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***Official uNL stats thread*** ***Official uNL stats thread***

01-15-2008 , 04:50 PM
Hello, i would be happy if someone would look at my Pokertracker stats, and see if the can find some leaks.
GL at the tables
01-15-2008 , 06:31 PM
I've been working on my game a bit the last week or so, trying to experiment with a looser style (used to play ~15/11) and especially in playing many pots with position, making a lot of marginal steals, probably some bad steals, etc. My att to steal seems high, should i tighten up a bit from the co/btn? I'm still making .39 ptbb / steal attempt, fwiw. I'm planning on starting to take shots at 25nl in another few thousand hands if this continues to pan out. If theres anything glaring, let me know. Thanks in advance.

All 10nl, btw

01-16-2008 , 01:41 AM
Can't someone tell me how to post stats? I have a picture of them, I just don't know how to upload it. Thanks.
01-19-2008 , 01:13 PM
I just took a look at my PT-stats and some things seemed like a huge leak to me. My pfraise UTG is 17.24% and my total pfraise is 12.4%.

I often raise hands like A3s or JQs UTG/UTG+1, would it be a helpfull just to fold these hands in this position? My raises at the CO/BTN are only about 17%, this seems way too low.

Hands like K7s, Q10s are a standard raise in the CO when folded to you? Or even hands like Q3s are worth a raise?

And what about my blinds stats? I seem to call to much hands out position.

01-19-2008 , 01:17 PM
There's a special thread for posting these things inhere but ill help you out before its locked

You are not positionaly aware, thats for sure
Do you have pokerstove? You should insert some % in there and then see what that range represents.
I think UTG you should be around 9-10% and in MP around 11-12.
CO and button might go to the higher end of the 20s. CO around 22, button around 28.

But you should really just tighten up from the first 2 seats, narrow your UTG range to 22+/KQs+/AJs+ , something like that
01-19-2008 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nogatsira
There's a special thread for posting these things inhere but ill help you out before its locked

You are not positionaly aware, thats for sure
Do you have pokerstove? You should insert some % in there and then see what that range represents.
I think UTG you should be around 9-10% and in MP around 11-12.
CO and button might go to the higher end of the 20s. CO around 22, button around 28.

But you should really just tighten up from the first 2 seats, narrow your UTG range to 22+/KQs+/AJs+ , something like that
Ok, thnx. But 28% on the button? That's like 22+, 67s+, Ax, Kx Qxs?
01-19-2008 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Zwansen
Ok, thnx. But 28% on the button? That's like 22+, 67s+, Ax, Kx Qxs?
my buttonrange is 22+ / 34s+ / 45o+ / 57+ / Q5s+ / K4s+ / Ax+
01-19-2008 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Nogatsira
my buttonrange is 22+ / 34s+ / 45o+ / 57+ / Q5s+ / K4s+ / Ax+
I thought it was much much much wider than that
01-19-2008 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by choccypie
I thought it was much much much wider than that
yea mine is, but im just giving a TAG buttonrange
01-19-2008 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Nogatsira
yea mine is, but im just giving a TAG buttonrange
What about 2 limpers and you hold a hand like 22 on the btn? Raise standard 4xBB +1/limper or just call? And with a hand like 88?
01-19-2008 , 01:30 PM
keep raising your pairs up. on the SB id limp along with 22 tho
id probably raise up 77+ from the SB with limpers.

also: if there is 1 limper ahead of you and you're the next to act, then you should use your buttonrange to isolate him. or a lil bit tighter maybe but you should really isolate and punish limpers
01-19-2008 , 01:32 PM
yes, allways raise those pps, even with limpers
01-19-2008 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by choccypie
I thought it was much much much wider than that
this is already very wide.
though btn is fun, playing wider range than this is a sure way of flaming money. check your btn stats for hands in a wider range than this.
01-19-2008 , 03:58 PM
I play 33% from the button... and 11% from UTG
01-19-2008 , 04:31 PM
from utg till BB its 14-19-32-37-27-17 for me
01-19-2008 , 04:40 PM
"location: spewing to improve image" hahaha that hilarious sry about this having absolutely nothing to do with this thread
01-20-2008 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zwansen
Ok, thnx. But 28% on the button? That's like 22+, 67s+, Ax, Kx Qxs?

My button raise % is around 30%. My attempt to steal is nearly 40%.

BTW I believe my UTG raise % is about 10%.
01-20-2008 , 01:26 PM
you can upload an image of your stats to a webhoster like and then post the link here
01-20-2008 , 01:53 PM
I started playing FL at the lowest limits, where I became a marginal winner (lol, meanwhile I know that I just had an upswing ...) up to limit FL 1/2. Then I decided (as most of my poker-friends) to start playing 10NL 6max with a bankroll of 650, moving up to 25NL as soon as I reach 30 stack for the limit.

It took me ~44k hands to realize that I suck hard at playing poker. The green line (pokerev-graph) running waaaay below the blue/red lines is a sign of playing weak-tight, isn't it? I have no Idea how to fix this weakness and I m now at a point where I really have to think about to quit poker or continue and really put in some hard work - I mean, not beating 25NL should be the hard thing and not vice versa!

Here are the overall + detailed stats for the positions and my pokerevgraph (where I can start puking allday over...).

If I take a look at the ev-graph it seems to me, that I only can make some money when I m running above EV, i.e. distance between blue and red curve is changing.
01-20-2008 , 02:03 PM
Any major leaks in my game? (apart from probably raising too much UTG, but aTo looks so pretty)

01-20-2008 , 02:16 PM
Here are my stats from this month at 25 nl. I feel like im playing bad and im break even over 12k hands so I need some help. Any comments/advice is greatly appreciated, I know I have a lot of leaks but there are probably a few major ones that would help me right off. (Also i use HM not PT so if there are any important stats not in these reports let me know)

01-20-2008 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by orlov
Any major leaks in my game? (apart from probably raising too much UTG, but aTo looks so pretty)

You need to tighten up UTG and UTG+1. You are way too loose there. In retrorespect, I think you can loosen up a little more on the CO on especially on the button; you need to become fully positionally aware.

You W$WSF < 40 indicates that you don't fight enough with marginal hands, don't value bet thin enough and stuff like that... just being tight; 45 I think is what you should aim for.

Your AF on turn and river is WAY TOO LOW. I can't determine exactly what the reason for this is unless you make a screenshot of the "More Detail" window in the General Info tab...
01-20-2008 , 05:01 PM
DennisGpunkt does this apply to you at all? Because your pokerev graph looks a lot like Fgators

Originally Posted by Clayton
Preface: Before I begin, this is a serious post. I am commenting on what I feel is one of the most integral parts of poker, and am highlighting examples and detailing who is capable of what. For once and all it should put to bed all of the FGators madness, and people can move on with their lives. It is not meant to call out Fgators, it is a last-ditch attempt to explain to him, and everyone, why he had such a humongous breakeven stretch.


Okay, I was napping 3 days ago and dreamed a visual representation of why people win at 200nl and why other "good" players do not. In an environment like 200nl which is condusive to a bunch of regs and not entirely loose fish, I had an easy way of explaining things visually.

Player 1 is the perfect T/LAG. He is able to play tight but aggressively in situations pre and postflop to maximize value versus certain players in situations like vbetting hard and thin, and other things like floating and continually attacking more nitty regs with checkraising and floating. I think a few examples of players that were close to this achieved kharma but had some leaks due to overaggression were NoahSD and dont_bother1

they maximize their red by spazzing around and attacking relentlessly, but as a result of strong handreading capabilities they grasped it and destroyed.

player 2 is the nitty tag. these guys are decent and handreading, know how to exploit weaker players very well, and are capable of mixing it up every now and then. however their true potential is hampered by only using a VPIP of 14 or so, instead opting for the grinder mentality that allows for maximimum MT Ratio and hourly (which, by all means, is perfectly fine, because odds are good they are taking more out of the game than anyone, BUT they choose to not try and earn more per hour in bigger games or on other pokersites which is meh)

Players 3 and 5 are fish. the passive fish isnt able to get into as many coolers on account of playing them so passively, but overall loses in the game because he just doesn't have a clue. this should be obvious for both the passive and aggrotard fish.

anyways, player 4 is our man fgators. fgators has a choice hand selection preflop that doesn't deviate, valuebets in a very transparent manner, can be easily read by opponents who can handread well (it is easier to know when to 2barrel him and when not to than many other regs), and for the most part plays the strength of his cards. Fgators can beat up on the fish, but often sits in games with the good TLAGS, and the good nits (needfood, greg1osu, etc), who will ONLY GIVE HIM ACTION ALL-IN IF IT'S A COOLER SITUATION (for the most part, barring extreme examples).

so, the purple is the coolers. fgators sees these coolers as a huge force in his poker game, and why he thinks poker is all luck. The reason that is is largely due to his game, because his postfop style does lead a lot of things to luck, because so many of his large pots end up coming as a result of cooler situations.

Talk to ISMAKIDD or stinkypete and they will tell you what is possibly with variance when you are often getting money in near a coinflip. you can run insanely hot or terrible over a long period of time.

so, when fgators plays very little actual "real poker", much of it comes in situations whereif his cards and villain's cards were switched around, the money would still go in.

and, if you know theory of poker, thats really bad. it just means that, to a small degree, fgators entire poker style for the most part is sophisticated coin flipping, because he leaves his "edge" as when the person giving him action is putting it in with a sub-optimal hand. when that no longer happens, fgators becomes a break-even player.

this of course does not apply in live cashgames for the most part because villains will always put it in bad because they suck and are live players, and the same goes with tournaments.

but for 200NL cash and higher, this is gator dollars. this is why you are in one of these categories, and it is why, to some extent, you should at least seek to become the perfect TLAG and not accept the grinder needfood mentality. you are capable of greater things.

fgators is capable of greater things. but he chooses not to see poker as the red and the green, but rather the purple.

so there.
01-20-2008 , 07:41 PM
Hey Bantam.. thx for the support . I read this thread a few days ago and this basically made me change my game in many ways.

Also the advice you gave me on how to find leaks in my game helped me to improve my game and keeps helping me to get better.

And yes, I was pretty much the 100% Fgator with my style

Finally started to run AND play better poker.

Actually im using PokerEV alot to find leaks and see how different styles work out for me.
01-20-2008 , 09:15 PM
DennisGPunkt told me to post this graph. Someone can tell me what this graph says?

Last edited by Zwansen; 01-20-2008 at 09:23 PM.
