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qq 50 nl against utg qq 50 nl against utg

03-28-2008 , 05:25 PM
Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from (Format: FlopTurnRiver)

CO ($61.65)
Hero ($53.10)
SB ($39.20)
BB ($7.75)
UTG ($49.50)
MP ($58.40)

Preflop: Hero is Button with Q, Q.
UTG raises to $2, 2 folds, Hero raises to $6.75, 2 folds, UTG calls $4.75.

Flop: ($14.25) J, 8, 6 (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $8, UTG raises to $22, Hero ?

villian was 28,18,1.32 over 70 hands. i'm not to sure what is best.
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03-28-2008 , 05:28 PM
ship it
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03-28-2008 , 05:30 PM
Previous advice was kind of FPS.

I like getting it in here. I made two ranges that might describe your villain. I'm kind of new to using Pokerstove so let me know if I made any mistakes here but here is the looser range.

166,093,488 games 0.110 secs 1,509,940,800 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 31.029% 30.32% 00.71% 50356184 1181564.00 { TT+, 88, 66, ATs+, KJs, QJs, JTs, T9s, 97s, 75s, AJo, 97o }
Hand 1: 68.971% 68.26% 00.71% 113374176 1181564.00 { QcQd }

And the tighter range

114,724,368 games 0.005 secs 22,944,873,600 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 36.714% 35.79% 00.93% 41054154 1065717.00 { TT+, 88, 66, ATs+, KJs, AJo }
Hand 1: 63.286% 62.36% 00.93% 71538780 1065717.00 { QcQd }

Last edited by LooseAggressive; 03-28-2008 at 05:39 PM. Reason: bleh bad advice previously
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03-28-2008 , 05:31 PM
why is a call good? you're seriously not calling the flop and folding the turn for $22 more in a $80pot are you?
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03-28-2008 , 05:43 PM
See edit, started working on the ranges before you made that post. I didn't take into account the stack sizes.
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03-28-2008 , 06:00 PM
cool, all good
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03-28-2008 , 06:01 PM
flop is an easy ship, sure he's going to show you a better hand every once in a while but he'll stack of with worse hands and with draws, so YAY MONEY
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:31 PM
Would a fish rly 3bet like this w any old hand tho? Against unknown: Hes repping set.. He could have that or at least fl draw or two pair. (Fish usually min-reraise a cbet when they hit top/middle pair imo like AJo/QJo/A8 etc.)
This almost looks like villain knows what hes doing.
Also his aggression factor is very low.
So unless you have some other reads or him being angry w you for some reason its a crying fold imo. (Only alternative is push)
Still not ruling out that villain is a donkey tho.
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03-28-2008 , 08:40 PM
Fold fold fod.
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03-28-2008 , 08:56 PM
agreed with spendafish
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03-28-2008 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
flop is an easy ship, sure he's going to show you a better hand every once in a while but he'll stack of with worse hands and with draws, so YAY MONEY
What he said
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:29 PM
prefer around 10$ on the flop. flop is a fold once he's raised; not sure why we're putting AJ/KJ/suited connectors in utg's range for calling 3bets oop preflop.
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:41 PM
lol cuz it's 50nl and we don't have reads so we'll assume he isn't lighting the world on fire and adjust accordingly
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03-28-2008 , 10:50 PM
You'll see AJ more often than you'll see a set. With the stack sizes, you're gettin it in here.

Flop pot is $14, you've got $46 left. It doesn't get any better than this. Push, get called by AJ, fade the A, win the $.

In a pot this sized compared to your stack, you don't get worried about sets. In a pot like this, you get it in with an overpair. You watch out for sets when you're 200BB deep facing a 4-bet AI on the flop.

Also, bet $10 on the flop, $8 is a feeler bet saying "I have TT or AK."
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-29-2008 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
You'll see AJ more often than you'll see a set. With the stack sizes, you're gettin it in here.

Flop pot is $14, you've got $46 left. It doesn't get any better than this. Push, get called by AJ, fade the A, win the $.

In a pot this sized compared to your stack, you don't get worried about sets. In a pot like this, you get it in with an overpair. You watch out for sets when you're 200BB deep facing a 4-bet AI on the flop.

Also, bet $10 on the flop, $8 is a feeler bet saying "I have TT or AK."
I fail to see how you and many other posters in this thread are so eager to get the money in here when ALL we beat is AJ (which is pretty unlikely). I also don't know what you mean by "with the stack sizes" - we are both 100 bbs deep. Why would this make me eager to get the money in. The only hand you beat here is AJ, and you are flipping against the other hand you beat - AK dd. you are behind his range, and I don't even need to stove it to know this. When you only beat 2 hands, and one of them you are a flip against, it is a fold. This is a fold.

A lot of logic I've read in this thread is "sure you will see a better hand sometimes, but you have an overpair so ship it" this is bad. Whoever said that didn't even take into account villains range. It sounded like he just looked at his own cards and made his decision.
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03-29-2008 , 11:32 AM
dude you have an overpair in a 3bet pot at 50nl against someone who isn't a nit, it's not like you need to over-think it bub.
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03-29-2008 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by piebear
I fail to see how you and many other posters in this thread are so eager to get the money in here when ALL we beat is AJ (which is pretty unlikely). I also don't know what you mean by "with the stack sizes" - we are both 100 bbs deep. Why would this make me eager to get the money in. The only hand you beat here is AJ, and you are flipping against the other hand you beat - AK dd. you are behind his range, and I don't even need to stove it to know this. When you only beat 2 hands, and one of them you are a flip against, it is a fold. This is a fold.

A lot of logic I've read in this thread is "sure you will see a better hand sometimes, but you have an overpair so ship it" this is bad. Whoever said that didn't even take into account villains range. It sounded like he just looked at his own cards and made his decision.
On the flop, you have 3x the pot. If you give up here because "OMG, he could have JJ, or another set", you're losing a lot of value. On a J-high board, people will play TT aggressively, especially the way hero bet out so small.

Also, why would you turn down a flip against AdKd with THAT MUCH money in the pot?
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03-29-2008 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
On the flop, you have 3x the pot. If you give up here because "OMG, he could have JJ, or another set", you're losing a lot of value. On a J-high board, people will play TT aggressively, especially the way hero bet out so small.

Also, why would you turn down a flip against AdKd with THAT MUCH money in the pot?
I wouldn't turn down AKdd here ever. But that's one hand he could have - AJ is still very unlikely, and he is certainly never minraising a pf 3better. I'm undecided as to weather he would even call preflop, even though his stats say he is calling a little too much. His range as I see it is JJ, 88, 66, QQ+, AKdd and MAYBE AJ (still - unlikely)

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

25,740 games 0.002 secs 12,870,000 games/sec

Board: Jh 8d 6d

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 22.539% 20.70% 01.84% 5329 472.50 { QcQd }
Hand 1: 77.461% 75.63% 01.84% 19466 472.50 { JJ+, 88, 66, AdKd, AJs }
There, i stoved it. We are WAY behind - this is a fold.
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-29-2008 , 12:25 PM
I think it's a fold reading it in the post, but in game I might have a difficult time folding it.

-Villain is pretty passive with an af of 1.3,
-he leads UTG and calls a 3b oop.
-he check raises you for over 1/2 his stack, committing him.

I don't think he does this with AJ or even AKsd unless he's shown himself to be capable of making some tricky plays, which stats aren't going to show you.
If you think he IS capable of doing this then you have like 60% equity against AJ, AKs, 99+, but i definitely don't regularly credit a 50nl player for doing that.
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03-29-2008 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by piebear
I fail to see how you and many other posters in this thread are so eager to get the money in here when ALL we beat is AJ (which is pretty unlikely). I also don't know what you mean by "with the stack sizes" - we are both 100 bbs deep. Why would this make me eager to get the money in. The only hand you beat here is AJ, and you are flipping against the other hand you beat - AK dd. you are behind his range, and I don't even need to stove it to know this. When you only beat 2 hands, and one of them you are a flip against, it is a fold. This is a fold.

A lot of logic I've read in this thread is "sure you will see a better hand sometimes, but you have an overpair so ship it" this is bad. Whoever said that didn't even take into account villains range. It sounded like he just looked at his own cards and made his decision.
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03-29-2008 , 01:27 PM
sometimes you just have to 1st level yourself guys, stop making BIG folds against what's safe to assume is a mediocre at best poker player. Come on, he's 28/18, he's got all sorts of KJ/AJ hands and other junk in his range here.

You guys want us to assign ranges to a bad player who probably isn't positionally aware and automatically want to put him on AA/KK because he opened/called a 3bet UTG. I'd be willing to assume he runs 25/15 UTG, i doubt he's only calling PF with big pairs to our 3bet.
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-29-2008 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
lol cuz it's 50nl and we don't have reads so we'll assume he isn't lighting the world on fire and adjust accordingly
anyone with a starting hand chart knows to fold AJ/KJ/suited connectors utg oop to a 3bet, i'm with piebear on this one.

edit: Spenda,

even if he is as loose as you say utg, his line postflop for a passive player weights his range much more heavily to >QQ.
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-29-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by piebear
I wouldn't turn down AKdd here ever. But that's one hand he could have - AJ is still very unlikely, and he is certainly never minraising a pf 3better. I'm undecided as to weather he would even call preflop, even though his stats say he is calling a little too much. His range as I see it is JJ, 88, 66, QQ+, AKdd and MAYBE AJ (still - unlikely)

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

25,740 games 0.002 secs 12,870,000 games/sec

Board: Jh 8d 6d

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 22.539% 20.70% 01.84% 5329 472.50 { QcQd }
Hand 1: 77.461% 75.63% 01.84% 19466 472.50 { JJ+, 88, 66, AdKd, AJs }
There, i stoved it. We are WAY behind - this is a fold.
Isn't that a really tight range? You don't include AJo and only one other flush draw. I see a 28/18 coming up with more flush draws than AKs and AJs.
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-29-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by terrible
anyone with a starting hand chart knows to fold AJ/KJ/suited connectors utg oop to a 3bet, i'm with piebear on this one.

edit: Spenda,

even if he is as loose as you say utg, his line postflop for a passive player weights his range much more heavily to >QQ.
seriously, just stop folding the nuts to loose players
qq 50 nl against utg Quote
03-29-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
seriously, just stop folding the nuts to loose players
Nothing you've posted in this thread shows any understanding of ranges whatsoever. I don't mean to cause offence, but the arguements you keep putting foreward are so empty. "stop folding the nuts to loose players". If you would actually put foreward a decent range for villain, taking into account his stats and action in the hand, I'd take you seriously. But when you make the posts like you have made here, it's just useless.
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