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Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff

09-11-2022 , 12:27 PM
I'm only going to give you two choices. 1/3 sizing or Overbet sizing. Each of these sizing's has a significantly higher EV depending on what hand we are holding.

100BB 6max COvsBTN3BET

Flop comes down 965


Turn comes J

Should CO use 1/3 or OB probe sizing with each of these 3 hands.

1. KQ
2. KQ
3. QT

Who cares if you get it wrong it's supposed to be fun.

Okay lets go
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-11-2022 , 12:43 PM
1. OB
2. 1/3
3. OB
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-11-2022 , 12:48 PM
I suck at these solver lines, but I'll take a crack at it.

KQcc I like the overbet. I think if we OB and get shoved on we can just call it off. Although I think a lot of it depends on what the raising range of the BTN. Since we actually have the potential to be ahead of the BTN raising range in terms of equity, actually betting small to induce might be the right play. So if 1/3 is the correct answer I have to imagine it's to pull more value out of the BTNs weaker raising range. So it would not surprise me if the solver likes the 1/3 as an inducement, but in practice the OB may work better against players who aren't going to raise at the right frequency.

KQhh 1/3 and fold to a raise seems OK I think.

QTs This is the one I feel most confident is an overbet to discourage raises from their overpairs that checked back and prevent us from getting blown off our equity, while also forcing more folds out of their checked back overcards and underpairs.
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-11-2022 , 12:55 PM
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-11-2022 , 01:18 PM
[1. KcQc OB
2. KhQh OB
3. QsTs 1/3
I pick the OB for low and high equity draw and the 1/3 for medium equity draw]

Edit : didn't see the 3B, I thank that's a 2b pot...

So, like everybody :
1. KcQc OB
2. KhQh 1/3
3. QsTs OB

Want to bet fold cheaply with low equity draw and commit myself with the high and medium equity draw

Last edited by Plop !; 09-11-2022 at 01:25 PM.
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-11-2022 , 08:27 PM
1. 1/3
2. OB
3. 1/3
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-12-2022 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Unguarded
1. 1/3
2. OB
3. 1/3
Like it

I'm sure the answers would be some : "population overfold/underraise vs overbet, and overbluff vs small size, so we take all our equity overbeting the lower equity hands and we can small bet/reshove our strong equity draw" !
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-12-2022 , 07:45 AM
Pretty rare for one sizing to have significantly higher EV in a solve in a spot like this oop and not on river.
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-13-2022 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Pretty rare for one sizing to have significantly higher EV in a solve in a spot like this oop and not on river.
It's about a 1-1.5bb increase so you could definitely argue that it isn't significant but I think it's worth implementing as all these little edges add up.

Population is over folding OTT as IP PFR here by a good amount (55%vs65% for an Overbet)(21% vs 31% at 1/3 sizing)

Most of the guys in the thread were correct in the OB,1/3,OB answer so it might be more intuitive than I originally thought.

Last edited by DooDooPoker; 09-13-2022 at 01:51 PM.
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-13-2022 , 03:04 PM
1 and 3 have a ton more equity than 2.
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-13-2022 , 11:18 PM
i mean rake, rfi size, 3bet size, possible btn flats pre, 4bet size and possible 4b shoves have an effect on the inputs and possible flop donks, cb size, ob size and the rest of the tree all have an effect on the outputs

i'd have no idea either way, maybe i'd want to fold out AK and AQ with KQ
Quick MDA Quiz before kickoff Quote
09-14-2022 , 06:36 AM
OB, 1/3, 1/3

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