-2011 , 05:51 PM

Well first off just looking at winrates your blind loss rates are huge, EP really low, bn low etc..its a small sample for that stuff though but still something to note.

Think you need to 3bet a little more, prob more bluffs vs guys who just fold a lot. Read my previous post for details

your WTSD is super low indicating that you are most likely too weak on the river and folding hands that you can call with. This is made even more clear by your ridiculous 3.72 river call efficiency (this is like...for every 1$ you put in on the river you get 3.72 back, i think) Not positive but i think you want this number somewhere between 1.5 and 2 or so. You're just folding the best hand way too often and pretty much not calling unless you are super strong. That said...for playing like this your w$sd isn't too high so I would guess you are proficient at barreling people off of hands, but you just need to call more.

Flop fold to cbet is kinda on the high side.
You can definitely steal more
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09-11-2011 , 05:08 AM
Can anyone kindly help me to leak find here?

I feel that I am losing tool much from the blinds...
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09-11-2011 , 05:54 AM
Im bleeding too much money from the BB, and I cant decide whats the solution to get it down to something like 0.20 ptBB/Hand. Which is possible for good regs right?

My fold vs steal in BB = 86 and SB = 92 compared. But winrates from SB and BB differ a lot 0.07 vs 0.27. Should I better be folding BB vs steals even more, especially vs CO/BTN becouse im forced to play OOP, which I hate the most.

And only call/3bet hands that crushes CO/BTN opening/calling range?

Also, should I 3bet bluff from sb/bb vs CO/BTN with +35% ATS and high fold to 3bet stats with hands like suited connectors/suited gappers/ and possibly smallish pocket pairs, becouse I cant call with those profitably. And 3bet with hands like AJo vs low fold to 3bet, becouse they will call with dominated hands?

Should I only 3bet vs SB steals and isolate limpers, when I have a decent hand or only the Sb completes. Becouse this way we are usually playing in position and I feel very comfortable playing in position.

Im lost betwen nitting it even more up from the BB or opening up my BB range. Should I look for something like 8/5 or even less from BB and will it be more profitable or I just need to open my BB game up?

Any suggestions/comments will be welcome.

Last edited by Icanbeatadraw; 09-11-2011 at 05:59 AM.
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09-15-2011 , 06:17 AM
Damn, I can't find "attach file" button :S Could anyone tell me where is it exactly?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
09-15-2011 , 07:52 AM
Cold calling has become something of an obsession for me lately - take a look at the player's stats on the very first post of this thread - can anyone with similar cold calling stats tell me how that number is so low? It would appear that there is so little cold calling going on - 3 bet or this right?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:02 AM
What is a low, normal, and high for the stat raise flop c bet? I raise flop c bet about 10%. Is that to honest? Should I be more aggressive here?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
09-27-2011 , 05:19 AM
Are 16k hands enough to get some opinions on my stats here, or will it just be "lololol sample"?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
09-27-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by YNC
Are 16k hands enough to get some opinions on my stats here, or will it just be "lololol sample"?
Pretty much a lololol sample... 25k is the minimum IMO.

Last edited by Katy Perry; 09-27-2011 at 04:30 PM. Reason: grammar
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
09-28-2011 , 10:59 PM
Have to agree here, 25k is borderline imo
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
09-29-2011 , 05:11 AM
I have to disagree.
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10-07-2011 , 02:13 AM
What am I doing wrong?

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10-07-2011 , 04:44 AM
Don't play heads up.
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10-07-2011 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
Don't play heads up.
So true...
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
10-08-2011 , 11:24 AM
you are a nit on the BN and the CO and somehow you magically see a billion showdowns while winning every single one so i'm not sure how that is even possible...i would reccomend reposting these images and filter for only one game...either 6m or FR...get the HU stuff that is skewing the info out
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
10-12-2011 , 02:06 AM
Can't think of the right name.

[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]


[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]


[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

I know it's normal, but it still gets to me. I'm pretty sure I posted this on the wrong forum also lol.
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10-12-2011 , 02:26 AM

<--- bbv
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
10-12-2011 , 02:40 AM
confused graph says 28k hands but HEM report saying 7k hands?

HEM says you were doing ok at 25 so just stay there for bit obv
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
10-12-2011 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by metski
confused graph says 28k hands but HEM report saying 7k hands?

HEM says you were doing ok at 25 so just stay there for bit obv
My graph is for the whole month. Reports / session tab is for last 2 days only.

Need to move up/improve, been playing 25NL for like 500k+ hands now. I'm over rolled for 50NL and I don't even withdraw for monthly expenses lol.
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10-12-2011 , 03:22 AM
post 500k graph then if your winning at 25 then you cant really lose at 50 unless you spaz out 10BI swing not to bad (:
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10-12-2011 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by zeneil
My graph is for the whole month. Reports / session tab is for last 2 days only.

Need to move up/improve, been playing 25NL for like 500k+ hands now. I'm over rolled for 50NL and I don't even withdraw for monthly expenses lol.
Do you tilt much? Your graph looks a bit tilty. As someone who played far too many hands at Nl25 without having the bottle to move up i think you just need to go for it. You get far too much in your confort zone just been happy to beat a level(which i assume you are if you are over rolled) which makes moving up harder. The difference in levels is minimul and i would say the same for NL100 any player with a decent understanding shouldnt see that much of a drop off in WR imo. You probably just need to tweak a few things and if you are over rolled i would strongly reccomend getting a coach and can put you in touch with a guy who is ridiculously cheap but excellent in what he does and you wont get any half assed coaching that you can get with some people.

Anyway GL.
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